Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1623: Kill the Blue Sword Demon

  Chapter 1623 Killing the Blue Sword Demon

In an instant, the world seemed to be about to be destroyed... a golden barrier was ignited... the golden dragon transformed by Chen Xuan's divine consciousness... just like crazy, towards the blue sword demon transformed by the blue sword demon. The color dragon forced the past...


  The blue giant dragon transformed by the Daojia Blue Sword Demon...Look up to the sky with a long roar...


  The giant dragon transformed by the blue sword **** suddenly whizzed in a gust of wind...The whole body was forced to come towards the golden dragon transformed by Chen Xuan’s divine consciousness with that strong killing intent...

  The golden dragon transformed by Chen Xuan's divine consciousness is not to be outdone...The hurricane is carrying a hurricane and fought against the blue dragon...The two dragons are madly entangled together...

   Crackling sound... Deafening...

  Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes... staring at the blue dragon... Chen Xuan's power... made Jialan Sword Demon's heart tremble...

  What a powerful killing intent!

  Such a powerful killing intent...I'm afraid it's...I'm afraid it's...


  Suddenly the golden dragon...was tumbling like a sea in the clouds...The billowing clouds were rolled up a lot...


  The blue dragon is not to be outdone... it bit directly at the golden dragon...

   "Naughty animal..."

  Chen Xuan roared wildly...

   Suddenly... the golden dragon jumped... that power... directly caused the world to tremble...

The mountains near   Jialan’s Eye...are all collapsed...the sky is covered with dark seems to be for a powerful battle for survival...the drum is playing...


  The golden dragon...accompanied by a giant struck down towards the blue dragon transformed by the blue sword god...


  The blue dragon was struggling in that intense lightning smoke...The lightning smoke was like playing with him... It still couldn't hurt him...

How to do……

How to do……

  If this happens again...I'm afraid that I really won't be able to go back today!

  Chen Xuan anxiously thought about...

  But the face has to be as calm as ever...This cold and arrogant expression is still as cold as a general in a decisive battle...

  It seems that the mentality will not be affected by the battle...


  Suddenly Chen Xuan could feel the lightning and thunder around him... Chen Xuan felt that there were hurricanes around him...


  It must be that Jalan Sword Demon... I hope to shake my mind with this... But the attack of Jalan Sword Demon... indeed compares with a violent...

  But the golden dragon transformed by Chen Xuan's divine consciousness still... took the hurricane once again and swooped towards the blue dragon transformed by the blue sword demon...


  Suddenly Chen Xuan felt that his spiritual knowledge was really going to be exhausted...what to do

  If I die this time...I’m afraid there is really no way to save...

and many more……

  Tibetan Golden Pavilion!

  Golden Pavilion...I saw it at that time...Jia Blue Sword Demon...The legendary Jia Blue Sword Demon can turn his hands into clouds and cover his hands into rain...

  Of course, it was still in the realm of immortality...The legend is the most powerful demon in the Yu world...

  Although it cannot be compared with the underworld...but it is indeed the most powerful hazard in the Yu world!

  But Chen Xuan... didn't take it to heart... after all, it was just a figure ten million years ago.

   Besides, I don’t know if he existed thousands of years ago or not...Even if he did was very powerful...I'm afraid it would turn into a pile of scorched earth...Chen Xuan thought... Xuan is really that regretful...

  But what's the use of regret...

  But...the book in the Golden Pavilion at the time...I mentioned a sentence...if...

  If it can destroy that wicked animal’s longan...maybe...maybe it can be done! Chen Xuan thought with a cold face...


   Suddenly the golden dragon transformed by Chen Xuan's divine consciousness...rolling rolled up the monstrous warfare in the sky...and forced towards the blue dragon of the blue sword demon...


   Suddenly the mountain axe of the Jalan Sword Demon... was actually worn as armor by the Jalan Sword Demon...

  The powerful giant it is spiritual...wraps the body of the blue dragon in it...

  But his eyes...the eyes full of sharp eyes...are still outside...

  It seems there is hope...


  Suddenly the golden dragon that Chen Xuan's divine consciousness transformed into...opened its blood basin and mouth...

   directly spit out a fireball as small as Ye Mingzhu...Directly towards the blue giant dragon transformed by the blue sword demon...


  Because it is the speed of the fireball is very fast...almost when the blue dragon stands up to the wind...

  But those two fireballs should be enough to change the situation of this battle... Chen Xuan thought...


