Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1630: Yushen's Compromise

  Chapter 1630 Yu Shen's Compromise

   "Then... how powerful are the people of heaven?"

  Chen Xuan’s face showed not fear, but more longing...It was a longing for the strong... Yushen finally saw the expression he wanted on Chen Xuan’s face...

  If Chen Xuan’s expression has always been surprised or fearful... Only then will God Yu’s distractions wonder if he is looking for the wrong person...

  The longing on Chen Xuan's face is entirely a longing for the strong! That kind of blazing ambition...Maybe it will push Chen Xuan on Chen Xuan's long road of cultivation...

   "Actually...Do you know what cultivation is all about?" Yu Shen smiled and asked Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan lowered his head and thought about...Cultivation...For Chen Xuan, the method of cultivation...

It is to meditate on the divine consciousness... let your divine consciousness feel the power of the heaven and the earth as much as possible... and the power of the heaven and the earth that the divine consciousness can mobilize... more and more... and then these divine consciousness... The role that can be played is even greater...

   "Yes...Meditation mental consciousness... is indeed a cultivation method below the heavenly **** realm powerhouse... The so-called meditation mental consciousness... after all, it is just one word..."

   "That's the word control... the power of the heaven and the earth that the divine consciousness can control is more and more... That is to say, the power of the heaven and the earth that the divine consciousness can feel is more and more..."

   Chen Xuan’s eyes lit up... Indeed, what Yu Shen said was very incisive and unique... No wonder he is a strong man in the Heavenly God Realm...

  In fact, meditation on spiritual consciousness is a way to train oneself to control the power of heaven and earth... and the so-called spiritual consciousness is just a tool to control the power of heaven and earth...

  The consciousness that can control the power of heaven and earth is called divine consciousness...they are hidden by the cultivator in the Dan Sea...

  And the power of the heavens and the earth that the divine sense can control...that is also limited...and Danhai is also limited...that is to say, the strength of the cultivator...will be at one will never be able to break through...

"Yes... It seems that you have already thought of what I want to say... It is true that there is a limit to meditation on divine consciousness... Because the Danhai that stores divine knowledge has a limit... You may be because of the fairy family Qiongye... Your Dan Sea will be a bit bigger than the same level... But there is still a limit... Just like the Heavenly God Realm... Dan Sea can even open up the entire void time..."

  "You can infuse the power of heaven and earth into the entire void time...but there is still a limit...that is the limit of this space..."

"Every time a cultivator rises to the first level... Dan Hai will become bigger... If you reach the Heavenly God Realm, you can even open up a world to store your spiritual knowledge... But this is like water in a pond... He is stagnant water. Immovable... and the water in the sea is a steady stream of living water..."

   "This is the difference between our cultivator and the cultivator on the Heavenly Dao side! So they can kill countless celestial **** realm powerhouses with any of the lowest-level cultivators!"

"We cultivate spiritual consciousness to control the power of heaven and earth... and their spiritual consciousness is the power of heaven and earth... even that they themselves are the power of heaven and earth... and they don't need to control the power of heaven and earth... All of their moves are the power of heaven and earth...the constant power of heaven and earth..."

  "We are cultivating spiritual consciousness... and they only need to cultivate their own soul! That is to say, make their own soul stronger... and the legends of their cultivation path are endless!"

  Yu Shen sighed and said...

  Chen Xuan’s face was also very shocked, but after the shock, it was more longing and strong desire...

  He wants to become stronger!

  He wants to stand on top...He doesn't want to be played with by these so-called gods like ants!

  I don’t even want the people he cares about being played by the so-called heaven...He also doesn't want to be played by the so-called heaven...

  What should I do?

  Only become stronger!

He seemed to see Xiao He's decisive and reluctant gaze when he wrote that letter... He seemed to see Zhan Zhe's unyielding and firm gaze before he died... He seemed to see Luo Lan still waiting before he was killed. His answer from Chen Xuan...

  He seems to have seen a lot of things in Yushen’s words...but he feels that he can’t see too much...

  "Chen Xuan...Don't worry... after all, it is not easy for you to reach the realm of Nascent Soul at your age..."

  "Thinking that I am at your time...have not yet reached the Nascent Soul Stage..." Yushen's high face... actually appeared to be a little cramped...

   "But Chen Xuan, you have already made too many enemies...Although there are many nine major sects in the mainland... But this is not a kind of balance..."

   "And the appearance of your Chen Xuan also broke this balance..." God Yu's voice became a little cold and arrogant... The domineering look at everything returned to God Yu again...

  And the perseverance in Chen Xuan’s eyes...has already told God Yu...he and those opponents are endless...

  What continental balance...

  What Chen Xuan wants is to avenge his brother... What Chen Xuan wants is to avenge the two women he loves...

