Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1583: Attitudes of all parties

  Chapter 1583 Attitudes of all parties

Seeing the rise of Baiguan, Su Le of the Black Dragon Club couldn't sit still a little bit. He felt that Chen Xuan would definitely come to target his Black Dragon Club. Perhaps the first target was the Black Dragon Club, and Chen Xuan's current power of Bai Guan couldn't be tolerated. Underestimated, Su Le decided to go to the Blood Sect in person and discuss this matter with them...

"Come on, go and notify the contact person of the blood sect. This week I will visit the blood sect in person by Su Le... It is also good to meet with the great guardian and report on the current situation of the White House... which is beneficial to future cooperation... …" After Su Le finished speaking, he added, "It must be true to the word, and it must be brought to the guardian of the law..."

Su Le intends to surrender his status. It turns out that although he and the blood sect are strong and the other weak, they are still cooperative and equal in name. But now Su Le says that they are reporting to the blood sect. Of the affiliates. As for the great guardian, the position in the blood sect should not be considered the highest.

  By the way, the blood sect is divided into named disciples, disciples entering the room, guardians, great guardians, great ancestors, and sect masters. Generally speaking, they are registered disciples who just entered, doing miscellaneous things...

  Then the blood sect depends on your talents before you will be accepted as a disciple. As for the later levels, you need to build a lot of merits for the blood sect to get it...

  Su Le felt that he had no choice but to rely on the Blood Sect now, and from the perspective of the form of the Xuncheng Continent, it might be the Blood Sect in the future, let alone the White Mansion? So it seemed that he had turned to the blood sect earlier... it was also a wise choice...

  In the blood clan

"Master Guardian, President Su Le of the Black Dragon Association said, I will come back to visit you in three days, and then I will report to you... the situation in the White House..." The man in black said to Zuo Lun, since Zuo Lun and Chen Xuanjiao After finishing his hand, Zuo Lun has been responsible for the affairs of the White Mansion in the mainland of Xuncheng...

   is also responsible for contacting people from the Black Dragon Association...

  And the man in black who responded, did not miss the word report, Zuo Lun's mind naturally heard the difference...

   Zuo Lun smiled coldly and said, " those three days, let Su Lelai the Blood Sect see me, or let him see the Blood Sect..."

  Zuo Lun understands very well...Su Le may want to use Zuo Lun’s hand to kill Bai Guan, and even want to use the blood of the blood sect to consolidate his position in the Black Dragon Society... But how can the Black Dragon Society make him do what he wants...

  Chen Xuan is powerful, Zuo Lun naturally knows it, so the blood sect might have to win over Chen Xuan in the matter of Baiguan, and this black dragon club, I am afraid that Zuo Lun will be beaten and beaten...


Recently, the red light flashing of the Jialan sword has increased and Chen Xuan understands that this is a half-month period that is about to come... Maybe he is about to participate in the Sanxian Trial, so he should explain the matter of Bai Guan in advance. ...

   "Before I come back, don't act rashly...Remember to endure the development of our own forces first..." Chen Xuan continued.

  "Our current foothold in the White Mansion has not yet been firmly established...If we attack other forces rashly, it may not be long before Baiguan...will weaken again..." Chen Xuan said with a cold face...

Everyone bowed their heads to Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan went on to say, "During the time I participated in the Sanxian Trial, the training rights of the fifty-member team will only be temporarily held by Mr. He Wei... If you don't obey the orders... …Kill without mercy!"

"Chen...Young Master...that...will it be dangerous for you to participate in the Sanxian Trial...that..." Luo Lan blushed, Luo Lan didn't know how to express her thoughts, anyway, she I don't want Chen Xuan to have anything...

"That... if you don't come back... I won't... I don't like you... I won't care about you again..." Luo Lan finished speaking, and realized that what he was talking to Chen Xuan was his own. Young Master...

Chen Xuan suddenly blushed. Of course, this did not escape He Wei and Zhan Zhe’s eyes... This made He Wei and Zhan Zhe snicker. He didn’t expect to see his Young Master’s facial paralysis in his lifetime. Blushing expression...

But Chen Xuan deserves to be Chen Xuan. It was only unnatural for about a second, and his face immediately returned to that cold facial paralyzed face, and then his eyes seemed to have become sharper, I am afraid that no one could see the sharpness. In fact, what is hidden in the depths is a guilty conscience...

Chen Xuan glanced at the team of fifty people with a cold face, and his eyes made the fifty powerhouses at the pinnacle of innate realm feel as if they were being spotted by a lion, and as if they had been thrown into the ice cellar... When was it cold... Then Chen Xuan left alone...

  In the past few days, Chen Xuan discovered that he didn’t know why he saw Luo Lan, and his heart was beating so fast... logically speaking, Chen Xuan should be able to control his

  Furthermore, Chen Xuan has always remembered kissing when killing the Crimson Basilisk these days, although Chen Xuan can maintain the expression on his face is still as cold as a machine...