  Suddenly...the howl that resounded through the world was once the water of a big river...well...

  Ah ah...

   "The **** is going to kill you! The **** is going to kill you! You wicked animal! wicked animal! Go to death!"

The roar of   jia Blue Sword Demon resounded through the howling for the last sense of existence...

  And the blue sword demon did not intend to let Chen Xuan go...

"go to hell!"

  Najia Blue Sword Demon roared wildly...they used the blue dragon transformed into directly force towards Chen Xuan’s golden yellow dragon...


   Suddenly there was a deafening noise... Chen Xuan understood that this was the last crazy attack of the sword demon Jialan...

  As long as you resist this time...I can live...In fact, Chen Xuan has done so much...

  It’s not for any reason... if he is said to be for the blue sword god... that blue sword **** before... he has treated it so coldly... I'm afraid that after going back...

  Chen Xuan really doesn’t know what kind of world it is...

Suddenly the blue dragon... the hideous face was getting closer... and the blue dragon... the blazing fire on its body... it was like Chen Xuan felt... it was like a huge melting pot The same temperature...


  Suddenly Chen Xuan felt that his spiritual consciousness was about to be unable to hold it...

   Hold on again...

   Hold on again...

  Chen Xuan secretly cheered himself up...


  Suddenly that blue dragon without eyes... When it was five feet away from Chen Xuan... Those eyes became poisonous and rotted...

  And those rotten eyes...half-closed...very terrifying...Chen Xuan asked himself that he had seen many killings...

  But seeing this scene...Chen Xuan still shuddered...


  Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt as if his body was under a huge pressure...

   "Die to me..."

  Chen Xuan suddenly roared crazy...

  Because of the blue dragon...that suicidal attack...Chen Xuan felt...this is really terrifying...

  Only solve him order to...


  Suddenly...A giant dragon was transformed by Chen Xuan's divine consciousness...

   Threw two more fireballs into the eyes of the blue sword demon...

  Ah ah...

   " are looking for death!"

  Najia Blue Sword Demon's expression is very ferocious... that howl has rushed into the sky...

  As if every howl...the world will tremble...How could the blue sword demon never expect...

  He actually lost to a little doll who transformed into a god...but he just failed...

  He is a strong man in the Nascent Soul Realm from now on...I am afraid that he will disperse in this world...

   " have to will taste it twice later..."

  The blue dragon howled domineeringly... Chen Xuan felt that even the world was mourning the death of this strong man thousands of years ago...

   "Of course if your strength... has always been strong enough... but if one day your strength is not strong enough..."

   "You will be like me..."

  The voice of the blue sword demon slowly became weak...and the blue dragon slowly became the body of the blue sword demon...

  That was a young man who passed down a black robe...Of course...It just looked younger...

  But he is definitely the ugliest creature Chen Xuan has ever seen...or the ugliest cultivator...

  Because at that time Yushen took his evil thoughts away... from his body...

  The evil thoughts were stripped away by the powerful Yu God...Of course, it was not just evil thoughts... All the shortcomings or disadvantages of Yu God were completely stripped away...

  Then God Yu sealed him in the sword domain of Jialan Sword...The Eye of Jialan Sword in the sword domain...

  But this can be regarded as part of Yushen...a part of Yushen's divine consciousness...but he is about to die it is not surprising that the heaven and the earth caused the power of the champion!

  Slowly, the figure of the young man in the black robe also became very pale... it faded to the point that Chen Xuan felt... that was about to become a transparent color...

  "Remember...boy...Although the **** was killed by you...but the **** still wants to advise you...Don't trust others easily..."

   "Anyone who becomes a strong person needs to do whatever it takes... If you believe in others... your destiny will be the same as mine..."

  "As for Jialan Sword God...I advise you...just go back like this...I'm afraid he will be tortured and killed..."

   "This battle between you and me... has consumed too much divine knowledge... or... your divine knowledge has almost been used up... it's already empty... it's not an exaggeration..."

   "But... the original god... after the soul is dispelled... there is also a demon pill that can... give you... I still like you as a little baby... very much like the previous original god..."

  "What I want to say can refine my demon pill...and then go back...fight against the sword **** then your strength...should have been restored..."

  Good luck...young man..."

  Jia Blue Sword Demon said this last paragraph... The transparent figure also disappeared in this void...

  After a while...

  There is only a red pill left in that Jialan Eye...

  The red pill is shining brightly...and a faint fragrance...

  (End of this chapter)

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