Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1677: Chen Xuan's breakthrough (1)

  Chapter 1677 Chen Xuan’s Breakthrough (1)

  Chen Xuan watched his body keep turning purple, and he felt that his Dan Hai seemed to be constantly being stretched by a powerful force. Chen Xuan's face was pale without a trace of blood. Chen Xuan was completely wet behind his back now.

  But Chen Xuan's face remained as calm as ever. Chen Xuan's mood is tempered in the Jia blueprint because of it. Has become more and more powerful. But Chen Xuan's pale face reflected that the pain he was currently suffering had almost reached the limit his body could bear.

  Chen Xuan knew that his current breakthrough is likely to be more than just an elementary level of the Transcendent God Realm, he is likely to break through two sessions. As for his Golden Core Realm cultivation base, to break through the second level, the pain is naturally very great.

   And Sima Wushuang was sitting in the hall at the moment, also thinking. Naturally, it is not difficult to see from his cultivation base that Chen Xuan is only afraid of breaking through to the middle level of the God Transformation Realm this time, but Sima Wushuang still can't understand how Chen Xuan broke through the wind through meditation and spiritual consciousness. If you let other strong people know. The value of the goods let other cultivators know that Chen Xuan is like this, I'm afraid it will cause Chen Xuan a lot of murder! Sima Wushuang is very clear about this snack. Sima Wushuang felt that Chen Xuan was indeed very mysterious at this moment.

  But Sima Wushuang doesn't plan to break Chen Xuan! Sima Wushuang felt that he was already a powerhouse at the pinnacle of Earth Wonderland at this time! Want to break through again, I'm afraid it is impossible. This is because the practitioners of the Yu world, especially among the eight major sects, have long had unwritten regulations. That is, the strong person in the earth fairyland or the strong person at the peak of the earth fairyland crosses the heavens. Otherwise, this cultivator is likely to be attacked by groups. After all, there are about ten peak experts in the Earth Wonderland of Yujie.

  After Chen Xuan, if he reached the peak of the Earth Wonderland, I am afraid he could challenge the Heaven God Realm. Because Sima Wushuang felt that Chen Xuan's Danhai had hidden a lot of secrets. It seems that the strength of his divine consciousness was born to be twice as strong as that of people of the same rank. In other words, Chen Xuan seems to be able to kill the enemy by going higher. If Chen Xuan reached the pinnacle of Earth Wonderland.

  At that time, those powerhouses at the peak of the fairyland, I am afraid that they are not his opponents! Sima Wushuang suddenly felt that if he could cultivate a strong man in the Heavenly God Realm in his lifetime, it would be enough in this life!

  Moreover, there are characters in the legend like the strong man in the gods. The entire Yu world seems to have not appeared for a long time. Chen Xuan's potential is really Sima Wushuang, the most powerful existence he has seen over the years!

  But at this time, Chen Xuan felt that he was about to be torn into cold salad by that powerful force. His own Dan Sea seemed to be burned and roasted fiercely by that powerful **** fire. Rao is Chen Xuan with such a strong disposition, his face still shows that kind of pain. Chen Xuan felt as if he was going to vanish in smoke.

  At this time, Chen Xuan felt that the bones on his body seemed to be shaking. And the internal organs seem to have lost their original position. And Chen Xuan's body just existed in the fire of hell, and for a short while, it seemed to be frozen like an ice cellar.

  And the kind of cold, Dan Hai was ten times more than what he could feel elsewhere in his body. Chen Xuan felt that when he was about to freeze to death, his own Dan Hai’s **** fire seemed to burn again.

   Chen Xuan's pain became more and more intense, and Chen Xuan even felt that he might explode and die in the next second. Chen Xuan tried hard to find some memories in his mind to make up for it. But Chen Xuan didn't seem to exist before, the more he searched, the more blank his mind became!


  Suddenly, Chen Xuan's body seemed to have directly changed from purple-red to red, and a powerful energy was overtaking Chen Xuan's body. At present, Chen Xuan could only endure it.

   Chen Xuan felt that he was like an ant, controlled by such a force, unable to fight back! Chen Xuan hates this feeling. What kind of existence is this Jia blueprint?

  Because what Chen Xuan can feel is that the strength of his body at this time comes from the blueprint of Najia. Is there any power in the Jia blueprint that can help you break through? Chen Xuan could feel that if it was just the Golden Core Realm that broke through to the Elementary Transcendent Realm, he wouldn't have to bear so much. Chen Xuan's situation at this time can only be described by the word hell.

  And Chen Xuan's breakthrough to the second level is completely given by the blueprint of Baijia! Chen Xuan could even feel that when he was torn by this mysterious force, he was still faintly glowing with blue light.

