Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1755: Resignation

   Chapter 1755 Farewell

  Chen Xuan thought about the many things that happened when he met Jiang Xia today, and Chen Xuan also felt that it was actually very incredible. Jiang Xia is a person of good and evil for the time being, but he has lived for six years, but in fact he does not belong to this world? And my dream is what I used to be? This made Chen Xuan feel very incredible.

  However, when Chen Xuan returned home, he didn't rush to talk to Chen Da. On the contrary, Chen Da was very angry about Chen Xuan's return, but he was also very curious. It seems that Chen Xuan has never made Chen Da worry about himself, but what happened to Chen Xuan this time? Chen Da was very puzzled. This time Chen Da was indeed worried about it.

  Because Chen Xuan never came back so late, but this time Chen Xuan came back intact. But next time? So Chen Da reprimanded Chen Xuan for the first time. Chen Xuan was still very important to Chen Da, or Chen Da thought it was one of the few important things. Although Chen Da lost his favorite wife because of Chen Xuan, Chen Da knew that Chen Xuan could not be blamed at all. So Chen Da treats Chen Xuan better than other fathers treat his son, and Chen Xuan is also very sensible.

  It seems that Chen Da has never been worried, but this time Chen Xuan has worried Chen Da. However, Chen Da has always been a fisherman and has no culture. The only way to educate Chen Xuan seems to be beating.

   However, Chen Da was secretly frightened. When his father beat him, he seemed to be crying and grabbing the ground, full of houses and even villages, but what happened to Chen Xuan?

  Not only did he not run, he didn't even cry, but he didn't even cry, and Chen Da discovered that Chen Xuan didn't even cry. This made Chen Da feel a little flustered. What happened to his son?

  But no matter what Chen Da thinks, it seems that Chen Xuan has this calm face, and there is no resentment, let alone Chen Xuan's thoughts. It seemed that Chen Xuan was much more mature than himself, which made Chen Da feel panicked. Chen Xuan is only six years old!

  A six-year-old child, no matter what Chen Da has no culture, he also knows what a six-year-old child should look like. Anyway, this is definitely not the case. Slowly, Chen Da seemed to realize that his child was extraordinary, but what else could Chen Da give him? Chen Da didn't know what he was still suffering for him.

  Because Chen Da is just a fisherman, and his life in the past few years has indeed been worse than one year. As for Chen Xuan, he is now six years old. Let's not talk about the children of those big men. If you talk about the children of the merchants in the city, I'm afraid they have already begun to read. But Chen Da couldn't give Chen Xuan anything.

   And after Chen Xuan finished fighting him, Chen Xuan did not complain as usual, but he did not give any explanation for what happened in the afternoon or why he came back late today.

  Chen Xuan knew that he would always leave here, and it was very likely that he would not be able to return for a long time. Instead of explaining it, Chen Da and him fell into a state of incomparably sad parting.

  It’s not as good as tomorrow. I left quietly like this. As Jiang Xia goes to the Youlan Mountains, in such a world, emotions are inherently the most vulnerable. That being the case, Chen Xuan would rather feel that he is alone.

In this way, Chen Xuan did not say a word, and spent the last night with Chen Da, and then Chen Xuan took out a pen and wrote a letter to Chen Da. In fact, Chen Xuan has not been to a private school in the past few years. , But Chen Xuan does not read books every day, not to write down what he has learned in his dreams, and then practice repeatedly.

  Otherwise, how could Chen Xuan's mood be like this?

  After dawn, the light has not yet come through, and the moonlight is blocked by thick clouds. Chen Xuan didn't bring anything, but felt as if he had brought everything, so he walked out of the home where he had stayed for six years.

  Chen Xuan's pace was very decisive, without half hesitation, because Chen Xuan knew that he could not tolerate half hesitation now. And Chen Xuan's face was also very calm at this time, all his thoughts were already hidden under that paper envelope, and Chen Xuanxin was now calm enough, and his eyes became very flat.

  The fishing village in the early morning was very quiet, because the villagers had not yet got up, so Chen Xuan walked quietly on the usually very lively road. The dew hit the robe to reveal Chen Xuan's robe, and the cold wind continued to invade Chen Xuan's thin body, but Chen Xuan was still very decisive and came to the place he had agreed with Jiang Xia.

