Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1584: The Beat of the Blood Sect

  Chapter 1584 The beating of the blood sect

  Su Le was received by the blood sect boundary of another continent, but was not immediately received by the blood sect...

  Instead, he lives in a reception station in the blood sect realm. It has been three days since Su Le is so smart, how can he not guess the meaning of the blood sect? I'm afraid that the blood sect wants him to clarify his current position...

  But the Black Dragon Society can only rely on the Blood Sect at present, and there is no other backing. If the political power of the White House is concerned, I am afraid that the Black Dragon Society and Bai Guan have been staring for a long time, and I am ready to come up with the idea of ​​reaping the benefits of the fisherman...

By the way, in another continent, their administrative institutions are completely different from those of Xuncheng. The places in Xuncheng are divided from large to small, capital, county, and government, and the political center is called the capital. , The rest are called everything, but the other world continent is completely different...

  He is that every place will be governed by a sect, and which place is ruled by which sect is called what sect boundary...

  Moreover, the land is constantly being merged. Who knows that tomorrow this place will be named the land boundary of Why Zong or what kind of faction? no one knows……

Su Le has lived at the post station for nearly ten days, and the blood sect has never seen anyone other than the one they met for the first time... Su Le still stayed at the post station honestly, because he knew blood Zong Zong meets him, as long as they want to reach into the Bai Mansion realm...

  Inner House of the Chief Minister of the White Mansion...

"You mean Su Le went to the Blood Sect." The White Mansion Chief asked... Bai Mansion Fu Cheng nodded and said, "Yes... I'm afraid that Su Le has colluded with outsiders. We can manage him as a collaborator and treason. The sin of..." Baifu Fucheng went on to say...

   "Fuzzy!" The White House Chief scolded, and the White House Chief Cheng immediately fell to his knees in fright, showing the usual majesty of the White House Chief...

"Blood Sect...maybe it will become the main force of the White House in the future, maybe even I will have to listen to them in the future...the people who are going to govern them now...I'm afraid they are beating them in the face, if revenge comes to me in the future I'm afraid here..." Chief Bai Mansion paused and then said...

"Now the rise of Baiguan is still beneficial to us. I am afraid that the blood sect does not want to put too much effort to deal with Baiguan. They may let the black dragon do it, and they will not give too much help. When things go, I’m afraid I’m going to hit a wall..." Chief White House said gloatingly...

"It's just this Bai Guan, we don't need to suppress it first, let's see that the blood sect and the black dragon will fight against Bai Guan. It is the best to be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman... And what does Lord Thrall say?" The head of the Erbai Mansion looked respectful...

By the way, Thrall is the county chief of Yang County, and in the eyes of the White House Governor, he is an out-and-out big man, with his hands and eyes wide, and he has friendship with the chairpersons above, the president, and the adults of the Judiciary... …

  That’s why the Governor of the White Mansion is extremely respectful to him. This Lord Thrall can be said to be the great backer of the White Mansion's Chang Bai...

"Master Thrall let us watch the changes and don't act rashly. Now the conflicts between the president and the chairperson are getting bigger and bigger, and we no longer have the strength and energy to manage the place...Many local forces overthrew the local political forces. The government simply appoints local powers to be under the jurisdiction of politics..." Baifu Fucheng responded respectfully.

In other words, the government no longer manages the locality, which is equivalent to letting them autonomy. This is very unfair to the government, but Bai Shanchang is not afraid. He has already prepared the government army. There are about ten innate peaks. The strong, fifty strong at the pinnacle of the Qi Cultivation realm, and some ordinary sergeants...

  This kind of strength, I am afraid that it is enough to protect himself, and coupled with the backing of the big man Thrall...I am afraid it will also be able to make him stand firm in the White House...

  "Lord Mansion, people from the Blood Sect, please see..." This made the White Mansion Chief feel baffled. He has no friendship with the Blood Sect, and the Blood Sect is not the Black Dragon Club... Why come to see him again...

  However, Bai Shanchang still met the envoy of the Blood Sect. The messenger expressed his willingness to promise on behalf of the Blood Sect that if the White Mansion Chief Bai Shanchang is willing to submit to the Blood Sect, the Blood Sect promised that when he took over the rule of the White Mansion, Bai Shanchang would still be the governor...

  If not, Bai Shanchang not only has no position as a prefect, but he may not even survive...Bai Shanchang understood in an instant that he might be used to restrain the Black Dragon Society...

   It was bright and dark. After all, the blood sect was in the blood sect boundary of another continent, and it was beyond reach for the white mansion of the Xuncheng continent. If only the Black Dragon Society ruled it, wouldn't the world become the world of the Black Dragon Society? The people of the Blood Sect are not stupid, they will naturally guard against the Black Dragon Association...

  The chief of the White House, Bai Shanchang, is naturally happy to take on this errand, at least when the White House changes to the sky, the White House chief will not be affected...

  In the blood sect...

On this day, the Blood Sect finally arranged for Su Le to meet. After more than ten days of waiting, Su Le naturally couldn't see his face... "Chairman Su...we meet again..." Zuo Lun smiled and said... Actually Zuo Lun didn't like Su Le very much in his heart. The reason was very simple. Zuo Lun and Chen Xuan were both happy and enmity...

