Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1609: Is this love?

   Chapter 1609 Is this love

  Chen Xuan and Wu Tianliang walked slowly back to Beppu. Sure enough, after a while, Wu Qing sent carry the fairy family Qiongye to Chen Xuan's Bereavement.

  A total of ten altars...I don’t know how Wu Qing got it. Sure enough, a strong man at the earth immortal level has a broad vision...

   "It's dawn... you can take an altar! Remember that safety is important! Don't risk your life in order to break through!"

  Wu Tianliang's cold eyes gave Chen Xuan a grateful look. Chen Xuan did not regard Wu Tianliang as a subordinate at this moment... but his own good brother!

  Chen Xuan carried the remaining nine altars back to the cellar...

   "So many Xianjia Qiongye... It's really good... I really don't know what realm I can break through by completely refining these."

  Chen Xuan took out a purple gold bracelet. Speaking of the Zijin bracelet, that was the only way to contact Chen Xuan outside and Xundu Academy.

  If Chen Xuan died or lost his cultivation. Xundu Academy will know the first time.

  For the students who have lost their cultivation...there is no difference from dying...but the purple gold bracelet has another use. That is to contact the college in time when you want to take a leave. And when you are in danger, seek help from the college in time. Of course, it is the decision of the academy to save you.

  Actually, Xundu Academy is still relatively strong in Xundu, in addition to direct disciples like Chen Xuan and Heishen...There are also inner disciples and outer disciples. The number of inner disciples is controlled within one hundred every year. The level of cultivation is controlled above the acquired realm. Generally, the strong at the pinnacle of the acquired realm will be accepted as direct disciples.

  Generally, those with strong innate realm will be accepted as outer disciples. No one is going to take care of you outside disciples. In other words, no mentor will take care of you. They all go to the first floor of the academy by themselves. This is the exclusive layer for outer disciples. Go find the exercises to practice and learn.

  The status of the outer disciple of Xundu Academy is indeed very low. Some monthly salary is not enough...

   will still be squeezed by the inner they will take up some handyman duties to ease the burden of life.

  But the outer disciples can definitely walk sideways in Xun! Just because they are students of Xundu College... no one dares to provoke them! The inner disciples are even more powerful in Xun... but the inner disciples generally ignore vulgar objects. And the direct disciple... that is the existence at the top of the food chain... Generally speaking, the instructors of Xundu Academy are equal to the direct disciple...

Xundu officials are even more afraid to provoke students from Xundu College...unless they don’t want to live...and Xundu College’s chief tutor usually retreats in his inner palace to practice...or guide his generally It won't come out.

   Therefore, Chen Xuan’s current position in the mainland of Xuncheng is really a pivotal position...

  Chen Xuan took out the purple gold bracelet this time to tell Chuangshi...I currently have to take a leave of absence for a while...Chuangshi generally has relatively loose jurisdiction over Chen Xuan...Chuangshi naturally awkwardly agreed.

  It's not that the creation of the world does not take the responsibility of the teacher...but that the creation of the world feels that cultivation is a person's business! It’s definitely not that Chuangshi tied Chen Xuan to his side and he could... grow into the future patron saint of the Yu world...

  So the creation of the world did not ask too much. It's time to leave. The current Chen Xuan is away from the trial of the secret valley in half a month... half a month... the trial will still exist in half a month... the power of the gods... and countless golden cores. The strongest.

  Chen Xuan wants to survive... Then he must break through... And this fairy family Qiongye is a good breakthrough! This fairy family Qiongye can magnify Chen Xuan's Dan Sea... Constantly pour unrefined divine consciousness into the Dan Sea... Chen Xuan needs to refine him bit by bit with his own divine knowledge...

  Even though the refining process was still painful, Chen Xuan felt that he could still bear the pain.

   "Don't let anyone come to the cellar! Anyone who approaches is killed without mercy!" Chen Xuan coldly told the guards of the other courtyard. "Yes! Young Master!" The guard was also very cold... answered Chen Xuan in a simple and clear way.

   "My lord... Miss Xiaohe, she..."

  One of the guards hesitated to talk to Chen Xuan.

   "What's wrong with her, didn't I tell you... to make you treat her deliciously? Don't let her be wronged!"

   Chen Xuan replied coldly. The sharp eyes swept at the guards.

   "How dare your subordinates defy the young master's order, but Miss Xiaohe left a letter... instructed her subordinates to give it to the young master... and then left..."

   "Oh, take a look!"

  I don’t know why Chen Xuan’s heart felt a little bit of loss, as if he suddenly lost something important in his heart... Chen Xuan’s sadness and loss were not placed on his face...

