Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1740: Methods of Physical Training (1)

  Chapter 1740 Methods of Physical Training (1)

  After a while, Chen Xuan's eyes seemed to be completely calm. The white-robed old man looked at Chen Xuan at this moment, and he felt that he could indeed talk to Chen Xuan about this method of cultivating physique.

  It’s just that this method of cultivation didn’t seem to be of much use, so the old man in the white robe let Chen Xuan rest earlier, and tomorrow, he would naturally have arrangements. But after hearing this sentence, Chen Xuan became even more panicked.

  Because Chen Xuan thought of the time when he was cultivating his state of mind, it seems that the white-robed old man said to Chen Xuan the same way. And Chen Xuan also took a good rest all night, of course, there is a reason for Helan Yuer in this good rest.

  But Chen Xuan does miss Helan Yuer a little now, and this Nizi also borrowed tens of thousands of gold coins from herself. But Chen Xuan didn't know why, as if he didn't miss Helan Yuer because of those tens of thousands of gold coins.

  It seems that because of the change of time, there will be a fixed time every night, and Chen Xuan will miss Helan Yuer. And Helan Yuer's figure seemed to be completely indelible in Chen Xuan's mind. But Chen Xuan didn't know why, it seemed that this emotion was hard to be suppressed by Chen Xuan.

  But Chen Xuan didn't think this was a bad thing, but Chen Xuan thought it was actually a very beautiful thing. Because when Chen Xuan missed Helan Yuer, it was as if the whole person became very happy, as if everything he and Helan Yuer did was very sweet, even Helan Yuer was in Chen Xuan before. When she was scrapping, she looked at Chen Xuan as if the current Chen Xuan didn't look so annoying.

  Chen Xuan didn't know what was wrong with him, but Chen Xuan knew that he must have a different feeling for Helan Yuer than others. But as for what kind of feeling is this, is it friendship?

  Chen Xuan couldn’t explain it himself.

  At this time, the white-robed old man did not fall asleep, but was in the Jia blueprint in Chen Xuan's mind, listening to Chen Xuan's rhetoric and psychological monologue. I've been laughing secretly, from laughing secretly to laughing furtively.

  The white-robed old man thought this apprentice was really interesting, but the white-robed old man felt that if Chen Xuan and Helan Yuer were together, it would be a great opportunity for Chen Xuan.

  Because Chen Xuan didn't know it himself, but the old man in the white robe knew that Helan Yuer's identity was very terrifying. Although the family behind Helan Yuer is not the opponent of the white-robed old man, the white-robed old man knows that it is definitely not an existence inferior to the Snow Mountain Sect. It is even ranked as the top two of the five peak sects. sect.

  As for Chen Xuan's current strength, he still needs to look up to the existence of such a sect. Chen Xuan's talent is really not known in Helan's family, but Helan Yuer's status in Helan's family is so high.

  If Helan Yuer and Chen Xuan are walking together, will the family agree? It depends on Chen Xuan himself. But this is the former Chen Xuan, now Chen Xuan has his training, what is the recognition of the Helan family?

  Even if it is another ten years, it is not impossible to overthrow the Helan family in twenty years! After all, Chen Xuan's world shouldn't be just this Daoxin Continent, but several worlds parallel to the Daoxin Continent, and in the end, it was the higher and farther world.

  The white-robed old man's eyes kept calm, and he narrowed slightly. If anyone is familiar with the white-robed old man, he must know that he must not provoke him at this time.

  This is the time when the white-robed old man is most fierce. If you accidentally see it, you must hide away. However, Chen Xuan still did not see the look of the white-robed old man.

  Because Chen Xuan knew that he would not feel well tomorrow. As for why, Chen Xuan thought it was only his perception. What I will see tomorrow is a more tyrannical method of cultivation, but how much can my body bear?

  Chen Xuan himself is afraid that he does not know, but Chen Xuan knows that although the white robe elder said that the method used is very harsh, Chen Xuan knows that Chen Xuan's foundation will not be harmed, that is, Chen Xuan's foundation.

  Otherwise, Chen Xuan really has nothing to worry about in the end. Surprisingly, Chen Xuan understood that the road to cultivation should have been so difficult and difficult.

  Since I want to become the strongest, I will definitely face even more cruel things in the future, so the current cruelty is just the beginning for Chen Xuan.

  However, Chen Xuan fell asleep, but Helan Yuer was still in his mind. Because Chen Xuan discovered that under the circumstances of being so tired these few days, and with such tight nerves, it seemed that he could only fall asleep when he was thinking of Helan Yuer.

  Although Chen Xuan said that he didn’t know why.

