Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1600: Ants

  Chapter 1600 Ants

  The auction ends...

   Juan's sleeve gown lightly waved. Suddenly a white giant horse with wings... appeared in front of him.

  The giant horse has two horns like a mad dragon on its head. The eyes are as bright as they are shining.

  And the blue smoke is constantly blowing from the side of the mouth...It seems that fire can be emitted at any time...burning the whole day...

  Is this Juan’s mount?

Humph! I also lack a mount! If you kill Juan... then this dragon carving horse is his own!

  That is a monster beast at the level of a beast! It seems that Juan is not easy to deal with! I'm afraid that returning to the clan is even more difficult!

Humph! But Chen Xuan is not afraid... Anyway, it is really impossible to carry out his cheap master!

   Juan sneered and got on the dragon carving horse... Chen Xuan could only fly with the sword!


  A person from the mainland of Xuncheng dared to get Lao Tzu’s golden ticket...

  I'm afraid he will get it...but it's dead flower!

  Seeing that the auctioneer slowly returned to his mansion.

  It is a mansion that is neither big nor small. There are about fifty people in the family... There is also a pet dog... The elderly and children, as well as his wife.

  "This is it! Humph! Cut the grass and root!"

   "I have no habit of kindness!"

   Juan said fiercely.

  Chen Xuan looked at Juan like a bystander. These days, Chen Xuan has been practicing the Heart Jue according to the method of creation.

  So let her breath not be so easy to be discovered by Juan.


  A powerful purple sword light is like a fire-breathing dragon rolling directly towards the mansion.

   "This... Mr. Juan..."


  The mansion that was bombarded was about to falter...The auctioneer of the auction house...immediately stabilized the family at home...come out alone to meet Juan...

   "Hand over the golden ticket!"

   Juan said viciously.

  "A person from the mainland of Xuncheng, what qualifications can he get the gold ticket for this seat?"

   Juan asked lightly.

   "I...I...Master Juan...This golden ticket is only temporarily placed on my side for safekeeping!"

   "I still have to hand it over to Mingyue Tower! I hope that the adults will raise your hands! Let me go! Let my family go!"

  The auctioneer actually knelt down tremblingly towards Juan... Chen Xuan couldn't help but shook his head when he saw this scene!

  Rely on this!

  Chen Xuan will make this Juan die ugly after the meeting! No matter what he belongs to, or what kind of clan!


  The purple dragon is like a long whip, stirring frantically in the sky...and spit out countless purple fireballs...and wherever the fireball went, there were a few lives...

   "I beg the **** Juan to let us go! I beg the **** Juan to let us go!"

  The auctioneer’s family all came out and knelt on the Juan pleaded. Juan's eyes didn't even lift his eyelids...

  He said coldly, "A few ants... dare to bargain with me!"

   "Looking for death!"


  The house of the auctioneer’s house was immediately collapsed, and mud and rocks were splashed...

  And the auctioneer’s body shakes even more!

   Juan even more dismissively...


   "Unexpectedly... your blessings are not bad! Your daughter, and your wife! They are still so good!"

   Juan looked at the auctioneer’s wife and daughter and said.

  "As long long as the gods can guarantee our daughter and wife are yours...the golden ticket is also given to you..."

  Where does the auctioneer care about Mingyuelou's affairs...As long as they can survive...Although they have to avoid Mingyuelou's chasing and killing...but that billion taels of gold, Mingyuelou will not be too concerned in the future.

  After all, from the perspective of Mingyuelou's daily income...this is just a fraction. He just wants to live now, as long as he can live...whatever...

  This makes Chen Xuan feel...very disgusting...If a person lives without even the bottom line... it's better to die...

   Ants are ants, and they dare not resist until they die. Thinking of submitting, Juan will let him go?

   "Okay... Then... I'll come and enjoy your wife and daughter first!"


  A barrier was established...

  In such a world, boys are still patriarchal... men are respected... so they naturally dare not defy the orders of their fathers and husbands.

  About an hour later...

  The auctioneer’s knees are almost sticking to the soil!

  "Tsk tusk tusk..."

   "Your wife and daughter are really interesting! Mother and daughter serve me together! Just to keep you alive!"

   "But they were eventually killed by this seat... Do you know why?"

   Juan said lightly, as if he had enough of two ants. By the way, it's as usual to trample to death.

