Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1649: The golden pill from desperation

   Chapter 1649

  The phantom was annoyed and forced towards Chen Xuan. The flame of that soul burned more and more fiercely. At this moment, Chen Xuan felt more severe pain than just now.

  And Chen Xuan's clothes had already been burned to ashes by the flames just now. At this moment, Chen Xuan's whole body turned into a coke-colored skin and still naked.

  Chen Xuan is now very embarrassed. Chen Xuan feels that his hair has already turned into ashes. What is even more embarrassing is that Chen Xuan feels that his skin has become his own piece of clothing.

   is covering himself, Chen Xuan's flesh and blood...the vaguely colliding with the flames in the void. And Chen Xuan's bones collided with the flames in the void at this moment...


  Chen Xuan’s bones and the flames in the void kept hitting. And the flames and bones are like the collision of two weapons. A fiery red lightning flashed out. Chen Xuan felt that Chen Xuan's consciousness was constantly being corroded by the flame. Chen Xuan really feels that he has no resistance...


  Suddenly, Chen Xuan's bones were directly transformed into pools of milky white water under the collision with the fiery red flame. Chen Xuan knew that his bones had been completely melted by the flame...

Do not……

  Chen Xuan roared to the sky. Chen Xuan didn't understand why God treated him this way? What Chen Xuan didn't understand was that... Chen Xuan didn't know why God had given him such a great hope, and it was not his own responsibility to give Chen Xuan! I gave myself an emotional burden that didn't belong to me! Chen Xuan doesn't understand!

  Chen Xuan hated it for the first time...Negative emotions were constantly being stimulated...Chen Xuan felt that he was no longer alone, but he was still a cultivator!

  Yes... Chen Xuan feels that he is still a cultivator... but if you are a cultivator, you should struggle! Even before dying, I have to think about the phantom struggle...

  Even if you are dying, even if you obliterate your own consciousness, you should not make your enemies feel better...

  Chen Xuan’s previous eyes that had no emotion at all, despair... Suddenly hatred was overwhelming... And that kind of unyielding hatred made Phantom feel terrible...

   "Cracked beast! What a beast!"

   Phantom could not help but curse Chen Xuan.

  And Chen Xuan glared at Phantom and shouted at him...

   "As long as I, Chen Xuan, still have a breath...As long as my Chen Xuan consciousness still exists... Phantom, you won't be able to swallow me so easily..."

  Suddenly Chen Xuan began to struggle frantically, and the golden little Dan kept shaking. It's like in the rough sea, a golden pill is in the vast sea...struggling against the sea...

  Chen Xuan suddenly seemed to be crazy...Chen Xuan actually started to destroy his own Danhai. This is not simply destroying... but forcing the only Dan Hai... to reveal a trace of divine consciousness...

   Chen Xuan actually wants to restore his physique?

  This makes Phantom feel very incredible! how can that be possible? Even if Chen Xuan regained his physique... Then he couldn't fight with him!

  Use the body of a mortal fetus to fight against the strongest of the Nascent Soul Realm? How is this possible?

  Isn’t this looking for death?

  Chen Xuan pushed his Danhai into a desperate situation... Then Danhai managed to restore himself to the strength of a virtual pill realm powerhouse... and he was still in the first stage of the virtual pill realm...

  Chen Xuan reluctantly stood up...

  But what Chen Xuan was puzzled was that Chen Xuan felt that the golden core in the void seemed to explode! What exactly is going on? Chen Xuan was also puzzled...

  What the **** is that golden little Dan?

  But Chen Xuan felt that he should not be able to manage that much... Chen Xuan suddenly struggled to move towards the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm, the monster phantom and directly forced it up...

  Even the Jialan sword in Chen Xuan's hand cannot be completely controlled...

  That Jia Lan Sword seemed to make Chen Xuan feel that it was exhausting the divine consciousness that he had used to destroy Dan Hai and his life...

   Chen Xuan felt the weak pain, and Chen Xuan understood the misery of the weak. Chen Xuan wants to become stronger... to become stronger and stand on the pinnacle of the world... but Chen Xuan understands in his heart...

  I might not have this opportunity again...It's all because of the Phantom...The hatred in Chen Xuan's heart is enough to tear the Phantom into pieces...


  Chen Xuan seemed to be a suicide attack, swinging the Jialan sword towards the Phantom. But because of Chen Xuan's closer to the Phantom...

  And the golden little Dan in the void of Chen Xuan was constantly trembling, exploding. But the phantom seems to be able to see, or he seems to be able to feel Chen Xuan's golden yellow pill...

