Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1622: Life and death

  Chapter 1622 Life and death fight

  Chen Xuan's face became more and more cold.

  "Do you know the use of this Jialan power hahaha..."

   Jia Blue Sword God said with a wild smile.

  For Jialan Sword God, this good show is really wonderful...

  This ridiculous young master was actually calculated by his subordinates. Without knowing it.

   "Okay... Then I will tell you, what is the power of Jialan!"

   "The power of the Jialan Sword is the impurity shared by all the powers of the world and the earth that converge on the Jialan Sword."

   "Every point of the power of heaven and earth in the Jialan Sword Domain will be available! But this Jialan power... the divine consciousness that affects you will only be affected in the Jialan Sword Domain."

   "If you go out of this world, then the power of the Jialan sword will not affect you at all! But in the sword domain of the Jialan sword... once I smell the power of that Jialan."

   "I will fight with this host endlessly! At the same time, this taste can make me excited! So my strength will truly reach the Nascent Soul Realm!"

"Originally, you know that I have been in this ghost place for thousands of years... Maybe the strength can retain a Nascent Infant Realm to complete Consummation. But because of the taste of your Jialan power. I feel that my strength... has grown. That's a lot!"

   Jia Blue Sword Sword Demon's voice is like the sky thunder is constantly rushing towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan felt the powerful sense of Jialan Sword Demon... it was as unfathomable as a cloud in the void!

  And the powerful echo is just like the rough waves in the ocean. Reverberating constantly in the air...

  Sure enough, it was still calculated! This Jialan Sword God is really a good method! On the one hand, he held Chen Xuan firmly, making him think that he had gained great benefits.

  On the one hand, Chen Xuan's consciousness was injected with Jialan power.

  Now Chen Xuan and this Jialan Sword Demon will be immortal...that's a fight for life and death! Either he died or he died. Chen Xuan still doesn't know the strength of his God Transformation Realm, whether he can fight against the Nascent Soul Realm powerhouse!

  But Chen Xuan knows that now is a must!

  There is only one word now and that is to kill!

  Chen Xuan slowly calmed down...All he can do now is to fight as best he can!

  He is sitting cross-legged! Slowly closed his eyes. The expression is still cold, which makes people feel unfathomable! Chen Xuan closed his eyes and felt the Dan Sea in his body.

  Chen Xuan felt the thin layer of mist above Dan Sea in his body. It is slowly condensing, and in the void of Danhai... suddenly a few thunders!


  In Chen Xuan's Pill Sea, clouds and mists were engulfed in an instant, and thunder rolled. Chen Xuan closed his eyes and felt these pictures clearly. Chen Xuan's Dan Hainei suddenly flew up a huge dragon in the thunder!


  The dragon is flying, constantly colliding.



  Chen Xuan snorted himself, and Chen Xuan frowned!

  Suddenly the dragon burst out! Chen Xuan felt smoke billowing around him. And Chen Xuan's ontology has also stepped into the void at this moment. He sits upright, like a cold and arrogant fairy...


  Chen Xuan’s giant dragon turned into golden yellow, and suddenly dived...with lightning and rolling towards the sword **** Jialan, forcing it over...the sword **** Jialan rose up!


  Jia Blue Sword God just snorted coldly, and then used his huge mountain axe to slash towards the dragon!


  Chen Xuan let out a cold snort...

  In an instant, the golden dragon's tail hit the mountain axe directly.

   crackling crackling...

  The golden dragon transformed by Chen Xuan's divine consciousness collided with the mountain axe of Jialan Sword Demon. Lightning thunderbolt in an instant. Then the flames flew everywhere, and the sparks were like meteorites.

   rubbing in the sky. The clouds on that day turned fiery red, and the flames were so hot that even the sun in the sky was hidden from the light. Although this is not the real sun. It was just the sun created by Yu Shen, a strong man in the Heavenly God Realm.

  But although the sun is not the sun in the real world, this fake one is no worse than the real one. The sparks smashed the earth one after another...In an instant, the earth in the enchantment of the Eye of Jialan was smashed out of countless huge pits...and the loess of the earth was instantly swept up by a sandstorm of hundreds of meters.

  These sands are like deserted...Instantly filled the air of the earth. Chen Xuan's cold and arrogant expression, like an immortal, didn't move at all... and Jia Lan Sword Demon naturally didn't care about it...

  The golden-yellow dragon transformed by Chen Xuan's divine consciousness...a dragon roar sounded...


  The entire void seemed to explode. There was a golden spark... and then the golden spark smashed towards the sword demon Jialan...