   "I know... their deep hatred with you..."

   "But you have to know... if it is a strong man who damages the mainland... it is to damage the strength of the mainland!"

   "Of course, God thinks that the better we control, the better... you have to remember... enough is enough..."

  Yu Shen reminded Chen Xuan with a cold face. And Yu Shen's unangered self-prestige made Chen Xuan's heart tremble...

   But then he showed a firm expression again... How could Chen Xuan not do it because of the interference of God Yu’s distraction...

   "Never mind... Chen Xuan... so if you can hold on for three rounds under my hand... then..."

   "This **** will no longer interfere with your revenge, if you can't make it..."

   "Huh! Then you will forget all the gratitudes and grievances you have had before for this god... From then on, you will only be the enemy of the heaven..."

  Yu Shen said with a cold face...


  How can it be possible to support three moves under the power of the Celestial God Realm? God Yu is a powerhouse of the Celestial God Realm!

  Isn't this...Isn't this intentional...Don't you let yourself take revenge?

   "Huh! Chen Xuan, I know what you are thinking...yes, the original **** is indeed a powerhouse of the heavenly gods..."

   "But the original **** uses three points... as long as you can catch the original god's three moves... the original **** will naturally let you take revenge..."

   "If you can't catch it... that god... can only put blood on your soul to prevent your revenge?"

   "Huh! Unless you kill your mind by committing suicide, otherwise... the blood mark will never be removed..."

How to do?

  I can only gamble...

   Then fight!

  The look in Chen Xuan’s eyes told God Yu that he was not afraid of war... He was willing to fight this battle... Anyway, he had to take revenge... God Yu looked at him with a touch of softness...

  No longer as cold as before...because God Yu thought of himself thousands of years ago...

  At that time, God of Yu was in front of an ancient beast... At that time, God of Yu was still a strong man in the world of transformation...

  And that ancient behemoth is an earth fairyland powerhouse...between an earth fairyland and a god-transforming realm...There should be no suspense...

  But behind that ancient behemoth... but a ten thousand year pill... After eating it, it can directly break through the fairyland... and the human technology at that time was very developed...

  The arrogant and extravagant lives of the cultivators have long been vulnerable...but God Yu knew...At that time, the underworld was still staring at them...that could feel the existence of underworld...

After all, in that era when cultivation resources were scarce...the number of god-transforming realm powerhouses was good...the power was far inferior to what it is the god-transforming realm powerhouses at that time were very respected...almost standing. At the top of the world...

But at that time, God Yu did not lay down his burden because he was a powerhouse in the transforming **** realm... Since the more he can do... the more he gets... the more he naturally has to bear. ...

  At that time, God Yu actually chose to challenge this prehistoric behemoth... That was a behemoth in the fairyland!

  But what is even more unimaginable is that... God Yu actually survived in front of the fierce beasts in the earth fairyland...

   And unexpectedly... got the ten thousand year pill... suddenly broke through to the fairyland without hindrance...

  At this moment, Chen Xuan is really a bit like himself...In order to achieve his own goals...Even if he fights with his fate, he will not hesitate...


   Suddenly, the killing intent of God Yu’s distraction consciousness is bitter...It seems to be declaring his powerful strength...

   "In that case...Chen Xuan, then you can try...and I'll see your strength...Is it true to the name..."

  The powerful consciousness of God Yu turned into a golden dragon and forced it towards Chen Xuan...

  So powerful!

  There was no grass wherever the dragon scales went... and Chen Xuan was directly forced to the end of the void by the dragon scales...


  Chen Xuan hummed coldly! Suddenly Chen Xuan jumped up... directly to the dragon scale with a sword...

  And a lot of emotion flashed in Chen Xuan's decisive eyes...the innermost layer was fear!


  He was afraid... what he was afraid of was that his sword might be broken by God Yu and then be backlashed...

  Chen Xuan is afraid of death!

And on the second level, that is unwilling... Chen Xuan was unwilling, so he failed... Because of his friend Zhan Zhe... What is his first teacher... His two women, Xiaohe and Luo Lan... His blood feud... he is not reconciled not to report...

  And the outermost layer is perseverance...

  That kind of perseverance is the perseverance that God Yu has rarely seen for thousands of years...

  Yu Shen’s eyes...Finally changed from slowly cold to a touch of softness...Yes...

  Chen Xuan, the proud son of heaven...too rare and precious! And God Yu naturally hopes that Chen Xuan will fight against Heaven for the Yu Realm wholeheartedly! Even so...what's the matter with people who die more...

  God Yu is God Yu... Once he understood this, he immediately made a firm decision...


  The dragon's tail of God Yu...It was unexpectedly taken by God Yu in the air...

"you win!"

  (End of this chapter)

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