Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1582: The rise of Baiguan power

  Chapter 1582 The rise of the Baiguan power

The name of    Bone Pill, these aristocratic children have naturally heard of it, but they have only heard of it in the classics... The legend is that it is matched by the head of the Sanbai School, and one can greatly improve the cultivation of the body...

But no one has ever seen a bone-defending pill, so many people wonder if he really exists. But Chen Xuan suddenly took out twenty of these pill. They were worthless like jelly beans in Chen Xuan's hands. ...

  But if such a pill is in Xuncheng mainland, it might be too expensive. Those players feel more and more that they have made a wise decision.

  I just feel that Chen Xuan is getting more and more unfathomable. Not to mention that the momentum of the Jialan sword is not an ordinary weapon. The bone-setting pill is not like ordinary people can get it...

  They swallowed the bone-breaking pill, and they felt a burst of heat in their body, and the sharp pain spread to the whole body, like the kind of pain that they suffered during the breakthrough several times...

  Ah ah...

  The team members couldn’t help but screamed, but only Wu Tianliang's face was cold, as if he didn’t care about the pain, but the cold sweat on Wu Tianliang’s forehead had already betrayed him...

The cold sweat was like just taking a shower, covered in sweat, but Wu Tianliang gritted his teeth and supported it fiercely, preventing himself from screaming... Chen Xuan looked at Wu Tianliang a bit more at this time... …

  Sure enough, Chen Xuan did not misunderstand the wrong person. The most important thing in cultivation is his character. With Wu Tianliang's character and his talent, why worry about his future strength

  In less than half an hour, the bodies of the players have recovered as before, the intense pain disappeared, and only a warm current is left flowing in the bodies of the players...

Chen Xuan still had a cold face, but the team members were ecstatic... he was already a peak powerhouse in the innate realm, and a bone-setting pill had broken through so many realms. It was just a trial of half immortality... I don't know when to return. ...This makes the players a little worried...

A black-robed man looked at these with cold eyes, and suddenly let out a very loud, lion-like roar, "Your... your half-immortal trial has passed, so kill Hong Lang this time as your half-immortal trial. Practice!"

This voice...Chen Xuan felt familiar, and the other party was very powerful, so powerful that Chen Xuan felt that he might be just an ant in front of him. When I remembered, this voice was the creator. Chen Xuan listened to it in the Hall of the Creator before. I've been to that devilish voice...

   "It's just Chen Xuan, your trial of dispersing immortals is about to come, and in half a month, we will see you again, can you come back depends on your good fortune...hahahaha..."

  The creator’s voice filled the space of the secret realm. It was so powerful that it reverberated in the hearts of Chen Xuan and the team members and lingered...

  Is this the strongest powerhouse? I don't know what his strength has reached? The worship of the strong and the desire to become stronger spread to Chen Xuan's heart...

  Chen Xuan feels that he must become strong, become the strongest, and one day be able to sit on an equal footing with the creator. It is not worthy of Mr. San Bai’s cultivation of himself, and he is not considered to have crossed into this world in vain...

Chen Xuan returned to the Bai Mansion domain. He and his team members returned to the training ground of the Heavenly Snake Gang. He found that the training ground and the Heavenly Snake Gang were empty... but there was a lot of blood, blood-stained plants and the ground. , It made Chen Xuan feel like it was bloodbathed here...or just experienced a terrible war

  Who caused the blood sect, the black dragon guild, and the political power of the white mansion, I’m afraid it’s not, because the blood sect is not so anxious and wants to directly control the white mansion immediately. That will only make the blood sect’s foundation in the white mansion unstable...

  Then it is the Black Dragon Society. I am afraid that it will not, because once the Black Dragon Society destroys the Sky Serpent Gang, then the Scorpio Gang and the Sirius Gang will definitely fight each other, so no matter what the result is, both will lose out...

  At that time, the White House will no longer estimate the power of the Union Gang, and will directly destroy the Union Gang, and then point the spear at the Black Dragon Association...

  Then the Black Dragon Club will still recruit huge damages. This kind of behavior that hurts others and hurts itself is impossible according to Su Le’s mind...

  The political forces of the White House are also the same. If the Heavenly Snake Gang is destroyed, I am afraid that I will suffer a huge loss...

  Could it be said that Yanjin and Ren Hua are fighting within the two forces...but their forces are quite uncertain, I'm afraid they won't do this... Could it be that both the Scorpio gang and the Sirius gang participated? Someone matched the bridge, sow discord

  This idea spread quickly between Chen Xuan's heart. He felt that this person was very likely to be Bai Guan, because only when the situation in the Bai Mansion was chaotic, Bai Guan had a better chance to gain a foothold in the Bai Mansion...

What is   ? Chen Xuan had guessed the matter quite easily. He felt that it was what he did. He was ecstatic, but his face was still as calm as usual, making it difficult to see what he was thinking...

  He quickly took all the players to the gathering place of Baiguan...

