Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1608: Wu Qing's request

   Chapter 1608 Wu Qing's Request

  Chen Xuan also smiled and nodded...He did not intend to conceal his identity from the old man...After all, he still intends to make a friend of the old man.

   "Since your lord told Zaixia's name... Zaixia boldly once again... Tell me your name..."

  "My surname is Wu in Xia! My name is Wu Qing!"

  "Why are you Wu Qing senior?"

   Chen Xuan asked incredulously.

  Wu Qing, ten years ago, he existed at the level of an earth fairy! The entire Yu world is a well-known master! It's just that later battle with Thor...! It was a terrible loss! Thor, as the name implies... that is a strong man at the level of a god! An earth immortal against a strong man at the level of a god...

  He can actually take his Thor to hell... and Wu Qing actually left the ring alive...

  However, some people later said that Thunder God is not the real god...The real **** is only Yu Shen...because the real **** needs to go through the nine heavens after the catastrophe period...

But Thor has only eightfold... Legend has it that there is a heavy thunder calamity that is himself... But Thor has always been unable to perceive God's will... so he calls himself a god... Then he thinks God's will says he is a thunder... so he calls himself Thor ...

  But later before Thor dissipated...The Thor roared a resounding "I understand!" and then dissipated...

  Later, everyone said that Thor was dead... As for Wu Qing... that figure in the Yu world... Since then, there has been no sound...

  No one knows where he went after he left the ring... Some people say he is dead... Some people say he lives in seclusion...

  But no one should have thought that he would actually come to Mingyue Tower...a man in the Yu world ten years ago... Now he actually came to Xuncheng Mainland... and he came to work as a shopkeeper in a restaurant in Xuncheng Mainland...

  This is incredible...

  Wu Qing slowly took off his disguise really is...this face is indeed the face of Wu Qing on Sanzhouzhi...It’s just older than the one on Sanzhouzhi...and some are older...

   "After that challenge... there was a big problem with my body... the cultivation base was greatly reduced... I can only stay at the pinnacle of the innate realm... and can't move forward!"

   "So... I can only come to the Xuncheng Continent... Otherwise, if I was seen by my former enemy..."

   "I'm afraid I won't live anymore... to them I am an ant!"

   "And the boss of Mingyue Tower has a good understanding of me! When I was in despair... he gave me this job."

   "It's pretty good... so I'm still... still in Mingyue Tower..."

   Chen Xuan still feels incredible after hearing it... One is a force at the level of an earth fairy

The    person, because of a big battle... the strong man who retreated to the pinnacle of the innate realm... and later came to work in the Mingyue Tower... This is simply appalling.

  No wonder the calm...the kind of state of mind that seems to be able to see everything...These are far from what a strong person at the peak of the innate realm can have...

  Chen Xuan smiled and said, "Mr. is also a strong man... From now on, the husband will no longer need to be called the boy Chen Xuan as an adult..."

   Chen Xuan responded with some shame.

  "In the future, I will still offend my husband by calling me Brother Wu...and you can also call me Brother Chen..."

  "With the strength of Xiongtai...I hope to be able to take care of Xiongtai more in the future!"

   "I'm here today...I have a few things, I hope Brother Wu can tell..." Chen Xuan's attitude is very senior.

  The opponent used to be an earthly immortal powerhouse...Although he has now retreated to the pinnacle of the innate realm due to a big battle...but he still has vision in all aspects...that must be wider than Chen Xuan...

  So Chen Xuan still hopes to get more news from Wu Qing.

   "Long old and brave!"

   "The old man can know everything about Master Chen Xuan! But the old man still hopes that Master Chen Xuan can do something for him."

  There really is no free lunch in this world! I was so polite and called a brother to a...the powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Innate Realm... in the end... the other party is still...

  Chen Xuan thought so in his heart, but still smiled slightly and said...

   "Mr... please speak!"

   "It's like this... me... because I have provoked a lot of enemies before... but some enemies saw that I disappeared... and they won't be held accountable anymore!"

   "There are some... they want to pursue... but they can't find a place to pursue me!"

   "It's just that there is another power... I will definitely find out that I am here after a while... My life will definitely not be guaranteed by then!"

   "I just hope that adults can help me...cut off that power."

   "Of course Mr. Wu won't let the adults do it for nothing this time... The treasure vaults and panacea I collected when I was in the Earth Immortal are also quite a few..."

  "One of them...makes the fine wine of Xianjia Qiongye..."

   "Don't think he is a good wine! His effect is not small..."

