Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1590: Chen Xuan Apprentice

  Chapter 1590 Chen Xuan apprentices

  After Chen Xuan left, he found a restaurant, but basically no one would know Chen Xuan. The reason is simple. Chen Xuan was generally very low-key, and the information transmission in that era was very scarce...

  Chen Xuan drank a cup after another, and finally there was no need to suppress his feelings for a moment. In fact, a man should dare to love and hate, but there are too many things in Chen Xuan’s body that he dare to love and hate...

Unknowingly, Chen Xuan had already drunk seven or eight bottles of wine, but there was no trace of drunkenness. Chen Xuan can’t be blamed. The blood circulation and metabolism in the body of the mid-level acquired realm are very powerful. Maybe the alcohol has long been there. Turned into sweat and drained out of the body...

   "Why... don't you ask the old man for a drink?"

The black-robed man finally put down his veil and revealed his face. It was a very handsome face, and it was also very young as if he was in his thirties. The face was sharp and angular, but the few white hairs on his head were quite different. It is abnormally inconsistent with this age... and his self-proclaimed is also very inconsistent with this age...

"Hahaha... are the same people who have fallen from the End of the World... Senior please..." Chen Xuan found that he could not detect the strength of this black-robed man with his spiritual power, so it is natural to call him senior, and he found this black The robe is not hostile to him, but how can Chen Xuan put down his vigilance just because of the feeling...

"Okay... If the old man really wants to kill you, he killed you in the previous few trials... Hahaha... It's just that this is not a place to talk, thirty miles east of the Bai Mansion, there are Good wine, the old man has invited you hahahaha..."

The black-robed man is like an outdoor expert. He disappeared into the air with a wave of his hand. Chen Xuan instantly felt that this black-robed man was much stronger than he thought. Maybe he didn't know how powerful this black-robed man was. ...

  Chen Xuan followed the instructions of the black-robed man and waited thirty miles to the east...Unexpectedly, the black-robed man would have arrived long ago. He looked at Chen Xuan with a smile on his face...

   Suddenly, the palm of the black robe man’s palm lit up with a hot red fire, and then it approached Chen Xuan. Moreover, the hot red fire, like a huge furnace, seemed to be able to swallow everything...

  The firelight turned into ashes wherever it went, Chen Xuan pulled out the Jialan sword, the sword shadow revolved like a dragon, and suddenly the blue light of the sword greeted the red furnace...


  One round of fighting, the sky seemed to be covered with a thick black fog, and Chen Xuan's physical strength was a little weak...

  The black-robed man smiled and said, "Do you only have this strength? Hahahaha"

  Chen Xuan’s sword shadows became denser, and the blue flames continued to burn. The blue dragon of **** from the nether opened a huge mouth of the blood basin and directly bit into the hot red furnace...


  The red furnace was shattered and turned into bubbles. Suddenly, the palm of the black-robed man's other palm ignited a raging fire, like a huge fireball. The black-robed man’s fireball seemed to be able to attract everything, and then burned...

At this time, all the trees outside the residence were sucked in, and the raging fire continued to strengthen...Chen Xuan’s Jialan sword was about to touch the red firelight, and Chen Xuan used his mental power to continuously Stubbornly resist...


  Chen Xuan suddenly jumped up and pierced the black-robed man's palm with the cold Jialan sword directly. The blue flames of the hot Jialan sword and the red flames constantly collided...


  Like two giant dragons fighting among the clouds, Chen Xuan’s white robe gave birth to two phantom wings and flew into the air, while the black robe man’s flying in the wind made one red and one blue entangled in the air...

Suddenly, the black-robed man forced a fireball towards Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan's fighting like this would consume a lot of his mental power and his body training. Chen Xuan's physical strength finally couldn't hold it, the blue one The dragon was actually hit by a small fireball from the black-robed man...


  All the creatures around here were shattered by this powerful impact, and there was no bones left...

Chen Xuan still looked at the black-robed man with a cold expression. He knew that the black-robed man was still not hostile to him. The fight just now was definitely not the black-robed man’s trump card, I'm afraid it only used a bit of the black-robed man’s strength. ...

   But the artistic conception of the black robe man just now, with Xiaoboda, yes...that’s the four words... With Xiaoboda...this...this seems to be very similar to the artistic conception of returning to the world...

  Is the black-robed man teaching me and want to tell me something? Chen Xuan was lost in thought, and the black-robed man didn't bother him, just looked at him with a smile, and his evaluation of Chen Xuan was a little higher...

