Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1679: The weirdness of the blueprint

  Chapter 1679 The weirdness of the Jia blueprint

  Chen Xuan feels that the existence of this so-called Jia blueprint seems to yourself as if you have a deeper secret. Is it possible that the memory he lost is related to this blueprint?

  But who is he? why? Will it arouse such powerful attention? Chen Xuan seemed to feel that ever since he came into this world, his opportunities have been extraordinary. And Chen Xuan felt that he couldn't see through himself, and he became more and more mysterious.

  But Chen Xuan felt that he might get the secret answer from the Jia blueprint! Helpless, Chen Xuan said secretly because he was too weak.

If Chen Xuan is a little too strong, maybe Chen Xuan will be able to understand his own existence, but Chen Xuan now wants to join the combined sect, which means that at this moment Chen Xuan is destined to still need to hide his opportunities, otherwise his situation will be very difficult. danger.

  But what Chen Xuan knows is that if he enters the combined sect, Chen Xuan still needs to be more low-key if his strength is within the combined sect. Otherwise, what awaits Chen Xuan will be a catastrophe!

  Chen Xuan looked out the window coldly. What he had to face was the next trial. The so-called Fu Jun was afraid that Chen Xuan would not be able to create any strength. But Chen Xuan did not intend to use his full strength.

  Chen Xuan felt that Fu Jun used his own three-point strength to fight Fu Jun, it should be the most. If you use your full strength, you will inevitably be jealous of these cultivators. Chen Xuan's eyes were deeper than before. It seemed that people couldn't figure out what Chen Xuan was thinking.

  This is the change in Chen Xuan's current mood. Chen Xuan's current powerful Taoism is enough to benefit Chen Xuan infinitely. But the author of this Jia Blueprint obviously has an extremely deep insight into Dao Xin!

  Otherwise, it is impossible for him to create such a powerful picture and allow himself to accept such an illusion. Then comprehend this so-called Dao Xin. Chen Xuan thinks that the creator of this Jia blueprint is likely to be a strong one thousands of years ago. But from Jialan Sword to Jialan Ring, Chen Xuan felt that this must have a very strong connection.

  Could it be said that these weapons, the Jialan Ring and even the Jialanprint were created by this great power? Chen Xuan felt that this mighty cultivation base should definitely not be comparable to that of the pinnacle of Earth Wonderland.

   Chen Xuan feels that this strong man is very likely to be a strong man who has already entered the realm of Heavenly God! Heavenly God Realm Powerhouse Over the past tens of thousands of years, there may be only two Heavenly God Realm powerhouses. One is the legendary God of Yu, and the other is the legendary God of Destruction who exists in the underworld. The existence of these two legends is very terrifying.

   Could it be one of the two Heavenly God Realm powerhouses? But why do they look at themselves differently? Chen Xuan felt incredible. Ever since he came to Yu World from the original world incredible.

  It seems that his fate has always been arranged by a mysterious force, and Chen Xuan is not sure why he came to Yujie. It's just that Chen Xuan knew that it was probably not accidental! But of course, Chen Xuan's powerful state of mind would not be annoyed by these things that he didn't understand at all. Chen Xuan's mood did not fluctuate at the moment.

  He is carefully feeling the strength of the power in his body! Chen Xuan felt that the difference between the so-called Golden Core Realm and the Huashen Realm was still very powerful.

  Chen Xuan even felt that the powerhouse of the Golden Core Realm was like an ant in front of the powerhouse of the God Transformation Realm. How about the mid-level powerhouse in the self-transforming **** realm in front of the Nascent Soul realm powerhouse? Is it also like an ant? Chen Xuan asked himself.

   Chen Xuan's idea of ​​becoming stronger now, because this problem is getting stronger and stronger. Why can't I find out who the person who erased my memory is? Why can't I understand the secret of this so-called Jia Blueprint? Everything is because I am too weak. The world he sees is too small, too vague, and his Dao Heart is not strong enough. Chen Xuan seems to be able to understand the conditions for wanting to see through the Jia blueprint. It is very likely to make one's Dao Xin strong enough. And Chen Xuan is still too weak.

  The desire to become stronger now continues to pour into Chen Xuan's mind. Chen Xuan's desire to become stronger became stronger and stronger. Chen Xuan wanted to stand on the pinnacle of this Yu world, look at this Yu world, stand on top of the cultivators, and look down upon this piece of Yu world. Chen Xuan wanted to know more clearly, what exactly caused God Yu and Mie Shen to disappear at that time?

  Chen Xuan felt that it must be a more powerful force that made Yu Shen and Mie Shen disappear. But what is the origin of this force? Chen Xuan himself is not quite sure. But what Chen Xuan knew was that this power should still exist now! The source of this power should be a very powerful existence in the entire Yu world, even an existence beyond the Yu world.

