Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1591: New in Xundu

   Chapter 1591

  Chen Xuan walked against the wind with one man and one sword. And behind Chen Xuan is Wu Tianliang walking in the same wind...

  About a day or so, I came to Xundu. Compared with Baifuyu, Xundu is simply too prosperous. The street is dimly lit, and the restaurant is surrounded by white horses and scented carts.

  Yes, they stayed in a place too comfortable for too long, so they indulged in it. There is no sense of crisis at all...

  "A Liang, what do you think is the best restaurant in Xundu"

  Chen Xuan rarely has such a leisurely mood, and asked lightly.

   "Return to the young master, it is Xunhai Restaurant... It is said that it is the best restaurant in Xuncheng Mainland and Xundu. It is extremely luxurious and..."

  Wu Tianliang then said respectfully, "And this time I came to Xuncheng College. Basically, they are all the brothers of the family. They basically live in this restaurant!"

  Chen Xuan nodded and walked in casually. Immediately the shop Xiaoer saw Chen Xuan and greeted him.

   "Guest, do you want the first floor, the second or the third floor?"

   shop Xiaoer asked Chen Xuan with a smile on his face, and then said, “The price on this floor is the most affordable in our shop. The private room on the second floor is very clean. The third floor is where the characters come from.

   "Look at the second floor, how about it? Because the third floor needs our store's VIP token to go up."

  Dian Xiaoer looked at Chen Xuan and Wu Tianliang. Obviously he found that Chen Xuan and Wu Tianliang did not look like locals, they might be businessmen, or wealthy sons from other places.

  That’s why I said so. Chen Xuan nodded, and said coldly, "Just the second floor, let's have a table of good food and the best wine here."

  Chen Xuan and Wu Tianliang walked up to the second floor and sat down in the private room.

  Suddenly several people in white appeared in the shop. This white dress can only be worn by people with status in the mainland of Xuncheng. Obviously they are from Xundu College.

  Several people in white clothes are carrying a few long swords behind them, their expressions are very frivolous. Is formed by disregarding everything for a long time.

   "Ke... guest officer... hello, several adults!" Dian Xiaoer just wanted to call a guest officer and found out that...they might be students of Xundu College. Naturally, he changed his mouth.

   "We want a private room on the second floor, brothers want to have a meal. Bring out your best housekeeping skills." The leader of the white-clothed man frowned and said casually.

  Dian Xiaoer was a little embarrassed, he just gave the last room to Chen Xuan and the others.

   "This... adults... the small private room may have just been given out... you see if you can...

  Dian Xiaoer of course knows that these Xundu College students can't mess with it.

  Don’t look at this is the best pub in the mainland of Xuncheng. If you provoke the students of Xundu College... they can still make you upside down!

   "That hillbilly... is the hillbilly in the black robe. And the troll in the cyan clothes next to him. Why can he sit in the private room?"

  The white-clothed leader's tone was very arrogant.

  Chen Xuan and Wu Tianliang still ate their dishes calmly. But this embarrassed Xiao Er.

   Drive off the guests, this is the signboard of Zhaxunhai Restaurant, but if you don’t rush, it’s...

  "How long do you want this young master to wait here?" The white-clothed leader's attitude became more arrogant. He stared at the shop Xiaoer, and there was a trace of killing intent in his eyes.

  "Guest...Look at...the adults, want to sit in the private room..."

   "Look...Can you accommodate yourself?"

  Dian Xiaoer hurriedly laughed to Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan remained cold and did not speak. Xiaoer Dian found that Chen Xuan was not satisfied with such a treatment method...

  The face of the leader of the white-clothed man became more and more ugly. Like an enraged vicious dog, staring coldly at Chen Xuan and Wu Tianliang.

  Dian Xiaoer felt that the atmosphere was not right, so he quickly said with a smile on his face.

   " see...we will reimburse you for this table of wine and food. You see..."

  Dian Xiaoer looked at Chen Xuan beggingly, and Chen Xuan spit out two words coldly. "No! You let those dogs **** off!"

  Dian Xiaoer was shocked, this is a bad thing! These Xundu College students have long been accustomed to the touted treatment, when have they been insulted like this?

  The white-clothed leader's face is getting more and more iron, his angry face is like a vicious dog that has been hungry for hundreds of years...

   "Looking for death!"

  The white-clothed leader drew out his iron sword and blasted towards Chen Xuan!

Ruined! Life is going to happen here! The business of this Xunhai restaurant may have plummeted.

  But who caused this outsider to provoke the people at Xundu College? Alas... It can only be blamed...

Xiao Er shook his head and sighed in his heart.

  The other diners in the restaurant also felt that Chen Xuan was a bit too ignorant to praise! Still too young after all. A stranger who has never seen the world.

  Chen Xuan was still holding vegetables and drinking wine with a cold face. There was no change in his expression.


  Wu Tianliang suddenly jumped up, and a battle stick blocked the white-clothed leader's sword.


  The leader of the white clothed man with his sword was shaken out three meters away...

  This...what is going on? Could it be that the students of Xundu College were scrupulous and he didn't use all his strength

  The face of the man in white is getting more and more stern, "Dog ass! Who are you?"

