Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1753: direction

  Chapter 1753 Direction

  The expression in Jiang Xia's eyes gave Chen Xuan the feeling as deep as ever, but Chen Xuan felt that Jiang Xia did not force Chen Xuan to make any choice. Just waiting for Chen Xuan's choice, but Jiang Xia heard Chen Xuan's final decision.

  There was still a glimmer of light in the eyes, Chen Xuan knew that Jiang Xia actually put part of the hope of becoming stronger on himself. But Chen Xuan's eyes slowly became deeper at this time, because he realized that he didn't seem to be as simple as he thought. On the contrary, it is very complicated, and this time is even more complicated.

   is just the next step. What is Chen Xuan's direction? Maybe Chen Xuan didn't know it himself, but Jiang Xia's hexagrams seemed to be able to discern some clues. Chen Xuan didn't know what the hexagram in Jiang Xia's hand meant. What Chen Xuan could see was that Jiang Xia's eyes were constantly changing.

  Jiang Xia's eyes occasionally flashed with a light, and her eyes occasionally showed a trace of awe, as if this hexagram could directly peek out Jiang Xia's destiny.

  In other words, this is more like a judgment against Jiang Xia, because Chen Xuan feels that this hexagram looks like three simple hexagram coins. But in fact, it should be unpredictable. Chen Xuan knows the origin of these three hexagram coins. I am afraid it is by no means a superficial existence. However, Chen Xuan's eyes became frenzied when he saw Jiang Xia.

  Chen Xuan didn't know why Jiang Xia, who was so calm just now, had such a feverish look in his eyes. Chen Xuan felt that the sea breeze around him became agitated, as if he was about to sweep away Chen Xuan's people completely. But Chen Xuan was in the gusty wind, letting the wind slap him, letting the sand fly around him.

   Chen Xuan's heart was still so peaceful, and Jiang Xia, not to mention, seemed to be staring at the three hexagram coins in a trance, just staring straight at him, not knowing what he was thinking.

   But suddenly, all this returned to stillness, and the sea breeze seemed to stop shouting. The birds seemed to be far away from the sky that now enveloped Chen Xuan, and even the leaves did not dare to move rashly.

   Chen Xuan found that there seemed to be a thick mist around him. What happened? Jiang Xia was still sitting with her head down, studying his three hexagram coins. Chen Xuan knew that this was definitely not a coincidence. At this moment, it seemed that all the voices were still, and Chen Xuan seemed to be unable to see the distant sea. Looking up, he couldn't see the blue above the sky, and Chen Xuan could only see the feeble whiteness.

  The kind of white is completely illusory white. This emptiness makes Chen Xuan feel heart palpitations, and the feeling like this makes Chen Xuan feel that it is very likely that he will die in the next second.

  This feeling brought Chen Xuan that kind of extremely unreal feeling, as if he had no longer belonged to this world. And Chen Xuan raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Xia, and Chen Xuan was surprised in an instant. Where is Jiang Xia still the wretched uncle Jiang Xia that Chen Xuan first saw?

  This is clearly an extremely old man. Chen Xuan felt that Jiang Xia’s hair seemed to be fused in this thick white fog. The hair became so white, and the shaky beard that was trembling at first seemed to be completely aged. She couldn't tremble anymore, and the black Baju Hu became as gray as her hair.

   And Chen Xuan even observed Jiang Xia's eyes and pupils. The pupils of Jiang Xia that Chen Xuan's after-light saw seemed to be covered with bloodshot eyes, and the wrinkles on his cheeks were completely covered.

  Chen Xuan felt that Jiang Xia was like an old tree, just like the old tree in the fishing village before Chen Xuan. Anyway, the old tree should wither soon, but Jiang Xia, this Jiang Xia is a big man, shouldn't die so soon.

  If Jiang Xia is dead, I am afraid that she will not live long. The peace in Chen Xuan's heart seemed to vaguely began to break a little, and Chen Xuan was still very concerned about life and death. But now Chen Xuan still doesn't know what kind of existence he is.

  Finally, Jiang Xia raised the deep eyes and glanced at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan felt that the depths of his soul had to be seen through, and Jiang Xia quickly put away his second hexagram.

When Jiang Xia put away the second hexagram, Chen Xuan felt that all four weeks seemed to have begun to return to normal. Chen Xuan did not say much, but Chen Xuan could feel that there seemed to be more in Jiang Xia’s words. Things to tell Chen Xuan.

  But Chen Xuan didn't ask, because Chen Xuan didn't know how to ask. And Jiang Xia did not say, because Jiang Xia, who had lived for hundreds of thousands of years, didn't know where to start.

  Chen Xuan and Jiang Xia faced each other in this way, but Chen Xuan felt that all around him seemed to have begun to change, and Chen Xuan felt that after the dense fog around him had subsided, everything became the same as before.

