Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1739: From hard to tough

  Chapter 1739 From hard to tough

   Chen Xuan seemed to feel that he was being scrutinized by the white-robed old man with hot eyes, not knowing why. Chen Xuan felt as if he was being scrutinized by Chi Guoguo, as if he had been stripped by the white-robed old man, revealing nothing in front of the white-robed old man.

  This made Chen Xuan feel very uncomfortable, not because Chen Xuan felt that the white-robed old man was very dangerous or something. It was Chen Xuan that felt this feeling very uncomfortable. But Chen Xuan was also helpless. After all, the white-robed old man forced Chen Xuan to be too strong, just because the white-robed old man was so much stronger than Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan now has no power to resist, but Chen Xuan still does not understand why this white-robed old man looks at himself so much. But Chen Xuan felt that there must be his reasons.

  Sure enough, the hot eyes of the white-robed old man returned to normal after a few minutes, still with a deep look, which made Chen Xuan feel unfathomable. But the white-robed old man had a plan at this time, because the white-robed old man's plan now was to allow Chen Xuan to fully train his physique.

  However, what you need to cultivate is explosive power, or tenacious tenacity and short-term explosive power. For Chen Xuan, training would be a little harder than training Chen Xuan's mood.

  In fact, it was not because the training method was difficult, but because the pain Chen Xuan suffered during training was even stronger than when Chen Xuan's character was cultivated.

  At this time, the eyes of the white-robed old man looking at Chen Xuan turned into a pair of treacherous eyes. Chen Xuan felt as if he was being stared at by a shameless adulterer, but Chen Xuan seemed to have reacted immediately. This was not a thief in his eyes. But the look in his eyes that is about to be painful!

   Before Chen Xuan was tortured by the white-haired old man when he was practicing his mental state, but Chen Xuan still felt that the eyes of the white-robed old man at that time were not as obvious as they are now.

  And the white-robed old man seemed to have noticed Chen Xuan's current eyes, and he began to return to the usual waves of calmness. Once the white-robed old man's eyes returned to this way, he would no longer see the traces of the wicked eyes.

  This made Chen Xuan secretly praised in his heart that this old man in white robe is really a terrifying old evildoer! However, Chen Xuan still didn't show such admiring eyes, just put such eyes in the bottom of his heart.

  My eyes are still so deep, like a black cave, people want to go in and explore, but after exploring and exploring, this is just a black cave, there is nothing in it, but there seems to be a lot of things hidden. People who don't know Chen Xuan will think that this is just an ordinary young man, thinking that Chen Xuan's appearance makes it impossible for people who don't know the depth of Chen Xuan.

  But those pupils are like a changeable treasure box, which can be transformed into any color at will. But Chen Xuan's heart was able to do it, and the microwaves were not alarmed, even now the mountains and rivers of the world could hardly affect Chen Xuan's heart.

  But Chen Xuan knew that this was just the beginning for himself and the whole world of cultivating the mind. Chen Xuan's current state of mind should have reached Taoist Consummation, but Chen Xuan's Taoist energy still stayed at the fifth or sixth level of the Taoist.

  Because Chen Xuan knew that if his Dao Mind Strength were to be improved, I was afraid that he would have to use Dao skills or Dao Mind Cultivation Techniques. Generally speaking, the Dao Heart Cultivation Method will improve the Dao Heart Strength of the practitioner faster, but what Chen Xuan knows is that he has not yet reached the Dao Master level.

  Only practitioners who have reached the level of Taoist masters can have the strength to practice Taoism. Of course, Chen Xuan didn't expect much of the Chen family's exercises, not because he and Chen Hong and Chen Lin were at odds with each other, and the Chen family embarrassed themselves with this.

  Of course, Chen Xuan did not rule out such a possibility, but what Chen Xuan knew was that even if he had broken the Chen family through the sky, he was afraid that he would not be able to practice the dual-faculty technique!

  There is no other reason, it's all because the Chen family's strength is still too weak. In other words, the Chen family was in the Ulan Empire, and the Chen family was simply an ant on the entire continent, without any strength at all.

  Actually, the Chen family is just the landlord of a place after all. Even clans are not even considered, in fact, there are many organizations in this world. And those without any organization are civilians, untouchables.

  And the organization is also big and small, sects, families, and of course the royal family, more of it has a lot of strength overtly and secretly. But Chen Xuan knew that families were divided into small families and large clans, and the reason why small families were small families was that they were too weak and too small. They were only the hegemon of a town, or the emperor of a town.

  But this kind of strength is far worse than the clan. The strength of the clan is one hegemony in a county or one of the rich, powerful and powerful. But the Chen family where Chen Xuan was located was still too weak to compare.

