Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1754: Purple Mountain

   Chapter 1754 Purple Luo Mountain

  "Ziluo Mountain, this place is not an old man talking about it, it is very dangerous here, but there are both opportunities and dangers!"

   Jiang Xia twitched the corners of her mouth and said.

  Jiang Xia seemed to remember what kind of danger he suffered in Ziluo Mountain when he got the Zijin coin before, and was able to fall in love with the sky and get the Zijin coin.

   But Jiang Xia feels that this is actually understandable, after all, danger and opportunity coexist. If Jiang Xia hadn't encountered such a danger, how could he obtain Zijin coins and achieve the name of his own god.

  However, the instructions in the hexagram that Jiang Xia has now only tells Jiang Xia that it was 20 years to take Chen Xuan to Ziluo Mountain, but it seems that there is no need to go to Ziluo Mountain. But Ziluoshan, if Chen Xuan wants to go in and come out alive, it is still very important to Chen Xuan's Dao Heart. Chen Xuan is only a six-year-old child now. How much can his mood be affected even if he was affected by the dream?

  It's just a six-year-old child, but Jiang Xia needs to let Chen Xuan improve his Dao Xin as soon as possible within this time. However, Jiang Xia felt that the master behind this son was very accurate. In the world of Martial Arts Continent, Jiang Xia is the only person who has studied Dao Xin, and if Jiang Xia is willing to help Chen Xuan consolidate Dao Xin, I am afraid he is the most suitable candidate.

  As for the people behind, why should Chen Xuan be sent to the martial arts mainland? What are his recent instructions to Chen Xuan? Jiang Xia is still not quite sure, but Jiang Xia knows that what Chen Xuan has to face now is the test of Ziluo Mountain and Ziluo Mountain.

  In fact, Jiang Xia also knows that his Zijin Gua coin is actually just the tip of the iceberg of Ziluo Mountain, but Chen Xuan wants to enter the center of Ziluo Mountain and has to withstand the momentum of Ziluo Mountain...

  It seems that Jiang Xia somewhat understands why the master behind Chen Xuan should do this. Could it be said that the way to consolidate Dao Xin is to regain it after loss? First made Chen Xuan completely lose his Dao Xin, and then slowly gained his Dao Xin through twenty years of training?

   Then what kind of powerful existence will be gained through cultivation at that time? Jiang Xia feels that Dao Xin like that then should be very terrifying. Twenty years, using twenty years to consolidate one's Dao Xin, what a terrible handwriting is that?

   Jiang Xia did not dare to do so, and to recover from the loss, then we must be prepared for the most painful time of loss. In fact, pain is also a powerful training for Dao Xin...

  "Senior, how do you think I should hone myself now? The place where the kid is, the fishing village. It's such a barren land, I'm afraid it's hard to get access to the techniques and resources for cultivation."

  Chen Xuan spoke to Jiang Xia with some embarrassment. Jiang Xia pondered for a moment, but he felt that from the hexagram, Chen Xuan might not need the exercises at this time, and what Chen Xuan needed was to find the Dao Xin that he had lost before.

  Use this to consolidate his inherent Taoism, and Jiang Xia can also get something for helping Chen Xuan. At least Jiang Xia can see that the person behind Chen Xuan will definitely give Jiang Xia some benefits.

  As for the benefits...

  I just send my apprentices to the master of Ziluoshan casually, and treat the apprentices I have cultivated so generously, I am afraid that when I will benefit myself, there will be no less, right?

  Chen Xuan felt that every time Jiang Xia started to meditate, his heart would also panic. Chen Xuan knew that it might be that his xinxing was not enough. In Chen Xuan's dream, he was a truly terrifying character. That is an existence who has experienced the sea of ​​corpses. But now Chen Xuan still doesn't know how to restore that state of mind. Even if Chen Xuan now knows that he was once himself.

  "You don’t need any exercises right now. The only suggestion I give you is to practice penance. From the perspective of the hexagram, even the old man can’t accompany you. The expert behind you lets you practice penance alone!"

  Chen Xuan was even more surprised, and he was practising hard alone? Then how to cultivate himself, even though he said that he had walked out of the sea of ​​corpses before. But now I am only a five or six-year-old child, how could he have a cultivation method?

"Pension is the supremacy of the word suffering. This suffering is physical suffering, and even more mental suffering! As for the cultivation method, there is no way. But there is a direction, the old man will send you to a place. That place is called In the Blue Mountains, there will be all kinds of monsters, beasts, even poisons, and some humans with unpredictable hearts!"

   Jiang Xia said this, paused, and glanced at Chen Xuan. He seemed to be looking at Chen Xuan with a gaze that could completely penetrate Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan could feel that he was seen through. Jiang Xia was also very puzzled in his heart, how tough is the master behind this little baby?

  Chen Xuan is only five or six years old, so let Chen Xuan go to the Blue Mountains to practice alone? What is even more frightening is that this five- or six-year-old child doesn't seem to have any exercises yet, so how can he survive?

