Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1585: Bai Guan's Retreat

   Chapter 1585 Bai Guan's Retreat

  After Chen Xuan explained the things about Bai Guan, he realized that the red light of the Jialan sword was getting more and more dazzling, and it was indeed about to arrive in half a month...The Trial of Sanxian is coming, I don’t know what the problem is this time...

  As for the Blood Sect and the Black Dragon Society, as well as the head of the White Mansion, Bai Shanchang, there was no movement at all. Chen Xuan understood that this was the tranquility before the storm. It is very likely that they would start to move as soon as Chen Xuan left...

  Although Chen Xuan is very worried, his expression is still deep, and others can't see his thoughts at this time...

   Suddenly a red dazzling beam of light from Jialan Sword appeared in front of Chen Xuan’s eyes. Chen Xuan knew that it was about to begin... Chen Xuan slowly walked into the beam of light...


  Chen Xuan’s eyes were black and he was teleported out... and all the forces saw a huge red beam of light. Naturally, they guessed that Chen Xuan had already gone to the Trial of Sanxian, so they all started to move...

  Inside the Black Dragon Club

   "I heard that Chen Xuan has gone to the Sanxian Trial today? Then we can just take this opportunity to suppress Bai Guan..." Su Le said with a sneer, then put his smile away and said...

"Bai Shan, the chief of the White Mansion, will definitely not let this opportunity pass, and will also suppress Bai Guan... As for the blood sect's Su Le... I think I will report it together with the chief of the Bai Mansion, and he should be happy too. stand by…"

  Su Le said with a smile but not a smile, thinking that Bai Guan might be suppressed from now on Su Le was a little secretive...

  "President President...President Bai, please see..." The man in black respectfully reported to Su Le. Su Le immediately understood Bai Shanchang's intentions, and it seemed that he came to deal with Bai Guan with him...

  Bai Shanchang, Chen Xuan and Bai Guan didn’t have much hatred, and even said they were just passers-by. Then why did Bai Shanchang have to deal with Bai Guan? The reason is simple, because for Bai Guan, Chen Xuan and the entire blood sect, the blood sect is too strong...

Moreover, the Blood Sect will definitely become the ruler in the White House or even the Xuncheng Continent in the future, and Chen Xuan is too young to be comparable to the Blood Sect... and Bai Guan is still in its infancy, and it is even less able to be as old as the Blood Sect. Gangs are better than...

  Bai Shanchang’s mansion...

  "Report to the head of the prefecture, President Su Le, please see..." The black guard reported respectfully, and Bai Shanchang smiled, and then said unfathomably, "Watch tea, welcome guests..."

  The man in black arched his hands towards the Baishanchang’s Mansion and walked out...

"President Su Le don’t need to worry, I’ve already left behind. Chen Xuan’s Bai Guan thinks he’s hiding it well. In fact, he really treats the ruling power of the White Mansion as a fool. How could we allow him to do this? A hairy boy presumptuous? I have been prepared on my side, how do I start to win over those strong in the innate realm..."

  Bai Shanchang smiled triumphantly, Su Le is naturally not a fool, he naturally knows that Bai Shanchang must have prepared a back hand, otherwise, how can he be worthy of fighting with him in Bai Mansion for ten years?

Sure enough, Bai Shanchang went on to say, "I have already added our people to his white view. Why is it still not experienced enough. When he provoked the conflict between the Sky Serpent Gang and the Sirius Gang and the Scorpio Gang, he thought I would I didn’t notice it... But what I didn’t expect was that it was Chen Xuan’s person! I thought it was someone who arranged it, but I didn’t expect it to be Chen Xuan..."

  Bai Shanchang snorted coldly and then said, "If a few years pass, the ghost will know what kind of monster he will become... Maybe he will have the final say in the Bai Mansion. Fortunately, I will leave it alone, huh..."

Su Le was shocked and felt that this Bai Shanchang was really unfathomable. He took a sip of tea and stared at Bai Shanchang with his bottomless eyes. When Bai Shanchang saw Su Le staring at him, he did not show weakness. , Also staring at Bai Shanchang...

  The eyes of the two people are entangled together, like a tiger and a hungry wolf staring at each other, ready to attack at any time, as terrible.

  Su Le felt that this Bai Shanchang’s scheming was really terrifying, and it was not inferior to him, and he could be undercover in Baiguan, what about his own Black Dragon Club? Is there his undercover agent? He really didn't dare to be sure...

  And Bai Shanchang felt that Su Le was afraid that he began to feel more and more threatening to the Black Dragon Society...

After about a quarter of an hour, Su Le broke the silence with a long laugh... Su Le still felt that the current enemy was Bai Guan. As for the Black Dragon Club, he planned to check it slowly. Anyway, it should be right to keep an eye on it. As for Bai Between Guan and Bai Shanchang, Su Le felt that he was just watching a play...

  Or if necessary, pour some oil on the fire and take advantage of the fire. Anyway, this time Bai Guan and Chen Xuan may really have to finish playing...

"However, this Chen Xuan is really amazing... There are so many weird pills, and I don't know which one I learned from... Humph, but tomorrow, tomorrow, the people from Baiguan will come to report again, President Su Let's listen together. If the blood sect's great guardian asks, it will be easy to explain...what do you think?"

