Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1610: Retreat and practice, break through!

  Chapter 1610 Retreat practice, breakthrough!

  The jade color of Xianjia the wine that the gods in the sky drink. But Chen Xuan knows where the gods come from in the sky? The so-called gods are just stronger people.

   "Then it depends on how I refine it?"

  Chen Xuan did not dare to pour too much for the first time...just poured out a little Xianjia Qiongye...about a small cup...drinked it...


  Chen Xuan felt that his body was swelling rapidly...Chen Xuan finally understood what Wu Qing meant by being careful of exploding and dying...just taking such a sip...

  He seemed to feel the feeling of five horses divided in ancient times. My body is constantly being pulled...being constantly being a rubber band being constantly being pulled...

  The so-called body burst and died... It may be that the rubber band was unbearable... it was broken...

   Chen Xuan does not want to die so soon... He still has a lot of ugliness that he has not reported... There are still many things that he has not done...

  He immediately picked up the only spiritual knowledge in his Xudan...


   Blue rays of light continuously appeared beside Chen Xuan. Fortunately, Chen Xuan just ordered that no one is allowed to approach... If someone else knows... I'm afraid Chen Xuan will not be able to keep this fairy family Qiongye...

  Because the movement is really not small!

  Chen Xuan’s virtual pill is like a rubber band...constantly stretched...constantly stretched...

   Zi Zi Zi...

  Chen Xuan’s virtual pill began to expand...but Chen Xuan felt very if his body was constantly being pulled by unknown animals...constantly...


  Rou is Chen Xuan's current will...and can't help but let out a muffled hum...


Chen Xuan’s Danhai seemed to have been exploded, constantly inflating... The heat was like a volcanic eruption... That kind of enthusiasm kept sweeping Chen Xuan’s body... After a while, Chen Xuan’s body turned from red... ...Slowly turning purple.

  Chen Xuan's whole body is full of blue veins...Slowly those veins also turn from blue to red...

  Those blood surging like ocean waves...but it's like boiling ocean waves...


  Chen Xuan’s dantian felt like a breakthrough...because Chen Xuan felt the gap in his dantian...then it seemed as if there was a kind of blue gas...continuously rushing into Chen Xuan’s dantian.

  Chen Xuan doesn’t seem to have the same pain as before...Chen Xuan slowly closed his eyes...feeling the arrival of the blue gas...

  Although the blue gas is said to be an uninvited guest...but he is strangely gentle. Let Chen Xuan's pain from the explosion of Dan Hai...slowly recovered. Chen Xuan's complexion also slowly changed from purple to red...

  And the red color faded slowly...the veins seemed to be slowly returning to normal.

  Chen Xuan felt that the blue gas was about to fill his Dan Sea! Is this the so-called divine consciousness? It turns out that the divine the mainland or in the Yu world can kill people at will...the divine consciousness that destroys countless lives... is so gentle!


  Chen Xuan suddenly felt that his Dan Sea seemed to be filled...but the blue gas still didn't stop...still poured in crazily...

  What's the matter?


  Chen Xuan’s Dantian was exploded again...

   Can it be said that it is two consecutive upgrades?

  On this point, Xianjia Qiongye can actually help me break through two levels...but Chen Xuan knew...this breakthrough...will definitely be more difficult than last time...more painful...

  But Chen Xuan thought about his dead brother...and Xiaohe...Luo Lan...

  Fuck! bring it on! I'm waiting!


  Those divine consciousness seemed to be alive...knowing that Chen Xuan was ready...they rushed into Chen Xuan's dantian...


  Chen Xuan's hideous face...only a muffled hum... Then he abruptly resisted the inhuman pain...

  Those gods are like a crazy blue dragon...against Chen Xuan’s Dantian wall...

Trying to knock this dantian wall away...but Chen Xuan knows...this dantian wall is like can’t be knocked can only hit the bigger the space...but after all, the dantian is inside Chen Xuan’s body. Part of it!

  Chen Xuan felt like there was a person in him... Constantly using a thick and long iron rod... Constantly stabbing his dantian wall outside...


  Chen Xuan’s newly recovered skin turned purple once again...


  The purple...slowly become golden! Yes, it's golden... Chen Xuan felt like a golden light enveloped her body...

  But Chen Xuan could react right away...The golden light did not come from the outside...but from his own body...

