Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1650: The origin of Jindan

  Chapter 1650 The origin of the golden core

  When Chen Xuan was in a coma, he felt his gold cores gathered in his chest warm. But after a while, the warm feeling disappeared. This made Chen Xuan feel... the origin of this golden core is becoming more and more mysterious.

  Three days later...

  Chen Xuan slowly woke up. Of course it was Chen Xuan's consciousness that woke up, and his physical body had not been moved yet. The injuries on the flesh body imagined by Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness also gradually recovered.

  The place where Chen Xuan wakes up at this moment is in the world of Jia Lanjie. Chen Xuan saw this world...

   almost didn't cry...

   is finally back! Chen Xuan finally escaped... and returned to the world of Jia Lanjie. But Chen Xuan didn't even understand... How did he kill Phantom? Is it really that golden core?

  But what makes Chen Xuan most strange is not...that Phantom’s death. It's that his Dan Hai has recovered! That's right! My Danhai has actually recovered to the Danhai capacity of the primary powerhouse in the Nascent Infant Realm...

  Chen Xuan thinks this makes him feel magical! How can there be a way to restore the pubic pubic area after it is abolished?

  Chen Xuan understood that if the dantian was abolished, it would be good to not die... how could it be possible to recover...

  Chen Xuan glanced at his chest... staring at the golden dragon on his chest...

  Thinking about my own questions, and my own contemplation. Recalling this experience... Chen Xuan felt passionate... Chen Xuan felt that only by becoming stronger would he not be bullied by anyone...

  If you are weak... then you are destined to be bullied... If you don’t want to, then you have to change...

  Just like Chen Xuan is now uneasy in the way of heaven, that can only be changed...the one who does not change can only be...become the weak and live with the flow...

  But Chen Xuan discovered that the golden pill quickly disappeared. This makes Chen Xuan feel incredible...

  Suddenly out of the darkness... a figure came out... the figure was in a black robe... with a strong mighty domineering... but the black figure was also a little old...

   "Congratulations... Chen Xuan..."

  As soon as the old figure spoke, Chen Xuan wanted to hit him. It's actually a fragment of God Yu's consciousness...

  He even dared to show up. At this time, Chen Xuan felt as if he was going to be **** to death...

  That Chen Xuan was controlled by the Phantom, and when his soul was about to disappear, Chen Xuan still remembered such a scene...

It's all because of the fragments of God Yu's consciousness... Chen Xuan's expression turned hideous for the first time... He stared at the fragments of God Yu's consciousness... and the fragments of consciousness seemed to have aura. same.

   felt Chen Xuan's powerful hatred, and couldn't help shaking slightly. He hurriedly waved his hand and said...

   "Chen have to listen to me first..."

  Chen Xuan coldly looked at the fragments of Yushen's consciousness...Chen Xuan still controlled his state of mind...Chen Xuan understood...I definitely can't attack the fragments of Yushen's consciousness...

  Otherwise, I still need to talk about my own safety. And Chen Xuan also understands... God Yu is still kind to himself... If he kills his divine consciousness fragments like this, I am afraid it would be ungrateful...

   "Chen Xuan... is this... yours... your golden little pill... In fact, everything just now is just an illusion... including monsters..."

  It's just an illusion. This made Chen Xuan feel surprised. Is it just an illusion...

Chen Xuan felt extremely real... Chen Xuan even felt that... he was really going to die... But it was only in the fantasy realm that Chen Xuan glanced at the fragments of God Yu's divine consciousness... He felt that God Yu was so powerful at the moment There is no need to deceive yourself, right?

Even if I have reached the Earth Fairyland, I can’t compete with it... Chen Xuan still can’t believe that it was just an illusion... But the following words about the fragments of God Yu’s divine consciousness... make Chen Xuan feel even more uncomfortable. Dare to believe it.

   "The golden little pill just now is a thing of heaven... and the **** arranged the illusion to... let you be recognized by this thing..."

  Chen Xuan became more and more puzzled...why did he want to be recognized by such a golden little pill, Chen Xuan still didn’t quite understand!

  The fragments of God Yu's consciousness seemed to understand Chen Xuan's doubts... and he smiled and said. "This thing is both a blessing and a curse for you... Without him, you cannot become the lord of the Yu world... But he is a thing of heaven after all..."

  "You should understand the truth that you should understand...this thing is originally from the way of heaven...and once the people on the way of heaven know...this thing is on you..."

   "I'm afraid you will never die...but the blessings this thing brings to you will naturally not be small..."

  "This thing allows you to feel the power of heaven and earth... to feel more thoroughly... that is to change the power of heaven and earth..."

   "Believe this... you will already feel it when you enter this world within the Galan Ring."

  God Yu continued speaking on his own. Chen Xuan was also very happy at this moment... That is the power to change the world!

  There is such a treasure... Then how much faster can one's own cultivation base be improved than before!

