Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1621: Trial of Jialan Sword Domain

   Chapter 1621 Trial of Jialan Sword Domain

  Chen Xuan just kept his face cold... after listening to the words of the sword **** Jialan...

  A strong person in the meta-infant realm.

  He should be able to fight against one in his current state of Transforming God Realm...Chen Xuan thought with a cold face...

   "Huh! Okay... Then I will fight him! But... it's time to participate in the trial" Chen Xuan asked with a cold face...

   "Hahaha... don't worry... for you now... the more important thing is to consolidate your cultivation!"

   "Although you say you are a powerhouse in the God-Transforming Realm...but I am afraid that it is because you have just entered the God-Transforming Realm...the strength is not enough..."

  "You can practice here for a while..."

   Jia Lan Sword God smiled and said.

  Chen Xuan nodded, and then went on to meditate on consciousness...

  Three days later...

  Chen Xuan felt that his God Transformation Realm should have been firmly established... "It's time to go out! I don't know what the outside world is like!"

   "Huh! Guizong and Hedezong! I, Chen Xuan, will come here sooner or later!"

  "Young Master! Are you ready to participate in the trial?"

  Chen Xuan nodded... His expression was as cold as ever...

  "Good young follow me now..."

  Jia Blue Sword God has also become respectful of Chen Xuan's name in the past few days...Since Chen Xuan has now entered the realm of God Transformation, Chen Xuan has slowly understood many essences that he had not been able to see through before.

  It is like Chen Xuan can gradually understand the nature of this world due to a breakthrough in levels. Chen Xuan could feel a person's thoughts slowly. Yes, that is to say, the mind of a strong man who is lower than the transformation of the gods. Chen Xuan can feel it.

  The so-called cultivation actually refers to self-cultivation, more to cultivate the mind...

  The so-called cultivating the heart actually means to make one's **** more generous by meditating on the spiritual sense in the process of cultivating. Chen Xuan could foresee a lot of things that he could not see once he had reached the Transcendent God Realm.

  When you reach the Nascent Soul Realm, you can portray another entity's self. That is to create. You can create one yourself. And when you reach Dixian, you can open up a short space.

  The so-called short-lived space means that it is relatively short-lived. That is to say, if before the fall of the earth immortal... his rank has not reached the heaven immortal. But the life span has been reached. Falling into reincarnation... Then his space would collapse and disappear forever in this void.

  The gods will not, once they reach the gods. The space he created will be like a world. Always exist. Will not disappear with the gods. And broken. It's like the sword domain of this Jialan sword. Since the establishment of Yushen. This Jialan sword domain will exist forever. It will not disappear because God Yu and his old man have gone to a new world.

  And once it reaches the realm of Celestial God. In the world created by myself. You can create anything substantial. What's more interesting is that once this thing is created. It really exists in this world. Even God Yu could not make him disappear.

   is like the existence of the blue sword demon. And if the Jialan Sword Demon disappeared when Yushen did not go to the New World. The cultivation base of God Yu will also be affected. This is why...

  Yu Shen doesn’t have the same reasoning as the Blue Sword Demon.

   Chen Xuan seems to be more determined when he sees his front...

  The eyes are sharper. He is eager to fight against the blue sword demon. Even if the blue sword demon is very strong. He still wanted to test his own power of transforming the gods. The opponent is in the Yuan Ying Realm. Chen Xuan has never played against a strong in the Nascent Soul Realm...


  Suddenly a mysterious hole appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes...

  It was a huge black vortex, with bursts of black gas glowing in the center of the vortex.

  "This is the Eye of Jialan. The Eye of Jialan exists to seal this evil barrier."

  "The existence of this evil barrier...I don't know how much spiritual energy has been harmed by our Jialan Sword Domain" Jialan Sword God said coldly. For the first time, Chen Xuan discovered the amiable face of this Jialan sword god...

   can also become so indifferent. It seems that I hate the Jialan Sword Demon!

   "I have no power to kill this evil animal... I can only rely on you, Young Master! The person chosen by Lord Yu is not wrong! I hope that Young Master can kill this evil animal for Jialan Sword Domain!"

  Chen Xuan nodded coldly...

   Chen Xuan seems to understand a little bit now. This Jialan Sword God was polite to himself before, maybe it wasn't his nature. It's just asking to do things by yourself.

Humph! This world is like this in the first place, so let's talk about this blue sword demon for a while! Anyway, he has already broken through to the God of Transformation Realm. I just want to practice my hands.

  Chen Xuan frowned, and jumped into the black whirlpool.

   "That's right... Young Master, you can only defeat him through Divine Sense! You cannot use the Jialan Sword and the Jialan Sword Demon to fight. There is no Jialan Sword in the Jialan Sword Domain!"

  "Because the Jialan Sword is this world, it is impossible to see the original face of this world in this world!"

  Sure enough, one flower, one world, and one leaf, one bodhi.

