Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1624: Demon Dan

  Chapter 1624 Demon Pill

  Chen Xuan looked at the faint red demon pill...The cold and proud expression finally appeared a little relaxed! This is a kind of lucky relaxation after the rest of the catastrophe, after the battle of life and death...

  The opponent is a strong Nascent Soul Realm! I actually killed him... However, if there are a few more Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses... I am afraid I only have life and death today...

   Chen Xuan could not help but feel a cold sweat when he thought of this... What if his future enemy is Guizong... Hedezong... or even the sect of Shangsanzong?

so what should I do now? He is too weak now... Chen Xuan secretly thought. If you can become stronger... Then Chen Xuan just traded his fate and thought it was worth it...

  Chen Xuan picked up his trophy...Is that the demon pill that the Jialan Sword Demon has been hiding in his body for thousands of years? That demon pill is only a rare treasure... but it can't be found! If he is placed in the Yu world, I don’t know how many cultivators will be jealous...

Chen Xuan naturally knows how powerful it is... I'm afraid to take him to the main hall in the Jialan Sword Domain... I'm afraid that this Jialan sword **** may also **** it... So Chen Xuan decided to refine it here... …


  Suddenly the red demon pill was swallowed by Chen Xuan suddenly...Chen Xuan felt that the red demon pill was rapidly enlarged in his body...Chen Xuan felt the thin mist of his dantian...

  Suddenly it rolls quickly like a stormy sea...


  Suddenly Chen Xuan felt that the inside of his Danhai became hot...The scorching flames madly burned the mist in Chen Xuandan...The mist seemed to be about to evaporate...


  Chen Xuan couldn't help groaning!

  The so-called refining... is that the refining person needs to conquer a master consciousness in the demon pill... Otherwise...

  If there is no success...The refiner will burst and die...The master consciousness of these thousands of years...I'm afraid it will be very powerful...

  Chen Xuan sighed silently...

  Suddenly in Chen Xuan’s Dan gas emerged madly...

  This demon pill...this demon pill...this master divine consciousness can be transformed into a body... so powerful!

  Chen Xuan secretly thought of...

  In that case...Chen Xuan is still willing to...refining this demon pill...It can be seen how firm Chen Xuan is currently determined to become stronger...

  Chen Xuan still decided to refine this divine sense...

  Chen Xuan slowly entered a state of meditation...


  Suddenly Chen Xuan felt the **** smell of the red gas... Chen Xuan couldn't help but frowned...


   Suddenly the void above Chen Xuan’s Dan Sea... Suddenly there was a thunderous sound... Chen Xuan felt the powerful blasting sound...

   Then a giant bullock appeared in the sky above Chen Xuan's Pill Sea... Chen Xuan could feel that the bullock above the Pill Sea was very powerful... the horns were a hundred feet long...

   and the whole body is red...that is, the color of the demon pill left by the blue sword demon...Chen Xuan thinks this reckless bull...that is, the main consciousness of the demon pill...very powerful...

  What Chen Xuan can feel is this reckless cow...far more powerful than Jialan Sword Demon...but this is Chen Xuan's body...Chen Xuan's pill is above the sea...

  In other words, this is Chen Xuan's world... and in Chen Xuan's world... the strength of the bull is naturally greatly reduced, although this bull can be transformed into a body...

  However, the godly consciousness of the awkward cow...after all, it is only the godly consciousness...If it is sent to another place to will be no suspense...The final result must be Chen Xuan's death...

   " want to destroy this seat..."

   "Chen Xuan...this seat has existed in this world since the beginning of the wild!"

   "How old are you? Just a little baby! Delusion to kill this seat!"

   "Let me introduce myself first..."

   "This seat was in the prehistoric period... the strength of this seat was an earthly immortal-level powerhouse! This seat was killed by the guy Yushen! This seat exists in his... Dan Sea."

   "Huh! Even so...but this seat is his body to continue cultivating!"

   "Later, under the guy Yushen who pays much attention to profit and forgets righteousness... Actually assigned this seat to his evil thoughts and consciousness..."

   "Huh! Now I will continue to practice in...Jia Blue Sword Demon's Dan Sea!"

   "It's you... you little doll actually killed... the blue sword demon!"

   "It's really good! It's really good!"

   Mangniu’s divine consciousness... Crazy roar... It seems that the killing of the sword demon Jialan was... an angry point of Mangniu’s divine consciousness...

  Chen Xuan’s expression is as cold and proud as ever! In this battle, I must do my best to fight a battle. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will burst into death again!

  Chen Xuan's cold and arrogant eyes have a trace of determination and desire! That is the determination and desire for powerful strength, Chen Xuan knows that once he can get this powerful strength to help!

  I'm afraid I don't have to worry about that Jialan sword god... Chen Xuan can torture him! Chen Xuan thought to himself! But Chen Xuan understands... once Chen Xuan is...

  Be killed by this reckless bull... Then what will be waiting for you? Chen Xuan intends to do his best to fight!


