Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1676: Sima Wushuang's help

   Chapter 1676 Sima Wushuang's Help

  Chen Xuan looked at his body and felt that his Dan Hai seemed to be really expanding. But Chen Xuan really didn't want to expose his strength in such a large public. This is very unfavorable for Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan understood this in his heart. But this is the situation now.

  Chen Xuan didn’t know what to do? Chen Xuan can't leave first like this. How to do? Chen Xuan's Danhai expansion is becoming more and more obvious. At this time, the fighting on the court became more and more fierce.

  Chen Xuan’s current form does not seem to be able to leave here at all! Sima Wushuang was also very anxious at this time, but his face was as calm as ever! What should Chen Xuan do now? At this moment, Sima Wushuang's heart was spinning such questions quickly. And Chen Xuan's situation is still very unfavorable for him at this time.

  Chen Xuan still has no way to leave the public's sight! Could it be that two people on the court were sacrificed? Just to help Chen Xuan this time? Sima Wushuang thought. Because at this time, the two people on the field seemed to have reached the final moment, as long as Sima Wushuang used his own consciousness to interfere a little bit. Then the two people on the court are likely to be lost in despair immediately. At that time this battle can be over. Sima Wushuang can also take the opportunity to say that he will fight again tomorrow. But Chen Xuan was anxious at this time. Although he didn't know that Sima Wushuang had already made a decision in his heart at this time.

   Chen Xuan felt that his Dan Sea was hot now, as if it was about to explode. Although Chen Xuan's expression on his face is very calm now, his heart at this moment has long been like a mess.

  Chen Xuan did not know if this time. How many enemies will be made after breaking through in the crowd, and how many people will be jealous of Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan didn't even know how unfavorable it would be for him to fight tomorrow if Fu Jun knew that once he broke through the God Realm. Chen Xuan even knew that once he didn't need to comprehend other techniques, he could break through by relying on meditation and spiritual consciousness, and the things that he could break through by comprehending the blueprint of his body's gait were known.

   Then how many cultivators' jealousy and their chasing after him. All this has brought Chen Xuan's troubles, how should Chen Xuan deal with it? Chen Xuan didn't know that Chen Xuan seemed to feel that he had to face a lot.

  The two cultivators on the field at this time, Bai Zhe whose cultivation base is in the Golden Core Realm and Ji Lan whose cultivation base is in the Golden Core Realm. The battle was in full swing, and naturally no one would pay attention to Chen Xuan's side at this time.

   Including Nangong Che and Nan Jin, they were completely attracted by this trial battle at this time. At this time, Bai Zhe's palm was a huge white phantom that followed the wind towards Ji Lan.

  The air driven by Bai Zhe’s phantom palm directly exploded in the void. The crackling sound resounded like thunder. And Chen Xuan felt that he was about to be shattered by the explosion sound he carried. But Chen Xuan's face remained as calm as ever. This Golden Core Realm powerhouse is absolutely no less than his current self. Chen Xuan said inwardly.

   Then how strong will this Fu Jun be? This Golden Core Realm powerhouse is afraid that he is also a descendant of the aristocratic family, and the exercises cultivated by the descendants of the aristocratic family are different! Chen Xuan said inwardly.

  And what I have the most headache at present is how to break through? Where to break!

  Bai Zhe’s palm is rolled up and the burden is flying sand and the stone is several meters high. Immediately the whole void was filled with this kind of soil and rocks. Chen Xuan felt that this was the importance of the exercises to the cultivator. And I just rely on such a basic Jialan sword art, I'm afraid it won't work! And this so-called Jia blueprint can only improve one's own cultivation base, but there is absolutely no way to make one's combat strength stronger! Chen Xuan said to himself. But Chen Xuan was more annoying than this, Chen Xuan felt that he was about to break through. Even Dan Hai's expansion is far beyond his control.

  Chen Xuan didn't know what to do with him. Chen Xuan felt that he was very likely to cause endless trouble to him. And at this time, Sima Wushuang's heart had never been better than Chen Xuan. How should Chen Xuan be his future apprentice? He doesn't want Chen Xuan to have any powerful enemies now! Wouldn't it be troublesome to need him to save it?

  But Bai Zhe's palm is getting closer and closer to Ji Lan. At this moment, the black long sword in Ji Lan's hand is burning endlessly. Just a flick. But all the cultivators could see it. Although it was just a so-called swipe, the moment this sword technique was in the void, how many moves it changed is simply countless! Chen Xuan also noticed it. But at this moment Chen Xuan didn't have any mood to watch the battle!

