Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1592: Baiguan Sub-view

   Chapter 1592

  Chen Xuan walked into Baiguan, divided into different views...

   "Meet Young Master..."

  The crowd bowed to Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan nodded to signal them to get up.

  Wu Tianliang scanned the members of the branch with a cold face, and said: “Have you collected any information about Xundu College recently, as well as various information? Remember to report them all.”

   "Return to the young master, that's the case. Three days later, it will be the enrollment trial of Xundu College. The relevant materials of Xundu College have been sorted out."

  Chen Xuan nodded. Chen Xuan felt that the mainland's largest college must have hidden many strong people.

  This college is divided into an inner door and an outer door. The student who fought with Chen Xuan before was an outer disciple. An outer disciple dared to be so arrogant in Xundu. What about the inner disciple?

   Chen Xuan couldn't help asking rhetorically. Therefore, Chen Xuan must become stronger, and only by becoming stronger can Chen Xuan have the right to speak in this continent.

  Xundu Academy only has a master at the inner gate, but there is no teacher at the outer gate. Self-cultivating. Only after reaching a certain level can you enter the inner gate.

  And the inner gate can practice the secret techniques of Xundu Academy. The outer door is the most basic exercise, and some exercises that can be obtained outside. But even so, the exercises and formulas that outer disciples can learn. It is still the envy of all outsiders.

  Because although these exercises can be obtained outside, they are not the treasured exercises created in Xundu Academy.

  But these exercises are sold at auction houses. Or the prices sold in the exercise shop are still sky-high!

  Becoming an outer disciple can learn the exercises unconditionally.

  Outer door students are considered the lowest level in Xundu College.

  The inner door is different. Inner Sect students are known as the pride of heaven in the mainland of Xuncheng. The students inside are all from the beginner to the intermediate level of the Houtian realm.

  But the exercises learned by the inner disciples are completely different. Those exercises are all created by the strong pill realm of Xundu Academy.

  Or a thousand years, the lost exercises passed down thousands of years ago!

  These are priceless treasures, and as long as they can become an inner disciple of Xundu Academy. These are all free to learn, and there is also a Danjing teacher to teach.

   Generally speaking, an internal teacher will take three students. And these three students are also teachers and friends.

The teachers in    are at least the strongest masters in the acquired realm. The powerhouse at the peak of the acquired realm may just exist as a teaching assistant. And the real teacher is the existence of the Dan realm. And there are some strong people in the Golden Core Realm.

  By the way, the pill realm is divided into three levels: virtual pill, real pill, and golden pill. The so-called virtual pill is a thin layer of mist that gathers in the cultivator's dantian, and the spiritual power forms a thin light black pill.

  The cultivator’s spiritual power and physical training are all injected into the Dantian.

  When doing Gongjue...the black virtual pill formed with the aura of the Dantian is used to infuse the Gongjue. And make the destructive power more powerful.

   can be more than ten times stronger than the attack power of the acquired realm.

  The strong real pill is the light black virtual pill formed after the spiritual fog in the dantian converges into a powerful pill sea. The virtual pill gradually condensed into a deep black pill.

  That is the real pill, and the attack power is stronger than that of the virtual pill. And a hundred times stronger.

  And Jin Dan is the strong man of Shi Dan, and slowly the black Dan turns into gold. The strength is one hundred times stronger than the Shidan powerhouse.

   And Chen Xuan is now an intermediate level in the acquired realm! Although you can enter the inner door, there are still many strong people in front.

  This academy is really unfathomable. Chen Xuan doesn't know how many hidden powers in the pill realm remain in this academy as teachers.

  But about assigning teachers...

  Generally, one of the three students is an intermediate in the acquired realm, and two are strong in the beginner realm.

  Chen Xuan does feel that he is too small!

  This is just the mainland of Xuncheng, and the competition is already so intense. What about another continent? How many strong people are there?

  And the Bai Mansion is too small, even the powerhouse of the Houtian realm is so rare...not to mention the powerhouse of the pill realm, or the peak of the acquired realm.

  My previous vision was too small. I used to understand the vastness of the world only from books. This made Chen Xuan more and more eager to get in touch with the new world.

  Go to Xundu College tomorrow! Enter the inner door!

   But Wu Tianliang may not be as lucky as Chen Xuan... Wu Tianliang can only be outside. But although the outer disciples are very low-level in Xundu College.

  But as long as they are students of Xundu Academy, they can walk sideways after they come out. No force dared to stop them or offend them.

  Once something happens, just use the four words of Xundu Academy, and you can resist all the troubles. At least in the mainland of Xuncheng.