With Xiaobo, the mental power of the acquired world is very huge, and the body training is also very large, but gathering these in a small dantian to condense a small virtual pill, this is the return to the pill. It’s just to use a small boast... to concentrate and refine, exactly the same as the fireball just now...

  A small fireball can dissolve Chen Xuanjia’s blue sword attack... Indeed, Chen Xuan seems to understand the artistic conception of the pill realm, and he knows the general direction of cultivation...

   "Thank you for your advice..." Chen Xuan respectfully arched his hand towards the black-robed man, and then stood beside the black-robed man, waiting for the black-robed man to order...

  Of course, there is no free lunch in this world. If others teach you, of course you need to give back to others, so Chen Xuan is naturally listening to the black-robed man’s instructions and needs him to do something to give back to him...

"Hahaha... Ruzi can teach! Ruzi can teach hahahaha..." The hearty laughter of the black-robed man sounded in Chen Xuan's ears, "Will you be an apprentice of the old man? The old man will try his best to teach you. There is also the power that supports you, as for the rewards you give to the old man... You can’t touch it yet. When you reach a certain level, the old man will naturally tell you..."

  What if the return Chen Xuan couldn't do it? Or maybe it was the damaging thing that the return was. Chen Xuan kept thinking about it, and there was a trace of sadness on his face, but it was just a trace, that cold facial expression remained on his face, and ordinary people would definitely not be able to find Chen Xuan. What's in my mind...

Chen Xuan's face was still cold like a facial paralysis. The black-robed man's insightful eyes seemed to be able to see through everything about Chen Xuan, so he smiled and said, "You don't have to worry... it's not that you can't do it or it's a bad idea. Things... Don't worry as much as possible!" The black-robed man said with a smile...

   "Then Chen Xuan is willing to apprehend his teacher..." The jokingly powerful master Chen Xuan is naturally willing to worship, so that at least the master can come and save himself when the blood sect and Lanshan want to kill himself.

  But the next sentence of the black-robed man, he said something that Chen Xuan wanted to kill him...

"If you are chased by the blood sect or by any force, the chasing and killing are all for your experience, the old man will not take action, but... if you or your Baiguan are in danger of life or destruction, the old man can help you three times ..."

However, if you use it once these three times, the old man will not teach you anymore, and you are not the old man’s apprentice, but even if you really use it once and you are expelled from the teacher by the old man, you can still use the other two... Fate! "

  This made Chen Xuan feel that this cheating old man was very abhorrent. It made it clear that he couldn’t use it once... But Chen Xuan didn’t plan to rely on others for his life, so he accepted it...

"The most important thing for you now is to leave the White Mansion quickly... Go to Xundu and take a look... The Xundu Academy over in Xundu, you can go in and hide for a while. The person is searching for your trace in the entire Xuncheng Continent..." The black-robed man looked at Chen Xuan with a gloating expression and said...

"But if you go to Xundu Academy, you can also learn more about the existence of another world continent and this world, and you can also improve better there. When you reach the peak of the acquired realm... you don’t need it. I'm afraid of those blood sect people, otherwise so many apex powerhouses in the acquired realm are afraid that you won't survive..."

Chen Xuan nodded, and then the black-robed man went on to say, "Every night I will start to teach you and start training... Don't worry, your spiritual consciousness will come where I want you to come, and there is no physical body. The slightest relationship..."

  This surprised Chen Xuan. This is simply terrifying. If he can control other people's consciousness, he should exist like a god, right? Anyway, Xu Dan should not be able to do it. What is the identity of this black-robed man, his cheap master?

Before the Half Immortal Trial and the Sanxian Trial, this black-robed man could also control his divine consciousness, so he should be an invincible existence in this world... Maybe he is a strong one that he can't imagine at all, Chen Xuan longs for The stronger gaze stared at the black-robed man...

It's like a hungry wolf staring at a large basket of meat, "Young man, stay calm! Mind is very important... As for training, hahaha... Actually, it won't be very painful. Just rest assured..." Black Robin smiled and said...

Later, every night Chen Xuan’s spiritual consciousness went to the black-robed man. He found that the enchantment set by the black-robed man was very rich in mental power. He sat and practiced there, and he took a rest every day. The power increase is very fast...

Although there is not a lot of pain like the practice that Mr. Sanbai set for himself before... But this is not painful but very tiring, just like running laps on the playground, I start laps every night, but after daybreak The body did not feel fatigue again, the moment I returned, the fatigue disappeared instantly...

  This does not let Chen Xuan lament the magic of this cheap master...

  (End of this chapter)

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