Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1701: Chen Xuan's mood (1)

  Chapter 1701 Chen Xuan's mood (1)

  Chen Xuan's eyes were sharpened a lot at this moment, because Chen Xuan knew that for Chen Xuan at this moment, it was the moment of life and death. But Chen Xuan has now turned into the spirit sense of Jialan Sword, so the spirit sense of Jialan Sword is also much stronger.

  Flaming Red Python, of course, has felt that the temperature around his palace is now terribly low, and Chen Xuan’s current existence is probably far beyond his imagination. The eyes of the blazing red python stared even wider. His eyes stared at the size of hundreds of copper bells, staring straight at the spirit of the Jialan sword attached to Chen Xuan...

   Chen Xuan's state of mind is still very calm, so calm that there is no wave of disturbance. And Chen Xuan's brain is very revolving his tactics at this time. How can I defeat this big basilisk?

  And the relationship between this big basilisk and himself cannot get better now...I can only kill now; only when the big basilisk is allowed to move forward! It is possible to go out.

  And Sima Wushuang was above the main hall of the Union Sect at this time, with a pair of eyes watching his nose, his nose watching his heart, it didn’t matter what he meant to hang up high. Of course, Chen Xuan did not see Sima Wushuang in the slightest at this moment. If you see it, I'm afraid to follow Chen Xuan's temper. The account book in his heart will give the old man Sima Wushuang a direct record.

  But Chen Xuan's at this time, of course, did not think very far-reaching. However, Chen Xuan felt that it was still very beneficial for him to attach himself to the body of the Jialan Sword, because at least for him, he could directly pass on his fighting intent to Jialan Sword.


  The flame red python spit out a huge blue fireball, before Chen Xuan thought about it. At this time, Chen Xuan was completely wrapped in by the huge dark blue fireball. Chen Xuan didn't struggle too much, because Chen Xuan knew that at that speed, even if Chen Xuan struggled, he couldn't escape the existence.

  And Sima Wushuang's ray of consciousness naturally told Sima Wushuang about the battle situation at this time. But Sima Wushuang changed his previous mentality of observing his nose and mind. Instead, the corners of his own mouth were faintly involved in an inexplicable arc.

  And everyone above the Conjoined Sect Master Hall did not understand, what the **** this Sect Master, this Sword Immortal powerhouse is laughing at? Even so, Sima Wushuang's smile did not break the atmosphere in the hall. The atmosphere in the hall was still suppressed as always, of course no one dared to be presumptuous in front of Sima Wushuang. Otherwise, God knows what this killing **** will do with himself.

  The four law enforcement elders were very shocked, because they thought of a possibility that is very possible but very impossible in their hearts...

   Could it be said that Sima Wushuang dragged Chen Xuan into the picture of the heart this time completely deliberately? This is simply impossible, how is this possible? This is the image of Yu Zong's condemnation. If it is said that the four law-guards send their only apprentice into the plan of punishing the heart, it would be better to directly let the four law enforcement elders die!

Because for the existence of the pinnacle of the fairyland like Sima Wushuang, the lifespan is already very limited. That is to say, if Sima Wushuang missed Chen Xuan this time, I am afraid that his mantle will not be able to find someone to pass on. . What does this mean? For the strong in the fairyland, it is a fatal blow.

  And the four law enforcement elders also felt that they had reached the mid-level powerhouse in the fairyland. At this time, if anyone dared his apprentice, the four law enforcement elders thought that he would definitely not let them go. And the apprentice is already with their family in their hearts, or an existence that is more precious than their own lives. The stronger the stronger, the more so, so for the Yuzong practitioners...

   Finding a strong person as a disciple is equivalent to finding a backer who is absolutely brilliant, and this backer will protect you until the backer dies. What a great benefit this means for the cultivator! This is a benefit that no one can describe.

  The previous four law enforcement elders, of course, thought it was very likely that Sima Wushuang could not protect his apprentice, after all, that was the existence of Yu Zong. No matter how powerful this Sima Wushuang was, he couldn't challenge Yu Zong's authority. And Chen Xuan probably disappeared directly because of this offense, after all, his master did not protect him.

  Not to mention that other cultivators will offend Zong Yu to protect him. This is completely impossible. And now the law enforcement elder saw Sima Wushuang's weird smile. There was even an absolutely impossible possibility in my mind... Could it be said that Sima Wushuang sent Chen Xuan into the picture of Zhu Xin? on purpose?

  How is this possible? The four law enforcement elders also found it very unbelievable, this seems to be completely impossible. The four law enforcement elders thought of this possibility and kept thinking of various reasons in their minds to try to deny him.