   By the way, by the way, a few days after the founding of Baiguan, Chen Xuan used the gold he brought from Sanbai Valley to buy a relatively large mansion in Baifuzhong, and then personally inscribed Baiguan...

  This mansion has also become the base of Baiguan, and the dark guards and Ming guards are usually very strict...

"Meet the young master..." Chen Xuan took the main seat of the Baiguan Conference Hall. There were twenty members of the first team and thirty powerful innate realm who were brought in by other gangs. What else can be done, Zhan Zhe , Luo Lan, at the same time bowed to Chen Xuan...

Chen Xuan expressionlessly indicated that they don’t need to be polite, and then why report Bai Guan’s current situation to Chen Xuan...Let Chen Xuan give them instructions for the next step... Chen Xuan felt that after hearing what was the report, he felt that now Progress faster than I thought...

"Now that the White Mansion counts our strength, it can be regarded as a three-legged camp, the political power of the White Mansion, the power of the Black Dragon Association, and our Baiguan... Now I have twenty powers of the pinnacle of the Innate Realm. Thirty innate realm powerhouses have also given the bone setback pill...Since you have entered the innate level, you should have passed the half-immortal trial..." Chen Xuan paused and then said.

   "Then you should have mature xinxing! The bone-breaking pill can help you rise to the peak of the innate realm, but the process is very painful, since you already have this xinxing.

  Naturally, I can rest assured that I will give you the pill..." Chen Xuan's face had a faint smile, but then he gave out the pill again with a cold face...

As the pills entered the body, the thirty strong innate realm endured the pain with cold faces, gritted their teeth, their complexion pale, but they didn’t even smashed...In fact, this kind of extreme pain, those strong in the acquired realm It's not the first time they have suffered. They have never experienced any kind of suffering in the major gangs before...

  But in the hearts of those thirty strong people, this bone-breaking pill is really a pill as its name suggests, there is pain of thwarting bones and raising ashes! It is definitely the biggest and the most painful one I have suffered since childhood...

  Chen Xuan watched with a cold face as the thirty strong men were suffering to death, but Chen Xuan's eyes did not fluctuate at all, which made people feel very terrible, as if this extreme pain was as common as everyday food...

  What makes this, Zhan Zhe, Luo Lan, and the other twenty team members lament the monster Chen Xuan...

About half an hour or so, the severe pain disappeared, the burning sensation turned into a warm current, and it remained in the bodies of thirty strong men. Those thirty strong men instantly felt that their strength increased greatly. The body refining cultivation that has reached the pinnacle of the innate realm...

And all the blockages in the body seemed to have been submerged by the intense pain just now, and it was discharged, but the cold sweat made the clothes soaked-soaked, and some strong congenitals have left blood on their lips, which is obviously just painful. At the extreme, gritted your teeth...

"Okay, now let me talk about Baiguan, these fifty innate realm peak powers, I probed for a bit of spiritual power to the sixth peak, these fifty people will be directly deployed and in charge of me, and I will not listen to the deployment. Who... die!"

  Chen Xuan’s expressionless face suddenly became fierce. This look was terrifying...

   "Yes!" The fifty innate realm experts didn't have any unnecessary nonsense, and immediately bowed their hands to Chen Xuan in response...

   "Mr. He Wei is still coordinating the affairs of Zhan Zhe and Luo Lan, Zhan Zhe is in charge of the dark side, Luo Lan is in charge of the bright side, and the next target Black Dragon Club!" Chen Xuan frowned and muttered.

  "Young Master, it’s just that this Black Dragon Society...I’m afraid there is a blood sect behind... Young Master, do you think you want to slow down?" What a respectful question to Chen Xuandao.

Chen Xuan shook his head, and then said, "The three acquired powers of the Blood Sect before, two of them are mid-level, and one pinnacle came to chase me..." Chen Xuan said coldly, not showing off, but In rational analysis...

"Two died, one was seriously injured, and the one at the pinnacle of Hou Tian was seriously injured... So I think the blood sect will not rashly interfere with the affairs of the white mansion now, I am afraid that the black dragon will ask them for help, and the blood sect will fight them. Tai Chi..."

But this kind of situation makes everyone feel incredible, oh my god, the three acquired realm powerhouses chased and killed Chen Xuan together, two killed and one wounded, and one of the three acquired realm powerhouses was a peak powerhouse... this I'm afraid it's unique in the mainland of Xuncheng. Indeed, the blood sect should also be weighed...

"By the way, the creators in the secret realm also said that my trial of dispersing immortals is coming soon... I may be away for a while, Bai Guan will ask you all. In short, the main task during this period is to weaken the Black Dragon Society. The strength of...waiting for an opportunity to annex them!" Chen Xuan said fiercely...

   "Be careful to follow the young master's will, I will do my best, and I will die!" Everyone said to Chen Xuan at the same time...

At this time, Chen Xuan also went back to the room to retreat and meditate, preparing for the trial of dispersing immortals. I am afraid that Chen Xuan is so talented and that his trial of dispersing immortals is not easy, and even if he is not careful, his life will be in danger... …

  (End of this chapter)

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