  But the only difference is that the warm sun that was still in the afternoon hung in the sky before, and it was already windy and clear, and Chen Xuan didn't know that the time had passed so long. But the sea breeze at night brought a bit of coolness, even because it was autumn, this kind of coolness had turned into a chill and entered Chen Xuan's bone marrow, causing Chen Xuan to shiver constantly.

  However, Chen Xuan still didn't say much, just looking at the direction of the sea coldly. The reason why Chen Xuan's facial expression is so cold is not the expression of a six-year-old child. It was because Chen Xuan told him that he should be calm. He may not be what he thought before. He is a very ordinary existence, and he may also be a great man.

   Jiang Xia stared at Chen Xuan for a while, then sighed slightly.

   "Boy, do you know...who are you?" Jiang Xia's words made Chen Xuan more energetic, because Chen Xuan had always wondered who he was. Although Chen Xuan can be sure that he is himself in his dream now, Chen Xuan still doesn't know who he is.

  Because the white-robed elder was giving Chen Xuan his body, when he created such an identity for Chen Xuan, he was to let Chen Xuan experience the world from birth, as if Chen Xuan had never seen himself before in a dream.

  But because the child’s memory starts at the age of three, Chen Xuan can’t remember who he is until he is three years old. Chen Xuan didn't remember his past at all before he was three years old, but Chen Xuan discovered that after he was three years old, Chen Xuan kept having a long continuous dream. Chen Xuan was immersive, as if slowly substituting himself into the dream Chen Xuan, until now Jiang Xia told Chen Xuan that Chen Xuan was actually the self in the dream.

  However, Chen Xuan accepted all this very calmly. Chen Xuan is now looking at Jiang Xia, waiting for his next words that are even more incredible. But Jiang Xia didn't say anything, but looked towards the sea like Chen Xuan.

   "Boy, how big do you think this world is? Is this martial arts continent so small? Many people treat the martial arts continent as the whole world throughout their lives, but it doesn't seem to be!"

   "We are all frogs at the bottom of the well!"

  Chen Xuan discovered that Jiang Xia’s white hair was still floating like this in the sea breeze. However, Jiang Xia's expression was not as free and easy as before. On the contrary, Chen Xuan felt that Jiang Xia seemed to be a little more sad and fettered. But more are puzzles and regrets.

   Chen Xuan seems to have heard the reason Jiang Xia is like this. How big is this world? Chen Xuan didn't know, not even a big man like Jiang Xia, how could Chen Xuan, a poor boy who was just in a fishing village, just a boy who had a heroic dream for three years know?

  It feels like a rich man, asking a beggar what the most delicious food in the world tastes like, the beggar must think that the rich man is crazy. But Chen Xuan felt that Jiang Xia asked himself this way. It shouldn't be Jiang Xia's madness, but his former identity, or that his master was too powerful.

   But Chen Xuan still shook his head to Jiang Xia, saying that he didn't know. Jiang Xia sighed again.

  "You will know. And this world is not the entire universe! How big is the universe? How many worlds are there in the universe, I'm afraid that only the master will know all this!"

  Chen Xuan nodded blankly without saying anything, but Jiang Xia’s sad expression seemed to fade away slowly. What replaced it was a solemn look. Chen Xuan didn't know how Jiang Xia suddenly became so solemn.

  But Chen Xuan knew that if Jiang Xia became so solemn, then the next words must be extremely important. Chen Xuan didn't say anything, just waited for Jiang Xia's words.

At this time, some stars appeared in the sky, as if the whole sky was completely lit, but Chen Xuan knew that this sky was just a small corner in the sky, not even a small corner. .

"Boy, do you know, where are you going? You are going to go with the old man, and you are going to Ziluo Mountain!" Jiang Xia's words are here, and there is enthusiasm in his eyes, but this enthusiasm seems to be deep. Fear.

  "Do you know where Ziluoshan is? Do you know the old man’s Zicoin? That is, the old man’s Guacoin?"

   Jiang Xia's words began to become agitated and excited, no hexagram master was not excited when he mentioned his hexagram coins. No matter what kind of Gua Master, let alone the Gua God of Martial Dao Continent in front of Chen Xuan!

  How did Chen Xuan not know this old man’s hexagram coin? That Gua coin looks very precious, not even a common product. That is the existence that can surpass even gold! At least Chen Xuan felt that way, but Chen Xuan didn't say much, but continued to listen to Jiang Xia's words, does this Ziluo Mountain and Jiang Xia's hexagram coins have a great relationship?

  At this time, Mingyue photographed two long figures of Jiang Xia and Chen Xuan and projected them on the beach. The bright moonlight of the bright moon and the firelight not far away made such a long night seem peaceful to everyone...

  I don’t know what happened to Chen Da at this time. Why did Chen Da still not return? Is there any danger? Looking at the moonlight in the sky, Chen Xuan couldn't help but worry...

  (End of this chapter)

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