Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1632: Yushen’s Gift (1)

  Chapter 1632 Yushen’s Gift (1)

   Instantly powerful spiritual consciousness poured into his mind...


  Suddenly Chen Xuan seemed to be able to feel the violent shaking of Dan Hai in his body...

  The powerful Danhai seems to be condensed...

  "The name of this pill is...The Pill of Hidden...This is a pill that can only be made by a strong person in the Heavenly God Realm..."

   "There will be a variety of pills that can be made by a strong person in the heavens and a powerful cook..."

   "What kind of flavor do you want this pill... What kind of flavor he can give you..." Yu Shen smiled and replied...

  And Chen Xuan's eyes once again passed a trace of surprise...This can be any effect you want...

  Isn’t the strength of the **** realm strong that day...I can’t estimate...

  Yu Shen looked at Chen Xuan and smiled...and then said, "Indeed...The Heavenly God Realm is...invincible for you..."

   "It's just in the eyes of Heaven...It's still an ant...and you don't even count as an ant..."

  Chen Xuan’s eyes became deeper and deeper...He fell into contemplation...Why is Tian Dao born better than us... And the people in the Yu world are still just ants in Tian Dao's eyes!

  Chen Xuan does not understand!

  But Chen Xuan definitely does not want to be an ant! The firmness in his eyes told God Yu...he didn't choose the wrong person...

  "Your current strength is indeed not suitable for the mainland of Xuncheng...Since you have just been able to block my three moves..."

  Yu Shen smiled...and then said...

   " can...get revenge...Of course you can go to another continent...other sea continent to see..."

   "Remember the gift I just gave you? That hidden pill... he can help you hide your strength..."

  Yu Shen glanced at Chen Xuan and then said.

  "The identity of the Nascent Soul Stage is indeed very eye-catching... You need to know where the strong men of the Nascent Soul Stage in the Yu Realm go... more or less will attract a lot of attention... And if you take the Concealed Pill...

  Yu Shen went on to say.

"If you take the Pill of Concealment... Then your strength will be hidden... That's right, it's hidden... To be precise, you... Except that you must explode your strength when you meet... life and death are at stake... Then Usually your strength... will always stop at..."

"The peak of the Golden Core Realm... and not going forward... The so-called Peak of the Golden Core Realm... is almost a little stronger than the Golden Core Realm... but will never be able to beat the Transforming God Realm... Such a state... unless You yourself use your divine sense to mobilize this hidden pill..."

   "This hidden pill is like a human skin mask... it packs your pill sea **** consciousness..."

  The peak of the Golden Core Realm?

  That’s good, it’s good for oneself to hide...the existence of the Golden Core the nine major sects on the other two continents, it can’t be more ordinary...very common...

  And Chen Xuan only needs to enter a big sect...the resources and information that can be obtained...that is far from what the Xundu Academy of Xuncheng mainland can give Chen Xuan...

   "And will not be found out...this should be better for you..."

  Yu Shen's expression is still if people can't see any emotions...

  Chen Xuan nodded...

   "The next thing you have to do is to improve your alchemy...huh! How many foundations are there for the practitioners in the Yu world now?"

   "If it wasn't for you because of Xianjia Qiongye... I'm afraid your foundation would also be shaky..."

  Yu Shen sneered and talked to Chen Xuan.

It is true that if it were not for the fairy family Qiongye... to help yourself build the foundation... I am afraid that the strength that I am currently exerting at the elementary level of the Nascent Infant Realm... can not achieve this... and further rise to the earth fairy... I am afraid it is hopeless... …

  "The pill technique can also help build the foundation...because you are drinking the fairy family agar to build the foundation... this foundation is not very stable... so I am afraid it is still very difficult to break through the earth fairy..."

  "And you want an easier breakthrough...there is only a better foundation...the alchemy is to help you build the for the so-called foundation...the best time is the golden"

   "The Pill of Concealment helps you degenerate your strength into the Golden Core Realm... It is more convenient for you to build a foundation... This is also one of the reasons why I help you refine the Pill of Concealment..."

   "As for..."

  Yu Shen paused for a while and then said...

  "As for...the practice of alchemy...I will put this part of the content in the ring of Jialan..."

   "So you don't have to worry too much...but it's not easy to build your foundation...I don't know how your foundation is..."

  Yu Shen said with some worry on his face. The legendary cultivator... Once he reaches the pill realm, he will begin to prepare for the foundation...

  When you reach the Golden Core Realm, you will start to build the foundation... and the so-called foundation construction is the control of the divine consciousness... can you achieve whatever you want...