   Jia Blue Sword Demon’s mountain axe was a sensation...


  The golden dragon transformed by Chen Xuan's divine consciousness, a tail-sweeping...then rushed up towards the sword demon's mountain axe. In an instant, the golden dragon tail and the mountain axe slammed together strongly, and the sound was like a huge mountain crashing down...


  Chen Xuan snorted...


  Chen Xuan frowned coldly and proudly...but immediately returned to his cold expression.

  The golden dragon drove directly towards the Jialan troll. After a dive, a hurricane was suddenly raised in the air with the sound of the wind.

  The fangs in the big mouth of the blood basin are shining.

  The sharp fangs passed the trees and grass that were toppled by the hurricane.

  Those plants were swept by the poisonous fangs and turned into a pile of powder, slowly drifting between the heaven and the earth.

  The big crater just hit by sparks, because of these highly toxic powders, turned into coke-like black.

  Jia’s blue sword demon’s mountain axe, burning with billowing flames... smashed towards the golden dragon drawn by Chen Xuan’s so-called divine consciousness...

  In the void, there is a thunderbolt of lightning and thunder in an instant.

  The golden sparks exploded violently in the void...

  In an instant, the black clouds in the sky were gathered. The dark clouds gathered because of the monstrous battle. At this moment, Chen Xuan felt the gap between the Transcendent God Realm and the Nascent Soul Realm.

   Is that the power of Nascent Soul Realm...?

  But Chen Xuan must defeat him today, so he told himself!


  Suddenly the golden dragon transformed by Chen Xuan's divine consciousness...spit out a huge fireball...the fireball was as big as a volcano! And it keeps swelling!


  Even the air exploded in such a void... Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness reached its unprecedented peak state! The dragon transformed by Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness...flies against the wind...

  Suddenly the dragon transformed by Chen Xuan's divine consciousness raised its head...


  In an instant, Chen Xuan felt that the mist in his Dan Sea exploded in the void of his Dan Sea...


Chen Xuan felt the pain of his own Danhai cracking...but Chen Xuan's expression was still very cold and proud...It made people unable to see the sadness and joy...Chen Xuan's back was wet with cold sweat, and his face changed from Unprecedented white!


  The golden dragon...suddenly flew to a height of one hundred meters in the wind...suddenly dived...that might be like tens of thousands of kilograms of earth and being smashed directly into the ground from high above...

  And the cracks in the earth at this time were also shaken more and more open by this power...


  The big fireball of the giant dragon slammed directly on the mountain axe of the blue sword demon...


   Jia Blue Sword Demon roared...

   "Bold are so courageous! You dare to kill the **** with a fireball!"

   "But the power of Jialan in your body makes the **** more excited!"

  "The **** feels...when you die...after your soul is gone...your...your consciousness will become a feast in the god's mouth!"

   "If it weren't for this point! I'm afraid I would have waited for you to imprison your soul by my side...Torture it hard! Let you never live beyond life! Hahahaha..."

  Chen Xuan’s expression is still very cold and arrogant, and he did not affect his character because of Jialan Sword Demon’s words... Chen Xuan’s joy and anger are not good enough to make Jialan Sword Demon appreciate more and more...

   "Hahaha... well, yes... if this is the case, the **** will give you a fate! After you are killed by the god! Your soul can stay with the god..."

   "You only need to serve the original god... and your original **** does not belong to this blue sword domain... you can go out... once you go out with the help of the original god, one person is above ten thousand people..."

   "It's just something easy..."

  Chen Xuan snorted coldly...and didn't respond...Chen Xuan knew that this was probably a blinding method of Jialan Sword Demon! Distract Chen Xuan... Kill Chen Xuan in one fell swoop...

  " are smart, little guy! You know...I like smart people! You are really...very good! In that case, I will use my best! Kill you..."


  Sure enough, the mountain axe of the blue sword demon...turned into a silver dragon phantom...

  What a powerful sense of God!

  The power of the silver dragon that Chen Xuan felt!


  In an instant, the sky and clouds were all attracted by the silver dragon...


  The overwhelming fighting spirit is rolling in... Chen Xuan feels that he is overwhelmed by this powerful spiritual sense...

  He must have lost a lot just now...he must be dying...

  Chen Xuan smiled coldly...


  Chen Xuan's blood vomited out...It was obviously caused by the consumption of spiritual consciousness...


  The golden-yellow dragon body transformed by Chen Xuan's divine consciousness directly moved towards...the blue giant dragon transformed by the blue sword demon forced over...


  (End of this chapter)

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