Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1678: Chen Xuan's breakthrough (2)

  Chapter 1678 Chen Xuan’s Breakthrough (2)

   Chen Xuan felt that the existence of the world seemed illusory to him. Chen Xuan even felt that even his body was illusory. Because the shattering of the body did not affect Chen Xuan's spiritual consciousness in the slightest. Chen Xuan's heart became more and more convinced of this, he seemed to exist like a bystander to this world!

With less than the slightest impact, Chen Xuan felt that he was just watching the world, watching everyone in this world. As soon as this thought appeared in Chen Xuan's heart, the cyclical pain suddenly became stronger and stronger. The mighty **** fire and the endless cold ice and snow are getting stronger and stronger, adding to Chen Xuan's divine consciousness!

  Although Chen Xuan’s spiritual consciousness was indeed not affected at all! But Chen Xuan could feel that the pain was indeed a thousand times stronger than before. But Chen Xuan was as cold and arrogant as ever.

   Chen Xuan could feel such intense pain, and Chen Xuan could not feel anything except such pain. Chen Xuan even felt that he could feel such pain at this time. They are all very untrue. And Chen Xuan's current state of mind is much stronger than just now. Chen Xuan's consciousness was in such pain, and Chen Xuan didn't even feel the pain anymore. It is because Chen Xuan has regarded these pains as illusions! Chen Xuan slowly felt that these pains were not painful or itchy to him! suddenly--


  Chen Xuan felt that his spiritual consciousness seemed to have returned to his Danhai place again. Chen Xuan even felt that his divine consciousness had indeed eliminated the pain in the illusion. The blood in Chen Xuan's current body seemed to have never dried up, and the internal organs in Chen Xuan's body seemed to have never been shattered. Everything is like Chen Xuan's illusion.

   Chen Xuan suddenly felt very incredible, how could the pain just be an illusion? Chen Xuan found that the surrounding mountains and grasses in his enchantment had been destroyed by the power that Chen Xuan had when he broke through.

  But Chen Xuan felt that his body should be restored later. This made Chen Xuan terrified. If Chen Xuan didn't realize the truth of the so-called illusion, would he probably be wiped out with the watch? Chen Xuan thinks this is very possible! Sure enough, the existence of the Jia blueprint is also a very extreme existence! He actually helped his breakthrough in this way. I really don’t know who is the sacred painter of this Jialantu?

  Chen Xuan was also very curious at this time, because someone with such an extreme state of mind, or a savior, or a destroyer. It's definitely not mediocre! And from the perspective of the Jia blueprint, this person definitely saw more than just the Yu world. He even saw the world outside the Yu world.

  Chen Xuan is also very curious about this. But through this breakthrough, Chen Xuan finally realized the meaning of God Transformation Realm! The so-called transformation into a **** is to turn into a god! This does not mean that one's own spiritual consciousness turns into a god! And this so-called **** does not refer to the gods!

  God, beyond the world! The so-called transformation of gods is to make oneself feel beyond the world in the end! All the pain in the dunya is an illusion! This is the transformation of the gods, and the most difficult thing for the transformation of the gods to break through from the golden core state to the transformation of the gods is the perception of the heart. If it was just that the strength of the divine consciousness had become stronger, and the mood had not changed, Chen Xuan felt that it was still only in the Golden Core Realm, just a slightly stronger one.

  And how could Chen Xuan's mood at this time be a little bit better than before? Chen Xuan felt that at this time his state of mind really met the requirements of transforming the gods. And Chen Xuan Danhai's spiritual consciousness has reached the middle-level existence of the **** transformation realm. And Chen Xuan's mood will inevitably have a great impact on Chen Xuan's entire breath and aura.

  Chen Xuan even felt that his mood at this moment affected his every move when fighting. Even his usual existence is affected by this so-called state of mind.

  Chen Xuan has long heard of it in the hidden gold pavilion, the so-called great power, every mood is very impressive! Each state of mind has reached a very abnormal existence. The understanding of the world is their own way! Even they can create their own way. Chen Xuan seemed to understand why in the past tens of thousands of years, no one has been able to break through this so-called Heavenly God Realm.

  No one dared to accept the test of the way of heaven anymore, and why would those who accepted the test of the way of heaven be wiped out thousands of years ago, or millions of years ago.

  It's all because of the state of mind! The state of mind is not strong enough, it is very possible that they were not killed by the so-called Dao of Heaven! Instead, they were killed by themselves. The so-called Taoist cultivator is definitely not just a phrase in the book. That is the way that the real strong felt. The way to transform the gods that Chen Xuan has now realized is the so-called illusion and illusion.

  And the so-called emptiness and the so-called illusion are the Tao that Chen Xuan can feel at present. Therefore, Chen Xuan's current strength is probably stronger than those in the Yu world who are at the peak of the God Transformation Realm! Because of the so-called Dao and the so-called state of mind, Dao Heart is destined to allow Chen Xuan to go further!

