Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1593: Xundu College

   Chapter 1593 Xundu College

  The next morning, Chen Xuanfang...

   Chen Xuan felt refreshed for a moment, and then it was different for those who were strong in the realm of heaven!


  Chen Xuan frantically used the Jialan Sword to play a set of Jialan Sword Art. His figure is like a living dragon, rolling frantically between heaven and earth. And Chen Xuan's technique has reached the point of extraordinary, but the technique is close to perfect.


  I really don’t know, what kind of world would it be if you entered the Dan realm? Humph! I want to become stronger, so strong that the world is afraid of me!


   Chen Xuan's consciousness thought, and suddenly a blue sword light flashed. He hacked into Chen Xuan's house.


  The whole house was lit up, and Chen Xuan was shocked.

  How...what's going on?

   "Ke...Kee officer, are you okay? It's the negligence of the shop. The shop must find out who did it!"

  The shopkeeper knows it. This Chen Xuan is not easy to provoke, he should be a cultivator. But this arsonist is really hateful.

   actually wanted to burn his entire shop, but he seemed to be a powerful cultivator.

  He should not be able to provoke him either! So this loss, I'm afraid he can only bear it himself.

  Chen Xuan opened the door with a cold face and gave the shopkeeper an ingot of gold. "I will accompany your loss in the store!"

   "If it is still not enough, go to Xundu College to find me after today!"

   Chen Xuan's face is still very cold and arrogant, it may be the kind of domineering of the strong!

   "When I was just practicing, I accidentally didn't master the intensity!" Although Chen Xuan apologized, he didn't show the slightest shame.

  This is the strong one! The domineering spirit of the strong!

  Chen Xuan and Wu Tianliang came to Xundu College in parallel.

   is worthy of being the best and most powerful academy in the mainland of Xuncheng!

  I am afraid that the blood sect is afraid of him! There are many strong people in the Dan realm, and there seems to be someone who is above the strong Dan realm!

  This is another continent, the blood sect’s fear!

  Because the pill realm is strong, there are also a lot of blood sects, and the strong above the pill realm. Although it is said that there are many powerhouses above the Dan level in the other world. But Xuncheng Continent is much less than that of other continents.

  So although the sects of the different continents would be jealous of them, they would sometimes reach out into the mainland of Xuncheng...

  And this Xundu Academy is the most important organization that makes them fearful.

  What a powerful college. As soon as Chen Xuan approached, he felt the powerful divine consciousness constantly looking at him.

  Chen Xuan couldn't even feel the direction from which it came, as if he was forced to come from all directions thinking about Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan's mental power and body training have been constantly swimming in the Dan Sea. This is the pinnacle powerhouse of the Houtian realm, who can converge spiritual power and physical training to Dan Sea. And when he condenses into a thin light black pill, it will be a virtual pill.

   "Yes, this time there is a character! A strong man at the pinnacle of the acquired realm! Old man in black, do you want to accept him as a disciple?"

   "Huh... old man, what about you? What do you think"

  The old man in black teased and asked.

  The man in black is dressed in black, his face is sharply contoured, and his resolute face reveals the aura of a superior.

   "I ha ha ha... How dare I compete with you a week ago, your scenery and deeds made the entire Xuncheng mainland a sensation!"

  The old man in white, a little ashamed, but still jokingly responded.

  The man in black nodded and said, "Can you dare to make a bet with me?"

  "Let’s train our disciples together, which disciple enters the Dan realm first, whichever is the winner!"


  This...There is also a strong man at the pinnacle of the acquired realm who has entered the gate of Xundu Academy. He is dressed in a black robe. The look is also very cold. There doesn't seem to be a trace of temperature on his face. The deep eye hole is like the water of a big river, as if you can't see to the end...


  Are you also the pinnacle of the acquired realm?

  A wave of waves finally appeared on that jealous face. Chen Xuan looked at him and felt that he was very strong.

  Chen Xuan nodded and expressed affirmation.

  "Not bad! Twenty-five-year-old at the peak of the acquired world, I didn't reach the peak of the acquired world until I was thirty-two!"

  The black-robed man paused and then said.

   "I just don't know when you can touch the edge of the Dan realm. How can I say now that I can already form a thin black shell. I just don't know how long you will be?"

   "My name is Heishen, you are qualified to know my name! I just hope you won't be my friend in the future!"

  The black-robed man smiled kindly, and talked to Chen Xuan.

  Yes... an 18-year-old powerhouse at the pinnacle of the acquired realm. No matter how strong such an enemy is, he is unwilling to establish it. Because the eighteen-year-old Houtian realm peak powerhouse exists like a genius!

  The man in white smiled and said, "Although he has only reached the pinnacle of the Acquired Realm at the age of thirty-two, he is already thirty-five and has touched the edge of the Dan realm. As for the 18-year-old baby..."

   "I'm afraid his heart is still..."

  The man in black smiled and said, "Hahaha...that old white will accept Hei Shen as a disciple, and Chen Xuan is my apprentice hahaha!"