  At this moment, Sima Wushuang's spiritual consciousness just wanted to swipe between them. Their faces showed pain at the same time, but they disappeared immediately.

  I'm afraid they can't find out by themselves, this was done by Sima Wushuang. Because Sima Wushuang's divine sense was too powerful, when they were so powerful that they would kill them, they couldn't feel Sima Wushuang's divine sense at all.

  Of course, no one in Heguizong could see through this trick, and Chen Xuan could not see through it. But Chen Xuan was very happy! it is finally over! It's finally over! My current Dan Sea is as hot as the fire of **** scorching my Dan Tian. Chen Xuan knew that if it didn't end, it would only hurt his own interests afterwards.

  Because Chengcheng County understands this, the secret of joy in the heart is abnormal at this time. God really helped me too! Chen Xuan cried secretly in his heart. The expression on Chen Xuan's face was as cold as ever. It seemed that their deaths were of no importance to Chen Xuan. But at this time, Chen Xuan's heart was very happy.

   And Sima Wushuang was also cold, but in his heart he felt that Chen Xuan was indeed becoming more and more difficult. This Chen Xuan Danhai has suffered to such an extent. The situation is so dangerous that it can still be so happy and angered. Such a state of mind is really extremely rare! Sima Wushuang secretly praised Chen Xuan and said.

  And the next step is for these cultivators to pay goodbye to the elders and suzerains who have returned to the sect. Then I went to rest, there are still a few games waiting for them tomorrow!

  And these two naturally, they are nothing to the combined sect! Although they are all famous family members in the world, family members! The strength of the family is also huge! The Bai family and the Ji family are even more familiar. But what about that? These are nothing to the Union Sect! And Heguizong is the so-called heaven! To them, Heguizong is a so-called god-like existence! This is the domineering of Heguizong!

  At this time, Chen Xuan naturally couldn't wait to go back. Chen Xuan felt that the fire in his Pill Sea had been burning more and more violently, and Chen Xuan's Pill Sea had expanded more and more intensely. Chen Xuan felt that this time, it seemed that he was not only able to break through to the elementary level of God Transformation Realm. It should be even stronger!

  And this time, I also told Chen Xuan that I must not meditate on my spiritual consciousness at will. Especially the self who now owns the blueprint of Jia! If this happens in the future, I can't avoid that my blueprint will be known.

  My secrets will be spread out. Chen Xuan knew that once his secret was spread out, it would be a disaster for himself, at least for the current self! Chen Xuan naturally understood this truth in his heart. So Chen Xuan still plans to be more cautious in the future!

  Chen Xuan quickly returned to his room, closed the door, and then entered an enchantment he had set. This enchantment exists like a painting.

  When the cultivator steps into the pill realm, he can use his spiritual knowledge to establish an enchantment. But the enchantment I set up is like a painting. There is no flow, and there is no power of heaven and earth.

  Of course, when the cultivator reaches the fairyland, he can naturally establish the kind of barrier that is like the whole world. Just like a world-like existence, the power of heaven and earth can exist, and the power of heaven and earth from the outside can be incorporated into this world. But it is obvious that Chen Xuan is still unable to do this.

  But currently Chen Xuan still has no problem setting enchantments. Chen Xuan entered the enchantment he had set up. I felt like my Dan Sea was about to burst. But Chen Xuan's expression and eyes are still as calm as ever

   Chen Xuan's eyes and expressions represent Chen Xuan's mood at this moment. But Thorn Shui Chen Xuan's heartbeat is constantly accelerating and finally coming! Chen Xuan said secretly. Chen Xuan felt that the wind in his enchantment was beginning to raging. It should be affected by the power of heaven and earth in Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan said secretly.

   Chen Xuan felt that the surrounding mountains in his enchantment were rumbling, as if it was about to collapse. That's a mountain range tens of thousands of feet high into the cloud!

  But now it's shaky. Chen Xuan immediately set up another barrier for himself within his barrier, otherwise he would be injured by the things in his barrier during the breakthrough process!

At this time, Chen Xuan felt that he was about to disappear. The extreme pain made Chen Xuan feel that death was approaching, and Chen Xuan's face was even more pale than your pale face, with big beads of sweat. Constantly falling. At this time, Chen Xuan's skin rose to purple.

  (End of this chapter)

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