  The leader in white is planning in his heart. Can actually block my sword, maybe it was the thug that the hillbilly found.

  However, the strength of this thug is really strong, and he should have reached the peak of the innate realm.

  I am a higher level than Xiaoye. The leader in white could not help but give birth to the heart of solicitation.

   "This sword that can actually block the little master, or will you come to the little master to be a vicious dog? Leave this country york alone."

   "The little master gives you glory and wealth, inexhaustible inexhaustible!"

  The man in white is not stupid. Of course he knows such a thug, and if he has one more strength, he will be stronger.

   So I quickly recruited.

  "As long as you come to the little much money the hillbilly gave you, I will double it to you. Just forget the blame."

   "Otherwise, if you go together with a few brothers, you won't be able to take advantage of it."

  The leader of the white clothed man threatened with a cold face.

  This student of Xundu College actually intends to recruit this Tsing Yi boy! Still so young... I'm afraid this black-clothed boy, that is, Chen Xuan will be unlucky...

  Without the protection of Wu Tianliang, the young man in Tsing Yi, I am afraid that he will be broken into pieces by the students of Xundu College.

   "Hmph... you insulted my young master, and you are still so arrogant... It seems that you will all be left here today!"

  Wu Tianliang asked Chen Xuan with his eyes, Chen Xuan nodded, and then went on to eat and drink.

   "Nickie, you are so shameless! Then don't blame a few brothers! Let's go together!"

  The white-clothed leader roared.

   More than a dozen people in white clothed together besieged Wu Tianliang, the sword shadow of the iron sword and Wu Tianliang's sticks were constantly intertwined.


  A man in white had a flaw in his swordsmanship, and Wu Tianliang was merciless. Hit him with an iron rod.

  A red light slammed directly at the white-clothed man’s iron sword along with the phantom of the stick technique.

   "Let go!"

  Wu Tianliang roared.


  The iron sword shattered into three pieces under Wu Tianliang's stick technique, and the red light turned into flames to continuously burn the iron sword.

   smashed around...

   Chen Xuan casually waved, and it was a white enchantment. The formation of the barrier would only affect the people in white, Chen Xuan and Wu Tianliang.

   will not harm the innocent.

  Ah ah...

  All the diners kept running to the outside of the barrier of Xunhai Restaurant, for fear of being injured by mistake.

  What is the origin of that boy in Tsing Yi? Why can the students of Xunhai College be forced to retreat like this?

  Gosh...too powerful! I have never seen anyone who can beat back a student of Xunhai College.

  Of course, the diners are very surprised, but they all hold the attitude of watching the show. And no one sympathizes with the students of Xunhai College. After all, they are usually arrogant and domineering.

  It is rare to see them embarrassed.

  This makes Xiao Er feel cold and sweaty. Fortunately, it was just enough respectful and polite, and did not offend the two gods.

  Otherwise, if his shop is demolished, he has nothing to do.

  Wu Tianliang became more and more courageous as he fought, his cudgel swung like a shadow. The red light constantly swept through several people in white.


  Wu Tianliang’s long stick was like a huge lion, and it rushed towards the three white-clothed men in the three Xundu colleges.


  The strong impact caused the three white-clothed men to lose their bones in an instant.

  The white-clothed leader also began to panic, but still forced a calm roar on his face.

   "It seems...I don't need any tricks, there is no way to teach you a bitch!"

  The long sword of the white-clothed leader was suddenly swung like a poisonous snake, and the sword light was also glowing with silver, and the sword intent was like the endless water of the Yangtze River...

  "This is...this is the Yangtze River sword of Xundu Academy"

   "But...but I heard that if you use it, it will be backlashed to the user. And it will directly drop his training level by one level."

   "This... actually this Tsing Yi boy has such strength."

  Some diners who know some martial arts also began to discuss that the Yangtze River was determined.

   "Good job!"

  Wu Tianliang roared wildly, and then waved his long stick. The artistic conception of the stick was like a huge whirlpool.

  A huge red vortex confronted the endless swords of the Yangtze River.



   Suddenly Wu Tianliang’s red whirlpool madly rolled up the white-clothed leader’s long sword.

  The long sword is constantly being swallowed in the whirlpool.


  The long sword was crushed into countless iron powder by the whirlpool.

"Do not!"

  The leader of the white clothed man was very unwilling.

  His eyes are full of unwillingness, and the look of pain when he fails.

  Wu Tianliang didn't have the slightest pity, a red stick method forced it towards the remaining white-clothed people.


  In an instant, Shen Yin continued to fill the barrier.

  The diners and the eyes on Xiao Er's face were about to fall to the ground. Unbelievable.

   "A Liang, I have finished eating... it's time to go!"

  Chen Xuan smiled slightly, didn't care about the battle just now, and walked out.

  Chen Xuan's black clothes were not stained with blood, but Wu Tianliang's Tsing Yi was stained with blood, but he didn't care.

  Gosh...this state of mind...

  Fortunately, I did not provoke...

  Some diners secretly rejoiced. Dian Xiaoer was frightened into a cold sweat, but fortunately, his attitude towards these two gods was not bad just now.

  Otherwise...I really don’t know what will happen next.

  (End of this chapter)

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