  This is the power of Chen Xuan! By this time Chen Xuan had already left the enchantment he had arranged. Chen Xuan returned to the room arranged for him by Heguizong. Chen Xuan even felt very lucky for today's trial.

  The secret of this blueprint of Jia, as well as his own insights into Dao Xin, can’t be made known to those cultivators. Those things are some trump cards for Chen Xuan now. For other cultivators, that is a great danger! If it spreads out, Chen Xuan is afraid that he will be hunted down by the major sects and then he will fall.

  This is what Chen Xuan feels most terrifying. But Chen Xuan's heart was still lucky. The last move, the final victory, was solved before Chen Xuan broke through.

  This really made Chen Xuan very lucky. Of course Chen Xuan would not have thought of those hands and feet secretly made by the so-called Sima Wushuang. Chen Xuan didn't even know that he had already attracted the attention of Qi Sima Wushuang.

  Even Sima Wushuang, a strong man at the pinnacle of the earth fairyland, the Sect Master of the Returned Sect still has such a fancy to him! Chen Xuan, who wanted to accept him as a disciple, naturally couldn't think of it.

  Chen Xuan was even more surprised that the secret of his own Jia blueprint had been known by Sima Wushuang a long time ago, but even Sima Wushuang could not solve the secret of Jia blueprint.

   couldn't even tell the origin of the Jia blueprint, but he knew a little bit more about the Jia blueprint than Chen Xuan.

  However, Sima Wushuang at this time discovered that Chen Xuan seemed to have broken through the Dao Xin and realized the Dao Xin of the God Transformation Realm. This made Sima Wushuang even more surprised. Sima Wushuang felt that this Yu world would never have more than ten people who understood his Dao Xin of the same rank! In other words, those who have realized Dao Xin have now become the pinnacle powerhouses of Earth Wonderland!

  And the peak powerhouse in the fairyland may not have realized their Dao Xin! This is what makes Sima Wushuang feel very terrible! Chen Xuan is also too enchanting, if it is to break through two consecutive steps from the powerhouse of the Golden Core Realm to the powerhouse of the God Transformation Realm. If you don't need to care too much, then Chen Xuan's Dao Xin Enlightenment is definitely the existence revealed today for Sima Wushuang!

  Sima Wushuang himself only realized the Dao Xin of the peak of the Earth Wonderland a few years ago when he stepped into the peak of the Earth Wonderland! And Chen Xuan actually realized the Taoism of the God Transformation Realm now. If in the future, every time he breaks through, he will be able to realize that level of Dao Xin!

   Then how strong should he be when he breaks through the powerhouse at the peak of the earth immortal? How deep will his background be? Even Sima Wushuang could not imagine Chen Xuan's future existence! Perhaps only this kind of talent and this kind of opportunity can try to see the tribulation of heaven, and it is possible to stay under the tribulation of heaven without disappearing in smoke.

  Sima Wushuang seems to have only seen in the book that two people have realized the so-called Dao Xin early on! And those two people have now become legendary existences!

  They are all powerhouses in the Heavenly God Realm! One of them is God Yu and the other is God of Destruction. But Sima Wushuang didn't know the disappearance of God Yu and Mie Shen! Just know that God Yu and Mie Shen are the two most powerful figures in these tens of thousands of years!

  And will Chen Xuan become the third one after that? Sima Wushuang couldn't even imagine that Chen Xuan's mighty Chen Xuan would be like Yu Shen and Mie Shen in the future!

   And he himself can cultivate such a powerful disciple in his lifetime, I am afraid he will die without regret! A disciple like Chen Xuan, I'm afraid it will be widely praised after thousands of years.

  But according to Chen Xuan's current situation, Chen Xuanwu's Dao Heart and the secret of Jia Blueprint will never be known to others by Sima Wushuang. Because Sima Wushuang knew if this matter would be known by other cultivators. For Chen Xuan, that would be a disaster!

  Even Yu Zong is afraid that he will hunt down such an existence at any cost! But Chen Xuan was okay. When he discovered Chen Xuan, he was not targeted by other strong men.

   And after the trial, he will publicly accept Chen Xuan as his personal disciple. In this way, Chen Xuan's opportunities and Chen Xuan's strength can be even more cover-up.

  Sima Wushuang thought about it.

  At this time, Chen Xuan felt that the Jia blueprint was more and more weird, because Chen Xuan always felt that there was a sense of spirit in the Jia blueprint. And what kind of existence is this spirit sense? Chen Xuan still doesn't know at all! Chen Xuan just felt that all his encounters were completely controlled by this divine sense.

  Chen Xuan didn’t know who the creator of the Jia Blueprint was, and he didn’t even understand this great power! Could it be said that this great power left a trace of divine consciousness into the blueprint of Jia?

  (End of this chapter)

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