Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1752: The answer to the hexagram

  Chapter 1752 Answer to Hexagram

  Chen Xuan looked into the eyes of the fortune-teller at this time, and found that Chen Xuan seemed to have no way to see the slightest thing from it, and only endless depth was brought to Chen Xuan. But the more so, the more Chen Xuan feels that fortune-tellers are very unfathomable. But now Chen Xuan looked at the fortuneteller, and started to figure it out in his heart.

This fortune-telling man must have a broader vision than himself, and he discovered in his dream that the world is definitely not as simple as he thought. Chen Xuan knew that if he wanted to become extraordinary now, he just You must not take the road that ordinary people have walked.

  The fortune teller looked at Chen Xuan and thought deeply, and did not disturb Chen Xuan, but was quietly aside, waiting for Chen Xuan's answer. But what Chen Xuan wants to do is to break the sky with one trigram, what Chen Xuan wants to do is to change all of this.

  Chen Xuan wants to learn martial arts, or Chen Xuan also wants to become those so-called big men. Because in Chen Xuan's eyes, only those so-called big shots would have the qualifications to learn martial arts.

  Chen Xuan knows the great people in this world are endless. And Chen Xuan's current vision must be too narrow, but how could it be enough for twenty years, it would be too short for Chen Xuan!

"I tell you the truth, if you become a disciple of the old man, the old man does not need to prove that the old man is the **** of the hexagram in the martial arts world. The old man’s hexagram coin is the symbol of his identity, but although the old man is the **** of the hexagram, he is just He is only proficient in martial arts, and you see the old man like this...or that only you can see the old man because... the old man is a spirit body. But you can actually see the spirit body, which makes the old man curious about you. Otherwise, why do you think that the villagers who come and go are the only ones who can talk to the old man?"

When the God of Gua said this sentence, Chen Xuan himself felt very incredible. This is actually a spiritual body, so is your dream also related to the spiritual body?

"You know that you are actually a spirit body, but the person who stripped the spirit body from you gave you a body for 20 years. After 20 years, the body will rot, but you know , What will you experience in these twenty years?"

The God of Gua did not wait for Chen Xuan's answer, but proceeded to speak for himself, as if he did not capture Chen Xuan's surprise at all. In fact, no matter who it is, he will definitely wonder if the other party is coming to amuse himself when he hears this like a fairy tale.

  But Chen Xuan did not, because Chen Xuan had dreamed every day for the past three years. Chen Xuan saw the hexagram coins in the hands of the **** of hexagrams, the value of hexagram coins. If this person really has such a treasure, how could he have leisure time to spend time with a kid from a fishing village?

  It's like a monarch, putting down the memorial in his hand and throwing it away with a beggar, or not as good as a beggar. Going to have fun with a child of a beggar is almost a fantasy.

   "In fact, the life of everyone is that the heaven has pointed out a general direction, but you know that you are not! There is no direction at all, no way how the old man looks!"

When    said this sentence, the God of Gua seemed very excited! Yup! He is a dignified hexagram god, there are still things in the heaven and earth that he can't break, and if there are, there are no things that he can't solve with a single hexagram. But Chen Xuan seems to be the exception. Speaking of this, the God of Gua can only say that his skills are not good enough.

  Actually, the old man in front of Chen Xuan said that he was a **** of hexagrams, a figure standing on the pinnacle of martial arts in this world. But in fact it was nothing, at least compared with the white-robed old man, he was an ant-like character. Because this son can only see the Budo Continent, and the two continents outside the Budo Continent. This child may know his existence, but he can't dabble or touch at all.

  But the white-robed old man is not, the white-robed old man is the real strong, that is the strongest in this world.

  How can this be compared to the God of Gua? So it is of course that the gods of Gua are not ashamed, but Chen Xuan is very surprised. But Chen Xuan still didn't make a sound, letting the God of Gua continue to speak!

   "Ashamed! The old man's real name is Jiang Xia, but no one knows the old man's real name. But the person behind you is qualified. The old man is like an ant in front of him!"

   Jiang Xia just sighed, and continued to speak to Chen Xuan slowly.

"In fact, the old man knows that you are not from this world, and the world is not as simple as everyone knows. Because this is probably only a part of the world. The old man is also considered the pinnacle of the strong in this world. It’s just that you still don’t know. Although the old man is the pinnacle of the strong, if compared with the whole world, the old man is also an ant!"

"It's just that you should be from the other world. You were only sent to experience by your master or someone. The old man is probably just a **** he calculated, but the old man asked you for help only for I need a reward for this chess piece."