There was still a cold and cruel expression on his face... Chen Xuan's heart was as weak as being emptied... There was also a sense of loss that seemed to be about to lose even his heart... He knew that he might never see Xiao He's smile again... Xiao He’s determination... Xiao He’s fear... Xiao He’s...

  He doesn’t even know what emotions he and Xiaohe are between, just a could it make him feel so uncomfortable when he left?

  When she was here...Chen Xuan couldn't feel the more happiness...but when she left, Chen Xuan felt a lot more loss...

   "Young Master... Miss Xiao He's letter..."

  The guard called Chen Xuan coldly and said. Chen Xuan hurriedly opened the letter with a cold face.

  A Xiaohe in a dress and a dress came into his mind again...and she was as beautiful as she was seen before...

   "Chen Xuan, I'm leaving! The brother who killed you before! I felt your anger for the first time!"

   "I also think you are a very empathetic person! There are not many such people on the mainland!"

   "I hope we will see you if it's fate! You must keep it!"

   "Actually we should not see it! I went to Hedezong!! I owe you too much!"

   "I owe you so many brothers' lives! Even if it's moths fighting the fire! I want to go to Hedezong to stir up a **** storm!"

   "It's like this... a friend of my former Chen Mansion... Jin Mo got the order of He Dezong... to recruit maiko outside the sect!"

   "Although Jin Mo is ungrateful...but with my appearance...was recruited into Hedezong...naturally his reward is"

  "When Young Master Chen Xuan saw this letter...I should have arrived at Hedezong! Don't worry about me! I will do my best to make Hedezong pay some blood!"

"There is also young master, don't underestimate women! Because if a woman becomes a beauty... then countless heroes will die for it! Don't worry, young master. I will definitely leave a few more Hede sects. Of life! And then disappear into this world!"

"At that time, the young master should not rush to destroy the sect... Hedezong's strength should be... powerful enough that the young master still needs to look up to the existence... then look at me as a woman! How many lives can be left of them! How much blood was given to them! It can be regarded as a debt to the young master..."

   "Those lives...Xiao He used his own lives and the lives of He Dezong killed by Xiao He to pay for it!"

  "From now on, Xiaohe lives for the dead brothers of the young master! The young master should improve his strength! Live well! Look at the strength of a woman!"

   "If one day the young master kills Hedezong...maybe we will meet Xiaohe again! That should be the last time we meet! Looking forward to...the last time we meet!"

   "Also... Young Master, I seem to have fallen in love with you! Although I shouldn't love you! I don't deserve to love you! I don't deserve to love you! But I just fall in love with you!"

Is    love?

  Chen Xuan thought...When I don’t see her, I will think about her...When I see her, I will be affected by her...I because she will change my mood...Is this love?

  Yes, because... what Chen Xuan doesn't want to admit is... Chen Xuan is really in pain right now... I want to kill He Dezong since the pain... I am so painful that I am about to lose all his sanity!

   Then there is the heart-piercing discomfort... These are completely different from the feeling of losing a brother... Those are two kinds of feelings... Maybe this is love... My beloved woman once again... Die for myself.

  Luo Lan is like this... Chen He is like this too!

  He Dezong...All died under He Dezong! Why why?

  Ah ah...

  Chen Xuan could no longer restrain his emotions...Crazy killing intent and heart-piercing sadness flooded into Chen Xuan's heart...Jia Lanjian’s blue light flashed crazily again...

  He felt Chen Xuan's strong killing intent. The so-called sword and human have been in common in the long-term running-in... but now Chen Xuan and Jialan sword seem to be one body... have been running-in.

  Why did so many good brothers leave? I can’t protect myself, why can’t I protect my two beloved women one after another?

  Why are these?

  It's all because I'm too weak! In front of He Dezong... I feel like an ant that I can trample to death at will! In front of He don't have to worry if you offend yourself... you can't sleep day and night! That's because I am too weak! Weak enough to not be cared by others!

  Chen Xuan feels that he wants to become stronger! The Void Pill Realm is far from enough! Too small! It's not just to survive that trial! Chen Xuan felt... he wanted to look at the outside world during that trial! The vision shouldn't just be the Xuncheng Continent... What is the Xuncheng Continent?

  He is too small! The other sea continent... the other world continent... these two continents have not been to see by themselves! He wants to see the life of the strong... He wants to become stronger! To kill He Dezong! Kill everyone in Hedezong! Don't leave one! Leave none! He wants to go to the appointment to see Xiao He for the last time! You can definitely see it!

   Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and said!

  He slowly opened the remaining nine cans of Xianjia Qiongye...A fragrant tranquility forced him towards Chen Xuan...

  The killing intent, sadness and anger just now...It seems to have been washed away by this fragrant tranquility! Dispersed to the depths of the soul...

  (End of this chapter)

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