Su Le thought for a while and nodded...because once Su Le agreed to Bai Shanchang to understand the situation of this undercover agent, he was completely drawn into this two-party battle, and might eventually damage the strength of the Black Dragon Association. …But why did Sule so savvy agree?

  The reason is very simple. He still had to worry about the blood sect. Su Le had already scolded the blood sect all over the time. It was really disgusting. At that time, he found himself and Bai Shanchang. This is a way to balance...

  Su Le thought of this and decided to follow the blood sect and Bai Shanchang first. When the day when Bai Guan is destroyed, the Black Dragon Society may be the day to deal with Bai Shanchang.

  Three days later, Bai looked inside.

  What is it? Although Luo Lan and Zhan Zhe have reached the strength of the innate realm, they still lack the experience of this kind of tactical and they did not find any problems within Baiguan.

That day, a sneaky man appeared in Baiguan, blindfolded and dressed in a robe. If you don’t look closely, you won’t find him. He is Xu Ruo, and Xu Ruo has not been exposed to the mountains and water in Baiguan. , Has always been very low-key. Of course, Zhan Zhe and Luo Lan didn't pay much attention to him.

He didn't expect that he would... that day he walked out of Baiguan, preparing to meet with Bai Shanchang and Su Le. If you talk about Xu Ruo, Xu Ruo was a member of the Sirius Gang before, so what was it before the solicitation? Has taken refuge in Bai Shanzhang.

But since He Wei has been recruited, he has never noticed him...has been buried in front of many strong people, so this is also a big mistake of He Wei, but this mistake may give Chen Xuan still Chen Xuan's Bai Guan caused a fatal blow.

   On that day, Xu Ruo quickly came to Bai Shanchang’s house and brought with him Bai Guan’s recent information.

  "Meet President Bai, President Su..." Xu Ruo respectfully bowed to Su Le and Bai Shanchang.

   "This is your man... Are you sure, this is not the bait released by Chen Xuan? Besides, Bai Guan is now in the ascendant period, so why bother to abandon the old master?" Su Le asked suspiciously...

  Bai Shanchang did not speak, but looked at Xu Ruo with a slight smile, and wanted him to continue to explain.

Naturally, Xu Ruo did not live up to Bai Shanchang’s hopes, and then respectfully bowed his hand to Su Le, "Chairman Su, let’s not say that Chen Xuan caused my Sirius gang to be destroyed with an overwhelming hatred, just talk about the Bai Guan built by Chen Xuan. The two adults and the forces behind the adults will be vulnerable to the comparison, right?"

Xu Ruo's expression was very respectful, like a loyal evil dog, and then Xu Ruo then bowed like Bai Shanchang and said, "President Bai gave me a chance to take revenge, and he also promised to restore Sirius after the incident. The power of the gang allows me to be the leader of the gang, and I can continue to work for the governor."

  Speaking of this, Xu Ruo’s expression is very eager, as if his eagerness to the extreme, as if he could call the wind and rain in the White Mansion soon...

However, Xu Ruo did not see a trace of sorrow and ridicule in Bai Shanchang’s eyes, but Xu Ruo was completely forced by the power and did not notice Bai Shanchang’s expression at all. For Xu Ruo, Su Le was naturally also Bai Shanchang is as dismissive as...

  For such an impulsive evil dog, for Su Le and Bai Shanchang, it is just a tool or a joke, which can be thrown away and strangled at any time, and can be used at any time...

   Then Su Le said, "What information do you bring to me this time?" Su Le asked casually and arrogantly. The reason is simple, Su Le has long regarded Xu Ruo as his subordinate...

Xu Ruo arched his hands to Su Le, "This is how Chen Xuan is going to try out immortals now. I'm afraid it will be difficult to come back alive, but it will be difficult to come back alive... Even if we can come back alive, we just have to Rushing to get rid of Bai Guan before he returns, then Chen Xuan is like a grasshopper in the autumn that does not bounce a few times."

   Xu Ruo went on to say that the arrogance and urgency that seemed to be able to kill the enemy soon came to his heart at once.

Indeed, in less than three days, the Black Dragon Society and Bai Shanchang's forces, with Xu Ruo's help, madly annexed Baiguan's forces... and Baiguan also retreated and then retreated. At this time, what does Baiguan do, Zhan Zhe Luo Lan also began to suspect that there was an insider in Bai Guan.

It’s just that they haven’t thought of who the **** is. After all, the scope is too big and it’s too troublesome to investigate. However, there is a person who silently observes. He has long been staring at Xu Ruo in a black robe, and his cold eyes are full of expressions. Staring murderously at this traitor...

It seemed as if he was going to swallow him alive in the next second, but what he did in Baiguan, Zhan Zhe, Luo Lan couldn't find his existence...I can imagine how terrifying his strength is, but then again, his Although his strength is stronger, he is a little weaker than Chen Xuan. His body training has also reached the elementary level of the Houtian realm, but his spiritual power is only the seventh elementary level.

   is one step behind Chen Xuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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