Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1581: Team member's secret trial

  Chapter 1581 Team member's secret trial

  Chen Xuan took his team members to the secret realm. Twenty team members, including Wu Tianliang, all looked like tigers ready to go.

  It’s just that Chen Xuan walked with his face expressionless but felt something wrong in his heart. I am afraid that there is something wrong with this secret realm. Such a powerful murderous aura, I am afraid that it cannot be brought by the fierce beasts in the secret realm...

In fact, Chen Xuan's feeling is very accurate. In order to keep Chen Xuan and his team members coming back and forth, he secretly treated the king of the fierce beast. The fierce beast named Doko has now recovered his strength. As before, the fierce beast at the pinnacle of the acquired realm...

  But Chen Xuan still walked in front of the team blankly, and now his players feel that they are not yet an iron army, because they have not seen real blood...


A large pack of wolves appeared in the secret realm. Chen Xuan had seen the introduction of these wolves in the Sanbai Valley’s Zangjin Pavilion. The names of these wolves were Honglang. The reason why the fierce beast is called Honglang is because of his number... …

The number of these wolves is like a flood. You must kill them when you kill Honglang. More importantly, Honglang’s head wolves are generally not easy to find. The reason is simple, because Honglang’s head wolves are very Good at hiding...

Generally speaking, if you kill his wolves, he will slowly escape and fall apart, but it is obvious that Hong Lang does not seem to be like this. Hong Lang must be killed all, which is important for spiritual power and physical training. Weidu will be a huge test, but Chen Xuan still believes in his players...

   Suddenly Hong Lang, headed towards him like a mad, the first team rushed over frantically, Chen Xuan’s white shield technique had arranged a barrier around him, so Hong Lang couldn’t kill him...

   "Your trial is Hong Lang. Pass the target and kill Hong Lang without any left..." Chen Xuan said with a cold face.

   "I won't take action in this battle!" Chen Xuan then said coldly...

Although Hong Lang's cultivation base only has the peak of Qi cultivation realm and the body training base of these players is comparable, and Hong Lang does not have the mental strength cultivation base, it seems that a single Hong Lang is weaker than the team members, but Hong Lang Group is not that simple. Up. There are so many, fighting with them in succession, I'm afraid it's not easier than fighting with the beasts of the innate realm...

  But the rest of the team members were not so lucky. Hong Lang crazily pounced on them with red eyes. Wu Tianliang took the lead and took out the long stick, waving it like a dragon, and pushing towards the group of Hong Lang...

   And the killing intent in Wu Tianliang's eyes, looking directly at Hong Langqun, Hong Langqun's momentum instantly weakened.

Wu Tianliang became more and more courageous as he fought, and Hong Lang's blood and flesh were on his body, and when he looked at the other players, they were all red eyes. They were no longer the image of the dude brother when he met Chen Xuan just now. No longer is just a team member who has never seen blood on the training ground...

  About an hour later, Hong Lang’s corpses were everywhere, and Hong Lang’s blood stained the ground. Everyone of those team members was red-eyed and murderous...

Wu Tianliang was even more exaggerated. It was as terrible as the Blood Shura from hell. His eyes were red, as if he was stained red by countless blood. There was a **** smell on the battle club, and the battle club was also stained red. I don’t know it was. How many Hong Lang died under his battle club...

  Chen Xuan finally showed a rare smiling face. In Chen Xuan's opinion, they are now considered as masters. They are truly qualified fighters, but they need more blood training...

   "Well, you have all passed the secret realm trial this time. After you will be out of the secret realm, I will give you a gift!" Chen Xuan said with a smile, but this smile made the players feel chill...

  Because every time Chen Xuan thinks of a new way to torture them during training, he will show such a terrible smile...

  But suddenly Chen Xuan felt that his killing intent was awe-inspiring behind him, and there was a fierce beast staring at him. The members of the first team seemed to feel dangerous, and a strong sense of oppression forced them...

Chen Xuan immediately used the Su technique of the White Shield to turn out a bright white light, blocking the powerful sense of oppression from the outside, because this sense of oppression is too strong, if the enchantment is not arranged, I am afraid that the first team Members will explode and vomit blood and die...


   "Captain, you are so strong..."

   "Your strength is... it seems that it is not limited to the elementary level of the Innate Realm..."

Players, you said it all, except for Wu Tianliang, only Wu Tianliang knows that Chen Xuan is actually a powerhouse of the Hou Tian realm, and because of his mental power, he is much stronger than the general one of the same level, even though it is only acquired. Beginner in the realm, but already able to kill the mid-level powerhouse in the Houtian realm...

  Chen Xuan still had a cold face. The words of the players did not affect his mood at all. He felt that this powerful breath was very familiar to him, could it be... could it be...

  Doko! Doko, the first fierce beast on the mainland of Xuncheng! Yanjin, this bastard, must be Yanjin! Chen Xuan guessed... But now Duoke, Chen Xuan fought him and was afraid that he could kill him. Before Chen Xuan fought him at the peak of the Innate Realm, he could only escape in embarrassment!

