Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1589: All parties shake

   Chapter 1589 All parties shake

  Wu Tianliang’s forehead burst into layers of cold sweat, as if he had just been pulled back from the **** of death...

"Thanks...Thanks to the young master..." Wu Tianliang said respectfully. Seeing the bodies of the two acquired powerhouses, Wu Tianliang still felt a little scared... From now on Chen Xuan realized that the powerhouses of the virtual core realm , The difference from those who are strong in body cultivation... The thought of wanting to become stronger has been spreading in Chen Xuan's heart...

  Yes... the other two continents outside the Xuncheng continent are really too strong. The other world continents I saw in the Zangjin Pavilion before, and the other sea continents.

  They all stared at the Xuncheng Continent... but fortunately, the other sea continent, their hands could not reach the Xuncheng Continent, it was too far away...

And there is not enough ambition to annex and carve up the Xuncheng Continent... It's just this other world continent... It is indeed ambitious... However, the Xuncheng Continent is indeed weak, and the lowest level on the other side is also the peak of the Houtian realm. Basically All have returned to the pill realm and become a strong man in the pill realm...

  Chen Xuan thought for a while to decide, he had to deal with the affairs of the White House quickly, and then to look at the outside world, he couldn't be limited to this! Moreover, the people of Lanshan planted forces in the White House, they must be planted elsewhere, and they should also be inquired about...

  Another continent, in the Arashiyama Council...

  "Dear protectors, masters, and deputy masters, we used to plant forces in the mainland of Xuncheng, and now one force has been annihilated...It is the white house forces in the White House." The man in black stood up and reported...

Lanshan's Sect Master still has all levels of high-level leaders, without even lifting his eyes, Lanshan Sect Master said in a word, "The White House...maybe it's just an internal fight... But there are people who can kill the one-horned golden lion king. Boy, you really should take precautions, give an order, order all our forces stationed in the mainland of Xuncheng, be sure to find him in the cradle of strangulation!"

  Sect Master Lanshan went on to say, “In the future, you will handle such matters directly. You will be in charge of Xuncheng affairs. Except for the major issues, you can put it to the meeting for discussion. You can decide the rest, just have one!”

  Sect Master Lanshan's expression became serious, "I'd rather kill than indulge! Lest it cause a catastrophe!" The black-clothed man bowed his hands respectfully...

However, the blood sect is not as calm as Lanshan. After all, the blood sect is only a small gang in another world. There are only a few strong people in the Dan realm, and more are the strong ones in the peak of the Hou Tian realm. After the death of so many acquired realm powerhouses, naturally a little can't sit still.

   "Let the Black Dragon Club... let the Black Dragon Club deal with Chen Xuan, and don't let him live anymore, otherwise our forces won't exist in the White Mansion..."

  Sect Master Blood frowned and said.

   "Report to the Sect Master, the messenger from Lanshan has come to the blood sect..." The man in black immediately reported, the messenger from Lanshan is a big sect...

   "This... Lanshan... Lanshan's messenger came to the blood sect. How can we offend Lanshan? If Lanshan gets angry, I am afraid that ten blood sects will also be wiped out!" The blood sect master said worriedly.

"You haven't offended us in any way! I just want you to help us wipe out that Chen Xuan. It is said that the power of the Black Dragon Society belongs to your blood sect." A small sect can show off! No reason... just because he is Arashiyama, a member of Arashiyama, a super power in another continent!

   "" Sect Master Blood was panicked to the extreme, but fearing that he would be hated by Lanshan when he spoke, he truthfully said about the situation with the Black Dragon...

   "I really don't have enough energy to deal with Chen Xuan in Lanshan, you can help the blood sect to deal with it... after it's done, the benefits will be indispensable! If it can't be done... your blood sect has no meaning to exist!"

Hearing this, the Sect Master of the Blood Sect became more and more determined to kill Chen Xuan. After the envoy of Lanshan was gone, he sent all the acquired powers of the Blood Sect to the Black Dragon Society to assist the Black Dragon Society in killing Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan. Xuan Baiguan...

That night, Chen Xuan was dressed in black, and the white robe in the black clothes was well hidden. A Jialan sword was faintly murderous. Of course Chen Xuan knew that the Blood Sect or Lanshan might use the Black Dragon Society as a medium. To deal with him and his Baiguan...

  So it’s better to attack first, kill the Black Dragon Guild, the Blood Sect, or Lanshan, the hand will not be able to penetrate the White Mansion for the time being...

  The reason is very simple, the strong dragon can't beat the local snake! If the Black Dragon Society is annihilated, then Baiguan is a local snake. If other forces want to get a share of the pie, they have to think about whether they are qualified!

  In the Black Dragon Club...

  In the past, the Black Dragon Club had either banquet singing and dancing, or the members had already returned to the room to rest, but today the members of the Black Dragon Club are very solemn...

  Lanshan asked the blood sect to destroy Chen Xuan and Bai Guan, and the blood sect threw the baggage to our black dragon guild. The acquired powers from the blood sect have not arrived yet... when Chen Xuan is a fool? If ten black dragon guilds are started now, they can't stop it!

  There was a layer of cold sweat on Su Le’s face. He had a hunch that Chen Xuan would definitely come tonight...