   Is it the existence of another world? What kind of existence is such a world? Chen Xuan didn't think that there was only one of them now, and that Yu Realm and Ming Realm already represented two worlds.

  But the world before Chen Xuan came was already the third world. But are these worlds parallel? Chen Xuan is also not very clear, what Chen Xuan can know is that these worlds seem to have a special connection with each other! Chen Xuan knew too little about the world.

  Chen Xuan thought in this way, it is very possible that the world of shopkeepers Chen Xuan sees now is only one-sided of this world. And there are many, many things in this world that Chen Xuan doesn't know.

  Perhaps the powerhouse of the Earth Wonderland, the powerhouse of the Nascent Soul Realm, the world they see is completely different from Chen Xuan, much larger than Chen Xuan. Like a blueprint

  What Chen Xuan can see now is just a little bit. The rest is a fog. What Chen Xuan can't imagine is how big the world within the Jia blueprint will be if Chen Xuan becomes stronger.

  But the most important thing for Chen Xuan right now is tomorrow's trial. And Chen Xuan felt that he must be able to enter the combined sect tomorrow, but Chen Xuan felt that it would not be difficult if he just needed to enter the combined sect. But entering the combined sect, although it is said that Chen Xuan can get more cultivation resources and cultivation methods. But Chen Xuan felt that this was not enough!

  Because Chen Xuan felt that he still needed a powerful cultivator to guide him, he wanted those powerful people to see his potential. But Chen Xuan didn't want to, just like this burst out all his strength. Because Chen Xuan felt that no one could be trusted.

   Chen Xuan would not do this, but Chen Xuan felt that if he revealed his strength, he would be chased by the people of Yuzong. As the number one sect in the cultivation world, they will never let a strong man from the Heavenly God Realm appear! Nor would it allow a strong person with the potential to appear in the Heavenly God Realm to still live in this world.

  And in Chen Xuan's deep eyes at this moment, there are more existences that people can't see through. Chen Xuan, whose heart is still water, felt that the Jialan sword in the Jia Ring seemed to be abnormal at this time.

  But Chen Xuan felt that Jia Blueprint still had more secrets that he could not figure out at all. This is what made Chen Xuan feel that before this, he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a danger.

  But Chen Xuan felt that he still couldn't figure out the secret of Jia Blueprint. Chen Xuan is not strong enough at the moment. Only when he becomes stronger can he understand all this.

  Chen Xuan now dare not meditate on the divine consciousness anymore, or enter the Jia blueprint, Chen Xuan feels that it is very likely that he will burst and die. However, Chen Xuan's entry into the Jia blueprint was not a small gain. The biggest gain was actually not because Chen Xuan broke through to the middle level of the God Transformation Realm. It's Chen Xuan's Dao Heart, who has comprehended the Dao Heart of the God Realm!

  It is that Chen Xuan feels that the Tao Xin enlightenment is completely unattainable existence. Because the powerhouse who transforms the spirit realm, understands the Tao heart. That is very rare, even non-existent. Because Chen Xuan has also heard about it, the so-called insight into Dao Xin can only be done by strong people at the pinnacle of Earth Wonderland. And the existence of the peak of the earth fairyland is just the Taoist heart that has comprehended the existence of the peak of the earth fairyland. But where is such a Dao Xin that Chen Xuan has realized the solidity of Dao Xin when he transforms into the **** realm?

  Sima Wushuang was sitting in the hall at this moment, looking out the window coldly. It's just that what he didn't understand was why Chen Xuan was recognized by Jia Lantu as the master? Chen Xuan's origin is still too mysterious. Could it be that Chen Xuan himself has been manipulated by a certain power? But instead, Sima Wushuang denied this ridiculous idea. If Chen Xuan was really controlled by the strong. But even a strong like Sima Wushuang couldn't understand the origin of the Jia Blueprint.

  If Chen Xuan was indeed controlled, how could they endure the existence of Jia Blueprint? How can they possibly control the Jia blueprint? But what happened to Chen Xuan's blank memory? And what is the origin of Chen Xuan?

However, Sima Wushuang felt that Chen Xuan’s origins might be very mysterious, but Sima Wushuang did not intend to find out the root cause. The reason is very simple. Chen Xuan’s memory has been erased, or his origin is likely to come from a certain powerful person. hand!

And this kind of power is likely to be only a ray of divine consciousness up to now, and Sima Wushuang doesn't think he can figure out the idea of ​​a certain power, but Sima Wushuang is still very much looking forward to Chen Xuan's trial tomorrow. What can he achieve? Kind of degree.

  But Sima Wushuang expected that Chen Xuan would definitely not use all of his strength. Such a scheme would not be Chen Xuan!

  (End of this chapter)

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