  No one thought that, in this way, the future masters of Chen Xuan and Hei Shen were established in this bet.

"Little Lord!"

  Wu Tianliang used private voice transmission to reach Chen Xuan.

  "Young Master, I will return to Baiguan to take charge of things! I will not enter Xundu Academy for the time being! Young Master, look at it."

  Chen Xuan nodded and spoke to Wu Tianliang’s ears with mental energy.

   "Since we are in Xundu, the Baiguan division of Xundu must be controlled more closely!"

  "Including business...including politics, all put into our influence! And if I enter the Xundu Academy, I am afraid I will...I will also enter the political struggle in Xundu!"

  But Hei Shen's eyes didn't even raise them.

  A strong man at the pinnacle of acquired realm and who is about to enter the virtual realm, really does not need to care about a strong man at the pinnacle of innate realm.

  The creation of the man in black saw this scene with an imperceptible smile on his mouth. But the smile on the face of the white clothed man froze a little.

   Indeed, underestimating the enemy is a very terrible thing! This Hei Shen is indeed powerful. But he shouldn't turn Jieya into an underestimate! If this Wu Tianliang and Hei Shen fought against each other.

  Although Hei Shen's head-on is very big, but if Hei Shen fights in this state...I am afraid that Wu Tianliang will also have a bite of his meat.

   "Good two, please come with me!"

  A doorman in white came, and even the doorman was in white. It can be seen how much the master of Xuncheng mainland values ​​Xundu Academy.

   Speaking of Lord Emperor, this involves a major change in the mainland of Xuncheng. Just before Chen Xuan went to participate in the Sanxian Trial. The chairman of the assembly in the mainland of Xuncheng overthrew the president.

  I established the rule of the monarchy, which is absolute rule! More importantly, he fostered Xundu Academy! And the powerhouses of Xundu Academy... literally gathered all the powerhouses on this continent.

  Naturally, no one dares to violate the orders of the Lord Emperor! And the lord of the Xundu Academy is naturally very important... so the mentors of Xundu Academy occupy a very powerful position in the court's politics.

  And the students of the inner gate of Xundu Academy were also regarded as hope for the future in the court. Naturally, it is indispensable to be appointed officials...

  Outer disciples of Xundu Academy, although they are not reused in Xundu Academy. But in the court, there will be one official and a half office. Compared with some local officials, it is similar.

When    came to the trial site, Chen Xuan discovered that there were so many students coming to Xundu Academy.

  So many people are all cultivators, but Chen Xuan swept them with his spiritual sense. There are very few mid-level powerhouses in the acquired realm. However, the only powerhouses at the pinnacle of the acquired realm were Chen Xuan and this Heishen.

  Heishen’s face is still, cold...

  "You are now on this trial stone, and you can hit the trial stone with two to three stars. Go to the outer door! Go to the inner door with four stars."

  There were five Qi Liangliang stars on the trial stone, which instantly dimmed.

  The doorman’s voice was lazy, as if he was treating a pile of rocks. Without the slightest enthusiasm...

  Where did those cultivators receive such courtesy? All kinds of dissatisfaction sounded in an instant...

   "A doorman dares to be so arrogant!"

   "We are cultivators! And you are just a watchdog!"


  The door boy said with a cold smile, "I am afraid that even the watchdog of Dangxun Capital Academy is not worthy of you!"

   "I have been in the outer door for three years, and I am about to reach the elementary level of the acquired realm!" the door boy said coldly.

   "You can go to the inner gate at the first level of the acquired realm, and you will be appointed to worship from now on! And you...huh...I'm afraid that you will still be in this outer gate, ups and downs!"

   said the door boy arrogantly.

  These words exploded in the minds of some cultivators! Using the powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Innate Realm as the doorman, this Xundu Academy is really good!

   "That...that...does you know that...what happens if all five stars on the trial stone are lit?"

  A Tsing Yi cultivator immediately changed his name! Of course, an inner disciple, an elementary powerhouse in the acquired realm. If you can make good friends, the natural future is limitless. Even if there is no way to make a good relationship, it definitely cannot be offended!

   "Huh..." The white-clothed man's face instantly had the slightest disdain, he said triumphantly.

  "Young people don't want to be high-handed!" The door boy's face was very cold and full of disdain.

   "I think you are also at the middle level of the Innate Realm, right? The lighting of this five-star requires a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the acquired Heaven Realm!"

   "If you can light up five stars, I'm afraid I can get the professor of our two mentors in Xundu College!"


  The Tsing Yi practitioner was embarrassed and speechless.

  After the door boy looked at his face, his expression became even more proud, and he looked at the Tsing Yi cultivator as if he had never seen the world before.

   "Okay, let's not talk more nonsense, let's start the test! I will have something to do after the meeting! There is no time to receive you!"

The look of arrogance is obvious on his face.

  A doorman from Xundu Academy dared to call himself this seat, but...a strong man at the pinnacle of innate realm is indeed qualified to be called this seat.

  It can only be said that the mobile phone of Xundu College is really very big...

  (End of this chapter)

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