Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1631: Inheritance of Yushen

  Chapter 1631 Inheritance of God Yu

  Yu Shen’s expression finally showed a smile...Chen Xuan did not understand...It was him who was obviously going to lose...

  Why did God Yu admit defeat first...

   "Hahahahahaha...Chen Xuan, you really have the style of mine! But with your talent..."

   Yushen's words paused, and then he said... "Xuncheng Continent should almost be unable to trap you..."

  "Your current strength in the Nascent Soul Realm... should also go to the other two continents in the Yu Realm..."

  Yu Shen smiled and said.

   "In that case...then I will call you an inheritance... it's called alchemy... the so-called alchemy, as the name suggests, is alchemy..."

   "As far as you know...Is there still down to the mainland's alchemy?" God Yu asked Chen Xuan in vicissitudes of life...

  Chen Xuan frowned Zou's brows... After a moment of contemplation, he said... "No one in the Yu Realm can refine the elixir above the gods!"

   "All the medicine...the only ones that can help break through are the pill realm or the congenital realm under the transforming **** realm...the powerful of the acquired realm..."

  God Yu nodded...These are actually within Yu God’s expectations...The so-called alchemy technique has declined...mainly because...the inheritance of alchemy has declined...

Few people after Yushen could refine the elixir above the realm of the gods... and thousands of years later... there would be no pill that could be made above the realm of gods... The medicine...

  For the powerhouses in the realm of transforming the gods and above...there is no difference from the jelly beans...

  As for the pill under the realm of transforming the gods, every pill club will go to practice...but there is no pill club in Xuncheng mainland...

  Chen Xuan also saw the so-called Danhui from the hidden gold pavilion... Legend has it that there are Danhui in different continents and different sea continents...but...the number is very small...

  And the supply is basically monopolized by the nine major sects...This is why people in the mainland of Xuncheng have never seen a pill...

  Only relying on oneself to meditate on spiritual consciousness cultivation...without any pill to assist...this is why few people in Xuncheng mainland can break through to the realm of transforming gods...

  And the alchemy craftsmanship possessed by these pill guilds... is entirely from a book of "Pill Skill Basics" by God Yu... in this book... and this book only talks about the elixir under the realm of transforming gods...

  And no more...

  The so-called pill...It does not mean that you can break through if you eat it...but it helps you cultivate your spiritual consciousness...When the pill is swallowed...the spiritual consciousness in your pill sea will start to fluctuate from calm...

  Then the effect of meditation on spiritual consciousness is the best at this time...

  So if there is a pill... then a breakthrough will be twice the result with half the effort! However, Chen Xuan rarely saw the pill...Only in the Sanbai Valley would he see some pill that Mr. Sanbai himself refined...

  And Chen Xuan did not rely on any pill to get to this point... This made Yu Shen also secretly praised Chen Xuan as a rare cultivation wizard for thousands of years!

   "And what I want to teach you... is the pill... If you learn the pill... it will be more helpful than taking the pill..."

  Yu Shen smiled and replied. There was a little disdain in his smile...because he saw the longing for pill from Chen Xuan's eyes...but Yu Shen was very disdainful of this desire...

For God Yu, he is a pill refiner... For a pill, the pill refiner is the **** of the pill... So every time a pill is refined... This process of pill refinement is just... for the pill refiner... After the pill, meditation and spiritual consciousness will have amazing effects...

  Although Chen Xuan is so interested in taking the pill... But he is far from knowing that alchemy is so great for alchemists...

God Yu told Chen Xuan about this... and the surprised expression on Chen Xuan's face was also very heavy! There is such a miraculous effect...

  If everyone in the Yu world could make alchemy... wouldn't the strength of the Yu world be able to... Chen Xuan thought of this... the surprised expression could no longer be concealed...

  But what made Chen Xuan more puzzled was God Yu... God Yu knew that alchemy had such a miraculous effect...

  Why before leaving... only one basic alchemy book is left... Isn’t this hindering the breakthrough of the practitioners in the Yu world? Not only that, but also greatly reduced the number of practitioners...

  Because it is very difficult for cultivators to get started. Chen Xuan remembered what he had done in Sanbai Valley... At that time, he was practicing spiritual strength... Not everyone can bear that kind of powerful pain...

  More importantly...Chen Xuan is still a very talented one... and even if a person without talent suffers too much pain, he will not be able to cultivate...

  And if there is a pill...the time for cultivating mental power will be shorter...the process will be easier...and more importantly...the number of people will become more than now...

  What kind of Yu world is like... Chen Xuan really finds it unimaginable...

   "Huh! I know what you are thinking..."

