Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1634: Forcing

   Chapter 1634

  Chen Xuan finally returned to the secret valley... or the cave in the secret valley... Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes...

  At this time, the sun has just reached the center...


  Sure enough, it has only been a long time... and I have not known it in the Jialan sword domain for a few months...

  The **** Jialan Sword Demon seemed to have been killed a long time ago... Yushen’s divine consciousness... and the Jialan Sword God killed by Chen Xuan... several escapes...

   makes Chen Xuan's mind become more determined and restrained without knowing it...

  Chen Xuan's face was cold...looked at his right hand...the blue ring on the right hand...shine with a light blue light...

  And Chen Xuanjia's blue ring also seems to be a storage bag...Chen Xuan’s human skin...and the Pill of Concealment are all hidden in that...

   "Boy... hand over the longevity grass..." He Dezong elder Xu Ran was speaking...

  Xu Ran’s jealous eyes are like looking at an ant...

   "I'm Xu Ran, the law enforcement elder of Hedezong... This is the guardian of the invisible door of the upper three sects... Master Ren... Humph... But the mid-level strong man in the Nascent Soul Realm..."

   "Yes...Hurry up and hand over the longevity grass! The powerful Lord Ren Ran will give you a benevolent way of death... I am the returning elder Mu De..."

  Mude’s eyes were full of disdain...Looking at Chen Xuan’s eyes was like a **** looking at a mouse dying and struggling in front of him...

   "You don't have to surrender the longevity grass quickly... and the lord is kind... will give you a happy way to die!"


   He Dezong and Guizong?

  Very good!

  Chen Xuan's mind once again showed the scene of Bai Guan being destroyed! It's a returnee...

  And He Dezong himself vowed to destroy the sect... Hem Luo Lan’s death...

  There is Xiaohe’s decisiveness, Zhan Zhe’s unyielding, and what Wei’s dying struggle...

  It seems to be the same as what happened yesterday...Happened in his mind...Chen Xuan once thought of meeting countless times with people from Guizong and Hedezong...

  Unexpectedly...It's that simple...Chen Xuan's killing intent is flooding deep in his eyes...

  And Chen Xuan's eyes are still very calm...just as if nothing happened...

  And Chen Xuan did not rashly do it...just calmly probed their cultivation base with spiritual knowledge...

  Very good!

  One middle-level Nascent Soul Realm...two first-level Nascent Soul Realm...huh...Chen Xuan is at least 50% sure that they can kill them...


Fifty percent...Although that still reached the middle level of the Nascent Infant Realm... but from the perspective of Chen Xuan's current Danhai strength... he should still be able to barely manage to kill a middle Nascent Infant realm... and kill himself I’m afraid I’m ten percent sure of the same level...

  But what made Chen Xuan rejoice is that...this time there are not many Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses...

  If there are two more Elementary Infant Stages or one more mid-level Nascent Infant Realm... I am afraid that Chen Xuan will have to run away...

  Because the meta-infant realm powerhouse's combat assistant will fight with the main body... and that is to say... one more powerhouse joins the battle... that strong man’s combat power will be twice that of his main body combat power...

   So if there are more Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses... I'm afraid... Chen Xuan can only run away...

  But these three people, Chen Xuan, are still sure to kill them...

  I'm just afraid of the people of the three sects...what secret weapon would they use to ask for help from their sects... when the time sects chase them down...

  And Chen Xuan's pensive expression at the moment... makes Ren Ran, Xu Ran and Mu De feel... Chen Xuan is afraid of death...

   "Huh! Boy... You hand over the longevity grass... Maybe I can let you choose a method of death... After all, you are an elementary powerhouse in the Nascent Infant Realm... your master..."

   "I'm afraid it's not easy!"

   Ren Ran smiled and said... This is still really cruel... if you hand over the longevity grass, you will be killed... if you don't rendezvous, you will die...

   "This kid is just this age... a powerful person who can reach the elementary level of the Nascent Soul Realm!"

   "Hmph...if...can be cultivated in the invisible the future it will become the pillar of the invisible door...I am afraid that the existence of the Yu world in the future... can also reach an immeasurable height..."

  Ran Ran just smiled, and then said.

  But Chen Xuan still looked at all this with expressionless and arrogant expression.


  Return to the sect...and Hedezong...Although his current strength is not enough to kill these two sects...destroy them...but Chen Xuan swears...sooner or later he will avenge...

  Chen Xuan’s cold and arrogant eyes seemed to see Zhan Zhe smile with his knowingness while practicing...

  What is the good intentions when teaching herself...Luo Lan's innocence and timidity in expressing her love...and Xiaohe...

