Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1751: 20 years old

   Chapter 1751-Twenty Years Old

   Chen Xuan looked at the fortuneteller's expression, and was also a little scared. Because at this time it always seemed to have a wretched disguise, in fact, the fortune-telling man with an extremely vicious heart at this time stared at Chen Xuan as if staring at a prey. This made Chen Xuan feel that his heart was constantly trembling. But what about that? Chen Xuan always felt that he was not a person who was afraid of being used.

  Because Chen Xuan is in such a fishing village, there are very few opportunities to get in touch with the so-called big shots. But I'm afraid that I'm an out-and-out big person in front of me. Chen Xuan feels that the person in front of him must not seem so simple on the surface.

   Although Chen Xuan could not see through what kind of person the fortuneteller was, Chen Xuan felt that this person must be unfathomable. It must be a person who can allow himself to feed the entire fishing village where he lives. The more Chen Xuan thought about it, the more excited he became. But until the fortune teller's words, this made Chen Xuan feel that his heart seemed to be piercing pain.

  This feeling is the firm mood of Chen Xuan. Although his expression hasn't changed, it can be seen from the bottom of his eyes that Chen Xuan's heart has already been confused by this sentence.

  However, Chen Xuan's three years of dreams have allowed him to achieve such a level of state of mind, which indeed seems to be pretty good to a fortune-telling person. Although Chen Xuan is still a child who is about six years old, everything he has experienced before is also because of that long-term dream. But Chen Xuan is more than six years old, and his body is more than six years old!

  Chen Xuan's physical fitness, Chen Xuan's memory, etc., but Chen Xuan was able to remember his previous memories so clearly that he had even completely affected his mood. This makes the fortune-tellers think that Chen Xuan is indeed extraordinary.

   "Boy, although the old man said so, it is not a great advantage for you to be like this!" The fortune teller laughed relievedly when he saw the panic in Chen Xuan's eyes.

  Sure enough, Chen Xuan is a six-year-old child, and it is impossible for him to fully integrate, as he has memories of the past 40 years. In that case, I am afraid that it is not a small benefit to myself. The fortuneteller feels like a tiger staring at a fat sheep. Although this feeling made Chen Xuan feel a little creepy, but what about that?

  Since the big man in front of me said that this was my chance, there must be a way to save myself. And this big man may just wait for himself to speak.

  As for the reason... Of course Chen Xuan knew it well, because if he waited for himself to speak, his words would be of a request nature. Since it is a request, it must be sincere, and it must be exchanged for something. Chen Xuan knew this for a long time, but for Chen Xuan, the deepest understanding was not in his own dreams.

  The most insightful thing is to sell fish with his father. Those customers or merchants are like this, as if they are waiting for their father to speak, waiting for themselves to beg them, so that they can raise higher demands and can bargain. And all this has become the main part of Chen Xuan's current life, and Chen Xuan is naturally very familiar with this!

   However, Chen Xuan now feels that the big people in front of him seem to be the same as those people. He was also waiting for himself to speak, but what about that? That's a big man, and it's okay to ask yourself. Anyway, what can a big man think about himself? But if he doesn't like something about himself, then why should he help himself?

  Just like those fish merchants who don’t like their father’s fish, how can they pay for Chen Xuan and Chen Da to fill their stomachs? Chen Xuan and Chen Da are now able to fill their stomachs because they still have utility value.

  Chen Xuan's eyes flashed brightly, like waves on the sea, very active and very intense. At this time, the breeze kept blowing Chen Xuan's cheeks, making the fortune-telling man's hair even messier at this time. However, Chen Xuan didn't mean to underestimate it at all. Instead, he felt that the fortune-telling person was very terrifying and unfathomable.

"Adults, I wonder if there is any way for adults to make the kid live longer! Because the kid's father still needs the kid's care! Can adults help the kid, the kid must only look after the adults!" Chen Xuan's words were still very moved. Fortune-telling. But how can a fortune-telling person's xinxing be easily moved like this?

  The fortune teller only smiled slightly, but the words that were coldly spit out from the corner of the fortune teller’s mouth were Chen Xuan feeling that he was as cold as entering hell!

"Old man, there is no way for you to live longer! Twenty years, one more day, one less day is impossible!" When the fortuneteller said this, he was very direct and very frank, and Chen Xuan did not expect to fortune. People are so direct.