  Chen Xuan is still as cold and arrogant as ever. Chen Xuan always feels that something in the Jia blueprint is watching him break through. That thing is very likely to be divine consciousness, which means that it is very likely to be the divine consciousness left over by a certain cultivator. Chen Xuan could even feel that this divine sense seemed to be paying special attention to himself.

  And this divine sense can be hidden in the blueprint of Jia, how powerful is he? Chen Xuan also thought it was incredible! Chen Xuan even felt that even many experts in Wonderland would not be able to see through this so-called Jia blueprint. But this divine sense can be hidden in the blueprint of Jia.

   Then what kind of peak existence was the master of God's consciousness before his death? Chen Xuan was also very curious. But this extreme pain at the moment made Chen Xuan feel that he has no room to think about other things.

  Chen Xuan felt every organ in his body, even the internal organs, trembling.


  Suddenly Chen Xuan felt that his organs had been completely shattered. Chen Xuan felt that his blood was slowly drying up, and Chen Xuan felt that there was only a divine sense left in his existence.

With such a powerful force, Chen Xuan even felt that he could no longer fight back. Apart from the trace of pain on Chen Xuan's face, there was some shock. Suddenly a terrifying but thought appeared in Chen Xuan's mind.

  Will the person who erased his memory is the person who created the entire blueprint? Chen Xuan thinks it is very possible, but why is such a strong person so treating himself?

A strong man like    can kill himself even if he raises his hand. His dialogue with Chen Xuan is probably like a god-like existence!

  Chen Xuan became more and more puzzled, but Chen Xuan felt that his current spiritual consciousness seemed to exist in hell. At this moment, Chen Xuan felt that the pain that his divine consciousness could feel was a hundred times that of his own body.

  Chen Xuan knew that because the power of divine consciousness was more powerful, and divine consciousness was originally composed of the power of heaven and earth! Although Chen Xuan's current divine consciousness is strong, the so-called Dan Hai's capacity is not as good as those so-called great abilities.

  But those feelings of the power of heaven and earth are naturally ten times and a hundred times stronger than Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan's current spiritual consciousness is naturally no less tortured than Chen Xuan's body.

   is even ten times more powerful!

  Chen Xuan felt that his spiritual consciousness existed in the fire of **** for a while, and then existed in the extreme cold of the ice and snow for a while. And Chen Xuan's divine consciousness seemed to be like a tepid, faint aura, being affected by such a terrible illusion. But Chen Xuan knew that at this moment his spiritual sense was afraid that he would leave Chen Xuan's body long ago.

  The internal organs and blood organs of Chen Xuan's body had been shattered at this time, and Chen Xuan's bones had also become fragments at this time. Of course, the power in Chen Xuan's body does not only affect Chen Xuan's body.

  Because Chen Xuan broke through the barrier set before. In other words, Chen Xuan used his previous spiritual knowledge to draw a static world. Let his body and spiritual consciousness hide in.

  But at this time Chen Xuan could feel that the mountains in his enchantment had been shaken by this force. In the enchantment set by Chen Xuan, the change of seasons was also completely chaotic by this force. The sky was completely enveloped by a powerful light blue force.

  Chen Xuan felt the mountains and rivers within the enchantment he had set at this time. It has become completely dry, and Chen Xuan can't help but secretly marvel at this powerful force.

  Chen Xuan even felt as if his own existence had become the only surviving existence in this enchantment. After all, Chen Xuan felt that although his body had been destroyed by this powerful force, his spiritual consciousness still existed. But what Chen Xuan couldn't understand was why his spiritual consciousness had not changed at all under such torture. Even a little weakness did not happen.

  Chen Xuan also couldn't understand, the extreme pain made Chen Xuan feel that he was about to dissipate. But this extreme pain didn't seem to cause any harm to myself.

  Slowly, Chen Xuan's heart was calmed by this extreme pain, because Chen Xuan's divine consciousness was in the enchantment, and it had been in the extreme pain for about two or three days. Such pain, such a cycle of pain. One will exist in the fire of hell, and one will exist under extremely cold conditions. Chen Xuan seemed to feel that his spiritual consciousness could gradually get used to this kind of pain.

  Chen Xuan himself feels very incredible! What exactly is going on? But Chen Xuan's xinxing did begin to slowly calm down. Chen Xuan slowly felt that these pains were nothing but illusions for Chen Xuan. His spiritual consciousness has not received any influence! But his spiritual consciousness circulates those extreme pains.

  This seems to be an illusion, and the existence of these pains seems to be an illusion. The more Chen Xuan thinks like this, the calmer his heart becomes! Chen Xuan felt that the existence of his body seemed to be a completely illusory existence!

  Chen Xuan slowly felt as if he existed in this world, and this world seemed to be illusory. This idea became bigger and bigger in Chen Xuan's mind.

  (End of this chapter)

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