Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1601: Dan boundary breakthrough

   Chapter 1601 Pill Realm Breakthrough

   After Chen Xuan got the green sand pill, he used his mental power to feel the green sand pill. He vaguely felt the powerful power in Qingsha Dan.

  Chen Xuan swallowed Qingsha Dan...


  Chen Xuan's body turned red all at once. The skin immediately turned red... the bones and muscles of the body began to swell...


  Chen Xuan couldn't help groaning. It seemed that his body was about to explode.


   Suddenly a white light was as bright as the sun had fallen. Chen Xuan was stung by the strong light. The body began to turn purple slowly as if it couldn't stand it.


  In an instant, Chen Xuan felt that his dantian was boiling. The mental power in the dantian and the body-refining consciousness were a blue light and a white light...turned into two giant dragons constantly entangled.


  Chen Xuan may not even realize that the flowers and trees around him were all destroyed and turned into powder at this moment.

  This is the legendary power of heaven and earth...what is supernatural power! The power of heaven and earth in this world is divine power!

  And cultivation is the cultivation of the power of heaven and earth, in the cultivation of the Qi, the innate and the acquired... what can be achieved is always the peak of manpower... and the peak of the acquired state is the peak of manpower...

  And the Dan realm, once you cross into the Dan realm...the power of heaven and earth will be triggered! This is the divine power Yu Shen said! It is also the supernatural power that Sanzhouzhi said!

  Chen Xuan feels that his body is closely related to heaven and earth! Chen Xuan felt that his body had gone from purple to yellow...but it was not the yellow with waxy complexion. But the whole body is covered with a little golden yellow...


  What a powerful force!

   is still growing! Still growing!

  Chen Xuan felt his mental power and the two giant dragons of body training. It's like swallowing each other. Constantly entangled.

  Dan Hai in Chen Xuan's body is like a small world constantly being expanded!

  A lot of space! Is this my room for improvement?

  It turns out that I am still so small!


  The two giant dragons were surging, opened their mouths, and swiftly forced them toward each other!


   Chen Xuan's will makes him scream. Suddenly a cyan Dan cracked in the center.

  And the golden light in Danai also like raindrops, forming a beam of light and forcing it towards the two giant dragons.


  The two giant dragons seemed to be shrouded in a layer of golden armor. All turned golden.


  Suddenly, the two giant dragons seemed to be sucked by the blue pill just now. It kept surrounding the green pill.

  The green pill was slowly divided into two halves.


  The huge suction power is unfolding in Chen Xuan's body... Chen Xuan feels like his internal organs will be sucked into Dan Hai...

  The muscles and skin that had just been swollen by that domineering force also began to shrink violently...

  The two giant dragons seemed to be shrouded in a huge tornado...Slowly the tornado turned into a huge whirlpool...



  The two giant dragons were immediately swept into the cyan Dan by this huge vortex. And the green pill closed as if it was spiritual.


  The image of the blue Dan slowly became very light. The slowly deep blue color was also because of the entry of the two giant dragons. It became light black.

  Spiritual power and body-refining cultivation, the two giant dragons are madly fusion in the depths of the core. At this time, the sky gave out a few more white lights. Shine into Chen Xuan's Dantian... Is this the power of heaven and earth? Chen Xuan asked to himself.

  Finally, the physical training and spiritual strength are merged! This is what Sanzhouzhi said!

  The power of heaven and earth used by the power of the pill realm in the legend is no longer human. It's the will of God... so it's called divine consciousness.


  The light black Xu Dan suddenly closed. Suspended in Chen Xuan's Dan Sea. Slowly, Chen Xuan's breathing became even...

  Chen Xuan slowly stood up.


  One punch. In an instant, all the big trees ten miles ahead were knocked down by the row.

  What a powerful power!

  Is this the strong man in the Dan realm? The powerhouse in the virtual pill realm is already so different from the powerhouse in the pinnacle of the acquired world!

  What should it be like to be a strong real pill realm from now on? Chen Xuan asked strongly eagerly.

  Of course, Chen Xuan is not so eager for quick success to think about going forward.


  The dragon-carved white horse uttered a roar... It was obviously blamed on Chen Xuan for killing his master to ashes.


   "Bold wicked animal! How dare to clamor with this seat!"

  Chen Xuan jumped up, this time his body jumped for more than a hundred feet in the air. It's like flying up. But Chen Xuan knew in his heart...this was just his physical fitness. He didn't even use exercises or any tricks!

  Is this the power of the world in the legend? So powerful! Sure enough, it is a hundred times stronger than manpower!


  Chen Xuan rode on the white dragon carving horse. The white horse seemed to be crazy. The crazy headwind flew up. Want to drive Chen Xuan off him. And kill him!

   "In that case...then use you as a wicked animal to test the strength of my pill realm cultivation base! Hahahaha..."


