Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1599: Qingshadan

  Chapter 1599 Qingsha Dan

   "I'm sorry...sir... Inuzi doesn't know how to lift... I hope you can raise your hand... let us go."

  Xiao Yuanshan sincerely apologized. Of course it is impossible for Chen Xuan to kill Xiao and his son in such an environment...

  That is not to give Mingyuelou face...Mingyuelou still didn't want to provoke him. Chen Xuan nodded and let them go. But Chen Xuan knew that after Wu Tianliang, he would use Bai Guan's power to punish him in the dark.

  The so-called cutting grass and roots...Chen Xuan is not an indecisive person. However, Mingyue Tower was also considered to be a face-off this time. This time the auction can be considered a little cheaper.

  But it is said that many people came from this auction. Including other continents

  People, this made Chen Xuan very thankful that fortunately, he was not an enemy of Mingyue Tower. The power of Mingyue Tower should not be underestimated.

  Look at those who are sitting in the box on the third floor...Although the second floor is already very handsome...Chen Xuan is sitting on the second floor...but Chen Xuan can't figure out the strength of the people on the third floor.

  "What is the most important thing in this auction, I don’t know what the goods under the pressure box of Mingyue Building are?"

   "Heh... Master Wang... The goods at the bottom of the box in Mingyue Tower... We still want it"

   "Have you seen the upstairs? Look at the highest third floor!"

   "We are nothing but a fart in the eyes of others!"

   "Heh... what do you think?"

   Chen Jiashao's owner joked.

   "Do you think we Xuncheng mainland is very powerful?"

  "Another sea continent...Another world continent...their land is twice as large as ours...and three times as large as ours..."

   "The people sitting on the third floor are all the big people."

   "And the people of Xuncheng on the Xuncheng mainland like ours on a weak continent...maybe they don't care about it."

   "Hey... I really don't know... what kind of other world continent and what kind of other sea continent is like"

   "The legend is over there, everyone is strong! All are gods! It's not easy to provoke."

  The owner of Chen Jiashao said nothing to Master Wang.

  It is naturally easy to hear this with Chen Xuan's spiritual power. These words came to his ears verbatim...

Humph! What kind of existence is that being like a god? I'm afraid that no matter how powerful it is, it's not as good as your own cheap master, right?

  The cheap master did not dare to call himself a god! How dare those people but this also made Chen Xuan swear. I must become stronger, strong enough to support the Chinese world. Unify three continents.

  There is also the place called Mingyu...He also wants to see...When necessary, it is like God of Yu! Absolutely maintain Yuyu domain!

  Chen Xuan felt that he was carefully shrouded by the spiritual power on the third floor. He felt almost out of breath. What is that guy...

  Huh, the spiritual power gradually disappeared? Did he go

   "Yide... Yuanzong still has something... Master told me to go back... Stay here!"

   "With your strength at the pinnacle of the acquired realm..."

   "It shouldn't be a problem to grab Qingshadan!"

  The old man coldly told a middle-aged man named Yide.


  The middle-aged man is very respectful. He bowed to his master and replied.


  Qingsha Dan...what kind of pill needs to be seen by the strong at the peak of the acquired realm?

  Qingshadan...I seem to have seen it somewhere...

correct! It's the Cangjin Pavilion! Saw it in the Cangjin Pavilion!

  Could it be...Could it be that the legendary powerhouse who can help the peak of the acquired realm... stepped directly into the virtual pill realm——

  That's a baby!

  It’s just that it shouldn’t have appeared in the legendary other sea continent...

How can    come to the mainland of Xuncheng?

  However, it is normal for Mingyue Tower to be auctioned. Mingyuelou still understands the principle that his crime should be punishable.

  If Qingshadan stays in your hands, or once the wind spreads. I don't know how many powerhouses from different world continents and different sea continents come to **** it.

  I'm afraid that Mingyue Tower will no longer...

   But now Mingyue Tower has turned it into a good thing. You can get money as well as personal affection! It's pretty good.

   However, although the peak of the Houtian realm and the Dan realm are only the first-order difference... but there is still a big difference.

  The lifespan of a Dan realm powerhouse is ten times that of the peak of the acquired realm...not to mention the strength. When a virtual pill of spiritual power and body cultivation was gathered in the dantian. That strength is definitely more than a hundred times that of the peak powerhouse of the Houtian realm.

  But the pinnacle of the acquired realm wants to step into the Dan realm...that's a big hurdle. Many experts at the pinnacle of the Hou Tian realm died...and they were not able to touch the edge of the pill realm...

  But Chen Xuan can only say that God helped him this time! With Qingsha Dan, he can directly enter the Dan realm.

  The legendary Qingshadan appears once every 10,000 years. It is definitely a gift from nature...Every time it appears, it will always bring a **** storm...

   And this time, Mingyue Tower actually got it... This can't help but say whether this is really a blessing to Mingyue Tower!

  Just in this splendid Mingyue Building Auction Hall...

