Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1633: Yushen’s Gift (2)

  Chapter 1633 Yushen’s Gift (2)

   There was a joy in Chen Xuan's eyes. If Yu Shen branded in his divine consciousness. It might really be that Chen Xuan's revenge will be avenged... what a lot of trouble it will cause.

  "The God has two more gifts to give you..."

  Chen Xuan glanced at the pill in his hand...This hidden pill should probably be robbed frantically anywhere on the mainland!

   And Chen Xuan looked at the medicine in his hand at this moment! Yushen gave it to him so easily. And what made Chen Xuan look forward to were the next two gifts from God Yu. Although it was said that God Yu’s sense of distraction was only in front of Chen Xuan... But how to say this sense of distraction was also a powerful person in the heavens!

  Because once you reach the Nascent Soul Realm, you can transform into a body! A strong person in the Nascent Infant Realm can even turn his divine consciousness into another strong person with the same strength as his own!

   What's more, is the powerhouse of the Celestial God Realm? Chen Xuan understood this naturally. And what made Chen Xuan even more terrifying was that... this God of Yu's distraction consciousness was a pill that took a few minutes to refine... and now... it would be madly snatched on the mainland...

  And Chen Xuan just got the inheritance of Yushen! This alchemy... I'm afraid that no alchemist on the three major continents can do that like Chen Xuan... and Chen Xuan is afraid that the great alchemy will come to **** it just because of the identity of the alchemist!

  This is the horror of the powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm...

  As long as you let the strong of the gods give some guidance...then the future will be completely limitless...and you can even directly become a figure on the mainland!

  Chen Xuan lamented the inheritance and gifts that God Yu brought to him... I just don’t know what kind of gift God Yu will bring to himself next?

   "The next two gifts are more precious than the Pill of Concealment! One is a magic weapon made by myself! The other is an implement made by myself!"

   "These two things are very suitable for Chen Xuan's current situation! And this **** will show you this artifact now."

  The artifact Chen Xuan looked very delicate. There was a hint of blue light shrouded in it. That is a very delicate ring! The blue ring is very small. But Chen Xuan felt his powerful spiritual fluctuations!


  Suddenly the blue ring flew into the sky. And the entire void was shrouded in this blue ring. Chen Xuan looked at the ring, his expression still as cold and arrogant as ever. But there was that longing under his eyes. Want to have a strong desire to have him. But it was just a flash... and then his face returned to normal again. The strong desire under Chen Xuan's cold and arrogant expression was still shown by God Yu's distraction...

"Huh! Boy, this thing was originally for you, to be precise, for the successor of Lord Yu... And my distraction as Lord Yu. I got this baby...Of course I will follow Lord Yu. Instruction...give it to you..."

   "This thing was refined by Lord Yu Shen while he was alive..."

  This made Chen Xuan have to sigh, Yu Shen is powerful! A powerful Heavenly God Realm powerhouse who can refine pills and various equipment! So how strong is Yu Shen's ontology that Chen Xuan doesn't know?

  Chen Xuan held the blue ring in his hand. The blue light in the palm of the hand was revealed in an instant...a bit of coolness!

  How much energy does the blue ring wrapped in blue light contain? Chen Xuan didn't know either. What Chen Xuan only knows is that the power of this ring is definitely beyond Chen Xuan's control!

  And what Chen Xuan can feel is... this blue ring doesn't seem to repel himself...

  If this blue ring repels oneself...I'm afraid that the current self is already broken to pieces...

  The blue ring...definitely not something that Chen Xuan's current elementary level of Nascent Soul Realm can control...

  Chen Xuan can be sure...this should be an earth fairy-level refiner! That's right... At least it is an earth fairy level refiner...

  What Chen Xuan can feel is that this refining tool is no longer at the level of Chen Xuan's control...He is too mysterious...He fell into Chen Xuan's hands, and Chen Xuan didn't even know what he could do with him...

   "What's wrong... Don't dare to hum! This is the baby Yu Shen specially prepared to give his successor..."

  Yu Shen’s distraction... cold snorted... as if he could immediately see what Chen Xuan was thinking...

   "This baby's name... is called Jia Lan Jie... Yes, it is your Jia Lan sword... It is a set of artifacts..."

   Jia Lan Ring...It turns out that He Jia Lan Sword is a complete set of artifacts! No wonder he doesn't reject himself at all...

  It turns out that I am the owner of Jialan Sword...

  Chen Xuan smiled and nodded...

   "Jia Lan Ring and Jia Lan Sword have one main attack... and one main defense... Is this Jia Lan Ring what you are defending?"

  Chen Xuan thinks this is impossible...After all, this Jialan Ring is so small...Can it block the crisis of Yuanying Realm or Earth Wonderland? But then Chen Xuan felt that his thoughts were very ridiculous...