  Naturally look down on people who betrayed his own mainland to take refuge in the blood sect, so Zuo Lun has done a good job on the surface, but his tone is not lukewarm...

  "Chairman Su is here this time, what do you want to report to this protector? When you come back to report on duty in the future, remember, don't let your black dragon leader come to talk, it is best to have a memorial and submit to the blood sect..."

   Zuo Lun’s tone was very arrogant, and he was so straightforward about the report, and he was not polite at all...It seems that the black dragon will be the blood sect from then on, just like his Zuo Lun’s subordinates...

But Su Le did not show any dissatisfaction. He respectfully bowed his hand to Chen Xuan, "Observe orders, report to the Great Protector. Recently, the rise of Bai Guan has been very rapid. The humble position and the Black Dragon Society have been unable to suppress it. Please ask the Blood Sect to protect the law. Help..."

  Sule’s tone was extremely respectful, completely reducing the arrogance of the high-ranking people who had been in the Black Dragon Club...

  This also makes Zuo Lun think that Su Le is a ruthless character, a terrible evil dog... But Zuo Lun and Xue Zong will naturally not deal with Bai Guan wholeheartedly... Let the black dragon go first...

Zuo Lun pretended to nod his head, and then said, "Our blood sect, I am afraid it is not convenient to take action at the moment, because some of the blood sect realms are still being wiped out...Let’s go ahead, President Su will go first with the black dragon. Try it..."

Zuo Lun talked with Su Le in an undeniable tone. Su Le was shocked, and he was really worried about it... The Blood Sect might let the Black Dragon Society go first, and the Black Dragon would be the cannon fodder, but Su Le early Just prepared a set of rhetoric...

"As far as the humble post knows, that Chen Xuan should be participating in the half-immortal trial these days. I am afraid that he is not in the Bai Mansion, and the Baiguan dragons in the Bai Mansion have no leader... I am afraid that this is the big guardian and the blood sect entering the White Mansion. It’s a good time to... just deal with the political forces in the White House..."

This is Su Leda’s little calculation, that is to say, take advantage of Chen Xuan’s absence to deal with Bai Guan... and then let the blood sect deal with the political forces of the Bai Mansion by the way. In that case, the power on both sides will be weakened or eliminated. So the profit is naturally the Black Dragon Club...

"Yes, indeed! But Bai Shanchang, the political power of the White House, has come to report this morning that he has taken refuge in us. Then you can deal with Bai Guan together... As for the blood sect, I will help you guys... …I hope that the two will cooperate sincerely to manage the White House well..." Zuo Lun said with a smile...

  Su Le understood in an instant... It turns out that the blood sect has caught up with the political forces of the White House, no wonder Zuo Lun’s attitude towards him today...

  However, Su Le still did not show any dissatisfaction on his face, but he bowed his hands and respectfully agreed...

  But Su Le’s heart cursed Zuo Lun and Bai Shanchang for tens of thousands of times. His dream of black dragon dominating the white mansion is probably gone. In fact, it is, how could the blood sect let the black dragon dominate alone...

   will surely let a force contain him, Su Le returned to the Black Dragon Club and began to plan how to deal with Bai Guan...

Chen Xuan has been shutting himself up for the past few days, practicing swordsmanship and state of mind and never met Luo Lan...mainly now that the moment he meets Luo Lan, it will affect his state of mind, and in a few days it will be a half-immortal trial. In order to be able to or come back, Chen Xuan naturally has to work harder...

  Three days before Chen Xuan left the White House, the Baiguan Nei Shi Chamber...

"Remember the few days I left, it is very likely that the Bai Mansion domain will change, and the blood sect is likely to unite with the political forces of the White Mansion and the black dragon to deal with us Bai Guan..." Chen Xuan frowned, cold. He said in a cold voice.

"Give me an order to let all the people in charge of our business forces replace them, and then pretend to protect our business forces. Secondly, remember that Baiguan wants to save the forces... Now all the people and things on the bright side are turned into the dark side. , Remember not to let Bai Guan lose a person..." Chen Xuan still said coldly...

  "Do you still know how to show the enemy's weakness? Let the enemy think that Baiguan has been wiped out, and then wait for me to come back and prepare to counterattack. By then, even the blood sect will not be able to stop it... As for now, avoid its edge!"

  Chen Xuan's face was cold, and he glanced at everyone. The cold gaze really makes people have a tendency to freeze right now, and everyone immediately responded respectfully, "Oh, you...Young Master!"

  In fact, no one dares to be presumptuous in Chen Xuan’s meeting room. In private, you can match Chen Xuan brothers, you can compete with Chen Xuan, you can train with Chen Xuan, and even Luo Lan can hug Chen Xuan...

  But when I went to the meeting hall, Chen Xuan was the young master. Chen Xuan said that no one would dare to say second, unless he died, Chen Xuan never kept his hands on those who violated orders in the meeting hall...

   Chen Xuan had already said this on the first day, and Chen Xuan’s character that must do what he said, naturally no one would dare to commit the following...

  (End of this chapter)

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