  You cannot see the Jialan Sword in the Jialan Sword. The same reason... Chen Xuan can't fight with the Jialan sword now.

   Then use divine consciousness, and try to see how strong your divine consciousness is.

  Jia blue sword **** spoke to Chen Xuan through the air. After Chen Xuan knew this. He stepped into the huge black vortex.


  Chen Xuan felt that his whole body was turning in a huge vortex. It seemed that countless **** fires flashed past him. Chen Xuan could feel countless corpses.

  The corpses are everywhere...

  Chen Xuan can still feel the killing, endless killing. It's as if someone is born to kill. Countless babies were crying ferociously. That's right, even the baby's face has become hideous and terrifying...

  Those crying sounds are very miserable, as if there are countless grievances. Chen Xuan closed his eyes, urging the Divine Sense Wuhai in his Danhai. Not moved at all.

  If ordinary people experience this illusion, I am afraid they will be frightened and become insane.


  Chen Xuan suddenly felt countless bones and smashed towards him. These bones are not ordinary bones...

  These white bones are worse than ordinary white bones, that is, most of the white bones have been rotten. What's more terrifying is that some bones are broken into countless small pieces. Mixed with the blood of this person before his death. And the flesh of those who lived before...Still stuck on it.


  These pictures slowly passed Chen Xuan's spiritual knowledge, and slowly forced them towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan discovered that in this space he couldn't move his divine consciousness! These images madly forced Chen Xuan over.


   Chen Xuan seems to have such **** and tragic pictures before him. Rao Shi's xinxing was as firm as Chen Xuan's... and was also affected by some fluctuations.

  Chen Xuan just frowned slightly...


  Chen Xuan snorted coldly. What about even the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​fire? Still can't change my xinxing! Chen Xuan thought coldly!


  Chen Xuan felt a burst of blood and stench coming over his face!

  Chen Xuan couldn’t help but frowned...

   What followed was complete darkness... It was a darkness without any light. Chen Xuan felt it... Chen Xuan seemed to feel waves of murderous aura...


  Chen Xuan just...snorted coldly. What followed was a rain of big drops of blood. There was still a stench in this **** rain. I don’t know how long it’s blood... I don’t know whether it’s human or beast blood.

  "For thousands of human being has come are the first...since the guy Yu Shen stripped me out of his body..."

   "I have never seen a human again...huh...but...I am Yu..."

   "Your Yu God!"

   Jia Blue Sword Demon said grimly.

  Chen Xuan glanced at him... and replied coldly. "You are not... you are just a piece of God Yu's consciousness..."

  Chen Xuan coldly broke the dream of Jialan Sword Demon...


  Suddenly the sky in Jialan’s eyes turned blood red...

   Jia Blue Sword Demon's expression became savage... "Damn human... you will become my food!"


  Suddenly the earth of Jialan’s Eye burst open...Chen Xuan still looked at Jialan Sword Demon coldly...

   "Huh! Do you know that my cultivation base, I think you are the realm of **** transformation, right"

   "Although I have been for thousands of years...the cultivation base has retreated and then retired...but the original **** is still the strongest of the Nascent Soul Stage!"

The arrogant tone of the blue sword ****   jia...Although there are vicissitudes of time left in it...but that kind of demon god’s domineering is still awe-inspiring... it makes Chen Xuan feel like an edge again...

  Chen Xuan’s back has been covered with a cold sweat...but Chen Xuan's facial expression is still very cold and proud...I can't see the slightest change.

   "Hahahaha... God helps the god! You little baby is actually hidden in your body..."

   "The power of Jialan is still hidden... It seems that it was formed by practicing in the Jialan sword domain... right!"

   "Huh... That Jialan sword **** didn't give you... a layer of spiritual protection..."

   "Your divine consciousness... is still mixed with a lot of galan power..."

   Jia Blue Sword Demon said with a wild smile.

   "Huh... it seems that for so many years... this Jialan sword god... is still so scheming..."

   "When the **** was still in Yu's body... I wanted to kill him... What a pity..."

   Jia Blue Sword Demon sneered and said domineeringly...

  "What...what is the power of Jialan..."

  "The Jialan Sword is a holy should know that...and of course the holy weapon also has killing intent..."

   "As long as it is a weapon... there will be killing intent... Then do you know where the killing intent is most widespread?"

   "It's in this sword domain..."

  Gamma Blue Sword Demon is like talking to a boy...becomes tempting...

  But Chen Xuan knew...this was definitely a...great disadvantage for himself.

   "When you were cultivating in the Jialan Sword Sword Domain... the Jialan Sword God was... the main **** of the sword domain... unexpectedly did not give you this young master defense... Hahahaha..."

  "Fortunately...this **** needs the power of Jialan very much...this sword **** of Jialan is really a trick with one stone and two birds..."

  Jia Blue Sword Demon sneered...speaking hideously.

  (End of this chapter)

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