Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1711: Patriarch summoned

  Chapter 1711 Patriarch Summoned

  This was the first time Chen Xuan saw the dawn of the world of Zhu Xin. He knew that for himself, he had no reliance in this world. You can only rely on your own strength to change all of this.

  Only today, two guards came to Chen Mansion’s courtyard. This made Chen Xuan curious, and what made Chen Xuan even more curious was that his uncle, the patriarch, actually wanted to summon him?

   Although the patriarch said that Chen Xuansu had never met, he still knew in his heart that it was his uncle. It's just a nominal uncle. You can tell by looking at your current living conditions.

  However, Chen Xuan still changed his clothes. This time Chen changed into a black robe with a white undershirt. Although it is not a gorgeous dress, it looks very decent.

   And Chen Xuan's face was even more calm, and the depth of his eyes made people unable to see what Chen Xuan was thinking. Is this the third master of waste material? What happened last night was also spread among the guards.

  It’s just these guards, most of whom don’t believe it. Because the concept that the Third Young Master of the Chen Mansion is a waste material has been deeply ingrained in everyone's heart, just like three meals a day, just like a conditioned reflex of all physiological needs.

  Even if you talk to a young child in the city, the third young master of the Chen family, I’m afraid this young child will immediately pop out two words in his mind, waste material! This does not require thinking.

   However, this time the guards have seen such a powerful state of mind for the first time. I don't know if it was dumb and stupid or what happened. But of course the guards couldn't tolerate more thoughts, so they took Chen Xuan to the main palace of the Chen Palace.

  This time Chen Xuan came to the main hall of the Chen Mansion for the first time. Chen Xuan found that the main hall was more gorgeous than he thought, or what he saw last night. It can be described as luxury, but the character that Chen Xuan has cultivated over the years is still able to keep his face unchanged.

  This surprised the guards. When did the third young master of the Chen family change sex? The third young master of the Chen Family came to the main mansion, when he was not drooling, just like a wolf seeing a flock of sheep. Although the Third Young Master of the Chen Mansion had been to the main mansion several times. It seems to have been added this time only three times.

  The guard brought Chen Xuan to the meeting hall of the main mansion of Chen Palace.

  Chen Xuan looked at it a little, and the one sitting at the top was a somewhat blessed middle-aged man with a beard and scumbag. There is an aura of no anger and prestige on his face. This may be the aura of a superior person in general. And this middle-aged man with a beard and scum, his eyes filled with disdain. Even after looking at himself for a while, he looked away again as if thinking about something big. Even when I look at myself, I feel disdain.

  That should be the patriarch of the Chen family.

  The people sitting next to the main seat had two seats about a little lower than the main seat. Those two high seats looked at Chen Xuan with a mocking expression on their faces.

  It seemed that the two of them were waiting to see what Chen Xuan's jokes were. The hair of the two of them was already gray, and it seemed that they were about the same age as their father.

  But Chen Xuan knew that the father of his body was once one of the elders, he just died for the family. But the strength shown in front of his father was too tyrannical, so naturally many people were jealous. With jealousy, it slowly turned into hatred over time. Since the death of his father, this hatred has become disdain and ridicule added to his useless waste material.

  In front of the father of his own body, he was jealous for a long time by his younger brother, the patriarch of the Chen family. Of course, this fear became completely disdainful to him after his father died.

Chen Xuan glanced around and found that sitting on the left side of the main seat was a new generation of the Chen family who had a better voice, like his second brother Chen Lin, but because his elder brother was adopted by the patriarch, he also Not eligible to take a seat can only stand behind Chen Lin. Chen Lin was dressed in a blue noble costume, sitting upright, as if he was a proud man of heaven, full of superiority, and of course he was full of disdain for Chen Xuan.

  His superiority made him automatically ignore what happened last night. This superiority has penetrated into his bones, and no one is allowed to destroy it.

   And Chen Shuang, that is, his eldest brother stood respectfully behind Chen Lin, so respectful that he was almost flattering. Chen Shuang's clothes are very bright, like a nouveau riche. It is because Chen Lin gave Chen Shuang such an opportunity to come to the Chamber of Deputies to be grateful to Chen Lin. Of course, this is also an opportunity to see Chen Xuan make a fool of yourself!

  The other is Helan Yuer. Helan Yuer's cold temperament and frosty face made the temperature in this room three times lower.

  At least Chen Xuan thinks that...

  At this time, Helan Yuer was wearing a purple skirt, and he was holding a purple flute that made fellow practitioners awe, which was Helan Yuer’s unique attack-like daemon. Few people in this hall knew the identity of Helan Yu'er, at least Chen Xuan didn't know that waste material before...

