Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1712: From the Yun family

  Chapter 1712 People from the Yun Family

  "Come here...Don't you hurry up to make arrangements for the third young master?" Sure enough, the patriarch Chen Hong's face turned into a pig liver color, and that kind of unangered self-prestige turned into a rage. And how dare those servants who bully and fear hardship be negligent? Immediately changed the table and coffee table for Chen Xuan.

  Chen Hong's eyes glanced at the two elders, and the hearts of the two elders also trembled. They also realized that this time I was afraid that they had done too much, because doing so would lose the face of the family.

  It was Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan's face was still calm and indifferent as before, and he sat on the newly prepared chair without delay. Of course, this little horse flea movement cleverly covered up what Yun Shu had said before.

   even more vaguely expressed the attitude of Chen Hong, the contemporary patriarch. Why wouldn't she be as clever as Yunshu? She took a sip of tea and frowned and glanced at the old man next to her.

  Of course the old man understands his mind, and it is Chen Xuan's state of mind that makes the old man pay more attention. This state of mind is indeed terrifying. Such a calm, humiliating attitude, how many people can even a cultivator have?

  But the old man just sighed in his heart, because for a waste with no strength, the state of mind is amazing. So what? You know, Miss Yun Shu is the next heir of the Snow Mountain Sect!

What kind of existence is the Snow Mountain Sect? In the Ulan Empire, the Snow Mountain Sect was the strength to dominate one side. There are three main forces in the Ulan Empire, one is the royal family, the other is the dark tribe, and the other is the snow mountain sect. And because the power of the dark tribe and the power of the royal family have fought for some time.

  The Snow Mountain Sect became the target of two powerful forces. What is even more frightening is that the Snow Mountain Sect balances the forces of peace in the Ulan Empire. So this also ensures that the Snow Mountain Sect will not fall, and the powerful position of the Snow Mountain Sect.

  So Snow Mountain Sect, how could the next lord marry a trash? This is absolutely not allowed, even if he is not a waste, his mood is very strong, but the overlord of the Snow Mountain School must not marry a genius who is not rare in a century.

   "This, actually... Patriarch Chen should also be considerate. Miss Yun Shu's identity is really too special." The old man also spoke, Chen Xuan knew that the strength of the old man was far above him. According to the clothing standards of the Snow Mountain School, the old man has five double-clawed flying eagles on this snow mountain flying eagle.

The strength of    should have reached the fifth-order existence of the Dao Master, and the strength of that Yun Shu has also reached the first-order existence of the Dao Master. It's really talented! But when Chen Xuan knew the strength of the Snow Mountain Sect, he started to figure it out. This Snow Mountain Sect, I'm afraid it's temporary, I can't afford it.

  Since I have a marriage contract with this Nizi, I am afraid that this Nizi is here to break the contract. Once the contract is broken, the family's face must be completely lost. Since I passed through the waste material of Chen Xuan, using the body of this waste material of Chen Xuan naturally wanted to do something for him.

  After all, Chen Xuan, the old man who was a waste material, could be considered to have died for this family. If this family is ridiculed for himself and then continues to weaken until it is over... Then he should also be conscientious?

  Well, Chen Xuan has no conscience, but Chen Xuan feels that losing the blessing of this family too early is really not good for him. Because Chen Xuan knew that although the family didn't give him anything, the money and some books were also provided. The exercises can be regarded as open to oneself, of course, the premise is that one's own body treats it as a success method, not waste paper.

   "Clan Chief Chen, you should also know the strength of the Snow Mountain Sect. If you disagree, I'm afraid you can only let Master Xue Shi come and talk with you in person!"

  In the humility of the old man’s words, there is even a threatening smell. But the threat was just right, and Chen Hong felt heart palpitations. At this time, Chen Xuan, who had been sitting aside for a long time, broke the awkward calm with his cold voice.

"Excuse me...Is Miss Yun Shu planning to marry my uncle or my young master?" Although Chen Xuan's words revealed a hint of teasing, the hostility in this sentence made everyone present to bear. Can't help shaking.

   Then there was a brief embarrassment, but this time Yun Shu broke the embarrassment. Because Yun Shu felt that Chen Xuan was nothing like what was said outside, just a straw bag. On the contrary, he is more courageous, and he looks handsome, but this is one of the most important conditions that is worse than what he thinks. That is strength!