   However, Chen Xuan is also understandable, directly in the eyes of the fortune teller, it is like an ant existence, since it is an ant existence. Then the fortune-telling person wants to trample himself to death, he can't resist.

  What's more, it's just a statement that Chen Xuan is alive and dead? However, Chen Xuan felt that he didn't have to give up like this yet. Chen Xuan didn't even know how he should go on and talk about it at this time, but Chen Xuan just didn't want to die.

  Quiet, absolute silence...

  At this time, the fortune-telling man and Chen Xuan face each other, and Chen Xuan’s ears are only the sea breeze shouting constantly. It seemed that such a maniac cry could not be expressed at all, Chen Xuan's state of mind was such a mania. But because of this, Chen Xuan realized that he couldn't change this thing at all, because he seemed to be dying anyway, and he was twenty years old!

   "However, your death may not be a good thing for you! Or if you stay here for twenty years, staying longer than you is more like a good thing for you!"

  The fortune-telling man smiled unpredictably and said to Chen Xuan. But what the fortune teller said made Chen Xuan very surprised. Could it be that the fortune-telling person is perfunctory?

  But why should he? In his eyes, he is an ant, perhaps a slightly special ant. There is nothing in himself that can make fortune-tellers worry about.

  "Do you know who you are? Do you know, where did you come from? Do you know..." The fortuneteller asked two questions. But these two questions have always been buried in Chen Xuan's heart and cannot be lingered away.

  It's like when this fishing village arrives at the seaside at night, the dark night is next to a bright moon, dangling in the sea. It's like these two questions are in Chen Xuan's heart, lingering lingeringly all the time.

   However, the fortune-telling person saw Chen Xuan’s expression every time he was surprised, and his face also showed a satisfied look. This son is really extraordinary! Chen Xuan this son, I am afraid that he has also thought about such a question, but he has never been able to find the answer. But how could he find it? The answer to this question, even the fortune-telling person himself, was very surprised when he saw his supernatural hexagram reacted. Even the fortune-teller himself felt that this was a very impossible existence.

   But now the fortune-telling person seems to be somewhat shallow. The fortuneteller laughed at himself in his heart. But next, the fortune teller asked Chen Xuan's questions, which made Chen Xuan feel that the fortune teller was a godlike existence.

  "Do you know why you started dreaming when you were three years old. When you were three years old, were you in that dream? Are you forty or six now? Are you not?"

  When this question is said, the fortune-telling person’s words are more not like questioning, but more like stating a fact. But this sentence seemed to be like a thunder that exploded directly in Chen Xuan's mind, making Chen Xuan feel as if he had been bombarded and lost his feeling. It seemed that Chen Xuan felt that all the previous shocks had turned into calmness, and this was the only thing that shocked Chen Xuan the most.

  The fortuneteller saw Chen Xuan's face change slightly, but he was a bit proud. This kid can have today too! However, the calmness of the fortuneteller has not changed because of Chen Xuan's changes.

   "How do you want to ask the old man to know?" Seeing the curiosity in Chen Xuan's eyes, the fortuneteller smiled relievedly and asked Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan nodded unconsciously.

  "The old man can see from the hexagrams! Boy, then you have to remember that the old man's fortune-telling skills have nowhere to learn. Since you and the old man have such a fate as a disciple, the old professor will give it to you!"

  The fortune-telling old man seemed to be about to teach Chen Xuan his superb skills in fortune-telling, but Chen Xuan was flattered. He didn't understand that the benefits were mutual, and his fairy could not give the fortune-telling old man a little bit of benefit, so if he learned the benefits of the fortune-telling old man by then, I'm afraid it would make the situation very ugly.

  But the next sentence of the fortune-telling old man seems to be able to completely make Chen Xuan feel that he is very likely to be a great person here. "You have learned the old man's knowledge, and you are so wealthy that you can naturally save the world. And you can figure out who you are, where you are from, and what you are here for! But you only need to help the old man to do one thing!"

   Chen Xuan felt very unbelievable after hearing this. Does this big man in front of him have to do something for him? If so, what kind of thing is it?

  "Within the range of your ability!" The fortuneteller slowly uttered these words, and Chen Xuan could be regarded as good-natured. He also agreed to the fortune-telling old man, and then he promised to worship him as a teacher, but the fortune-telling old man resolutely refused, just willing to take his master temporarily.

  Chen Xuan agreed without much thought.

  (End of this chapter)

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