Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1705: It's a dream, not a dream

   Chapter 1705

  Mr. Sanbai looked at Chen Xuan with a faint smile, as if a tea-loving tea guest was staring calmly at the tea in his bowl. However, Chen Xuan's eyes still seemed a little impatient.

  It really is! Sima Wushuang saw the scene in Zhu Xinzhi outside, and his heart immediately flicked. Chen Xuan still couldn't let go of his heart.

  It seems that this level may not be so easy for a kid like Chen Xuan. But so what? For Chen Xuan, if it is said that he can't even pass the test of punishing the heart, he will face the inner demon of the heavens in the future. I'm afraid it will be the end of death, and Zhu Xin Zhi Tu's experience this time relieved the influence of a demon after Chen Xuan. For Chen Xuan, it seemed like a good thing.

  Sima Wushuang calmly thought about the problems Chen Xuan was facing now. After all, Chen Xuan could be regarded as Sima Wushuang sent into Zhu Xin’s picture by himself. And Chen Xuan felt that Sima Wushuang at this time was like a horse that had lost his eyes, and was driven by others. It's as if Chen Xuan's heart had already been completely controlled by Mr. San Bai...

   And Chen Xuan's vision in the picture of the heart is even more urgent, and Chen Xuan's heart keeps suggesting that Chen Xuan is right. Mr. San Bai said that the sects were all right, and Chen Xuan's heart was constantly longing. The previous experience was a dream. And only in the Three White Valleys is everything true. Everything is only true in the three white valleys.

  In fact, Chen Xuan's sanity had already been lost at this time, and Chen Xuan only had that heart now. But at this time that heart has been completely affected by the Three White Valleys in the Map of Heart Punishment.

  Mr. Sanbai's eyes flashed a sharp light, as if a bad wolf had seen his prey fall into the trap he had set long ago. And if Chen Xuan was ordinary, he would definitely be able to see this essence. But this time Chen Xuan didn't see anything. In Chen Xuan's eyes, it seemed that Mr. San Bai was a kind-hearted god. Mr. San Bai will never harm himself, as if everything Mr. San Bai said is correct.

   "Flowers are not flowers, dreams are not dreams. It is really good for you to have this opportunity, disciple. But when you come back, why do you come to doubt the reality? It seems that your cultivation is still not enough!"

  "This..." Chen Xuan also became more hesitant. In the bottom of his heart, Chen Xuan chose to believe in Mr. San Bai. But everything that happened before is too real. Including entering the combined sect, including the encounter with Chuangshi after going down the Three White Valleys, and the trespassing on the mainland of Xuncheng. Why is my most beloved master telling myself that all this is just a dream.

  But his master never died, and he is still like a greenhouse flower in the Three White Valleys and has never left. He still exists under the protection of the master. Which of these is true and which is false? When Sima Wushuang saw Chen Xuan's mentality, he couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

  He knew that perhaps this time, Chen Xuan was really going to be planted in this painting. Chen Xuan didn't even realize that Chen Xuan actually began to believe Mr. San Bai's nonsense.

  As long as this Mr. Sanbai composes a set of reasonable arguments, persuade Chen Xuan. Then Chen Xuan would definitely be persuaded. What is even more frightening is Chen Xuan's current mentality, I am afraid that it only needs to be a rhetoric. Can convince Chen Xuan, this demon is terrifying!

  Sima Wushuang shook his head secretly and said, it seems that Chen Xuan will be delayed a lot of time in the image of Zhu Xin. In fact, this is not bad for Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan can look at the predecessors of painting immortals and paint a world for future generations. If Chen Xuan can break out safely, the influence on Chen Xuan's mood should still be extremely large. As long as Chen Xuan can break out safely, the impact of Heavenly Tribulation on Chen Xuan should be small and not small in the future. Because the world of Zhu Xin Zhi Tu is far more dangerous than the Yu world.

  Because there used to be a widely circulated legend. According to legend, before becoming a painting immortal, Huaxian dreamed of a world, that is, the world of Zhu Xin in the legend. It was a prehistoric world, and the monsters in the world were far more terrifying than the Yu world. The eyes of people in the world are full of ghosts. selfishness.

  Furthermore, in the legend, the map of the heart is like hell. Everyone who comes to the world of Zhuxin is like the evil worms raised by the gods... The gods keep them in captivity for them to fight with each other, setting them countless difficulties and dangerous encounters, and there is only the last bug. Only to be able to leave this captive world. That is to leave the world of Zhuxin, otherwise it will always exist in the world of Zhuxin and suffer forever.