  The third floor is actually full of people...I don’t know who will fall into the hands of this Qingshadan...No matter who is in the hands...

   is definitely not from the mainland of Xuncheng. Maybe it's a certain sect on another continent or a certain sect on another continent...


  If the opponent has the same strength as me. I'll go grab him first! Why should the Xuncheng mainland items be sold for auction! Before the organization of another sea continent or another world continent got Qingsha Dan...

where are they?

  They still don’t let it show! After all, the people in Xuncheng mainland are too weak!

  "Chingshadan will be auctioned below!"

  "The price...the higher the price will get it!"

  Naturally, auctioneers do not want to participate in this battle between the strong and the strong! So hosting this auction for him... is still a big challenge...

   "50 million taels!"

  A boy in Tsing Yi on the third floor shouted...

   "Hmph! The guard next to him is also the pinnacle of the acquired realm!"

   "But there is no pill realm next to him... and it's good to start!"

   "Because of the two Houtian pinnacles and one pill state...even the virtual pill state...that is incomparable..."

  Chen Xuan said to himself.

   "80 million taels!"

  The boy in white yelled...

  Why are the peaks of the Acquired Realm, but there is no strong person in the Dan Realm to accompany him?

   But it’s normal... The powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Hou Tian realm in the Xuncheng Continent will hardly encounter anything... a particularly big opponent...

   What's more, the two masters of the Acquired Realm peak... it is even more difficult to meet opponents... In that case, let yourself know them for a while.

   "One hundred million taels!"

  And this kind of confidence should come from their sect... Indeed, if you provoke one... it is equivalent to being an enemy of the entire sect...

  But Chen Xuan is not afraid! There is the cheap master behind him! If there is any problem...the big deal is to let the master protect himself and be able to survive...

  That is the Dan Realm!

  Many of the pinnacle experts in the acquired realm have spent a lifetime of painstaking cultivation...the virtual realm that they did not step into when they were dying...

   And now Chen Xuan only needs to... let go of it to achieve it.

   "One billion taels... Guizong one billion taels... Is there anything else to be shot?"

  These people from the Xuncheng mainland...both the first or second floor, their heads are lowered...the price has not been quoted...and they dare not report...If they are accidentally heard by the big guys, I'm afraid...

   "Guizong! It is the Guizong of that other world continent! Of the three major continents... the other world continent is the strongest continent!"

   "And Guizong can definitely rank in the top 20 of the top sect ranking!"

   "Master Wang... If my child can return to the clan in the future... That is... That is the smoke from the ancestral grave!"

  Although it is said that the three continents are equal... and the world of the three continents is called Yujie...

  But over the past few thousand years, what has been deeply rooted in everyone's hearts is...The Xuncheng Continent is the weakest, and then the other world Continent is the strongest. The other sea continent is in the middle...

  If it hadn’t been for God Yu’s decree at that time... the three continents were not allowed to annex each other... Maybe the Xuncheng continent would have been wiped out several times.

  But this has not stopped...the people in the mainland of Xuncheng have suffered over the years.

  The weak will be bullied!

  The same is true of Yu World and Ming World!

  So Chen Xuan has to do whatever it takes to become stronger! So he wants to let go... step into the virtual pill realm... but if there is a strong pill realm by his side... Chen Xuan is really not good at starting.

  Although Chen Xuan wants to be strong... But Chen Xuan will not risk his life...

   "One billion taels of transactions... Juan who returned to the clan... Master Hu got Qingshadan..."

  "This is the finale of this auction!"

  Hu An smiled and walked onto the auction stage...He gave the gold ticket of one billion taels of gold that had been prepared a long time ago.

  But the moment Juan handed it out, a sullen smile appeared on the corners of his face and mouth.

   is only one second...Such a murder is only one second. But still did not escape Chen Xuan's eyes...


  This Juan...It seems that he will inevitably fight with you today! Chen Xuan's facial expression was still very cold...There was no tension before the war, let alone excitement. It's like nothing will happen...

   Juan slowly walked off the auction stage...Everyone cast a jealous look at him. But they are disciples of the Guizong... whoever dares to provoke a strong Dan realm is about to come into being!

  That is the Dan Realm! But in Chen Xuan's eyes there was only planning... Just now Chen Xuan saw that bit of sorrow...

  It should be said that this Juan is not willing to pay the billion taels of gold tickets!

Humph! Really insatiable! A strong man who is about to become a virtual pill! Xinxing is so stingy! It's really unworthy! Chen Xuan secretly slandered.

  In that case...then I will stand still! Chen Xuan smiled coldly... a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes. But no one noticed it.

  For so many years, in countless battles. Chen Xuan discovered that Chen Xuan had long been able to hide his killing intent or his thoughts.

  That is a kind of xinxing! A strong mind! This kind of xinxing can only be honed in the blood! Only if you don't care about life, you can get to this state!

  The auction seems very boring...

  Some some low-level exercises and weapons.

  In the eyes of those people in other world continents and other sea’s just rubbish...

  (End of this chapter)

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