   After reading and understanding these materials, Chen Xuan went to deal with some things about Bai Guanfen.

  At night, inside Chen Xuan's room...

  Chen Xuan fell into meditation, and slowly Chen Xuan felt that his mental power was increasing at a crazy speed, and that barrier began to loosen again.

  And the barrier of body refining cultivation also began to loosen at the same time. The heartbeat kept speeding up and his body was flushed red. His mind was dizzy, as if the world had already begun to break apart.

  Chen Xuan knew that this was a precursor to a breakthrough...


  Chen Xuan’s black robe burst open, his blood swelling, and his blood boiling! Chen Xuan knew that his body training was about to grow again.


   Chen Xuan's brain seemed to explode, and the whole brain was buzzing. Chen Xuan felt that he was going to die of pain. But the facial expression was still cold, as if the pain was not his own.


   Chen Xuan's room seemed to be bombed. A violent red light flashed, and Chen Xuan's room was very messy.

  Ah ah...

   Chen Xuan couldn't help but yelled out. The cold sweat couldn't stop flowing down...

  Finally, the barrier was constantly being shocked, constantly being shocked. Soon, it's about to break through. There is no pain in Chen Xuan's heart now, and some only have urgency. Let this pain be more violent, and it's about to break through.



  Chen Xuan snorted! Finally, his mental barrier was shattered. The light beam of spiritual power continued to climb, and it continued to climb, and finally stopped at Yae.

  In fact, the eightfold mental power is the top. After that, he would return to the realm as a pill, and Chen Xuan was now at the top of his spiritual power.


   Chen Xuan's body seemed to have been bombed, flushed with black in it. It seems to have been burned by a scorching flame.

  Ah ah...


  Suddenly, the temperature inside Chen Xuan's body was extremely high, and everything he went and touched instantly turned to ashes.


  Chen Xuan only had eagerness and excitement in his mind. He is about to break through! The powerhouse at the pinnacle of the acquired realm! Going up is the Dan Realm!

  I really long for the Dan realm. Chen Xuan eagerly yearned. In such a windy mood, Chen Xuan no longer felt pain. Because there are only two words in Chen Xuan's mind, that is to become stronger!




  Chen Xuan's joints began to make violent noises. Moreover, the bones of Chen Xuan's body began to vibrate.


  At this moment, Chen Xuan felt his bones all over. They were all already broken, and severe pain swept through Chen Xuan's body.

  Is this a radical change?

  In the legend, every master of the acquired realm, once he wants to break through to the peak of the acquired realm. It requires mental power to reach the eighth level, and the body training level is ten times that of the mid-level of the Houtian realm. Both conditions are indispensable.

  Because from the peak of the acquired realm, mental power is more than just mental power. He and the body-refining cultivation base will transform into pill energy, and slowly condense into virtual pill, solid pill, and golden pill in the Dantian.

  And when the pill energy becomes more and more, the pill in the dantian will form a sea of ​​pill. At that time, he had passed the Dan realm. As for the existence above the Dan realm, Chen Xuan has not seen it so far.

  In fact, Chen Xuan can’t be blamed for his short-sightedness. It is true that the Xuncheng continent is really weak compared to the other two continents.

  The world is divided into three continents, the other sea continent to the west, and the Xuncheng continent to the east. And what is in between is another continent.

  Chen Xuan didn't know the situation of the other sea continent, but a different world continent, also ambitious. Want to annex the mainland of Xuncheng.

  Moreover, there are a lot of powerhouses in other worlds, and there are even many powerhouses after the Dan realm.

  This made Chen Xuan even more want to become stronger.

  The Hall of Creators.

  The black-robed man is in the Hall of Creators, closing his eyes and observing Chen Xuan in another continent with his spiritual sense. He couldn't help nodding.

   "It really is a good seedling! I just don't know if he can do it well! Forget it, let me go. After all, things after five thousand years are of great importance."

  In fact, for ordinary people, five thousand years may be several lifetimes. But for the creator and the place where the creator lives, five thousand years is only similar to what we are now a few months.

   "It seems that the world will depend on young people in the future!"

   "But... young people are talented, but they still lack experience. If I'm by his side, maybe his future and improvement are limitless!"

  So the creator decided to go to the mainland of Xuncheng himself. As a result, he can teach Chen Xuan more conveniently. Secondly, I can also check Chen Xuan's background. Chen Xuan's background is simply very blank, and it will also make the creator worry about whether it is the bait released by the person over there.

  But such a genius, those people should not be willing to let him out as bait.

  But be careful, there is always nothing wrong. The creator said to himself.

  The creator disguised his identity and went to Xundu College to prepare a mentor...

  (End of this chapter)

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