  Suddenly thick smoke billowed in the sky... That monstrous battle intent rendered Chen Xuan’s Dan Sea...

not good……

  The reckless bull is afraid to come and kill himself!


   Suddenly there was a strong explosion...In an instant, Chen Xuandan’s consciousness in the sea was like a turbulent wave...Chen Xuan felt that his Danhai was about to explode...

  Suddenly, black smoke appeared in Chen Xuan’s Pill Sea... Chen Xuan felt that the blood and blood of the bull was as vast as the sea...


  Suddenly the scarlet bull was roaring crazily...The **** aura spread to the entire void...

  Chen Xuan was in his own void...suddenly dancing like ghosts...

   swiftly approached that huge body...Chen Xuan jumped into one...

   With a palm, he forced it towards the scarlet bull...The scarlet bull felt the monstrous killing intent of Chen Xuan...


  The scarlet bull snarled to the sky... and then directly greeted Chen Xuan's palm...


   Suddenly Chen Xuan’s palm and the scarlet bull... that huge body were entangled together...

  Chen Xuan’s palm is like a huge mountain range... directly smashed towards the body of the scarlet bull...

  The body of the scarlet bull was burning with a raging flame...In an instant, the black energy around the scarlet bull was filled...

  Suddenly the sky collapsed and the earth cracked...The void in the sea of ​​Chen Xuandan... was filled with a layer of black pressure...


  Chen Xuan roared frantically...His face changed from its previous pale color... it became blood red...

  Chen Xuan’s expression is no longer cold and arrogant... but becomes savage...


  Suddenly red-blooded bull... that huge a hundred huge mountains stacked on top of each other...

  Suddenly forced towards Chen Xuan...The huge wind rolled up by the hundred huge mountains...

   Let that Chen Xuan Danhai stir up the wind...


  Suddenly Chen Xuan and Scarlet Bull had entered a huge illusion...

  Chen Xuan knows...this is set by the scarlet bull...the huge illusion is wide open...I'm afraid that when attacking him...he might be even more embarrassed...

  But if you come, you will be safe...

  Chen Xuan’s face was as calm as before... even more cold and arrogant... as if nothing could affect Chen Xuan’s mood...

   Suddenly Chen Xuan jumped up... He turned into a blue phantom... Suddenly, he struck a heavy punch towards the red-blooded bull...

  The heavy punch turned into the shadow of countless heavy punches...


  The Scarlet Bull felt Chen Xuan’s turbulent killing intent...He was not afraid of fighting...

   The scarlet bull directly madly rushed towards Chen Xuan's heavy fist... the huge scarlet body...

   A heavy fist hit Chen Xuan...

  The body of a red-blooded bull...The lines on the body have also become blood red...

  The scorching blood-red lines...the heavy fist towards Chen Xuan...forced up...


  Suddenly... Chen Xuan's heavy fists and the red-blooded body of a bull were entangled...


The fist and the huge body... when entangled... the void in the illusion...instantly...the sky broke and the earth broke...the huge crack...the earth in the illusion slowly collapsed in an instant... …

  Because the ground in the illusion completely collapsed... the mountains in the illusion were shaking instantly!

  Suddenly the earth and rocks of the big mountain...all shattered...because of the hurricane that was rolled up by the red-blooded bulls...the one that had rolled up the earth and rocks directly smashed towards Chen Xuan...


  Suddenly...Chen Xuan felt that his side was surrounded by the earth and rocks...

   "Break it for me!"

  Chen Xuan roared angrily...


   Suddenly Chen Xuan's body was like a giant dragon breaking through the void... Struggling out the countless piles of earth and rocks suspended in the void that the red-blooded bulls smashed over...

   "Huh! It's impossible... You escaped! In that case... Then..."

  Crimson-blooded bull is unbelievable...Roar...

"go to hell!"

  Chen Xuan broke the words of the scarlet bull...His body...turned into a huge dragon of hundreds of meters... and moved towards the scarlet bull...

  In the void, Chen Xuan felt the scarlet bull tremble...

   "The evil barrier...I'm not dead!"

  The blue phantom dragon... directly ran into the scarlet bull...


  Suddenly...the smoke billowed...the scarlet bull was knocked out hundreds of miles by Chen Xuan’s hundred-foot dragon...


  In an instant... the blue phantom dragon that Chen Xuan transformed... also turned into a human figure...

  And after the Scarlet Bull was smashed out of a hundred miles away...The body of the Scarlet Bull broke apart...

  Slowly countless cracks filled the body of the scarlet bull...The blood of the scarlet bull kept flowing out of the body of the scarlet bull...

  A powerful **** atmosphere filled the entire fantasy world...Chen Xuan looked at all this coldly...

  And this **** aura slowly turned into a blue spirit...flowing into Chen Xuan's Dan Sea...

  The warm airflow...makes Chen Xuan feel as if he is being soaked in a warm medicinal spring...

  Like the medicinal spring in Sanbaigu...

  (End of this chapter)

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