Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1611: Heshen's breakthrough

   Chapter 1611 Heishen's Breakthrough

  Chen Xuan's face was cold, but his heart was extremely if he could feel the whole world with his eyes closed...and he could feel the whole world very clearly...

  But at the same time, Hei Shen also confessed to Bai Ze...because Hei Shen felt that the black light group in his mind was getting bigger and bigger...

  And what’s more frightening is that even the energy seems to be getting bigger and bigger. Heishen feels it...this is the death that let himself kill again... his own destruction wants endless blood...


Hei Shen felt... His blood really wanted to be transformed into endless consciousness... Every time he killed a person... it seemed that his dantian was like a little more spirit... every time he killed a person, the black light group It can be a bit bigger.

In the past few days, Hei Shen has finally understood...every time he kills a person...this divine sense is a bit more...but this black light group...that is to say, the divine sense left before leaving . Now that he has entered his body... those divine consciousnesses are a bit stronger...

  Heishen doesn’t like being controlled by others...but he wants to be stronger! Becoming stronger can only be controlled by the divine sense of Mie Dao!

  Heishen’s Destroying Sword faintly flashed with black light...prompted him to kill more people...

  Heishen once again came to the mass grave... once again looked at those fearless and helpless... and pleading eyes...

   Once again lost their minds... with the Destroying Sword to bring them crazy disasters...

  Blood flooded the mass grave once again...

  Ah ah...

  Heishen feels a powerful attraction... he sucked himself into the Destroyer Sword... The blood just now helped Destroy Sword open the long-seal crack...

  And Heishen also entered the...sword domain of Destroyer Sword through the cracks...

  In fact, every holy artifact has a sword domain! And although there is a word difference between the divine artifact and the sacred artifact... but the difference between them is immeasurable...

  There are still more artifacts in the three continents...All weapons are divided into ordinary weapons, fairy weapons and other artifacts, and finally holy weapons...

  Generally speaking, cultivators use the most weapons and fairy weapons... and ordinary weapons are generally ordinary weapons used by rich family members.

  And generally speaking, immortal artifacts are inlaid with immortal stones by blacksmiths...If immortal objects do not have immortal stones, then they are ordinary artifacts...but once immortal objects are inlaid with immortal stones...the difference between them and ordinary artifacts is very big!

  Actually, the legendary fairy stone... is not a stone in the sky... just precious... and their degree of preciousness is different...

  The legendary precious celestial stones are very, very rare...the celestial stones are also divided into ordinary grade, medium grade, and super grade...and those super grade celestial stones are only available in those secret realms outside the world... some very powerful beasts are guarded!

Generally speaking, some sects or academies will master the veins of immortal stones... Those immortal stones are nothing more than ordinary grade immortal stones... Those immortal stones forge immortal artifacts for their disciples... and they are only ordinary immortal artifacts. Only in the auction house is it possible to obtain the celestial stone... and the price of the middle-grade celestial stone is also very expensive...

  Super-grade immortal stone is in some middle-level sects of another continent or another sea continent...or the top sects of the Xuncheng continent...that are the same existence as the treasure of the Zhenzong!

  Generally speaking, the immortal artifacts made from super-grade immortal stones will be used by the sect master...or the strongest person in the sect!

  That not only represents status...but it also represents the existence of a powerful force!

And the artifact is even more different... The artifact is given by the gods... Every **** will forge a weapon of his own after he is born... That is the artifact... The **** of the day has reached his age... when he needs to go to another world. ...

  The weapon will be left behind...that is the artifact!

  And there are no more than ten artifacts in this world...

  But the sacred weapon has only two handles...respectively left by the **** Yu and the **** of death...the blue sword and the sword of the world...the two swords are called the sacred weapon...the world's most powerful weapon...

  In the legend, it was forged by God of Yu... There was also a spirit of God of Yu... and that consciousness needed longevity to open! And Mie Shi also divided the spirit of Mie Shen's divine sense!

  This divine sense opened up a whole void hidden in the Destroying Sword! It takes endless blood to get in and out frequently!

  And Heishen is killing too much at this moment! So the endless blood made the seal of this sword domain begin to loosen...

  Ah ah...

  Heishen was sucked into that powerful sword field...a darkness...infinite darkness...Heishen felt as if the whole world had been destroyed...only a sense of powerlessness...