  If the promotion of the level is the increase of the divine consciousness...the capacity of the Danhai increases...the foundation building is the control of the divine consciousness...

  And because divine consciousness is originally in your own body...if you don’t build the foundation, you can still use divine consciousness...

  But the more the control of the divine consciousness, the higher the requirements will be...

  And if Chen Xuan wants to break through to the earth immortal... then the requirements for the control of divine consciousness will be even higher...

  And Chen Xuan’s current control of divine consciousness...I’m afraid it’s still at the beginning...that is to say, he hasn’t built a foundation at all...

Whether the foundation is strong or not will directly affect the cultivator’s control of the divine consciousness... and the control of divine consciousness means that the foundation is divided into three stages. The first is the building of alchemy... the second is the building of the gods... …The third one is Zhuxu…

   And the Heavenly God Realm has reached the point of building the virtual world... the so-called building virtual... is actually able to better control the divine consciousness... reaching the intensity of being able to control any world created by oneself.

  Because of the world set up by the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse...has already become an eternal existence...

   will not disappear because of the fall or disappearance of the strong man in the heavenly **** realm... so for the divine sense of the strong man in the **** realm... he will exist forever...

  And the so-called Zhuxu can control these divine senses that are born from the strong of the gods... and this control does not matter whether the strong of the gods still exists...

  It's like after the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse sets up this world...After his divine consciousness reaches the Void Building Realm... it will always exist according to the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse's settings...

  To build the gods...that is, the realm that needs to be reached by the strong person in the earth fairyland or the strong person in the Yuanying stage...

  The so-called god-building realm means that when the cultivator reaches the earth fairy realm or the Nascent Soul realm strong...then he can better control the things or the world that he turns into a god...

  And this pill-building realm... is also easy to understand... it is the first stage of the foundation-building realm... when the cultivator reaches the golden pill state... to consolidate the cultivator's control of the golden pill in the pill sea...

  And now the people in the Yu world...are obsessed with the divine consciousness...that is to say, the strength of the cultivator...

   Few people or sects pay attention to the gods that they already have...the control over them...

  Maybe this is also the difference between Yujie and Heavenly Dao...Heavenly Dao itself is the power of heaven and earth...

  And the control of the power of heaven and earth... has become a compulsory course for them... so their control of the power of heaven and earth...many strong people are extremely proficient...

  And the cultivators in the Yu world can’t even control their spiritual consciousness...Naturally they can’t compare with them...

   Chen Xuan thought of this place and his eyes lit up... as if he was surprised as if he had discovered a new world...

  That is a new way of cultivation... and it is a way of cultivation that no one in the Yu world has discovered yet...


"Don't be happy too early... Foundation building is not a simple road to cultivation! The difficulty of building a foundation may be far less than the expansion of your Danhai... That is to say, you enter the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm... "

  Yu Shen smiled and said to Chen Xuan...

  But Chen Xuansi doesn’t care...As long as it can make him stronger...what does this mean...

  Yu Shen glanced at Chen Xuan and nodded with satisfaction...

  "Chen you for you...the most important thing is the burden of the Yu world!"

   "Personal grievances are a trivial matter... If the Yu world is destroyed... Then... I don't know how many creatures will be burnt..."

  Yu Shen frowned and sighed and said... But Chen Xuan's eyes were very firm...

  It appeared in front of him that he was teleported to Sanbai Valley...Seeing Mr. Sanbai... During the days in Sanbai Valley...

  Mr. Sanbai’s dying expectation of him appeared before his eyes... He and Zhan Zhe appeared before him. What day does Luo Lan have to fight side by side...

  Wu Tianliang's figure also appeared in front of him...

Do not! Too much!

  Chen Xuan can’t let go of these so-called mundane things... He is determined to fight for the Yu world... He has too many things in his heart...

   Either hate... love... memories or stories... too many... Chen Xuan can’t let go...

  God Yu can see this from his eyes...naturally...just sighed a little and didn't say anything else...

  For Chen Xuan...this place in Yujie is still unfamiliar, yes...if it wasn't for those people who just recalled...

  If it weren’t for them... Yu Jie was nothing in his heart... just because they were once Chen Xuan’s brothers or relatives... So Chen Xuan was willing to fight for the Yu Jie...

  Now let Chen Xuan set aside their grievances for the Yu could this be impossible for Chen Xuan...

   "Okay... My God does not force you... You want to cut these hatreds through revenge and killing..."

"That's actually nothing...Several cultivators from the Yu world be exchanged for a powerful leader in the Yu the peace and tranquility of the Yu world...that was a good deal... …"

   "So I won't stop you anymore..."

  Yu Shen said with a sigh.

  (End of this chapter)

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