   Chen Xuan was secretly surprised when he heard this. All the events of the past 40 years are constantly playing back in Chen Xuan's mind. Chen Xuan seems to know who Jiang Xia is talking about.

  Chen Xuan also remembered the old man in white robe. Which one is him? Chen Xuedong's answer seems to be self-evident, that is, no matter which is Chen Xuan. This made Chen Xuan feel unbelievable. It was like one day the hero on the stage became himself. What was it like?

  The first feeling like this may be a little bit of joy at first, but then I am afraid that it will be a trace of panic and panic. However, Chen Xuan was still calm, because Chen Xuan seemed to have exercised his state of mind in his dream.

  This is the sea breeze blowing the sand around Chen Xuan, and the fallen leaves beside the sand are constantly swept in the sky because of this wind. However, Chen Xuan still didn't pay much attention to it. Chen Xuan's eyes were very deep and mysterious in the blurred wind and sand.

  The sea breeze continued to blow on the sea, and Chen Xuan's ear seemed to have a faint hustle and bustle of returning from sailing and fishing. Chen Xuan felt that it was an absolute tranquility, but he knew that such tranquility should not take long to get farther and farther away from him.

   Chen Xuan felt a little groggy in his mind, but it was very clear when blown by such sea breeze. Chen Xuan heard the sound of waves hitting the reef continuously. The orderly sound made Chen Xuan feel that his heart seemed to be extremely calm.

  Chen Xuan needs time to accept all this, but it seems that Chen Xuan has three years to accept it. But for three years, Chen Xuan couldn't believe that the person in his dream was himself. What should I do next?

  What should his father do next? Chen Xuan was a little confused at this moment. Chen Xuan raised his eyes and took a look. Chen Xuan saw the swallows in the sky constantly flying forward.

  Even the birds have a way forward and have their own designated direction. But I didn't, so why did I come into this world? The cheap master in his dream, why did he throw himself to himself?

  Chen Xuan didn’t know why, but Chen Xuan knew he had to make a choice now.

  After about half a day, Chen Xuan's eyes were red, and it was hard to imagine how a five or six-year-old boy could make his own eyes like those diligent kings. This is just a long time!

  But Jiang Xia didn't worry about the answer that urged Chen Xuan. Jiang Xia still looked at Chen Xuan quietly. No matter what Chen Xuan said, what he did, what expression, what mood. Even Chen Xuan felt that beside him, whether it was the sea breeze blowing the fine sand, or the wind surging, killing the sky. Jiang Xia is always a lonely boat fishing old man, a picture that doesn't matter to the world and doesn't make waves.

   But this makes Chen Xuan feel like he is superior...

  "I'm willing to go with you!" Chen Xuan thought for so long, only spit out five words slowly, but Chen Xuan didn't seem to know what the price he would face with these five words.

  Although it is said that the track of Chen Xuan's fate in this place 20 years ago cannot be drawn from the hexagrams, but now Jiang Xia feels that he can see something with the hexagrams.

  Jiang Xia shook his head. The one in front of him seemed very shameless, even a very humble kid, who unexpectedly made an exception time and time again.

   Jiang Xia also only smiled, took out the turtle shell and shook it again, and the crisp sound echoed in Chen Xuan's ear again along with the sea breeze. However, Chen Xuan didn't know that although Jiang Xia was the **** of hexagrams, he would never exceed one hexagram in a day. The only person who could make Jiang Xia shake the second hexagram in one day was only Chen Xuan.

  However, Chen Xuan hadn't realized this yet, which made Jiang Xia very vomiting blood. Do you know how much Lao Tzu's divination is? You kid, I'm afraid it won't be enough to sell you! However, Jiang Xia, as the **** of hexagrams, is naturally impossible to make a loss-making business. When that happens, ask his master to get them all back. In fact, there is a saying in this world called "the kindness does not hold a soldier", and this soldier actually refers to more than a weapon. It refers to everything that needs to be slaughtered, all **** things, and even martial arts.

  Where is kindness in martial arts? This is a taboo! As a hexagram god, Jiang Xia is naturally impossible to make such a low-level mistake. But Jiang Xia is Jiang Xia, just a trigram, it seems to have eyebrows.

  In fact, Jiang Xia's hexagrams were probably influenced by the white-robed old man. All this felt like Chen Xuan entered a chess piece. And Chen Xuan seems to have become the main character in this game of chess pieces, and the overall control of this game depends on the white-robed old man.

  (End of this chapter)

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