  Suddenly the outside fire was splashing, and the sound of Shen Yin was constantly amplified. Could it be that he...he is coming

   "Chairman Su, and you guys have not seen you for a long time!" Chen Xuan's hearty voice reached the ears of Su Le and the senior members, it was as terrible as the voice of death...

   " do you want to let go of the Black Dragon Club? What do you want for money? I can give you what you want!"

   "Yeah! Yeah! I do whatever you want..."

   "Yes... we can also give you..."

   "Before... chasing you... it was us... we were blind... our fault... I apologized to Master Chen"

"Yeah yeah……"

  High-ranking members of the Black Dragon Club, including the president of the Black Dragon Club, Su Le, no longer have the prestige before, just keep begging for mercy...

These members have also heard about Chen Xuan's killing of the Void Pill Monster Beast, and I'm afraid... to kill a few of them at the beginning of the Hou Tian realm, it won't take much effort... and they think that Chen Xuan's establishment of Bai Guan is the same. For the word “money and power”, the Black Dragon Club can afford to pay as much as they want... The big deal will come back from the East, and it’s just a matter of finding Bai Guan to settle accounts after the fall...

"Hahaha..." Chen Xuan's hearty laughter spread to Su Le and the other high-ranking members like Death's sneer. Chen Xuan then said, " can get it if I kill you. Until... but it's a curse to keep you..."

"But you chase me, there is nothing wrong, this world is the survival of the strong, the weak have to clamp their tails, and they deserve to die without their tails clamped. If only because of chasing me, I will give you a happy way to die, but Not anymore..."

  The members of the Black Dragon Club, including Su Le, were all startled. Could it be that Chen Xuan wanted, this... Su Le no longer cared about his face, so he knelt down towards Chen Xuan and begged for mercy...

The chairman of the Black Dragon Association, who is usually high above, actually had a day of kneeling. If he was seen by other members or the people of the White House, he would be shocked and could not believe it... But Su Le was also afraid of death, and his desire to live let him let go Everything, but Chen Xuan looked at Su Le just like looking at ants...

  Jia Blue Sword, the blue murderous intent makes all the members of the Black Dragon Society shudder... Then go to death...

The blue flames of   Jia’s Blue Sword turned into a phantom, and directly forced it towards all the members. Within a hundred meters of radius, all the plants were turned to ashes overnight, and the existence of the Black Dragon Society finally disappeared without leaving a trace...

  But Chen Xuan still walked out calmly, without a trace of joy or sadness, as if he had done a very ordinary thing...

  In the blood sect...

   "What? The black dragon will be wiped out? Damn! The black dragon will be the trash, now how do we explain to the people in Lanshan?"

The Blood Sect Sect Master was very furious, and then he cursed, "Send my order to let all the acquired powers of the Blood Sect go to the mainland of Xuncheng to besiege Chen Xuan, and Bai Guan also tried to kill them all for me, one Don't keep it for me either!"

   "I want Chen Xuan to know that if I offend my blood sect, it’s best to capture Chen Xuan alive, and then torture him bit by bit, so that he can’t survive and die!"

  Sect Master Blood has hated Chen Xuan to such a degree...


   "Let me talk about the deployment..." Chen Xuan said with a cold face, and when Chen Xuan ordered things, no one dared to speak. The forum was very quiet...

Generally speaking, after the discussion, if you want to try martial arts with Chen Xuan, or joking with Chen Xuan, this is all right. At most, Chen Xuan just ignores you with a face paralyzed, or fights with Chen Xuan or gets abused by Chen Xuan. It won't be so...

  But if you dare to speak in Chen Xuan's chamber and when Chen Xuan gives orders, you will be extremely disrespectful to Chen Xuan and you will die!

  Because Bai Guan is one word, and Chen Xuan alone has the final say. Even if Chen Xuan's order is wrong, everyone in Bai Guan still has to execute it without hesitation. This is Bai Guan.

"Luo Lan and Zhan Zhe are still a bright side and a dark side. Now we have a firm foothold in the White Mansion. From now on, we will be headquartered in Sanbai Valley. I will take you there later to ensure that the Bai Mansion is not infiltrated by other forces. If there is any, kill it with one word!"

  When Chen Xuan said to kill, his facial expression was cold, but his murderous intent was awe-inspiring, very terrifying. Even He Wei and Zhan Zhe Luo Lan, Wu Tianliang could feel the powerful killing intent...

"And now Baiguan's power has spread to every corner of the Xuncheng Continent. From now on, Baiguan will be able to assist me in managing the Xuncheng Continent... But I should leave the Baifu in a few days and go to Xundu. , Which is the capital of the mainland of Xuncheng, you can collect some information for me..."

"It's time for me to go out and see...Baiguan's Xundu branch, please pay attention, you will always listen to my orders at that time, Wu Tianliang will go with me, and the head of the Baiguan headquarters is still Mr. He. Zhan Zhe and Luo Lan, be sure to obey Mr. He Wei..." Chen Xuan ordered.

  But Luo Lan's eyes kept staring at Chen Xuan...Chen Xuan's eyes met her, but Chen Xuan went out without saying anything...

  Yes...As a core figure of Baiguan, you shouldn’t have feelings other than loyalty towards your young master...otherwise things will go wrong...

  (End of this chapter)

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