Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1702: Chen Xuan enters the illusion (2)

  Chapter 1702 Chen Xuan enters the illusion (two)

  In the picture of the heart...

Chen Xuan found that the picture of Zhu Xin seemed to be getting more and more opaque, and at this time, he and Jialan Jian’s divine sense were in the same existence that he didn’t even know where it was. Chen Xuan even felt that it didn’t look like it. It is within the map of Zhu Xin.

  Because the surroundings seemed to be dark and without a trace of light, Chen Xuan didn't know where it was. At this time, Chen Xuan tried to make his heart completely calm. And Chen Xuan's still-shui state of mind is definitely a very useful existence for the next trials and trials.

  And what Chen Xuan knew was that although Chen Xuan was in such a state of mind at this time, whether he was able to withstand the next test was completely based on Chen Xuan's own good fortune, and it was likely to be a fierce battle. But Chen Xuan was increasingly wondering what kind of existence this fierce battle was like. It seems that only the darkness has not dissipated, and the flame red python did not rush towards Chen Xuan.

  It seems that he has completely entered a dream state, yes... Chen Xuan knows that this is a dream state, but Chen Xuan knows that this dream state seems to have come badly. It's definitely coming for me, and this dream that comes for me is still a very great test for me. But because of this, Chen Xuan remained as calm as ever.

  Because Chen Xuan knows that only if he is calm enough can he defeat it. And this darkness seemed to have a mindset against Chen Xuan. The more calm Chen Xuan was, the more terrifying scenes he created and made Chen Xuan panic.

   However, Chen Xuan's heart seemed to be able to shield all horrors, and he did not change at all.


   Chen Xuan heard an extremely loud sound like muffled thunder. Chen Xuan knew that this was probably the huge roar of the evil animal. This made Chen Xuan secretly happy, which meant that Chen Xuan was still around the blazing red python at this time. To be precise, the spiritual consciousness of the Flame Red Python and Chen Xuan is still in the painting of Zhu Xin Zhi Tu.

  And this made Chen Xuan's heart a little more relaxed, because for Chen Xuan, it would be terrifying for Chen Xuan to say that he had gone to an unfamiliar illusion without knowing his spiritual knowledge. If it is said that Chen Xuan's own spiritual consciousness was completely sent to an unknown place by the blazing red python, the possibility is actually very small, and Chen Xuan knew this very well in his heart. It is because this possibility is very small, that is to say, an existence like Chen Xuan... it is impossible to be taken to another place.

  Otherwise, how weak is Huaxian's strength? Only in this way can the monster beast in the picture take itself to another place. And what's more, if Chen Xuan's divine consciousness was taken away from another place, that is to say, an existence like the remnant consciousness of the blazing red python is likely to be able to leave this so-called plot of punishment directly on its own.

   And this blazing red python directly regarded this so-called map of the heart as such a big world, and Chen Xuan even felt that the blazing red python had never noticed that he was a disgraceful situation.

  In fact, the flame red python itself had already disappeared due to the catastrophe. In fact, in this world, it is not only cultivators who have the calamity of heaven, but also that any cultivating monster, weapon, or human being has the calamity of heaven. And the people, monsters, and appliances that can't survive the catastrophe. The so-called weapons generally refer to the existence of those weapons that will dissipate immediately. Without leaving a little proof in the world, this is the fate of the powerhouse at the pinnacle of Earth Wonderland who has not survived the catastrophe, and even more so, the fate of the so-called monster beast who has not survived the catastrophe. Chen Xuan knew this very well in his heart.

  Rao is such a powerful existence of Sima Wushuang that there is no way to escape the catastrophe, even to welcome the catastrophe. It is conceivable that the tribulation of heaven is terrible, this so-called tribulation is even the nightmare of the strong.

  At this time, although Chen Xuan understood this in his mind, he was very thankful in his heart. Fortunately, I am not the blazing red python that I encountered in the Yu world, or maybe the blazing red python really has the ability to absorb the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator and transfer it to another place. If Chen Xuan really encountered a monster beast of this level in Yu Realm, then Chen Xuan would probably have no accident and only one possibility, and that would only disappear. But what Chen Xuan knows even more is that even if this blazing red python just left Chen Xuan with a piece of divine consciousness in the picture of punishing the heart, it still made Chen Xuan very likely to go crazy.

  Chen Xuan knew before he came in that as long as his divine consciousness dissipated in the map of the heart, his power would be completely dissipated when he returned to the Yu world. Moreover, even more terrifying words would affect his sanity, which meant that Chen Xuan would become a lunatic. In the final analysis, this is the difference between the picture of Jialan and the picture of Zhuxin. If Chen Xuan's spirit is dissipated in the picture of Jialan, it will not have much impact on Chen Xuan.

