Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1750: who am I?

   Chapter 1750 Who am I?

  This is the rarest treasure on the Budo Continent. In other words, he may not exist in the Martial Dao Continent at all, but Chen Xuan still feels that this old man's background is more than that?

  But this old man who doesn't seem to be too serious and doesn't look too serious at all, his expression at this time seems to be completely different. This really surprised Chen Xuan, but what about it?

  The fortune-telling man seemed to not care about Chen Xuan's gaze at all, nor did he care about the look in Chen Xuan's gaze. If this Gua coin is sold, how much is it worth?

   Although Chen Xuan looks very mature in his dream, it will affect Chen Xuan's mood and make Chen Xuan feel like a strong man who has experienced the world. But it has only been five years since Chen Xuan came to the Martial Dao Continent. Chen Xuan's current identity, or in other words, implies that his identity is still a five-year-old child, but what about that?

   Chen Xuan's current state of mind is far less than before. If you want to get back to the previous state of mind, it is absolutely impossible without a chance! Could this old man be Chen Xuan's chance? Chen Xuan himself didn't know, but what Chen Xuan knew was that the old man in front of him was absolutely unfathomable.

   But the look of a fortune-telling person made Chen Xuan very curious about the hexagrams. It seems that Chen Xuan’s fate is far from what Chen Xuan’s external appearance is, or it can be solved in the environment where Chen Xuan is now.

  The place where Chen Xuan is now is a very small fishing village, but this fishing village is close to the sea because of his geographic location. It gave this fishing village unique conditions, which made Chen Xuan feel very at ease.

  But this feeling made Chen Xuan feel very uneasy again, because Chen Xuan seemed to be completely unable to let himself remain unknown. The current self can see his own future, but Chen Xuan can't do it now, and there is no way to unlock the secrets in himself. Chen Xuan always feels that he has some mission, but what kind of mission is it?

   Chen Xuan seems to have forgotten. Chen Xuan is in a dream, that is, Chen Xuan will have a very continuous dream after he has the memory at the age of three. And Chen Xuan's dream gave Chen Xuan the feeling that the other himself was in the other two worlds, invading.

  But those two selves are really very powerful, at least now Chen Xuan can't believe it, is this himself, how can this be himself? Now I am just the son of a fisherman in a fishing village, and this fisherman is still the most miserable in the whole village.

  Chen Xuan can be said to be the incarnation of misery, or it is because of Chen Xuan's arrival that this family is very miserable. Although Chen Xuan's father did not blame Chen Xuan too much, it does not mean that some good villagers did not intend to watch Chen Xuan's jokes. But Chen Xuan showed that he didn't care about it as much as possible. But Chen Xuan knew that his father had endured so much for himself, but because he had endured so much for himself, Chen Xuan wanted to become stronger.

  Although Chen Xuan is only five years old now, Chen Xuan's current mood is not much different from before. In fact, although the main reason is because of Chen Xuan's dream, Chen Xuan has always had a continuous dream since he was three years old. At the beginning, Chen Xuan didn't care at all, but slowly Chen Xuan realized that he couldn't even tell who he was.

   However, Chen Xuan is now certain that the old man in front of him today can give himself an answer. Chen Xuan saw the old man pouring out the hexagram coins from the tortoise shell, and then looked at these hexagram coins...

  His calm face finally began to undergo a powerful change, even Chen Xuan was very surprised, what is going on? Chen Xuan just thought of getting an expert, instantly became the role of a clown on the stage, and the corners of his mouth were constantly moving. The expression on his face was shocked for a while, and then even more shocked. Chen Xuan didn't ask too much about this look, but just waited quietly.

  But the expression of the fortune-telling man was getting more and more surprised, and even Chen Xuan thought that he might really be devilish. But the more so, the more curious Chen Xuan's heart became.

  Chen Xuan hopes that someone will tell Chen Xuan that he is a man of no world, he is a big man who has the world, he can even become the master of this country. Chen Xuan or the eager fortune-telling person told Chen Xuan that since then, the executives have continued to pay more and more, and he hopes his father can enjoy what he deserves to be good for his descendants.

  He hopes to help his father share the burden, and Chen Xuan hopes that he can let the entire fishing village live a prosperous life. It seems that the big figures in the city can support a manor, can support hundreds of tenants, and allow hundreds of tenants to live a good life!