  Chen Xuan is just a trash, how can a trash have the right to marry such a proud daughter of heaven? Obviously not! But seeing that Chen Xuan is not so sloppy, Yun Shu feels relieved, so he can talk to Chen Xuan directly.

   asked him to give up on his own initiative, and I'm afraid that Chen Hong can't say anything with reason.

  At this time, Helan Yuer looked at Chen Xuan's gaze more curiously. Is this the Chen Xuan you know? That Chen Xuan who was rumored to have been sloppy? In fact, it looks like this, Chen Xuan is really pretty! Even Helan Yuer herself didn't realize that when she looked at Chen Xuan, her cold air seemed to be reduced a lot, like a girl next door. And Helan Yu'er discovered that Chen Xuan seemed to be handsome indeed. My God, Helan Yuer immediately killed this strange idea. What are you thinking about? How could one have an idea about a piece of waste material?

  Is still not the first in the family? But Helan Yuer didn't know why, the more she didn't want to think about Chen Xuan, the more Chen Xuan's things would pop out of her mind.

  "Miss, naturally, I don't want to marry you like a straw bag. Of course, it is even more impossible to marry..." Yun Shu didn't finish speaking, but he also showed his attitude. At this time, Chen Hong's finger was being constantly fiddled with by Chen Hong. When he heard this, his finger stopped.

  Instead, Chen Hong gripped the finger tightly, and there was a sound of crackling bones from the hand holding the finger. At this time, Chen Hong's aura spread to the surroundings. Chen Hong's momentum was directed at the old man, Yun Shu and another young disciple of the Snow Mountain Sect forced over.


  Suddenly the water cup and coffee table in the conference hall began to shake violently, and dense fine sweat appeared on the foreheads of Chen Lin and the two elders including Chen Xuan. But the difference is that Chen Lin and Chen Shuang's hearts began to jump wildly involuntarily, and even their facial expressions began to lose their wits, and their teeth kept snapping. The tongue is constantly trembling.

  However, Chen Xuan's complexion remained as usual, and the old man easily broke the momentum exerted by Chen Hong with a light wave of his hand. This makes Chen Hong's complexion even more ugly. But it was only a long while before calm was restored. But still faintly able to see a little anger to the end.

"Of course, for the resignation of the contract this time. The mentor also felt very embarrassed, so let us bring one thing!" Yun Shu easily took out a beautiful box from under his sleeve, and let the family The servant handed it to Chen Hong.

Naturally, Chen Hong's face was still very ugly. For this reason, Yun Shu said again: "I'm really sorry, Uncle Chen. Because Chen Xuan and I are really inappropriate, and I'm afraid there will be no intersection from now on. !"

"If the little girl had expected it well, Chen Xuan would have been supported by the family because of the death of his father in the family. He would spend the rest of his life in the courtyard of the Chen Mansion. The little girl would not be envious of such a comfortable life." After Yun Shu finished speaking, he paused. Chen Hong's anger eased slightly, it seems that Yun Shu should be right.

  And the ease that Yun Shu talked about, I'm afraid it means letting himself eat and wait for death, wasting food and air resources, right?

"However, Yun Shu is afraid that the burden will be heavier. If there is no accident in the future, the teacher will hand over the entire Snow Mountain Sect to the little girl. The little girl is afraid that from now on, he can only live through the two worlds, little girl. I feel that I really have nothing to do with Chen Xuan, let alone have it, so you see..."

  Chen Hong did not rush to deny it either, because he found that he seemed unable to deny that what the other party said was the truth. In the future, Chen Xuan would have to eat and wait to die, but what kind of existence Yun Shu is, I am afraid that he will be a top existence in the Ulan Empire!

  Sure enough, his own Chen family still couldn't climb high. Chen Xuan was really a waste. If Chen Xuan was better... Just as Chen Hong was thinking, Yun Shu's cold words once again echoed in the Chamber of Debate.

"Look, the gift that my mentor specially gave you is also very sincere! Can you take a look at our sincerity first, and then rush to answer the little girl?" Yun Shu said this in cold words, like It is a gift from a superior queen to the most humble servant around her.

  But this is very beautiful, even if the tone is so arrogant, but it really makes people unable to fault. And no one dared to choose, because as the next lord of the Snow Mountain Sect, he was indeed qualified to say so.

Chen Hong nodded slightly, already hiding his anger just now very well. He slowly opened the box... his eyes lit up, and the two elders who were sitting close to Chen Hong had their eyes flooded. With covetous and greedy colors...

  (End of this chapter)

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