  It’s just a few days of cultivation, not even cultivation, but if the divine consciousness is dissipated in the map of the heart, then...this is the gap between the painter of the blueprint and the immortal. It is very likely that this is the real reason why Huaxian can't become a **** of painting.

  Of course, this is also a great inspiration for Chen Xuan himself, that is the heart of killing. Chen Xuan felt that the swordsman naturally wanted to kill. Because the sword is used to kill people, but the swordsman can't just be used to kill people. The sword used to kill people is just a butcher knife.

  The swordsman who can only kill is just a simple butcher. Not a master of kendo, but Chen Xuan, a real swordsman, believes that not just killing, but more importantly, killing intent.

  This is the real swordsman Chen Xuan thinks. And such a swordsman, Chen Xuan admired very much, and Sima Wushuang seemed to have such a status because he had realized his Dao Xin, and then combined with his Wushuang swordsmanship.

  Chen Xuan also felt that it was very right, because Chen Xuan knew that once Sima Wushuang had enlightened Dao Xin and then combined Dao Xin with his own swordsmanship, then Sima Wushuang would no longer be just a butcher. Sima Wushuang is a true swordsman, but Sima Wushuang is only able to comprehend these in an existence like the pinnacle of the earth fairyland, and an existence like Chen Xuan does not know how long it will take to realize it... Chen Xuan silently thought . But Chen Xuan didn't want to be a butcher who would only kill with a Jialan sword, because Chen Xuan knew that becoming a butcher would not become a strong man in his mind.

  Because of Chen Xuan's blank memory, as well as the puzzles about Chen Xuan's life experience and origin, Chen Xuan has been around for a long, long time. And Chen Xuan didn't want to follow the so-called Tao of Heaven's opinion anymore, because Chen Xuan knew...If he wanted absolute freedom, he needed the ability to fight against the Tao of Heaven. And Chen Xuan's so-called absolute ability to fight against Heavenly Dao definitely needs Chen Xuan's long-term accumulation of strength to form. And the more Chen Xuan thought so much at this time...

  The war-thirsty emotion in his heart became stronger and stronger, but Chen Xuan's heart was still absolutely calm. It is undeniable that Chen Xuan's mentality at this time is the most suitable for fighting. Calm, and passionate... But it is the most unsuitable for entering the illusion, because what is absolutely necessary to enter the illusion is the hostility in Chen Xuan's body now.

  But afterwards, Chen Xuan felt that the darkness slowly changed, and Chen Xuan slowly felt that the darkness had turned into some sceneries...what's going on? Chen Xuan's heart kept wondering? How is this possible? Isn't this in the picture of the heart? How can another world appear again?

  Chen Xuan's heart was a little confused, but the habit that Chen Xuan had cultivated over the years and the formation of Chen Xuan's Dao heart made Chen Xuan's xinxing more stable.

   Chen Xuan's xinxing calmed down again. The hostile spirit on Chen Xuan's body was smoothed a bit. Because Chen Xuan saw the Three White Valley.

  Yes, it is the Three White Valleys, just like when Chen Xuan first saw him, and even Chen Xuan couldn't tell whether this was an illusion. But this is no longer important to Chen Xuan...Is he an illusion, is he a trap for himself by the blazing red python? It doesn't matter. The important thing is that Chen Xuan discovered that he saw the Three White Valleys again.

   And whether there is Mr. Sanbai inside, the long old man with a gray beard. Even Chen Xuan wanted to grab Mr. San Bai's beard. Chen Xuan actually understood it...this was actually an illusion, and only the Three White Valleys in the illusion had such a breath. Because since Chen Xuan left the Three White Valley, Chen Xuan has felt the Three White Valley...

  That is just an ordinary millet. Chen Xuan even knew that the changes in Sanbai Valley had only occurred since the death of Old Sanbai that day. After the death of the old man, Sanbaigu became an ordinary barren valley. When did this familiar breath appear again? It's just that he would keep appearing in Chen Xuan's own dreams before.

   But this time, Chen Xuan felt that he had seen the Three White Valleys in front of him so truly! What does that mean? Chen Xuan knew that it was fake, it was just an illusion that he saw. But in front of Chen Xuan's eyes, the image he dreamed of appeared in front of him, the breath he had always wanted to pursue...

  In this way, Chen Xuan was unwilling to let go or leave this illusion. He didn't want to go back to the world of the Three White Valleys that had only become a barren valley. He wants to be here, he just wants to stay here. Chen Xuan eagerly walked into the Three White Valley, and Chen Xuan found that nothing has changed here...

  Are the old three whites still there? Chen Xuan couldn't wait to walk towards the room where the old man Sanbai loved the most.

  (End of this chapter)

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