Hei Shen's powerful heart is actually a little scared... That kind of fear is not **** or painful... but the fear of nothingness... Hei Shen feels very small in the dark... The darkness treats himself like a small bug Surrounded by... swallowed...

  "We meet again! My heir...I am the **** of destruction! Welcome to the sword domain of the world! have achieved yourself with the power of powerful blood and...the sword domain of the world!"

  The dark figure is wearing a black robe...The light from the eyes is all black...Cold greetings to Heishin...

   "You... hello... Lord Desperate..."

  Heishen is still very terrified of this **** of destruction. After all, the divine consciousness of the black light kept confining himself!

  "Congratulations now! You are about to break through to the real pill realm! And even more congratulations... you are much better than the average real pill realm powerhouse!"


  Hei Shen is very puzzled...Why can Hei Shen kill a few people to break through that Hei Shen kills everyone in the world, isn’t it the strongest?

  "It is normal for you to have doubts...I will explain it to you slowly! First of all...your real pill realm...because of the help of my negative will be much stronger than the normal real pill realm!"

  "This is why...the people of the Ming Realm practice faster than those of the Yu Realm! It is also the reason why my Ming Realm is strong for hundreds of years! If it weren't for the **** seal!"

  Mie Shen already roared as if he was about to growl.

"So you will be much stronger than the general real pill realm... but now you still need to refine that kind of energy... to reach the real pill realm... after all your current energy exists in this sword realm... look there. ..."

  Heishen looked in the direction of Mie Shen's finger. The purple liquid in a transparent crystal ball is very full...

   "That's the energy that those people's blood give you... actually their negative energy... that's their negative emotions before they die!"

"The more painful they die... the more energy you get! Remember! But... what you still need to remember is that these energy are in the crystal ball. But they haven't completely become yours... You Need to refine him!"

"It is very painful to refining this energy! It will be much more painful than refining divine consciousness without negative energy! This negative energy will transform it into your divine consciousness! You will see illusions one after another. !"

  "You will experience those illusions one after another! But you have to remember! Although you experience those have to solve them in the most bloodthirsty way!"

"For meet a few people standing in front of you...the best and best way for you is to kill them in the illusion! But the pain of being killed will intensify you...their fear There are still many negative emotions...and you will bear it!"

"So this kind of refining process... will be very difficult and hard... But once you succeed in refining... then you are a strong man in the real pill state... and it should not be difficult to kill a strong man in the golden pill state... It should also be easy to escape under the power of the gods..."

   "So think about it... Do you want to enter the trial... If you want to enter... When you are ready... just smash the crystal ball!"

  Heishen also knows the kind of pain...It should be more than the pain in the mind...More should be the pain in the body...but he wants to become stronger...He doesn't know how strong Chen Xuan is now...

  He doesn't want to be crushed by Chen Xuan anymore...He wants to crush Chen Xuan...He wants to become stronger! Such a voice reverberated in his mind all the time...

  He stood up awkwardly... walked to the crystal ball... hesitated for a moment, then picked up the crystal ball... smashed it.


  A huge illusion slowly emerged in Hei Shen's if it was another world...

  A world that Hei Shen has never been to...but Hei Shen is a little afraid...He doesn't know why he is afraid...


  Mie Shen appeared in front of Heishen again...

  "The young man...forgot to remind you...everyone in this place is your enemy...the tramp...the old lady without the power of a your enemy..."

  "They may beg for you...maybe they will beg you for your life...but remember! Once you are merciful...when they have the power to kill you..."

   "You will be killed very tragically... and you will never be able to return to the real world!"

   "Although pain will be added to you when you kill the old woman... but this kind of pain will not affect your strength..."

   "It's just that after suffering, there will be a short period of time for you to recover... the world seems to be static... It will give you a short period of time to recover..."

"But once you can't bear to be in this world... you are killed... Then the World Extinguishing Sword Domain will be closed... Once the World Extinguishing Sword Domain and the world of reality channels are closed... That means you will always exist In that crystal ball!"

   "Do I...every time I break through... do I need... this?" Hei Shen is a little panicked... if every time I break through... Hei Shen is afraid... He will never be able to break through again!

  "It’s’s only once...when you need to refine negative energy in the only need to extract it from this start your nightmare!"

  Mieshiyu said with a smile!

  (End of this chapter)

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