Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1607: Go to Mingyue Tower

   Chapter 1607 Go to Mingyue Tower again

   Obviously, even Wu Tianliang couldn't bear Chen Xuan's killing intent. For a while, Chen Xuan slowed down... and gradually calmed down...

   "It's go out first! I will ask Xiaohe about the specific situation...and the people at Baiguan Fenguan..."

   "If you have a family member, take care of it... If not... Then all have to be buried!"


  Wu Tianliang didn't want to offend Chen Xuan the killing **** at this moment... he quickly retreated out. He delivered a...self-conscious look to Xiaohe... and hurriedly closed the door and exited.

  Chen Xuan stared at Xiao He. Like Shura coming out of hell, staring at Xiaohe...The powerful killing intent forced him towards Xiaohe...



  Chen Xuan still mastered his strength...otherwise Xiaohe could not bear it. He just wanted to teach Xiaohe a lesson...and he didn't intend to kill Xiaohe...

  But Xiaohe still vomited a mouthful of blood... His pale face became paler...

   "This is to punish you for killing my brother! I don't know why I will tolerate you again and again!"

   "But if there is another time! He Dezong's future end is your end!"

   "Let’s talk...what the **** happened to your house..."

  Chen Xuan also felt that his temper was a bit too he tried to calm his tone...this time...the anger and sadness are no longer a machine talking.

   "Actually, my family is the Chen family... My real name is Chen He... It is also a well-known clan."

  "The Chen family’s business...has always been...the top three in Xun. Until one day..."

   "The named disciple of He Dezong had a banquet with the Xiao family that day...because the Xiao family and I, the Chen family, are also our old enemies...they are also more competitive in business..."

  "Then Xiao Yuanshan, the lord of the Xiao family...designed...that he wanted to discuss the formation of a business alliance between the Xiao family and the Chen family...together dominate Xundu together..."

   "But where did I think... That Xiao Yuanshan just wanted to lead me to Xiao Mansion. Then let the named disciple see me..."

   "The named disciple...Laughter...Xiao Yuanshan had known for a long time... He expected that once the named disciple saw me, he would take me as his own!"

   "Later...Of course my father didn't follow...Then the named disciple lent it to dozens of powerhouses at the pinnacle of the acquired world..."

   "Razed my Chen family to the ground... and I was lucky that I went out that day to negotiate a big order... I didn't go home... Otherwise, I won't be able to escape the poison!"

   "When I got home, I found out... Then I immediately started hiding... the days of fleeing..."

  "Until one day, Xiao De found the trail... and then the young master knew..."

  Chen Xuan nodded, "Unexpectedly, a named disciple would have such a powerful influence in Xundu!"

   "How do you say it is also the imperial capital city of Xuncheng mainland! Those people's hands are actually..."

   "Okay...I see! He Dezong must die!"

  Chen Xuan didn’t know why he was so excited... It was obviously a dream, but when they all died... Chen Xuan’s anger and sadness had overshadowed his reason...

  Is it that I have subtly accepted this world? Indeed, this world is indeed much better than the world I had been in before. There are also two masters...caring for myself. There is also Wu Tianliang, Zhan Zhe...the company of these people...

  Although Chen Xuan is cold and cold every time he answers, Chen Xuan still regards them as his own brothers. Although there are also subordinate positions... but Chen Xuan even treats them as brothers. It's just that he is not good at expressing such feelings, and sometimes Chen Xuan himself does not realize it.

  How deep is Chen Xuan’s feelings for Bai Guan’s deadly brothers...Perhaps he only knows after the loss!

   "Okay... I'll take care of some things first... You can stay here as long as you want... Just a little... Don't cause me trouble!"

   "I will show you... the day when He Dezong was destroyed! Absolutely! I want them to know... the price of killing my brother!"

  Chen Xuan thought a lot on the way from the side room to the main hall. He felt that he was still too weak...If it weren't for the existence of creation...I'm afraid that Bai Ze would kill him now! And it's torture, just like an ant, without the slightest resistance!

  But Chen Xuan couldn’t help but want to pin his hopes of life on others! Chen Xuan can only become stronger! Only when you become strong can you have the right to dominate your own life! Also have the right to dominate the lives of others!

  Otherwise, only to be dominated! He Dezong is very good! Actually dare to destroy Baiguan! Then he will bloodbath the Dezong! eye for eye!

  Chen Xuan came to the main hall. Asked with a cold glance.

   "Dawn... let me hear your plans now."

  Chen Xuan not only hopes that Wu Tianliang can become a murderous sword in his hand! I also hope that this sword has his own ideas and strategies. So Chen Xuan also asked Wu Tianliang's opinion.