  In an instant, Chen Xuan felt that his way forward seemed full of hope, and Chen Xuan was still fantasizing. The more surprised Chen Xuan saw the fortune-telling man's expression, the more he fancied that he was born extraordinary. But what Chen Xuan didn't know was that perhaps those extraordinary things that Chen Xuan felt were like a fart in the eyes of fortune-tellers!

  If the fortune-telling person knows that Chen Xuan thinks this can make him very surprised, I don't know what kind of expression it will be. But the fortune-telling man was indeed still immersed in this kind of surprise at this time, and had not recovered.

   Chen Xuan was also immersed in his own ridiculous illusion at this time, although this was already his greatest expectation and best fantasy for Chen Xuan.

   "" The fortuneteller finally spoke, but he still didn't seem to recover from that surprise. However, Chen Xuan was more and more looking forward to the words of the fortune teller, and more of a complex feeling of curiosity and hope mixed together.

  However, Chen Xuan's face remained as usual, but there were still bursts of light flashing between his eyes. If you investigate carefully, you should be able to discover how much Chen Xuan is looking forward to this result now.

  Chen Xuan's mood is actually not so easy to change, because the plainness in the fishing village actually indirectly erased the murderous spirit in Chen Xuan's heart. Chen Xuan seemed to have a deeper understanding of all things in the world, more indifferent in his heart, and less aura of killing. But what about that? Chen Xuan felt that his mind that was uncomfortable with the status quo was activated, that kind of mind was like the indifferent indifference surrounding Chen Xuan with a raging fire.

  But Chen Xuan's desire for the world is more than that of his mind, so Chen Xuan is now very much looking forward to the answers from the fortune-telling population. Chen Xuan even felt like a criminal waiting for pardon.

  It seems that the fortuneteller can judge whether the criminal is acquitted or killed by a single blow as long as he speaks. This is still very important to Chen Xuan.

   " can only live to be twenty years old at most!" These words of the fortune-telling man made Chen Xuan's chest suddenly shake! What do you mean? What does it mean that I can only live to be twenty years old?

   Chen Xuan's brain seems to be unable to work, but even so, Chen Xuan's face has not changed. This seems to be the only gift that the dream self gave to the present self, that is, Bingcu's face is paralyzed.

  But Chen Xuan still likes this gift, because this gift can make Chen Xuan look calmer and more mature. This will make the people in the fishing village look up to themselves, and Chen Xuan has always regarded this as a magic weapon for him to hold down the bottom of the box.

  But Chen Xuan found that none of this seemed as simple as he thought, because his continuous dream seemed to Chen Xuan to feel that he was not himself. Even Chen Xuan faintly felt that his father and himself were living so unsatisfactorily and badly, that his mother's death and his current hexagram seemed to be related to this dream.

  Chen Xuan wanted to ask what was going on and who was Chen Xuan. But when he was about to speak, Chen Xuan didn't know how to speak, because this matter really sounded very mysterious, very unbelievable.

   "Actually, I..." Chen Xuan just wanted to utter a complete sentence, but it was interrupted by the trivial fortuneteller waved his hand. In fact, in Chen Xuan's eyes, the fortune-telling man still had the original sloppy image.

  He is like a savior in Chen Xuan's eyes now, but Chen Xuan admits in his heart that this so-called savior is a demon who personally pronounced himself on him.

  But Chen Xuan knew that the person sitting in front of him was the only one who had the means to make himself understand the whole story. Chen Xuan's composure caused a glimmer of light in the eyes of the fortune-teller.

  It seems that his hexagram image is not wrong. The child who looks ordinary in front of him actually has an extraordinary life. It even has a very big connection with what I have been looking for.

  The fortuneteller naturally took a high look at the child in front of him. Although the fortuneteller himself knew that he was actually a very selfish person. In the Martial Arts Continent, a person like himself is certainly not a good person.

  Not only is he not a good person, but he is also a demon covered with blood. But now even though Chen Xuan's face is so calm, the fortune-telling person can still feel this son, and the expectations he has in his heart.

  But this just made the fortune-tellers laugh, because the subjective child is just a tool in the fortune-tellers' eyes. But if you can make yourself feel that he is a tool, it can be regarded as his glory...

  (End of this chapter)

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