  I'm afraid there is only one way, right? That is to escape, and then only endure... and the word endurance is the only way to deal with the word bitterness, but Chen Xuan is only five or six years old, and he must be so forbearing, which is really incredible.

  But Chen Xuan didn't say anything yet, because Chen Xuan knew that he was now, and there was only one way, and that was to endure it. Chen Xuan's face unexpectedly showed an expression that Jiang Xia had never seen before, and it was impossible to see the expression on the face of a five or six-year-old child, that was perseverance. Such an expression made Jiang Xia feel familiar, but it was completely different.

   Jiang Xia did not have such a determined look until she was in her twenties, and it was after a huge change. But Chen Xuan is only six years old now! At least Chen Xuan's physical fitness and memory are all six years old!

  It is really an evildoer, and a master who really is an evildoer can have such an evil apprentice. But if Chen Xuan was to stay in the blue mountain range day by day within 20 years, how terrible would he exist?

  Maybe there will be two results in twenty years, one is that Chen Xuan is dead. There may be thousands of reasons for Chen Xuan's death. He was eaten by a beast, killed by a beast, killed by a malicious person, or died of thirst and starvation...

   But if there is another result, that is, Chen Xuan's Dao Mind is restored as before. If Chen Xuan's Dao Min is restored to this way, what a terrible result would it be? Lost and recovered...

  This is also the highest state for Dao Xin! However, Jiang Xia only needs to do two things, one is to take Chen Xuan to the Youlan Mountains, and the other is to send the living Chen Xuan to Ziluo Mountain, or the dead Chen Xuan into reincarnation.

  At that time, Jiang Xia will be able to get a great benefit from Chen Xuan's master, and this benefit is enough to make Jiang Xia feel excited about it, but Chen Xuan's life and death are indeed not related to Jiang Xia.

  In other words, regardless of Chen Xuan's life or death, Jiang Xia can get great benefits. However, whether Chen Xuan is alive or dead, I don't know whether it will affect the size of Jiang Xia's benefits.

  But Jiang Xia knew that he couldn't get involved in this matter. There is no way to interfere, otherwise what is waiting for oneself is not any good, but death. Jiang Xia didn't think it was difficult for Chen Xuan's master to kill himself.

"In the blue mountains, you only need to do one thing, and that is to live! Except for living, you don't have to worry about anything else. Twenty years, twenty years later, the old man will come to pick you up. Send you to Ziluo Mountain!"

"But in twenty years, you will have no assistance, no one can come to help you. You will not learn any exercises. The only thing you can do is avoid! But you But you can use the old man's fortune-telling technique to help you avoid it!"

  "But he can only help solve long-term worries, but there is no way to solve short-term worries! You need to plan everything in advance and consider everything, otherwise, there is only one word waiting for you, and that is death!"

   When Jiang Xia said these words, he was as calm as possible, but Chen Xuan could hear it. At this time, Jiang Xia's heart didn't seem to be the same, Jiang Xia was as light and fluttering when he spoke.

  However, Chen Xuan started to ponder. He was a six-year-old child who didn't know any exercises and was thrown into a terrible place like the Youlan Mountain Range. Even if you encounter a beast that has not been mutated, it will be torn immediately, and then there is no bones. Not to mention a monster that has been mutated dozens of times, or even hundreds of times more powerful, then it must be a place of death without burial.

  If you encounter someone with a bad heart, you must not survive. But what if Chen Xuan learned the art of fortune-telling? Then you may have a chance to live, but what kind of mind do you need?

  Furthermore, the hexagrams move with your heart, which Chen Xuan could see by looking at Jiang Xia's fortune-telling before. Chen Xuan's mind must be improved so as not to directly exhaust his mind because of fortune-telling, and then fall into a drowsiness.

  How terrible it would be for Chen Xuan to fall asleep in a place like Youlan Mountain. Because of places like Youlan Mountain Range, Chen Xuan felt that after hearing Jiang Xia's description, he would have to open one eye when he was sleeping.

  If Chen Xuan falls into a drowsiness, he can wake up, I'm afraid it is really bad luck. However, Chen Xuan feels that he can be better improved in a dangerous and difficult environment. Seeing Jiang Xia's respect for his master, I am afraid that his master is not an ordinary person, right?

  Although his own cultivation method is dangerous, the improvement must be the fastest, and after the improvement, there must be great benefits. Chen Xuan feels that he must try it!

  Jiang Xia saw that Chen Xuan's expression became more determined, and his opinion of Chen Xuan was a little higher. Chen Xuan is really extraordinary! But Jiang Xia didn't say much, just asked Chen Xuan to go back and clean up, and Chen Xuan's father Chen Dawei, Jiang Xia's Gua, had already gone back and waited for him.

  Chen Xuan naturally did not dare to doubt Jiang Xia’s hexagrams, so he walked back calmly one step at a time...

  (End of this chapter)

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