  Long Diaoma turned his head and a huge fireball forced it towards Chen Xuan. The flames of the fireball almost scorched the air!

  The temperature of the purple fireball is about several thousand degrees. It turned into an air current like a purple mushroom cloud. The clouds in the sky seem to have changed a little because of the high temperature.

  But Chen Xuan's body has become very sensitive now. Heat-resistant to such a close distance, it didn’t hurt at all...

  Chen Xuan sideways avoided the big purple fireball. Such a fireball is the powerhouse at the pinnacle of the acquired realm. I'm afraid it will turn to ashes under such power...


  The dragon carving white horse yelled to the sky... it is impossible for him to be unscathed! No human being can be unscathed under my purple fire dragon! Even his original owner Juan couldn't do it!

  This human being is so powerful!


   Chen Xuan roared. "In that case... don't blame me for not showing you a bit of color!"

  Chen Xuan was afraid that the dragon carving white horse would be seriously injured, so he did not use the Jialan sword...

  Chen Xuan's right hand began to accumulate energy, and a powerful spiritual sense poured into his arms... Chen Xuan's arms had already glowed with golden light.


  Chen Xuan forced a heavy fist towards the dragon carving white horse...


  Dragon Eagle White Horse did not escape, but Chen Xuan stopped the offensive in the last three seconds. The right fist stayed... a millimeter away from the white horse...

  That fist, the white horse can still faintly feel...

  What a terrible strength!

  Is not a little stronger than myself!

  If the punch hit him just now...what would happen to the white horse.

  The strength of the Dragon Carving White Horse is currently at the peak of the acquired stage...but the mounts in the peak stage of the acquired stage, the fierce beasts, already have wisdom. So I will think too.


  The white horse roared, but there was a bit of submission in the roar... and it also meant showing weakness.

   "Have you ever wanted to be my mount?"

  Chen Xuan knew that the fierce beast could already understand human words at this moment. But it just won't say it.


  The roar has the meaning of submissiveness and submission. Seeing the white horse means it agrees.

   Chen Xuan's current strength has reached the virtual pill realm! A fierce beast at the pinnacle of the Houtian realm... It can be a mount for a strong man in the Void Pill realm, I am afraid it is too much to ask for... Especially after the dragon carving white horse has witnessed Chen Xuan's strength...

  Xundu Academy.

   "This kid actually broke through the virtual pill?" Chuangshi said in surprise.

   "It seems that there is any adventure? Otherwise, I think there will be at least several years to break through!"

   "But this kid is really lucky! The 28-year-old virtual pill realm powerhouse! I am afraid that in the Yu realm..."

   "Only Lord Yu can reach... and there is no such evil talent in the mainland!"

   "I don't know how his opponent Hei Shen is. I see that Hei Shen... it's actually quite talented..."

   "It's just compared to Chen Xuan...hahahaha...but that Bai Ze is also..."

   "It's vicious and vicious!"

   "Oh... Lord Yu, if you know that there are three major continents... now they are fighting over and under cover... so unbearable..."

   "I don't know if it will be...will it be... chilling?"

   "It's just... Lord Yu, I wanted to divide the continent into three parts and develop together... together to clamp down on the underworld... Who knows that now... it has become the status quo of three continents competing over and under one another... each other."

  Chuangshi shook his head and said. But Lord Yushen was still very wise. A manager in the Yu world was left behind. And this seat will be passed on forever. Regardless of vulgar things, they are just in charge of the practice.

  I don’t know when Chen Xuan will reach the level of resistance to the underworld... This Lord Yu’s consciousness will not last long!


  Chen Xuan rode on the mount, and the mount flew directly into the sky. This is much more comfortable than flying with a sword... The wind is blowing from Chen Xuan's ear... Chen Xuan has the kind of fairy-like feeling that has already lived in the sky.


  Dragon Carving White Horse sent Chen Xuan back to Xundu College in a short while.

   "Boy... stepped into the virtual pill realm... Congratulations!"

   "That's Juan's, the dragon carving horse! It's really good! You can be regarded as a mount now! You have the style of a strong virtual realm!"

  Chen Xuan smiled awkwardly and nodded...

  A true temperament like Chen Xuan will only be revealed when facing relatives or best friends...

  But usually...Chen Xuan always keeps his face cold...don't express his emotions...

  Now, Chen Xuan explained that he had regarded the creation of the black robe as his relatives. When he came to this world, he did not recognize many relatives and friends...

  Mr. Sanbai and Chuangshi are their own masters... and sincerely treat themselves... so he naturally treats them sincerely.

   Chen Xuan’s expression has never changed in normal times. Because he knows that there are no friends forever!

  If someday your enemy catches your weakness... then wait for death!

  (End of this chapter)

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