  But he has no way to control his heart, and Luo Lan is not much better than Chen Xuan, and even Zhan Zhe has seen it these days. Luo Lan panicked when he saw Chen Xuan, and blushed...

"Luo Lan... don't you like Young Master?" Zhan Zhe asked bashfully, Luo Lan's face blushed... "I... I don't know... Zhan Zhe... I don't know either." Luo Lan went on to say...

  Zhan Zhe pondered for a while and then said, "Then you...Would you like to try it?" Zhan Zhe's expression became even worse...Luo Lan thought about it, nodded, and agreed...

   "Okay, today you will invite Chen Xuan to meet at Shilipo outside the Bai Mansion... I will help you arrange the rest..." Zhan Zhe said to Luo Lan with a smile...

  Luo Lan blushed, nodded and agreed...Chen Xuan received Luo Lan’s invitation and hurried over...

  Chen Xuan didn’t understand why he would run to twenty miles so far at night... But in general, thinking of Luo Lan’s face... Chen Xuan felt hot in his heart...

When Luo Lan and Chen Xuan both came to Twenty Mile Po, both of them were surprised at the same time... The fireworks in the night sky kept in full bloom, and the lush greenery of several big trees was also illuminated by the fireworks... Placed beside the beautiful flowers, it made Chen Xuan and Luo Lan almost wonder if this was a dream...

And because Chen Xuan was too shocked, or too dedicated, he didn't seem to see or discover their existence. A master of the acquired realm could not discover the existence of a strong person of the congenital realm. This is unreasonable anyway... more Besides, it still happened to Chen Xuan...This seems to become even more unreasonable...

"I... I don't know why... I will do those unreasonable actions if I join you again..." Chen Xuan's words broke the deadlock that faced each other... Luo Lan blushed and said, "I...I It's also... and Young Master... I found... I found... I might like you..." Luo Lan went on to say...

   "I...I'm sorry..." Luo Lan didn't know why she had to say sorry. Anyway, she felt that she shouldn't like Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan's face showed an unprecedented red color, and his face was also very shocked...

  It seems that Chen Xuan finally understands his feelings for Luo seems to be love... Chen Xuan seems to understand why he is always so embarrassed when facing Luo Lan...

When Luo Lan saw Chen Xuan not speaking, he thought that Chen Xuan didn't feel anything to him, so he hesitated and said, "That...that...I'm sorry...I...I'm leaving" Luo Lan blushed. Speaking of...

"No... I like you..." Chen Xuan didn't want to suppress his feelings anymore, because he felt that he would be going crazy if he suppressed it... Chen Xuan's cold face also showed a rare sight. Smile... Luo Lan never thought that Chen Xuan's smile would be so beautiful, like a cold boy with a smile as beautiful as a monster...

Chen Xuan ran over and hugged Luo Lan. The warm masculine aura constantly impacted Luo Lan. Chen Xuan's mouth covered Luo Lan's mouth like a dragonfly, and the heat quickly swept Luo Lan... …

Luo Lan felt that she was about to be scalded to death by herself, and her heart was beating wildly. Chen Xuan did the same. Chen Xuan's old cold image and mature and introverted feeling were gone. Instead, she felt like a child in love. ...

In fact, Chen Xuan is a child at his age, a twenty-five-year-old young man, but he usually has the mentality of someone else's fifty or sixty-year-old... This can't help but make Zhan Zhe and He Wei lament that he is simply one. monster……

In fact, Chen Xuan’s strong state of mind is due to him before, before he strayed into the mainland of Xuncheng, he experienced so many killings and coldness, his heart was not like these people who have lived in Xuncheng for a long time, so he I don’t know how many times more stable than my peers...

  This is in front of Luo Lan. He wants to restore his original appearance and remove all the burdens. Of course, such an expression and such a state will only show up in front of Luo Lan. If others see it, I am afraid that he will not be far from death...

For example, Zhan Zhe and He Wei. Although Chen Xuan was just in a state of excitement and did not detect He Wei and Zhan Zhe’s spiritual power, Chen Xuan has already sensed it. He smiled evilly and used airborne sound transmission to shock into their eardrums. Speaking of, "Run three hundred laps around the training ground with a load of 100 kilograms. You are not allowed to come back if you can't finish running. Go!"

  The old and the young immediately paid a tragic price for their behavior, and the old and the young ran wildly on the training ground...

  "Didn’t it mean that the young master has changed his sex? Why is it still so cruel and uncertain?" Zhan Zhe said dissatisfiedly...

Why did he look at Zhan Zhe as if he was looking at an idiot, and said, "The young master... the transformation was directed at Miss Luo Lan... not at us... We gossip like this... will die very much. It's we are now..." He Wei stared at Zhan Zhe and said angrily...

  (End of this chapter)

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