   And it seems to be even more afraid of Chen Xuan’s golden little Dan...The Phantom actually began to tremble slightly...The hideous face unexpectedly...

   There is a little more panic...

  Chen Xuan holding the Jialan sword is getting closer and closer to the Phantom...

  Three meters...

  Two meters...

one meter……


  Suddenly Chen Xuan felt like waves in his chest continue to emerge from his chest. The golden waves made Chen Xuan feel that the air around him was about to freeze.

   Chen Xuan felt that he was really going to be unable to hold on anymore... Chen Xuan felt as if he was going to vanish at this moment. But it made Chen Xuan feel as if Phantom was not as comfortable as Chen Xuan thought at this time. Phantom's facial expressions became more and more ferocious at this moment.

   Chen Xuan felt as if he was about to die. But at this moment, Chen Xuanxin was as quiet as water. Chen Xuan understands... if the fate of the final blow this time is still a death, then Chen Xuan will calmly accept this kind of death...

  But what Chen Xuan did not expect was that the golden little pill at this moment burst into the void... and the power of the little pill shook Chen Xuan's physical body five feet away...

However, just when Chen Xuan felt that he was bound to die at this time... a more legendary thing happened... Chen Xuan discovered that at this time... he was surrounded by circles of golden light. With...

  Chen Xuan found that the golden light, like warm sunlight, seemed to be reshaping his own bones...

What is happening?

   Chen Xuan, who was desperate to calm before, has a glimmer of hope in his heart at this moment! But there are more doubts. Chen Xuan felt that this golden little pill might not be as simple as he thought!

  This golden little Dan, when Chen Xuan was attacked by the Phantom, constantly absorbed his own cultivation. Let yourself be transformed directly from a strong in the Nascent Infant Realm into a strong in the Void Pill Realm... or even degenerate into an ordinary person without the power of a chicken... This is what makes Chen Xuan feel the most feared. What Chen Xuan felt most feared...not death...

  And what allowed Chen Xuan to experience the most desperate moment...It was not death! It was the moment when Chen Xuan's cultivation base degraded...but the moment when Chen Xuan was degraded from his cultivation base, and Chen Xuan had no way to save it. Chen Xuan felt as if he had fallen into the boundless hell.

  Soon Chen Xuan felt that he was about to be swallowed up by this **** with no bones left. But when Chen Xuan felt that he should rather be jade fragments than tiles... the golden little pill actually...

  Chen Xuan was puzzled at this time...

  But then something that Chen Xuan could not expect happened. Chen Xuan discovered that the phantom was also shrouded in the golden light.

  But the situation of Phantom is not like Chen Xuan's. Phantom seems to be burned by endless fire. The golden light seemed to **** the phantom's flesh one by one.

  Chen Xuan felt that his physical strength was slowly recovering. Chen Xuan glanced at the phantom...then coldly watched the phantom disappear into the void...

   Chen Xuan felt that the disappearance of the phantom had a great relationship with this golden little Dan. What is the origin of this golden little Dan?

  Chen Xuan thinks that this golden little pill may be really unfathomable! The phantom...that was the monster beast of the prehistoric period... actually disappeared by the golden little pill like this?

  This is simply impossible!

  Something that made Chen Xuan feel very outrageous... Chen Xuan felt that even if God Yu himself came, he couldn’t save himself! Because of a dying person... who else can be saved? That's against heaven!

  Suddenly the word heaven came to Chen Xuan's mind! This is not the first time Chen Xuan has come into contact with these two words! God!

  What is the Way of Heaven?

  That is the way of heaven!

  Heaven’s truth, this makes people feel very domineering and arrogant. But what kind of creature can claim to be a god? Yes, after so long in contact, Chen Xuan found that...

  Yu Shen and some other powerful cultivators...every time he mentions the Heavenly Dao, he regards the Heavenly Dao as a higher-order creature than the people in the Yu world!

  It's like...people eat pigs, cows and sheep...just like humans treat pigs, cows and sheep as their own pets or objects... and the creatures in the heavens look at the same thing in the Yu world...

  The people in the Yu world are in the eyes of the people on the way of heaven...I’m afraid it’s just...every items or pets. Small like an ant...

  And this golden core... Chen Xuan felt that it was probably something from the way of heaven... I saw the golden core. Slowly the golden light became weak...


  The golden golden pill suddenly turned into a golden dragon, rushing towards...'s chest, and finally disappeared into Chen Xuan's chest.

  A faint tattoo appeared on Chen Xuan's chest...and that tattoo & it's a golden dragon...printed on Chen Xuan's chest...

  Chen Xuan's consciousness was finally weak and overwhelmed...fainted...

  (End of this chapter)

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