  Accurately speaking, it is his own Dantian...Own Dan Sea actually condensed into Golden Core...

  And the blue dragon of divine consciousness... is still rushing outward...

  Chen Xuan’s expression is getting more and more hideous...Chen Xuan knows that he must survive...Otherwise, only death is waiting for him...


  The golden Danhai...Although it has been enlarged a lot...but the divine sense only poured in half...and it stood up...

  In other words, Chen Xuan’s current Dantian... the golden Dantian... is bigger than half of the Golden Core Realm... and the Golden Core Divine Sense... is more than the average Golden Core Realm...

  In other words, Chen Xuan is now a powerhouse beyond the Golden Core Realm...

  Thanks to this fairy family Qiongye!

  Chen Xuan now understands the simple and rude principle of this fairy family Qiongye...It is to hit your Danhai even larger than your level...sometimes it will exceed the Danhai capacity of a powerful person of the same level...

Then I will feed you the divine sense... But his divine sense does not end when you fill it up... You don’t know how much divine sense he will feed you... Feeding the extra divine sense will continue to impact your Danhai ...

   While bombarding your Dan need to use your own spiritual knowledge...that is to say, control the spiritual knowledge you already protect your body...otherwise...

  Otherwise...All that is waiting for you is exploding to death...

That is to say... This fairy family Qiongye will continue to bombard your Dan Sea... Constantly inject divine consciousness into you... But when injecting divine consciousness and bombarding the Dan Sea... you need to control what you can now physically control. God's sense to protect one's body...

  Although Chen Xuan now has so much spiritual knowledge...but these spiritual knowledge are not completely his own...just like our fat is only the energy that exists in our body.

  If you want to use it completely for still need to retreat for a while...that's why Chen Xuan took a leave of absence from the academy.

  Chen Xuan, he wants to fully harness this energy...Chen Xuan thinks he can do it! It must be done too!

Chen Xuan’s purple skin color finally faded slowly... and the ferocious face slowly dissipated... Chen Xuan felt that the warmth on the side of his dantian was like a warm current enveloping him. Myself...

  Chen Xuan felt that his whole body was as if he had just taken a bath...had been soaked in cold sweat.

  Many beads of sweat appeared on Chen Xuan’s forehead...

  Chen Xuan quickly crawled out of the cellar to take a bath in the inner courtyard.

  All the guards thought that Chen Xuan accidentally... fell into the lake in the middle of the night... if you can avoid it, just avoid it...

  I was afraid that this bad-mood murderer would be involved...Isn’t there no place to cry?

  Chen Xuan walked out coldly... Seeing the guard looked at him with a disgusting expression like eating something... He also felt very puzzled... Is he usually so scary?’s true...I'm usually very majestic...Chen Xuan doesn't care about them...

   Then coldly commanded...

  "Without my one is allowed to approach my room...and the martial arts arena behind my room..."

   "If you don't then you will be conceited!"

   "There is no need to prepare meals for me... I don't have time to enjoy myself these days!"

  By the way, here is... Actually, for the Golden Core Realm powerhouse, or as long as you reach the Houtian Realm...

  You actually don’t need to eat...and you don’t need to drink water...the energy consumed in the human body...for the energy of the human already insignificant...

  But there will still be a lot of acquired powers, and even virtual pill realms...Golden core realm powers...including sometimes immortal powers...will go to some delicacies...

  But they are not eating these to...maintain the energy needed in the body. They only eat these for Chen Xuan said that he has no time to enjoy...

   is no need to give him food.

  Chen Xuan took a shower quickly, and then instantly felt refreshed... and after his dantian seemed to have turned golden... he vaguely felt that... that kind of energy had already exceeded his estimate.

  Let's give it a try!

   Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

  Chen Xuan went to the martial arts field behind his room...slowly pulled out the Jialan sword...


   is just the simplest wave... That phantom is like... the feeling that Pangu opened the world in the past. It directly smashed everything in the barrier of the entire martial arts field.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan set up a barrier...

  In this way, Chen Xuan moves one by one...without any fancy moves...all the practical skills used in battle...practice...

  Chen Xuan felt that his mood had been calm to the extreme... just like that, regardless of day and night... regardless of the cold and warm... tirelessly... tempered...

  Chen Xuan felt that his sword seemed to merge with his body and the spiritual consciousness in his body...

  (End of this chapter)

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