Now Chen Xuan was afraid that he would be able to kill him. Chen Xuan pulled out the Jialan sword from his back, and the blue flame burned the sword... Chen Xuan poured his spiritual power into the Jialan sword, and the rune left the sword in an instant. , Rotating around the blade at high speed...


  Doko's powerful body finally came into view, Chen Xuan smiled coldly, and roared coldly, "I'm looking for death!"

Chen Xuan’s Jialan sword is like a blue dragon, dancing, and forcing it towards Doko... The body of the Jialan sword is like a flood dragon tumbling in the deep sea, trying to swallow Doko... …


  Chen Xuan fought Duoke from the front, and Duoke’s palm collided with Chen Xuan’s Jialan sword...


  Doko’s right palm flew out in an instant, and with a sword, just a sword, the right palm of the first fierce beast in Xuncheng mainland broke off...

  This...The players are even more surprised. Is Chen Xuan already at the pinnacle of the Innate Realm? Or even more powerful... the acquired realm...

Doko's blood splashed on Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan was as terrible as being soaked in blood. Coupled with Chen Xuan's killing intent, Chen Xuan was like a living king who could decide the life and death of others at will... …


  Chen Xuan’s Jialan sword was like a dragon, and quickly forced it towards Doko. Duoke was a bit overwhelmed. The Jialan sword stabbed Doko several times, and Duoke’s body was bloody...


  Finally, Doko dashed up like an ancient behemoth. Suddenly Doko jumped up and rushed towards Chen Xuan. His powerful body and terrifying killing intent forced him towards Chen Xuan...

  Chen Xuan looked at Duoke expressionlessly, Yi Jianjia's blue sword was blocked, Duoke’s body was actually blocked, and he entered a stalemate...


The trees, flowers, and grasses in the secret realm a hundred miles around were uprooted, and even the sky was moved. The black and crushed area had a feeling that the mountains and rain were about to come and the wind was overwhelming, and all the birds and beasts were at this time. Without a trace, I dare not approach this terrible battle...


  Doko’s body was magically shaken out by Chen Xuan’s Jialan sword, and fell directly on the thick ground, smashing the ground into a huge pit...

  Doko’s eyes are like copper bells, staring straight at Chen Xuan. The meaning in those eyes that he wants to swallow Chen Xuan is not weakened...

  Chen Xuan was not afraid, his expression did not change at all, and suddenly several huge fireballs smashed towards Chen Xuan...


  Chen Xuan’s Jialan sword was swung, and a few blue sword shadows flashed by, and these fireballs were easily resolved...

   "Die to me!" Chen Xuan roared, that voice resounded throughout the world, and after roaring, the echo of this voice was endless!

A blue blade of Chen Xuan approached Doko, several sword shadows entwined Doko, and Doko's thick body was finally no match for the sword intent of Jialan sword... Doko felt that his body was being burned intensely. With...

  Ah ah...


  Doko felt intense pain and couldn't help but roared out. This kind of pain felt like being wrapped around his body by extremely high-temperature flames, and then gradually spreading across his body, it was really terrifying...

  Finally... Doko's body was turned to ashes in the blue flame, as if it had never existed...

Chen Xuan looked at the surprised expressions of the players, and then said with a cold face, "I lied to you before, I admit that I did not trust you, but now I don’t plan to lie to you anymore. I am a beginner in the Houtian realm. Because of the spiritual strength of the seven peaks," Chen Xuan said with a cold face.

   Such a young acquired realm...

  The spiritual power has reached the seventh peak...

  Oh my god... and that Jialan sword... the origin of the weapon of the Jialan sword is probably extraordinary...

  "I am waiting to follow the young master to the death, and we will go wherever the young master asks us to go! In the future, we will be members of the young master and will no longer obey any other gangs and organizations!"

   "I am willing to follow the young master to the death!"

With Wu Tianliang’s loyalty to lead the table, the rest of the team members naturally joined Chen Xuan. In fact, they already had the intention of taking refuge, but they were afraid that Chen Xuan’s strength was not enough... at least not enough to win the Sky Snake Gang... …

  But now...Don't talk about the Heavenly Snake Gang anymore, any organization in the White House is afraid that they will not dare to trouble Chen Xuan...

  Chen Xuan nodded, motioning them to get up...

"From now on, you are serving my Baiguan. Baiguan exists for the Xuncheng Continent. The Xuncheng Continent has lived in comfort for so long that it has forgotten the danger. There are countless civil wars and power wars in the mainland, but The rest of the continents are watching coldly, even waiting for an opportunity to insert their hands into the Xuncheng continent..." Chen Xuan frowned and said...

   "So Bai Guan's duty is to eliminate the invaders and solve the internal problems of the Xuncheng mainland... By the way, I just said I will give you gifts, take a look..."

  Chen Xuan took out about twenty bone-setting pills...

  (End of this chapter)

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