  But what the four law enforcement elders did not expect was that the more anxious he was to deny him, it seemed that the more established he was. And what the four elders are likely to discover is that all of this is one game!

   is the game set by the kid Sima Wushuang for Chen Xuan, a game set for himself and everyone above the main hall. Even Sima Wushuang, the chess player, completely controlled everything in his own hands, and Chen Xuan was the one who played chess with Sima Wushuang. And he and everyone above the hall are pawns for the two of them to play.

The more terrifying chess piece is the existence of Yu Zong. What the four law enforcement elders did not expect is that Sima Wushuang actually said that using a powerful existence like Yu Zong as a chess piece, set up such a game to send to Chen Xuan. . Take such a powerful existence as Yuzong as a pawn! What a terrible handwriting. I am afraid that only Sima Wushuang, such a powerful third person in the Yu world, can do such a big handwriting, right?

  Also, Sima Wushuang is so powerful that there is no need to be afraid of Yu Zong. What is Yu Zong to Sima Wushuang? And if Sima Wushuang really gets angry, Yu Zong needs to be shocked, and Yu Zong is even more afraid of Sima Wushuang than he thought!

Because... Could it be said that Sima Wushuang didn’t know that Sima Wushuang completely regarded them as chess pieces this time, and regarded the image of the heart-to-heart left by their predecessors of Yuzong’s painting immortals as a trial for his disciples... Could it be that Yu? Zong they can't see it?

How can    not see it? Just because of fear, I opened one eye and closed one eye. And if Sima Wushuang's apprentice couldn't come out, then Sima Wushuang would naturally not be embarrassed to have trouble with them Yuzong.

  But if the little apprentice of Sima Wushuang came out, Yu Zong really had to take precautions. But such precautions have to be considered in the long term.

  Because Sima Wushuang's apprentices can escape from the image of Zhuxin under their painted immortals, how vicious Sima Wushuang's eyes are in the courseware. And because of this, Yu Zong will be more precautionary. Of course, it was just a precaution. Yu Zong didn't dare to offend Sima Wushuang, and he didn't want to offend Sima Wushuang's disciples.

  Because how could the people of Yuzong not know? Sima Wushuang's personal disciple with such a strength, and a disciple with such a good foundation, will reach Sima-like heights in the future. This is completely beyond the estimation of Yu Zong...

  The four law enforcement elders are also constantly thinking in their hearts, and the more they think about it, the more they feel that Sima Wushuang is terrible, the more they think about it, the more they feel that Sima Wushuang is unfathomable.

  It is just this handwriting, I am afraid that few people in the Yu world have such a handwriting! The four law enforcement elders thought of it together, this is really terrifying. As for himself and the other three law enforcement elders, I am afraid that they also looked down a lot at Chen Xuan before. Chen Xuan is absolutely the same as the old fellow Sima Wushuang, very unfathomable! But the more so, the more I feel that this is impossible.

  Why is Sima Wushuang so determined that Chen Xuan can come out of the picture of Zhu Xin. The strength of Chen Xuan, their four law enforcement elders really saw it. That was just a mid-level strength of the God-Transforming Realm, a young man who had not even reached the peak of the God-Transforming Realm.

   Although it is said that Chen Xuan has reached the middle level of the God Transformation Realm at this time, it is already a completely enchanting existence among young people of the same age. But Chen Xuan's current strength is to challenge even the strong in the fairyland who dare not enter the map of the heart at will, isn't it looking for death?

  This idea continued to emerge in the hearts of the four law enforcement elders, and Chen Xuan's current existence made the four law enforcement elders completely incomprehensible! Is this a Sima-like existence?

Actually knowing that this map of the heart is used by Yu Zong to deter the existence of the other seven sects, clearly knows that this map of the heart is the method left by the peak power of Yuzong’s fairyland, knowing that this is a very possible It is almost impossible to come back. Why did he dare to venture like this? Where is Chen Xuan's confidence?

  Where is Sima Wushuang's confidence? Why does he think Chen Xuan is so capable? The hearts of the four law enforcement elders are also becoming more and more complicated. What they don't even understand is...Where is the confidence of the two of them? what exactly is it?

  A middle-level kid in the realm of transforming gods actually said that he would dare to go to the top of the fairyland. Could it be that he was not looking for death? Could it be that Chen Xuan still has other hole cards hidden in his body that he and the other three elders do not know at all?

  Maybe there is only this reason, Sima Wushuang is very likely to see it, and he and the other three elders are still completely trapped in the valley...

   But Chen Xuan, a middle-level cultivator of the God Transformation Realm, is there any hole card that even himself and the other three law enforcement elders, such a middle-level powerhouse in the fairyland, can be completely blinded?

  (End of this chapter)

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