  But the only hidden danger is heaven. Chen Xuan understands that he is not enough to contend with the people of Heaven...

  All he can do is hide. From the fragments of God Yu's divine consciousness, Chen Xuan already understood what he wanted to say...

   smiled and waved his hand and said.

   "You go back... My God doesn't keep you too long... The time you are in the world of Jialan Ring... It's exactly two months outside... Go back to your physical body..."

  The fragmented consciousness of God Yu, said to Chen Xuan with a smile. Chen Xuan nodded and thanked God Yu's fragmented consciousness, and then he was about to leave.

  In the Jialan Ring this time, Chen Xuan felt that he was a life of nine deaths... even if it was really an illusion, but... Chen Xuan did not believe that the golden little pill had not been inspired...

  I will not be hurt at all...

  Chen Xuan jumped into a huge black vortex next to him...Chen Xuan knew...that was a huge vortex returning to reality...Chen Xuan’s consciousness kept spinning in the vortex...

  Those things experienced in Jialan Ring continue to emerge in Chen Xuan's mind...


  Suddenly Chen Xuan felt his own body... that kind of solid and solid feeling came back...

  Chen Xuan feels that his body still can’t hurts all over the body...Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes...looked around...

  Where is this... Chen Xuan questioned.

  This seems to be a house, a very distinctive house. The furnishings of the house are also very simple... Chen Xuan is not sure about the owner of this house, whether he knows himself... Chen Xuan will not let go of his vigilance against the owner of the house because of the furnishings of the house...

  Chen Xuan looked felt that there should be heating in this room...or maybe it was burning charcoal for warmth...but Chen Xuan felt his own if...

  It seems that his body has become like this when it lacks calories...Chen Xuan slowly recalled...

  When Chen Xuan’s consciousness left his body...Chen Xuan could feel...his original body was freezing at a speed visible to the naked eye...

  But at that time Chen Xuan had no time to care about this...For a Nascent Soul Realm powerhouse...As long as the spiritual consciousness is not destroyed, then he will not be destroyed...

  And what Chen Xuan understands better is...this is probably just an ordinary person... Then Chen Xuan has to be more careful...

  Chen Xuan felt that he still had to hide his strength first... Chen Xuan swallowed a pill given by God Yu in the Jialan Sword Domain...

  In an instant, Chen Xuan’s cultivation was adjusted to the first stage of the God Transformation Realm...Chen Xuan slowly injected his divine consciousness into his body to relieve the pain...

   stood up slowly...

   "Ahhh... why did you get up, sir?"

  I saw a white-haired man on crutches, and an old man walked into Chen Xuan’s room tremblingly...

  Chen Xuan's visual inspection...He should be the owner of this house! Who is he and where is this place

  "Young man...don’t name is He Weng...I was the one you saw when I went up the mountain to collect medicine that day..."

  Gathering herbs?

   Chen Xuan silently recalled, he seemed to remember that indeed... there are some extremely precious medicinal materials on the cliff...

   "Are you... a cultivator?"

   Chen Xuan asked weakly. If he is a cultivator... what is his purpose for saving himself...

  Chen Xuan knew...If he was a cultivator...then the purpose of saving himself might not be simple...

  Chen Xuan’s eyes became calm and deep...

  But what He Weng said... was beyond Chen Xuan's expectation...

   "No, no, no... I am not a cultivator... I gather medicine... so that my son can become a cultivator!"

   "In the legend, there is only...there is a herb on this cliff called...Last Soul Grass...Once you take it..."

"It has the purpose of changing fate against the sky... My son... Alas... the body is not suitable for cultivation... So he has practiced for fifty years... From a young age to full of white hair... He still hasn't stepped into the door of cultivation. ..."

  He Weng said here... there was a faint tear. But Chen Xuan's deep gaze is still calm...

Chen Xuan knows...if it’s not suitable for about fifty years...however for a hundred years...but I won’t be able to step in’s just a waste of time...Chen Xuan nodded... Weng continued.

  The thing that made Chen Xuan interested in was the soulless grass...Can the cultivation physique be changed? Chen Xuan almost felt that it was impossible...

  Generally speaking...Whether it is suitable for cultivation or not is determined by the destiny...and there is a dead soul grass above this mountain range that can be changed...

  It really makes Chen Xuan feel very weird...

  What is the origin of this utter soul grass... Chen Xuan thought.

  "It’s just that this soulless grass...needs a non-cultivation body, go to the huge mountainless cliff to pick it...this mountainless mountain is so high...If you don’t pay attention, it broken into pieces..."

  Chen Xuan also high the mountain is...Could it be that the so-called Essence Grass grows on...that cliff...

  That is basically impossible for non-cultivators...

   "Hey, I have tried for ten years... When I saved Mr.... I have decided to give up... The old man's son is more than sixty... The old man is eighty... and old..."

  (End of this chapter)

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