  The so-called one flower, one world, one leaf and one bodhi...

  The energy of this Jialan Ring is so great...How could it be so simple as Chen Xuan thought...

   " must be does this Galan Ring defend? Huh... This Galan Ring is... really interesting..."

  Yu Shen's distraction consciousness smiled and then said...

   "Jia Lan Jie can only control him when you are in the Earth Wonderland... before the Earth Wonderland... you are not enough to control him..."


   Chen Xuan's heart seemed to explode...but his face was as calm as ever...

  That Wonderland can only be controlled...then I don’t know...when can I control it...

  This God of Yu’s distracting consciousness won’t send a magic weapon that he can’t use... for himself.

  Chen Xuan thought in his heart...but his face was still very calm...

  Yu Shen looked at Chen Xuan's expression and nodded, and then said...

  "Although this magic can't control it now...but you can use it now...and it's not very helpful to you..."

  A trace of consternation passed through Chen Xuan's eyes, and then he returned to the cold and arrogant look before...What's going on...Why can this Jialan ring be used if you can't control it... Chen Xuan thought to...

"Huh... this galan ring is used when the cultivator is running away... you already have weapons... when attacking... it shouldn’t be a problem... the existence of galan ring is very important... "

  "Because of the existence of Jialan can use it to escape...when the opponent's strength is too much stronger than you..."

  "You can sense this galan ring with your spiritual sense... and then... galan ring will teleport you to a place..."

"Under the powerhouse in the fairyland...the place to be teleported cannot be controlled...maybe the mountains and the sea of ​​fire...even the enemy's territory...what Jialan Ring can guarantee is to move you thousands of meters away...and for the gods Consciousness consumption is not small... If you don't reach the fairyland... two teleports in a row... I guess... you will explode and die..."

  The voice of Yushen’s distraction consciousness is still very cold... so cold as to resemble mechanical sounds...

  Although the Jialan Ring cannot be controlled by himself...but this effect is still very powerful...If this Jialan Ring falls in the Yu world...I don’t know how many practitioners will come and **** it...

   Although Chen Xuan said that the level from the earth fairyland is still very far away...Chen Xuan still needs to build a foundation before slowly approaching the earth fairyland...

  Chen Xuan currently does not even build alchemy... let alone build gods and build virtuality...

Although it’s impossible to control the teleportation location under the powerhouse in the fairyland... But if you move to the sword mountain and the sea... it is better than death... Moreover, with Chen Xuan’s powerful strength of the Nascent Soul Realm, even the sword mountain and the sea... Chen Xuan There is also a way to survive...

  Chen Xuan understands...that’s because God Yu’s distraction is about to dissipate...because only before the divine consciousness dissipates... will the speech appear so pale and weak...

as predicted……

   "Well, my time is running out... When Lord Yu stayed with me... he set it up for me..."

   "Completing the task will make me dissipate between the heavens and the earth... Maybe it's people who are afraid of having ulterior motives... Get me... Learn the secrets of heaven..."

   "Once the secrets of the Tao of that day are revealed...the consequences will be unthinkable!"

  Shen Yu’s avatar's speech became more and more mechanical...and then the words spoken by Yushen’s distraction consciousness...were him very surprised...

   "Master Yu... also gave you a gift... and the last gift..."

  God Yu is really generous for his future successor...! This gift is more expensive than one given...

  I really did not waste myself this time...Farewell to the creation of the world...that is, his master...come to participate in this trial...

  Then Yu Shen’s distracting consciousness gave Chen Xuan a human skin...the one that can be set according to his own consciousness...

  This skin is very can change your appearance at will...

  As long as you imagine what you want to become with your divine sense...and then refine this skin with divine sense...slip him on your body...that is simply a reborn effect...

   Then Chen Xuan will not be afraid of revealing his identity when he goes to the other two continents...

  Chen Xuan's heart was secretly happy...but his face was still very calm...when Yu Shen's distraction consciousness gave Chen Xuan the last gift...

  The figure of distracting consciousness became more and more faint... and the faint soul slowly turned into a blue light...Slowly the blue light became weaker and weaker...

   dissipated in the void of the Jialan Sword Domain...In an instant, the Jialan Sword Domain became empty...

  On the top of the Jialan Temple, Chen Xuan felt a sense of desolation covering thousands of years...


  Chen Xuan jumped into the white whirlpool behind Chen Xuan...Chen Xuan knew he should leave...

  Although I have been in the Jialan Sword Domain for so long...and the outside world...I'm afraid it's only been a long time...

  This is the flow rate of time controlled by the powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm...It is such a domineering...

  (End of this chapter)

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