  Helan Yu'er and Chen Xuan's eyes met again, and there was a little more temptation in their eyes. When she saw Chen Xuan's deep gaze again, there was even more curiosity in her eyes. But the cold temperament that strangers don't enter has dropped a bit.

  Chen Xuan didn't care either. Those people sitting on the right side of the main seat were dressed very special. There are about three people. But the clothes of the three people have one characteristic, that is, the white shirt is embroidered with the pattern of flying geese in the snow mountain.

  The embroiderer looks beautiful and sophisticated, and Chen Xuan suddenly thought of a piece of information. That was what Chen Xuan saw last night. These people should come from the Snow Mountain Sect.

   Suddenly a piece of information was loaded into Chen Xuan's mind, according to the memory of that waste material Chen Xuan. This waste material Chen Xuan and Yun Jia Yun Shu had a marriage contract, which was agreed upon by his father and Yun Shu's father at that time.

  But it seems that this waste material Chen Xuan has never seen his so-called fiancee, and waste material Chen Xuan does not pay much attention to his fiancée. So the understanding of fiancee is very small.

   But there is a bad premonition wandering in Chen Xuan's heart. Could it be that his fiancée is related to the Snow Mountain Sect?

  After Chen Xuan looked around, he found that there seemed to be only one seat, and this seat was arranged ridiculously at the door, far away from the main seat. And this seat also looked very shivering, without a matching coffee table and tea, just like the difference between the Chen Mansion’s House and the Chen Mansion’s Mansion.

  Chen Xuan knew that it was for him, and Chen Xuan seemed to understand where these two old guys and Chen Lin wanted to see their jokes! However, Chen Xuan's face was still calm, and Chen Xuan's eyes were already very flat and deep.

  In this way, Chen Xuan walked towards the most extreme seat without paying attention, and then slowly sat on it. There is not a trace of embarrassment, and there is not a trace of embarrassment, as if nothing happened, as if there was nothing wrong with this seat.

  This makes Chen Lin, Chen Shuang and the two elders feel guilty. Because they would probably make the patriarch feel that they didn't know the generality, and Chen Xuan's state of mind, so plain, made them unable to find the slightest place to ridicule.

  Instead, they have become an object of ridicule, doing things so disregarding the overall situation! It's really a mistake.

  Helan Yuer looked at Chen Xuan's gaze more curiously. Is this still that third young master Chen Xuan? It doesn't seem to be right, the **** before was just a rough bag, what about now? So strategic, so state of mind...

At the same time, the old man and Yun Shu of the Snow Mountain Sect were also focused on Chen Xuan. Yun Shu's gaze was a little more curious, but it was just a little bit of curiosity, and would not affect her decision today .

  The old man's gaze also showed a subtle light with the meaning of detection. However, Chen Xuan's aura was collected very well, not exposed at all, and Chen Xuan's strength was also collected with Chen Xuan's aura. It seems as usual as an ordinary person.

  No matter how much he probed, the old man couldn't see Chen Xuan's strength. In fact, Chen Xuan discovered last night that he could manage his own strength more freely, unless he had a very powerful presence, otherwise he would not be able to detect it. This may have something to do with Chen Xuan's cultivating Dao Mind in the Yu world before, so I am afraid that only Chen Xuan can have such a state of mind.

  The old man was holding a teacup in his hand at this time, as if he was thinking about something. It would be fine if Chen Xuan had no strength, but how terrifying would it be if such a character had strength?

  The old man seems a little skeptical. Is it right or wrong to do this today? But it seemed that the girl in the silver skirt beside the old man hadn't waited for the old man to think well, and said coldly.

  "Uncle Patriarch, you should also know that I have been accepted as a direct disciple by the lord of the Snow Mountain Sect. And Xue Shi, the lord of the Snow Mountain Sect, is the only disciple of me."

  "The strength of Chen Xuan and I are worlds apart, so look at Uncle Patriarch..." Yun Shu's words were very respectful, but the arrogance and coldness between words permeated the whole chamber.

  This time the patriarch's face had a slight panic, but it was quickly covered up. Because the patriarch knew what Yun Shu was going to say next, and even the patriarch seemed to be unable to change everything. This will throw the family's face in. At this time, the patriarch looked at Chen Xuan's gaze, and there was a lot of hatred in his disdain.

  In his eyes, apart from wasting food and resources, Chen Xuan’s waste material was the only advantage for the Chen family to marry into the Yun family. No one knows that Yun Shu of the Yun family is a genius in cultivation, and no one knows the horror of the Snow Mountain Sect? And if Yun Shu had no accident, it would be the existence of the next lord of the Snow Mountain Sect. If he had this support, I'm afraid that the Chen family would be safe in a hundred years!

  But now...this waste...

  (End of this chapter)

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