  At this time, the night is very clean, it is a kind of black that is so dark that you can't see anything, but when you look at it in peace, it seems that there is still a kind of white. That is the white floating in the black night, and the white seems to be a kind of mist, or the water vapor just after the rain. This kind of night is extremely quiet, as if there is no sound of bugs and birds.

  It seems that even the sound of dew falling down can be faintly heard at this time. The sky was raining just now, but it stopped now, and the water vapor and dark clouds seemed to be moving slowly.

  Slowly reveal the bright moonlight, and the deep moonlight most likes to penetrate the girl’s window, and the daughter is thinking about her heart at this time.

  Helan Yuer looked at the bright moonlight coming in, but she was thinking of him in her heart. It seems that I haven't seen Chen Xuan for a long time. How long is it?

  Helan Yuer seems to be unable to explain, but I remember it for a long time. He didn't know why Chen Xuan didn't see him in Beppu, and he went to Chen Xuan's Beppu several times, but he found that Chen Xuan didn't seem to be there!

   Could it be that Chen Xuan was hiding from himself? Helan Yu'er thought in her heart, could it be that Chen Xuan owed herself money, so she was hiding? Helan Yuer had a thought that even she was very suspicious...

  As long as Chen Xuan visits her several times a month, she can Chen so much money per month, or even more. But when this kind of thought appeared, Helan Yuer was also shocked, when did she care about Chen Xuan so much.

And in Chen Xuan's Beppu... Chen Xuan seems to have never returned, because Helan Yuer has been running to Chen Xuan's Beppu almost every day, but every time Helan Yuer greets Helan Yuer. There is only the old butler.

  And what the old butler said most to Helan Yuer every time was "Master has gone out, I don’t know when I will come back! I don’t know where the Master has gone! I don’t seem to know when the Master will leave!

  Helan Yuer can only return very disappointed every time, but what Helan Yuer does not want to admit is that she seems to be able to concentrate every day except when she is practicing.

  At other times, I was thinking of Chen Xuan. Helan Yuer didn't know why she missed Chen Xuan so much. For Chen Xuan, when has become so important.

  Actually, Chen Xuan was in the Chen family, and there was almost no sense of existence, because Chen Xuan had disappeared for so many days. Except for the old housekeeper and Helan Yuer's personal maid, it seems that no one else has mentioned the name Chen Xuan.

  As for the reason...Even though Chen Xuan was in the Dao Heart Force Test, he was just beginning to get a head start, but he also offended the patriarch Chen Hong and the future patriarch Chen Lin to death.

  If you have a good relationship with Chen Xuan, it means that you will also offend Chen Hong and Chen Lin to death, and then the Chen family will really have no place for him. It's no use crying anyone!

  But Helan Yuer was thinking of Chen Xuan, thinking of Chen Xuan's eyes, thinking of Chen Xuan's figure, and thinking of Chen Xuan's steps. Slowly Helan Yuer realized that she seemed to be at peace in her heart, which was a kind of satisfying peace.

   is like a fish that was thrown into the desert a long time ago, then thrown back into the pond, and then spent the rest of your life in the pond. Helan Yuer found that he seemed to be the fish.

The more Helan Yuer thought about it, the calmer her heart became, and the more quiet in her mind. Helan Yuer's eyes slowly closed. Only the eyelashes trembled, but Helan Yuer could still feel it. To.

  Helan Yuer felt the autumn rain outside, the outside scenery was soft to the extreme, and the boring autumn rain finally stopped falling. Helan Yuer also quietly entered the dream.

  Of course, Chen Xuan had already entered his dream at this time, although this time he dreamed of Helan Yuer again. But Helan Yuer also dreamed of Chen Xuan in her dream, but the dreams of the two people were different, but the dreams of the two people seemed to be the same.

  But what Chen Xuan was very sad reminded was that it might not be clear yet. There was another autumn rain outside the window, and Chen Xuan was awakened by the **** voice in his mind.

   However, Chen Xuan felt very lucky that this time Chen Xuan was finally not dragged to the top of the mountain. Chen Xuan, who was awakened, knew that his good life might be coming to an end.

  The next thing waiting for him is the devil training behind the silly smile of the white-robed old man. But Chen Xuan was not afraid, and Chen Xuan's heart was even more calm at this time.

  There is no surprise, no expectation, no fear, it seems that there is nothing at all. Some are just a beating heart, but this is the best state for cultivators.

Only when the cultivator himself does not regard himself as a flesh and blood existence at the beginning, the effect of the cultivation will be even greater. When the cultivator’s mind and body become natural objects, then it is a natural fusion with heaven and earth. At that time, the training effect was the best!

  However, the white-robed old man did not let Chen Xuan practice immediately. Instead, he took Chen Xuan to the dining table in the guest room and asked Chen Xuan to ask Xiao Er to have breakfast...

  (End of this chapter)

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