  Chen Xuan can be sure that Chen Xuan is really in love with Xiaohe...but there is no time to tell her clearly...


  Why did God treat him like Chen Xuan?

  Why do the people he loves and the people he cares about die?

   Become a strong... Are these loves gone? What else is there to save the Yu world... He and these people of the Yu world are not close to each other... some of them killed his beloved murderer...

  Why does he want to save the Yu world...Anyway, the weak in the Yu world are doomed to be trampled to death by the strong... as long as he does not become the weak, why should he protect the Yu world?

  Because of Yu Shen?

  But Yu Shen has long since disappeared...and why should Chen Xuan offend a powerful world for an unrelated person...

  For benevolence?

  That is to be kind to him! On the path of cultivation...what kind of benevolence is there...the weak eats the strong...the flesh can kill each other, father and son can fight each other with swords and arms...

  Chen Xuan is not a pedantic old master...How can he still believe in benevolence, such a deceitful trick...

  Chen Xuan decided...He doesn't care about it! He just wants to live arbitrarily! Who dares to hinder him... he will kill anyone...

  If God hinders him! Then he is the enemy of the whole heaven!




   Endless killings, endless mountains of dead bodies and seas of fire hidden in Chen Xuan's eyes... and Chen Xuan's eyes are very cold and arrogant at this moment...It seems that no one can see the hostility hidden in the depths of the eyes...

   "Boy...It seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine? Don't hand over the longevity grass...huh!"

   "Then I have to let your soul dissipate between the world and the earth forever... Let your divine consciousness hide in my furnace... Enjoy the endless fire of **** forever..."

  Ran Ran’s tone is very terrifying...

  A good bloodthirsty, but Chen Xuan did not put him in his eyes...

  Since the invisible gate wants to kill Chen Xuan... he doesn't care about waiting for him to become stronger before destroying another sect...

   "Boy... Since it is so ignorant to promote... Then go to hell..."

  Chen Xuan glanced at them...

  This time Chen Xuan never suppressed the killing intent in his eyes...

  Just a glance...

  The hearts of the three Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses all trembled...what a powerful killing intent...

  They feel that their state of mind has been affected by this powerful killing intent... This is definitely not possible for people who have not experienced in the sea of ​​corpses...

  Who is this kid? But he is indeed only a beginner in the Nascent Soul Realm!

  The three Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses shouldn’t have to be afraid of this Nascent Soul beginner...

  They secretly encouraged themselves to...

   "Little... kid... you still have to hand over the longevity grass... kneel down and beg Ren Ran... forgive you!"

  Mud is talking...

  Actually, Mu De is very shrewd when he said this...He can explore this still style...After all, the expression in Chen Xuan's eyes just now was too sharp...

  It can be seen that Chen Xuan is really unfathomable...He came to give Chen Xuan a retreat... and also gave Ren Ran and himself a step down.

  Mude feels that he has been very benevolent and righteous...After all, he can survive under the mid-level powerful in the Nascent Soul Realm...

  Mude thinks...If Chen Xuan really survives...I'm afraid I can repay myself well in the future...


  Chen Xuan hummed coldly and didn’t care about this...

  But the killing intent in Chen Xuan's eyes has not diminished...but in his mind is the tragic situation when Bai Guan was destroyed...and the letter left by Xiaohe...

  And the face he can imagine when Xiaohe is coming...and his brother...teacher...and his lover...the look in their eyes when they die...he seems to be able to see...

  The more I think about the killing intent in Chen Xuan's eyes, the stronger... Mu De, there is still Xu Ran... I feel like I have been targeted by a monster like a scourge...

   is really terrible...

  In this case...Chen Xuan no longer thinks about what kind of strength he will offend after killing them...


  Suddenly, Chen Xuan’s sub-body suddenly appeared behind Chen Xuan... and Chen Xuan’s sub-body also had a killing intent that was as powerful as a river...

  This killing intent caused the sky to turn black in an instant...The black clouds seemed to instigate a powerful killing intent to burst out...


  Suddenly the sky thunders everywhere...The powerful thunder rolls down...It seems to be a drum of war for this killing intent that makes the void cover the sky and the sun...

   Chen Xuan's sub-body and main body's eyes turned blood red... There seemed to be a **** Shura in his eyes...

"go to hell……"

  Chen Xuan’s voice was earth-shattering... However, before the outbreak of Chen Xuan again... a barrier was set up... so that no one in the outside world could hear these three people's cry for help...

  And how could Chen Xuan just let them die like this...

  He hates it!

  He has endless hatred to express...

  He wants to kill them slowly...

  Let them taste the pain that can never go away in Chen Xuan's heart...

  (End of this chapter)

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