   "Because... I want to be in a bad mood and want to kill the ants! But you can go down and reunite with them soon!"

  "They were very tired of serving this seat today. After you get down... don't **** them anymore!"

   "Please give me a size!"

  The auctioneer's body was shaking more severely, and he was dying. But he doesn't want to die! He wants to live. Why did God do this to him?

   "The life and death of ants, this seat will not care."

   "But looking at the face of your wife and daughter will give you a...decent way to die!"

   "It is an honor for an ant to die under the sword of this seat!"


   Juan’s purple sword is as sensitive as a poisonous snake...In an instant, the true essence burned violently...

   Zi Zi Zi...

  In an instant, a violent wind blows...The clouds in the sky are gathered by such a powerful sword energy...

  However, Chen Xuan has not changed much.


  Purple sword, the dragon on the sword jumped up... and was madly involved in the black clouds in the sky. The sky suddenly began to rain and violent storms...

  A purple bolt of lightning forced towards the auctioneer...




  How can the auctioneer resist such lightning like a catastrophe! The smoke disappeared in an instant...

  The purple flying dragon was suddenly involved in the thick clouds...


  Suddenly a huge purple fireball, and it keeps expanding. Forced directly towards the auctioneer's mansion.

  More than forty lives are like ants...destroyed in one thing...they were wiped out, as if this house had never existed...Slowly this place seemed as if there had never been such a house.

  Houtian realm peak powerhouse is will indeed float for thousands of miles...because these are no longer humans in the eyes of the powerhouse...but ants! There is no psychological fluctuation in killing ants!

  So Juan wouldn’t take him to heart at all.

  Compared with this...the golden ticket is the key.

  Chen Xuan decided to use his own way to treat his body! After Juan ordered the gold ticket... he walked towards the bank.


  Chen Xuan slowly pulled out the Jialan Sword...injecting his body training and spiritual power into the Jialan Sword...

  The body of the Jialan sword soon began to float...The rune of the sword body of the Jialan sword slowly rotated around the center...

  The purple fireball was wrapped in a powerful flame, and a murderous aura drew towards Chen Xuan...



  The cold blade is in contact with the purple fireball...


  The blue rune burns fiercely! This time it is a flame with extremely low temperature! The blue rune keeps spinning. It's like a super maelstrom. Constantly absorbing the purple light fireball.


  Suddenly the runes are turned into two halves...The whirlpool has become bigger...and the speed of rotation has increased...



   "Let go!"

  Hu An’s purple sword was actually attracted by Chen Xuan’s powerful vortex.



  The purple sword is constantly colliding with the blue cold runes in the whirlpool...


  The purple sword suddenly broke...turned into a pile of purple powder...


  Together with the blue vortex towards Juan...

  Ah ah...

   Juan was entangled in such a powerful pain, he could hardly even speak!

"what do you want?"

   "You said... what do you want to... want to...?"

   "As long let me go...I'll...I'll...all...all...promise you!"

  Chen Xuan watching Juan at this moment is like watching an ant struggling to death!

   "I! Want! Want! You! Fate!"


   Juan’s outside color has turned purple...

  Ah ah...

   Juan felt that he was about to be burned to death, but he was about to be burned to death because of the cold. He couldn't bear this kind of extreme pain!


   Juan slowly disappeared in the flames.


  A cyan pill fell down...

  "This is Qingshadan, right?"

  "Only after such a fire roast... is it a perfect qingshadan! Juan, who do you think you are"

  "Be able to taste this kind of extreme pain with the qualifications"

   "Heh... if it weren't for think you have a chance"

  This world is always the weak and the strong! This was the case when Juan killed the auctioneer. Chen Xuan would not think that Juan did something wrong! The fault of the auctioneer is that he is still weak.

   And this time Chen Xuan was right! Juan is wrong! He is too weak!

  A hot green sand pill was picked up by Chen Xuan...

it's him! Can I reach the realm of virtual pill after eating it? Hahahaha! Long-lost powerful!

  The fierce flame did not immediately kill Juan! Juan screamed frantically...

   finally turned into ashes in the violent shout...

  Chen Xuan picked up Qingshadan, but did not take it immediately...

  Instead, he walked towards his mount first, and Chen Xuan did not have a good mount either. It's like taking it for yourself!


  Dragon carving a white horse, roaring towards Chen Xuan...

  (End of this chapter)

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