Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1704: Mr. Sanbai's remarks

  Chapter 1704 Mr. Sanbai's remarks

   Chen Xuan looked at the vegetation here, his eyes turned very red. But what Chen Xuan knew was that this place was actually probably just a dream created by the blazing red python, or it was specially created to target himself.

   But even if Chen Xuan's reason fully knew this, Chen Xuan himself could not help but fall into it. Chen Xuan felt like a ridiculous frog struggling constantly in the quagmire. Knowing that this is a quagmire, Chen Xuan still desperately regarded this as a huge pond.

  But Chen Xuan's heart is constantly resisting Chen Xuan's reason. This is a feeling that Chen Xuan has never felt before. Why is this happening? Chen Xuan himself couldn't explain clearly.

  The expression of Sima Wushuang, the Great Sovereign of the Conguirance Sect outside the hall, became more and more solemn. He knew that Chen Xuan might have been trapped. And Chen Xuan's Taoism might not be as firm as Sima Wushuang thought. Perhaps Sima Wushuang was thinking too much of Chen Xuan's Taoism. In Sima Wushuang's view, Chen Xuan may be an extremely cold person.

  Since Sima Wushuang saw Chen Xuan, Sima Wushuang began to observe Chen Xuan. He discovered that there was indeed a huge gap in Chen Xuan's memory, and the gap in Chen Xuan's memory was erased by an existence that was obviously stronger than himself in Sima Wushuang's eyes.

  Whether Chen Xuan entered the Jia blueprint, or faced the blazing red python before, he was resolute and cruel. Sima Wushuang even thought that Chen Xuan might have let go of all his worries a long time ago in order to cultivate Dao Xin so strong.

  Sima Wushuang previously thought that Chen Xuan was likely to pass this illusion soon. Because Sima Wushuang felt that Chen Xuan didn't have the slightest weakness. Chen Xuan seemed to be blank about feelings, just like the memory in Chen Xuan's mind. This is also a very important piece of confidence that Sima Wushuang, Chen Xuan sent to this so-called plot of punishing the heart.

   But from the current Sima Wushuang's perspective, it seems that this is not the case. He just thinks too much. But in that case, where did Chen Xuan's tenacious Dao heart come from?

Sima Wushuang has not experienced the harshness of Dao Xin to the cultivator's xinxing. So where did Chen Xuan have such a powerful Dao Heart. It really was the Mid-Autumn Festival that brought the care of the three white valleys, and came to practice. But is that possible? How hard is it for Chen Xuan to cultivate Taoism with concern?

  For cultivators, if they want to have Dao Xin, they must be carefree. If Sima Wushuang had cultivated Chen Xuan's Dao Heart so early before, he also integrated his Dao Heart into his swordsmanship. That is a very enchanting existence, but Chen Xuan has not let go of his concerns yet. There is still such a strong concern in his mind while still being able to cultivate Taoism. That is completely the existence of evildoers.

  Where is the person? How could this be a person? Sima Wushuang's heart kept asking himself. But it seems that Chen Xuan's obsession with Sanbaigu is very deep. If you want Chen Xuan to walk more smoothly on the road of cultivation from now on. For Chen Xuan, the Three White Valleys once gave him countless warm places...

  Sanbai Valley, a place that once gave him countless hopes, now can only bring disaster to Chen Xuan. Because the Three White Valley once gave Chen Xuan so much hope and warmth. For Chen Xuan, it is necessary to personally destroy these warmth and hopes. Otherwise, Chen Xuan will die sooner or later, which means that even if Chen Xuan's strength can support Chen Xuan to reach the powerhouse in the fairyland. It even supported the existence of Chen Xuan's strength reaching the pinnacle of Earth Wonderland.

  That Chen Xuan would also be wiped out under the catastrophe because of this obsession. For Chen Xuan, the Three White Valley was definitely a catastrophe. But at this time Chen Xuan was caught in it, and even Chen Xuan knew that this was the illusion created by the blazing red python.

  But Chen Xuan just couldn't see through this so-called illusion, Chen Xuan just couldn't see through it. Chen Xuan was even in his heart. And in the subconscious, this three white valleys were taken as real.

  Also, Chen Xuan is still constantly looking for a basis for his opinion. For example, Chen Xuan is now coming out to see the changes in Sanbai Valley. Chen Xuan saw that the Three White Valley had not changed at all, and he was even more certain in his heart. Because Chen Xuan felt that it was indeed Sanbaigu. Otherwise, how could the blazing red python be able to construct an illusion exactly like the Three White Valleys.

