Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1606: Goodbye Xiaohe

  Chapter 1606 Goodbye Xiaohe

  Chen Xuan returned to his palace after hearing the words of creation. I haven't been back for three weeks...I wonder what happened to Xiaohe in Beppu?

  "The young master is back! Miss Xiaohe is waiting for the young master... to speak." The maid said after giving a salute to Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan nodded.

   entered the main hall and saw that Wu Tianliang had been waiting there long ago.

"when did you come?"

   "Meet the young master... your subordinates congratulate the young master for breaking through the virtual pill realm!"

  Wu Tianliang was as cautious as ever when he saw Chen Xuan...Chen Xuan also said coldly.

   "These past few days...Is there anything going on in Beppu? Has anything happened to Baiguan?" "How are things going with the Xiao family?"

  Wu Tian nodded brightly.

  Chen Xuan knew that the Xiao family no longer existed from now on. Chen Xuan's character is still cold, because he doesn't want to give too much affection in this world.

  Because he always feels that he does not belong here...and this world is like the world in his dreams. Who will give affection to the characters in their dreams? So Chen Xuan has always been cold when he came to this world. In addition, he experienced too much when he didn't come into this world before... intrigue, betrayal and killing.

  So even for people he admires, like Wu Tianliang...he is still if he treats everyone as a tool.

   "Girl Xiaohe, I've been waiting here for the young master...because Xundu Academy does not allow outsiders to come and"

  "My subordinates and I have been protecting the safety of Miss Xiaohe...waiting for the young master to return."

   Is she still waiting for herself?

  The woman who can affect her character at will...Chen Xuan pushed the door in without any scruples.

   "Less... Young Master..."

  Xiao He looked at Chen Xuan's eyes a little scared...At least Chen Xuan read the fear in it. She didn't know what Chen Xuan would do to her...but she knew that Chen Xuan was not a bad person...maybe not a good person either.

  Chen Xuan nodded, the atmosphere in the room was a bit awkward. Moreover, Xiaohe had a white dress embroidered with lotus flowers at this time, and his face was paler... the hair was curled up, and a green hairpin was wrapped around all the hair. The facial features are more delicate, and the contours are more slender. It seems that such a beauty is completely natural.

  Chen Xuan blushed a little at Xiao He, after all, he had never been alone with a girl.

   "Are you... okay? In the other courtyard... it should be okay..." Chen Xuan's cold expression had changed. Become a bit shy... the face is redder. He didn't know what kind of feelings he had for Xiao He now.

  Anyway, it's different from Wu Tianliang, and different from everyone else. Since seeing Xiao He for the first time that day.

  Chen Xuan saw the kind of stubbornness in himself in these eyes. The kind that you want to survive and protect yourself. You can sacrifice everything.

   "Young Master... Then... Will the Young Master of the Xiao Family... be a threat to the Young Master" Xiao He was afraid that Chen Xuan would hand over himself because of the Young Master of the Xiao Family. At that time, I might be more than... I'm afraid that even life will not be guaranteed.

   "Don't worry... they are all dead..."

   "Everyone in the Xiao family...none of them is alive..."

  Chen Xuan said coldly, with a trace of concern in that coldness. Chen Xuan didn't even hear it...

  Xiaohe’s face was a little frightened... Chen Xuan would actually kill so many people... Is he more terrifying than the Xiao family... He should have thought of himself long ago. He was like a great **** who dealt with Xiaoyuanshan that day...talking to an ant.

   Then I still use her... Then will I...

   "Okay... I won't hurt you... Have you ever thought about what you will do in the future?"

   Chen Xuan responded coldly. He didn't want his mood to be affected by this weak girl all the time. Even though he seemed to become familiar with it, he slowly fell in love with this feeling.

  But his reason kept telling him. We must quickly overcome this huge variable.

   "I...I don't have a home anymore... My life belongs to the young master! Whatever the young master wants... you can do it!"

   "But I only ask the young master to avenge me! And the young master has already attracted their attention!"

  Chen Xuan said with a grimace. "I don't like being threatened by others. Those who threaten me... are dead... but you are the exception... you are still alive."


  A powerful killing intent came out. But Xiao He abruptly endured it. Just like Chen Xuan resisted the attacks of those powerful beasts in the Three White Valley at that time. Chen Xuan seemed to see his own shadow in her eyes.

  "I'm sorry...Who do you say is your enemy? Hasn't the Xiao family been killed by Wu Tianliang?"

  Chen Xuan said a little apologetically. But a second later, when did Chen Xuan find out that he would still apologize?

  All the people who threatened him before are all dead. The ashes were gone, and there were no bones left. But this time just released some killing intent. He actually apologized to this dead woman?