  Yu Shen’s expression suddenly became a little ugly...and his face became a little livid...

  "You are wondering if this **** is too selfish...Don't pass the alchemy technique to the people in Yujie Continent..."

   "Is it true that this **** is... a **** who is so narrow-minded that he is unwilling to help his own people..."

  Yu Shen said with a cold face... what Chen Xuan was thinking...

  And Chen Xuan's heart trembled...Yu Shen was able to see himself so thoroughly...

  Is this the powerhouse of the Celestial God Realm? All the secrets...all the thoughts...all the behaviors will be seen thoroughly in front of the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse.

  Seeing Chen Xuan like this, God Yu’s expression is still very cold and arrogant...but there is a glimmer of pride in the corner of his eyes that no one can detect...

   Actually Chen Xuan also looks like what he is now... This future master of Yujie... I am afraid it will be very interesting!

   "It's still the way of heaven..." God Yu's voice was a little helpless... and then went on to say...

"The horror of that heaven... is not what you can imagine... our every move... has been exposed under their noses... and if they want to fix us... then the Yu world is in danger of extinction! "

  Yu God’s words are full of vicissitudes... Indeed, if the people over there want to rectify the Yu world...

  I'm afraid that the Yu world will become the same as before, and nothing exists...At that time, there will be no such a god-level powerhouse as Yu Shen to re-create the world! After all, Chen Xuan hasn't fully... grown up...

   "And if you know over there...the people in the Yu world will be able to use pill magic... I am afraid that the Yu world will no longer exist..."

   Chen Xuan also became more and more worried when he heard this...this legendary way of heaven...

   "Okay... I won’t say much... The **** now teaches you an alchemy... You can look carefully..."

  The voice of the avatar of God Yu is still arrogant... Chen Xuan nodded... Then he closed his eyes and sat down...

  A strong person who has reached the Nascent Soul Realm...the world they come into contact with is completely the world in their divine the world that Chen Xuan’s comes into contact with is the world in his divine consciousness...

Chen Xuan needs to experience Yu Shen's alchemy with his own divine consciousness...inject him into his own divine consciousness...In that case, the alchemy that Chen Xuan can feel will always be in Chen Xuan's memory... ...And Chen Xuan quickly learned him...


  Suddenly Chen Xuan felt Yu Shen’s hand...a burst of golden sparks...

  And the temperature at the center of the spark is extremely high...Is the spark the God of Yu’s consciousness? So strong...


  Chen Xuan felt that the powerful palm of God Yu was attracting...the power of heaven and earth around God...

  And the power of heaven and earth quickly revolves around the palm of God Yu...what a powerful force of heaven and earth!

  Chen Xuan looked at these powers of heaven and earth...If he became a powerhouse in the realm of heaven and god... would he be able to do this as well...

  Such a powerful power of heaven and earth...what will the pill that is refined look like?

  Chen Xuan’s expression became more and more expectant... but Yu Shen’s expression remained unmoved... as if he was doing something very ordinary and extremely smiling... Chen Xuan secretly felt shocked...

   Yushen’s state of mind...I’m afraid that only the strong who reach the heavenly **** realm will have it...


  Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt a lot of golden explosions around him...


  Chen Xuan felt that the powerful blasting sound burned countless flowers, plants, and trees in the barrier into ashes...

  I was so angry that the heavens and the earth were moved...this kind of aura...I'm afraid that only the strong of the gods of the sky will have it...

  Suddenly the divine consciousness of the power of the heavens and the earth merged into countless points of light, constantly rotating in the palm of God Yu...

  The golden flames in the palm of God Yu’s palm burned more and more vigorously... There was no intention to stop...

  Slowly, those small light spots...converged into a golden pill's phantom...

  Chen Xuan discovered that the Danhai of God Yu had been surrounded by golden light since the beginning of alchemy...

  Is it possible that while refining alchemy...that is to say, at the same time as using divine is also absorbing divine knowledge... Chen Xuan thinks this is very incredible...

  And from just now to now... I'm afraid that Yu Shen's distraction consciousness has absorbed a lot...


  Suddenly the golden pill burst open...not to pieces...but split into two halves...with the core of the pill as the center, it continuously absorbed the power of the heavens and the earth...

  Slowly, the color of the core has become darker and becomes darker...


  Suddenly... the two halves of the core were quickly closed... The power of the world was compressed!

  Chen Xuan thought in his heart...

   Suddenly Yu Shen’s distraction... opened his eyes... those eyes that looked like torches... looked at Chen Xuan coldly...

  Chen Xuan took over...the pill made by God Yu’s distraction consciousness...

  (End of this chapter)

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