   "You took Qingsha Pill to break through the virtual pill realm, right? But even if you break through that foundation, I am afraid that it is still not stable...If you want to hit the real pill realm, your foundation must first be stabilized!"

   "And this fairy family Qiongye... not only can help you lay a solid foundation... but also make your virtual pill's consciousness become more and bigger..."

   "Although I'm not can definitely reach the real pill realm...but so many immortal family Qiongye...maybe!"


  Chen Xuan was a little happily speechless...but then...Chen Xuan realized...that adversary should also be very he didn't dare to rashly agree to that Wu Qing...

   "Hahaha... the adult is really wise... if the adult immediately agrees... I would not dare to ask an adult for help!"

  "Don't worry, adults! As long as the adults agree...Xianjia Qiongye will first improve your strength!"

  "My lord, as long as they help me to destroy him before they find me... They shouldn't find the old man so quickly! Hahahaha..."

  Chen Xuan looked at Wu Qing, and then asked, "Tell me about their situation! After speaking, I can decide whether to agree or not..."

  "Do you remember the last Qingshadan? You should thank Laogu...It was Laogu who adjusted his master..."

   "Otherwise, it's so easy for you... get Qingshadan from that kid"

   "I'm afraid last killed the the returnees are looking for the murderer everywhere!"

   " you will find me someday!"

   "Senior Wu Qing! I don't want others to threaten!"

  Chen Xuan put a smile away and said coldly.

"No, no no... Master Chen Xuan... I didn't mean to threaten you... I just wanted to say... If you help me solve this problem, you also help yourself... Because what I want you to do is get rid of Zong!"

   "The strength of Guizong is not strong in another continent! They have not entered the eight major sects..."

  "Not a big sect...In my heyday, there was no such thing as such an ant..."

   "But's different!"

  "The opponent's virtual pill realm strong and real pill realm strong...any one can crush me!"

  Chen Xuan nodded and said, "How is the strength over there? What realm has the strongest reached?"

  "Golden Core Realm..."

  Wu Qing smiled and said.

   "Golden Core Realm...I think Master Chen Xuan...with the help of Xianjia Qiongye, we should be able to kill the strong in the Golden Core Realm soon!"

   "What do you say?"

  Wu Qing just said that Immortal Family Qiongye can help Chen Xuan reach the real pill realm...why can kill the strong man in the golden pill realm...the difference between the two is not small.

   "Because Xianjia Qiongye has another advantage..."

  "It can help your Dan Sea expand! And infuse your enlarged Dan Sea with divine consciousness!"

  And once your Danhai is naturally not so easy to upgrade, but when Danhai expands, your strength will also become stronger...become much stronger than the same level.

  So... it’s no surprise that you kill the Golden Core Realm by then!

   "It's just Xianjia can't drink too much all at once...that needs to be refined slowly...the process of refining is extremely may explode and die!"

  Wu Qing smiled and said to Chen Xuan.

   "But the earth fairy of my continent also depends on him! I only used half of it..."

   "The other half... as long as Master Chen Xuan agrees... it will belong to the adults!"

   "Chen did his best!"

  Chen Xuan still agreed...

"it is good!"

   "Chen... still wants to ask Senior Wu Qing one thing!"

  "Predecessors may know He Dezong"

  Chen Xuan asked with a cold face, killing intent.

   "Naturally know... that Hedezong ranks sixth among the eight sects! It is also the most ambitious one!"

   "The power of Hedezong...Master Chen Xuan, don't hit the stone with an egg!"

   "He Dezong's strongest person should have reached the realm of Yuan Ying...Need to prepare for the tribulation!"

   "And the virtual pill realm is like an ant over there...there are many golden pill realms and real pill realms there are countless!"

   "The God-Transforming Realm powerhouse over there is just an ordinary Dharma protector...none of them can be counted as a high-level!"

   "The spies in Mingyue Tower also knew about it a few days ago! What happened to Baiguan!"

   "But the old man advised Master Chen Xuan...this matter... Master Chen Xuan is currently incapable of doing it and can only do it slowly!"

  "But after a few days of trials...Master Chen Xuan should be able to see people from Hedezong...and people who return to the sect..."

   "But that's only the outer layer... Master Chen Xuan also needs to be careful in the trial... But their strength should be able to kill after Master Chen Xuan drinks the Xianjia Qiongye!"

   "However, when encountering the Transcendent God Realm... Master Chen Xuan can only... temporarily avoid it!"

  Chen Xuan nodded...

   "Thank you... Senior Wu Qing..."

  "Xianjia Qiongye sent someone to...Your Beppu..."

  Chen Xuan nodded and left Mingyue Tower...

  (End of this chapter)

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