  What happened to yourself?

  "Young Master...that...actually, there is a backer behind the Xiao family..."

   "And it is not the sect of Xuncheng mainland... This time Baiguan sent Wu Tianliang to destroy the Xiao family..."

   "With the strength of that sect, I might have noticed the young master a long time ago."

   "It's just that I heard that the sect is very powerful... it is the sect of another continent..."

  Xiaohe was a little sorry to say. After all... no one wants to mess with such a large sect. But such a large sect may not take Chen Xuan to heart.

  The reason is very simple. How can people take ants into their hearts? Chen Xuan is an ant to them.

   "Because there was a named disciple in that sect who fell in love let the Xiao family give me..."

   "But the young master of the Xiao family has a bad heart again... I want to... first... and then give it to the named disciple!"

   "Then my family was one survived except me! So I want revenge! I want to kill the named disciple!"

  "What is the origin of that sect?" Chen Xuan asked lightly, Chen Xuan did not intend to avenge her. A woman who provokes herself again and again. Moreover, I am not relatives to her for no reason...why should I help her get revenge...

  But if that sect provokes him Chen Xuan...then only with each other! Never die!

   "That sect... the name is He Dezong!"

  "It is one of the nine major sects of another continent! Don’t look at it as the sixth-ranked sect of the nine major sects!"

  "Their strength cannot be underestimated!"

   "Every named disciple over there is a strong person in the virtual pill realm...All the core members are in the real pill realm and golden pill realm..."

   "And the guardian and mentor in the sect... have already broken through to the realm of transforming gods..."

   "And the high-level people in the sect... still have to pervert..."

  Sects like this are only ranked sixth among the nine major sects in another continent. The strength of such a sect is no longer what Chen Xuan can imagine now! Too strong……

  "Young Master...Young Master..."

  Wu Tianliang's cold voice sounded outside the door...Chen Xuan frowned. Because he heard a trace of panic in Wu Tianliang's voice. Wu Tianliang would actually panic...This is something he has never seen so far...

So what happened

   "Come in... dawn... what happened?"

   Chen Xuan's voice still said coldly.

   "Young Master...the White House's general observation has happened..."

   "I heard...Last night...Luo Lan...what is a teacher...and Zhan Zhe...both..."

   "They were all killed by a mysterious force. Bai Guan was burned to ashes. What's more terrifying is..."

   "Such strength may be far from what we can afford..."

   "It's just that they may regard Zhan Zhe as the young the young master should be safe for the time being..."

  Chen Xuan's face had turned green, followed by uncontrollable sadness. But Chen Xuan still resisted the tears in his eyes.

   are all dead! They are all dead!

  The images of the previous trial together kept appearing in Chen Xuan's mind... Chen Xuan and them shared the joys and sorrows together. The day when Bai Guan was built together. But all this was ruined like this...

  "Who did it..."

  Chen Xuan’s voice became a giant lion about to break through the void...It feels like a sharp blade that has longed for blood for a long time...

   "I... don't know... but... the opponent's strength should already... be... Void Pill Realm... and there is more than one Void Pill Realm!"

   "Is He Dezong?"

  Chen Xuan’s piercing eyes...the killing intent that can no longer be stopped...forcing Xiaohe...

  Xiaohe's face suddenly turned whiter... and then she couldn't stop shaking... His teeth were already tense and his lips were about to be bitten. The cold sweat kept coming out...have soaked the whole clothes...

  She feels like an evil spirit... the murderer from **** is staring at herself. Fortunately, I saw the scene of **** when the corpse was horizontal...

  And those corpses are all of their own relatives. If ordinary people saw Chen Xuan's eyes... they might have been driven crazy.

  Xiaohe dare not look at’s terrible...

   Suddenly Chen Xuan withdrew the biting eyes... as if nothing had happened...

  It's terrible...Just now even Wu Tianliang was almost scared to death...The Chen Xuan he had met was always cold...not angry, not happy, and not sad. It's as terrible as a stone...

   Chen Xuan’s sudden killing intent this time... both Wu Tianliang and Xiao He felt heart palpitations...

   "One day, everyone in Hedezong... whether it's a man or a woman... or the lord of the husband... will have to die for me!"

   "Kill my brother! All have to die!"


   Chen Xuan’s killing intent was the same as the waters of the Yangtze River... a sentence was stronger than another... all creatures within a radius of five feet... were destroyed by this killing intent.


  Wu Tianliang, an enchantment helped Xiaohe block Chen Xuan’s killing intent...Otherwise, there is only one thing waiting for her...that is the ashes...


  Wu Tianliang spit out blood...

  (End of this chapter)

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