  "Young Master...we can go to Mingyue Tower...inquire about the situation..."

   "Then there will be that trial. The young master... his subordinates think that trial should be very dangerous..."

   "After all...except for the strong people sent by the central government in other worlds...I'm afraid all sects will send people to participate...I'm afraid...the young master..."

   "The other sea continent is also... So Young Master... We must be extremely prepared for this trial!"

   "But Mingyue Tower should be able to give us what we want! After all...their power is still very big..."

  "It can be regarded as the know-how of the three continents... I just don’t know who is behind Mingyue Tower."

   "Should be an amazing character too! Such a character needs to be made friends!"

   "Just deal with the trial first! Don't be so anxious! But first go to Mingyue Tower..."

   "The shopkeeper...I'm afraid it's not easy! That He Dezong will also come to participate in the trial this time!"


   "At that time, I would like to see...Which **** he is... But no matter which **** he is!"

   "All have to pay the price!"

  "Dawn...change clothes and accompany me to Mingyue Tower! By the way...Bai Guan doesn't have to reorganize!"

   "I want to develop an intelligence organization in the future... also a killer organization... Let you do it all!"

   "Just one! I need absolute loyalty!"

   Chen Xuan said coldly.


After Wu Tianliang responded, he went to change a suit. Following Chen Xuan walked out of the other courtyard.

  Xundu is still lively as always. But no one thought of the huge crisis hidden behind the excitement.

  And this kind of easy life has long wiped out the will of the people in Xuncheng mainland.

  Chen Xuan and Wu Tianliang walked through such busy the Mingyue Tower...the still luxurious pavilion.

   "Two young masters..."

   is still the old man before. The old man was waiting for this Mingyue Tower like a day for ten years.

  While waiting for the level, Chen Xuan probed it...or the peak of the innate state...the powerhouse like the peak of the innate state...maybe considered a strong man in the Xuncheng Continent. But there may be no way to survive in another continent and another continent.

  Any cultivator can trample you to death.

  That's the it will last forever...the weak who can't mix in the other world continent and the other sea continent...will also go to the Xuncheng continent to show off their power...

   But the mainlanders of Xuncheng only suffer. Because they have been at ease for too long and forgot to resist. Those in power are busy fighting for power or property. For such forces, it is too late to rely on. How can you expel it?

  So slowly, all forces, whether strong or weak, are staring at the Xuncheng Continent...

  So the situation in the Yu world has also arisen from this...the three continents of the Yu world have no peace in the past!

   Are the people of Xuncheng mainland wrong? Not! It's just that the Xuncheng mainland is too weak! As long as they are weak, they will be coveted by others!

  Chen Xuan pondered all this...

  "Friends...can you go up and have a drink and chat with us..." Chen Xuan's tone was very casual. But this casual tone still revealed the domineering power of the virtual pill realm.

   "It's an honor to be old! It's an honor to sit with the strong!"

  Of course the old man did not refuse. Fortunately to give myself a chance to meet a strong... I'm afraid no one will give up! What's more... there is also the Mingyue Tower... if a virtual pill realm powerhouse is put on the Mingyue Tower... I am afraid that there will be a lot of benefits for myself.

   Still, Chen Xuan and the old man came to the third floor of the elegant and luxurious. The dishes are still those powerful beasts... As for the wine, it is also the top wine in the mainland. In fact, the commerce of Xuncheng Continent is much stronger than that of the Continent of Different Seas and Continents of Different Worlds.

But the national power, that is to say, the money in the treasury... is much less than that of the two continents... because every year the main emperor of the Xuncheng continent, in exchange for the stability of the Xuncheng continent... always gives peace tribute to the main emperors of the two continents ...

  That and peace tribute basically accounted for three-quarters of the imperial court's annual income in the mainland of Xuncheng. Therefore, the treasury in the mainland of Xuncheng is still very tight.

  But the business in the mainland of Xuncheng is very developed. Therefore, the wine and the delicacy of these monsters can naturally be well promoted in such a prosperous business.

   "I wonder if the adults are looking for me...what do you want to say?"

   "Where is this seat...... First, I want to make friends with my husband......"

   "Second... I want to know something about the situation with Mr.... After all, Mingyue Tower is very powerful!"

   "I will be ordered by His Majesty the Lord in a few days... to participate in the trial!"

  "Longevity Grass Trial! So I'm here to ask your husband! I hope you will give me your advice!"

  But the white-haired old man did not directly answer Chen Xuan’s question. He smiled and said, "Look at the white clothes...the sword behind is glowing with blue light...There are two adults who participated in the trial this time..."

   "You must be Master Chen Xuan, right?"

  The old man also said with a calm smile in the video.

  (End of this chapter)

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