  In the small family where Chen Xuan is now, perhaps there are only the kind of intermediate and elementary alchemy techniques, and the advanced alchemy techniques are probably very rare. But Chen Xuan heard that the Chen family still has a collection of exercises, and only the patriarchs and the successors of the patriarchs of the past can learn it, so as to protect the whole clan.

  And the level of the exercise is only the elementary level of the profound level! From the perspective of large clans or small sects, that exercise can be learned by every ordinary disciple.

   And if such a technique is placed in the royal family, placed in the Snow Mountain Sect of the last three sects among the five major sects, it is a waste paper that no one has learned. Because their disciples are all learning the techniques of the high-level profound level, even the elementary and intermediate levels of the earth level.

  And with such a low-level exercise, they would not even look at it straight. But what Chen Xuan knew was that a family like himself would treat it like a treasure. Really there is no overlord of the poor family, the bulk of them can't wait for leisure!

  This is a sentence widely circulated throughout the continent, because the big sects will never have weak people, even if there are weak ones, even those ruthless big sects will choose to immediately obliterate him.

  Instead of keeping him, stay alive! This is the advantage of the gate, this is the gap. But Chen Xuan didn't care about this, because Chen Xuan had a powerful old man beside him.

In addition, Chen Xuan’s current strength can also be exposed to dual-line Dao skills. At that time, Dao skills and Dao Heart techniques can be practiced together, and the legends of talisman making can also help with the cultivation. Chen Xuan feels that his cultivation path is above Although difficult and dangerous, the opportunities are good.

  However, it is more important for Chen Xuan to learn how to dissolve palms. Of course, judging from the appearance of this old man in white robe, I am afraid that dismantling palms is not so easy to learn. However, Chen Xuan was willing not to take it for granted. The main reason was that Chen Xuan was still very curious, what is the method that is more perverted than the cultivation method of the cultivation state of mind?

Chen Xuan was a man of two generations, and Chen Xuan's heart had become very hard as if it were a stone, but it was the old man in the white robe who turned Chen Xuan's heart from hard to tenacity, which is also a great thing for Chen Xuan. The change.

  But Chen Xuan's heart changed from hard to tenacity. Only Chen Xuan knew about the difficulties and obstacles of this process. However, Chen Xuan clenched his teeth and persisted. Because Chen Xuan knew that if he wanted to become stronger, he had to endure what ordinary people couldn't bear, and to endure what ordinary people couldn't endure, in order to get what ordinary people couldn't get.

  This sentence is the first thing Chen Xuan said to himself since he was assassinated by the gray-robed old man in the Yu world. Since I want to go back, since I want to see through the whole world, since I want to become stronger, since a clan like the Snow Mountain Sect wants him to become a ridiculous ant in front of him. Then there is only one way, and that is to endure!

  However, Chen Xuan's eyes still seemed to be deep at this time, but these deep eyes no longer revealed the kind of clean and transparent microwave. Instead, there was another thing, as if an impurity had been introduced into the clear spring that was clear before.

  But this impurity spreads like algae, so crazy. How could the white-robed old man fail to see it? He saw it. What he saw was Chen Xuan's perseverance. He saw the hot light in Chen Xuan's eyes. The hot light seemed to be able to swallow all the difficulties and obstacles, as if it could dissolve all the humiliation.

  The white-robed old man saw what he wanted, and it was the white-robed old man's so determined disposition that he couldn't help but start to change when he saw Chen Xuan's eyes. Becoming heroic, the blood in his heart became hot.

  He knew that this was not because his state of mind was not enough, but because Chen Xuan's group was too strong for a year, so powerful that it could affect him. You can let your heart follow it. But the eyes of the white-robed old man looking at Chen Xuan were calmer, because the more the white-robed old man had other emotions towards a person, the calmer his eyes would look at him.

   Just like when the white-robed old man wants to kill a person, the eyes of the white-robed old man are absolutely very calm, so calm that there is no wave of waves. Because the white-robed old man's control of his own character has reached a terrible level, that is to say, he can already hide his killing intent, and the hiding is very good, even the cultivator who was killed is very likely to be a second before. He also treated the white-robed old man as a confidant.

  But the white-robed old man looked at Chen Xuan in shock and surprise this time, but the white-robed old man has long been used to shock and ecstasy in his heart, but his face is the same as usual.

  But for a long time, the white-robed old man spit out a few words coldly, "Starting to practice tomorrow!" When Undo heard these words, his mind trembled, as if he was expecting a trace of panic!

  (End of this chapter)

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