  How can this world of zhaoxin be explained with the word “hell”? Chen Xuan is in the world of Zhu Xin. According to legend, the painting immortal has not yet become a painting immortal. I once dreamed of the existence of Zhu Xin's world one night, and Huaxian naturally did not dare to fall asleep again for many days after waking up from the dream. This is the terrifying world of Zhu Xin, and it is not the terrible illusion that can really drive the cultivator crazy.

   is the terrible world of Zhuxin, because once the cultivator is saved by the pictures in the illusion, then the cultivator will become a evil worm under Shangxian's hand. Only the most powerful bug might have a chance to leave this so-called world of Zhu Xin.

And those cultivators who are really afraid of the map of the heart, are not the blazing red python in the map of the dreaded heart, nor the blazing red python of the map of dreading the heart. The so-called beautiful but false ones Illusion. They are just very afraid of the world in the map of the heart. What Chen Xuan may not know is how terrifying the existence of the Heart Judgment Map is to those cultivators. And once the cultivator is deeply plunged in, the cultivators who have been frightened through the ages really don't know how many there are.

  The real scary thing about painting immortals is nothing else, but painting immortals allows him to record a world in his pen. It's like vividly restoring an entire world. And this picture of punishing the heart is also a well-known work that Huaxian was named a painting immortal. At that time, Huaxian dreamed of Zhu Xin's picture by coincidence, and then in the legend, Huaxian almost was scared by this Zhu Xin world to completely lose his mind.

  This dream of painting immortal dreamed for three years, but after waking up, painting immortal always said that he had lived a lifetime in the world of Zhu Xin. Then Huaxian took the pen to paint the world of Zhu Xin completely. And after the painting is finished, no one is allowed to look at it. All those who watched finally returned to the real world without losing their power and becoming a lunatic. As for the existence of Chen Xuan, could he not be spared from entering the world of Zhu Xin.

  It really depends on Chen's own destiny. If Chen Xuan didn't believe Mr. San Bai's words, he might have shattered the illusion. There is still a chance to return to the real world after repelling the flame red python. But now Chen Xuan seems to have faith in Mr. San Bai.

  So Chen Xuan was afraid that he and the world of Zhu Xin were already tied together, and it would be hard to escape. However, Sima Wushuang was very calm and calm. Sima Wushuang definitely, instead of waiting for Chen Xuan to face these things after suffering from the Heavenly Tribulation, he might as well enter the Zhu Xin world now and cultivate his Dao Xin firmly. As far as Chen Xuan is concerned, as long as Chen Xuan's Taoism can be strengthened by cultivation. No matter how dangerous Chen Xuan is, he should not hesitate to go for a break.

  While Chen Xuan exists in the picture of Zhu Xin, I am afraid that the world of Zhu Xin is indeed inevitable. Sima Wushuang didn't intend to take back his spiritual consciousness. Because Sima Wushuang himself wanted to enter the world of Zhu Xin to see what kind of world it was like.

  Is this world really the size of Yujie? Is the mystery of this world really as legendary? In fact, the most fundamental reason for Sima Wushuang's divine sense entry was to give Chen Xuan an amulet, as long as Sima Wushuang was willing to save it. Chen Xuan could still retain his spiritual sense, because Sima Wushuang's spiritual sense was really very powerful.

   is so powerful that Sima Wushuang can directly communicate with himself in the picture. This is what Sima Wushuang alone can do in the Yu world. Only the heart like Sima Wushuang can be called the true Dao heart.

   "Xuan'er, do you know where this is?" Mr. San Bai saw that Chen Xuan's eyes were so clean that there was no hidden impurity. Mr. Sanbai knew that this matter was probably done. As long as you send Chen Xuan into the picture of Zhu Xin, you will be free.

  Actually, this is not Mr. Sanbai, but a Taoist who was swallowed by the flaming red python illusion a long time ago. Because this Taoist was swallowed by the flame red python illusion, he went to the world of Zhu Xin, but in the world of Zhu Xin every long period of time would choose a gatekeeper. This gatekeeper was like a hunter's hound, and was left at the door of Zhuxin Zhitu.

  In fact, to Shangxian, this blazing red python is like a gatekeeper, and this Taoist is like a watchdog...

   is also a chance for this Taoist himself. Legend has it that this Taoist can only add a worm in the world of Zhu Xin. Then the Taoist can regain freedom and return to the Yu world. And the evil worm who guards the door will choose again in the world of Juxin, which is a great gift for every evil worm. Because in that way, as long as you deceive outsiders into the world of Zhu Xin, you can keep your loneliness and you won't suffer much.

  But it is very different within the world of Zhu Xin. For these cultivators, the world of mind is like a hell. That's a living hellish existence!

  So how can this Taoist not be excited, as long as Chen Xuan enters the world of Zhu Xin, he can leave **** forever. Even if he lost all his skills in returning to the real world, he was very willing to become a lunatic...

  (End of this chapter)

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