  At this time, the blazing red python saw Chen Xuan's expression on the palace, and his heart was even more delighted, because he knew this human named Chen Xuan. It's already in the middle. Because before this human being, the cultivators who came here also had this expression. But without exception, their spiritual consciousness has dissipated.

   And this Chen Xuan will not be an exception to him, this human named Chen Xuan who dared to challenge him, finally had his soul scattered. No... For their cultivators, the dissipation of spiritual consciousness is even more terrifying.

  And Chen Xuan decided to ask about the Mr. Sanbai he saw. Because Chen Xuan was sure that Mr. San Bai would not deceive himself. Whether it is in a fantasy world, whether it is real or not. There was only Mr. San Bai, and he was the only one. Chen Xuan can be said to be completely trusted, and Chen Xuan knows the fate of believing the wrong person in the picture of the heart. That is, when the consciousness dissipates, one's own efforts are gone, and oneself can no longer become the so-called strong man.

  But Chen Xuan is now even completely convinced that Mr. San Bai in this illusion. Chen Xuan himself didn't know why he completely believed in this so-called Mr. San Bai.

  But Chen Xuan just believed him, because Chen Xuan knew that this world of Yujie was so terrible. And Chen Xuan did not even rely on it in the Yu world.

  Chen Xuan has no school and no school, in the real Yu world, Mr. Sanbai has long since passed away. And Chen Xuan is like an existence wandering around without belonging, no one can believe it.

  Even if it was the creation that I encountered when I was in the mainland of Xuncheng. That creation was so mysterious, and even though he said he wanted to teach himself, he sent himself to another continent. This creation is just a passerby for himself. And Chen Xuan only regarded Chuangshi as his only master in his heart.

  At this time, Mr. San Bai was standing behind Chen Xuan in an elegant white robe. And Mr. San Bai's white headscarf made Chen Xuan feel that the old man had added a bit of elegance. And even if Mr. San Bai was in the illusion, this god's eye was very clear and bright. Chen Xuan had never asked Mr. San Bai's cultivation level before, but now Chen Xuan has such an existence as a middle-level God Transformation Realm.

  I still feel that the existence of Mr. Sanbai is a very terrifying existence. Because Chen Xuan couldn't see through, Chen Xuan couldn't see through Mr. San Bai's cultivation at all. What a powerful background that should be!

   "Xuan'er, are there any doubts about standing here?" Mr. San Bai is still the same as before, can easily see through Chen Xuan's mind, and can completely make Chen Xuan feel the sense of harmony.

  And Chen Xuan was like a child in front of Mr. San Bai. Appearing very embarrassed, Chen Xuan scratched his head, glanced at Mr. San Bai in a panic, and dared not look at each other...

   "Actually, actually... I just had a very long dream. As for the content of the dream, I... I don't even know if this is a dream. Master you in the dream..."

  Chen Xuan was even more disturbed, because Chen Xuan’s dream was too long. It seemed that all this was like a dream, before seeing Mr. Sanbai. All this seems to Chen Xuan to feel that it is not true, only now, only this moment. For Chen Xuan, it seemed to be a completely real existence. Chen Xuan's own family didn't know what was going on.

  But what Chen Xuan knew was that he was probably...being blinded by the blazing red python, but there is another possibility that all this is a dream. Yes, Chen Xuan seems to have completely included the option that all this is a dream in his heart. Chen Xuan himself didn't even know that his heart had already been biased towards the latter choice.

  Mr. Sanbai looked at Chen Xuan with a smile, but his eyes were even more profound. And such deep eyes is definitely not the first time Chen Xuan saw Mr. San Bai. Chen Xuan also saw such deep eyes from Mr. San Bai before, but it was a long time ago.

  Chen Xuan looked at this kind of eyes, and once again he was stunned, and Mr. San Bai's eyes were even deeper. The smile on his face became even thicker.

  Chen Xuan still looked puzzled and embarrassed, because Chen Xuan knew that Mr. San Bai would give himself an answer. And this answer must be a right answer whether it is what you want or not.

   "Zhuang Zhou Mengdie, why are cultivators of my generation willing to be a butterfly?" Mr. San Bai said something that made Chen Xuan puzzled. He continued to look at Chen Xuan's eyes with a smile, but Chen Xuan naturally did not dare to meet Mr. San Bai's eyes. This is a habit of Chen Xuan. First, Mr. San Bai's eyes are really very deep, which makes Chen Xuan feel like he can see the whole world by looking at him.

  There is another respect that Chen Xuan has for Mr. San Bai, and the incomprehensible look on Chen Xuan's face is even stronger. And Chen Xuan respectfully asked for advice, "Mr. Sanbai, please!" After finishing speaking, he made a little Yi again towards Mr. Sanbai...

  (End of this chapter)

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