  Jiang Xia originally thought that Chen Xuan would be late, because a six-year-old child was about to leave his hometown alone, which seemed cruel and incredible no matter how it looked.

  Although Chen Xuan has experienced dead mountains and fires before, now Chen Xuan is only a six-year-old child. However, Jiang Xia found that Chen Xuan seemed to be very punctual, and his face seemed to be sad. Chen Xuan's eyes were extremely calm, like the sea at this time, calm and calm like a mirror.

  At this time, it seems that even the sea is still asleep, because the always lively sea is now as quiet as asleep. The always naughty waves seemed to have gone home, and now the whole world seemed to consist of only Chen Xuan and Jiang Xia. At this time, even the moon in the sky was blocked by clouds. But the sun has not yet risen at this time, and the dew and fresh floral fragrance continue to fill the air. The sky was white, and the air seemed to be white. Chen Xuan felt that the thick morning mist seemed to be coming to bid Chen Xuan goodbye.

   "Boy, are you here?" Jiang Xia saw Chen Xuan, although she felt that the child's talent was surprisingly terrifying. But Jiang Xia was still very calm at this time, as if Chen Xuan should indeed arrive at this time.

  Only Jiang Xia could feel the slightest surprise in her heart, how surprised she seemed to be in such a calm state of mind. However, Chen Xuan did not pay much attention to Jiang Xia's expression.

"Boy, the old man can instill the method of arithmetic in your mind when the dawn dawns, but you still have to rely on yourself for enlightenment and study. Later, the old man will throw you directly into the blue mountains, old man I don't care anymore!"

"As for twenty years later, that is, when you are twenty-six years old, whether you are dead or alive, the old man will tell you if you are the one who brought you out of the blue mountains, or whether you have everything. Can't bring it out...then it's up to you!"

  Although Jiang Xia seemed very calm when she said this, but only Jiang Xia could feel how shocked she was now.

Is the expert behind Chen Xuan really serious? How old is Chen Xuan? So he threw Chen Xuan to the Youlan Mountains, and the method of divination, he was the **** of hexagrams, why didn't Jiang Xia know?

  The method of arithmetic is actually very consuming of the mind, and the consumption of the mind is absolutely terrible. If Chen Xuan is a six-year-old child who is directly exhausted of his mind, the brain and body damage will not be mentioned after falling asleep. It is just a drowsiness after his mind is exhausted. For an environment like the Youlan Mountains, that is also There is only one way, and that is a dead end!

   But Jiang Xia naturally did not dare to disobey the expert behind Chen Xuan, because Jiang Xia knew that it would be no good for Chen Xuan to disobey the expert behind Chen Xuan. However, this kid Chen Xuan did make Jiang Xia look admired again and again.

  Now Jiang Xia seems to feel that if Chen Xuan is tossed alone in the Youlan Mountains, it seems that Chen Xuan will be alive 20 years later with a lot more certainty. Jiang Xia himself didn't know why he had such thoughts.

  But Jiang Xia always seemed to feel that Chen Xuan could actually come out alive, but Jiang Xia didn't have too many thoughts, because Chen Xuan couldn't come out, so there was no loss for him.

  At this time, a faint golden light began to appear on the sea surface. Chen Xuan knew that it was the dawn. In fact, this was the time when the weather between heaven and earth was the most abundant. That is to say, at this time, the human spirit is the most powerful, which is about this hour, so Jiang Xia chose to pass all the fortune-telling techniques to Chen Xuan at this time.

  However, Chen Xuan knew that although the weather was the most abundant and the earth's gas was weakest, his physical fitness was only a six-year-old child. To accept all of this, I still need to consume a lot of my own mentality, and even cause myself the danger of exploding and death. Chen Xuan knew this in his heart. This was the first level he had to overcome. Only after this level could Chen Xuan survive in the Blue Mountains, otherwise he would only have to die.

  Chen Xuan watched the weather at this time gradually rise, because the golden light above the sea level had changed from a small path to a small patch, and a small patch into a large patch. At this time, the surface of the sea seemed to be gleaming with gold, and the morning sun finally passed the sea level at this time. At this time, Jiang Xia also finished his meditation. Chen Xuan calmed down his mind and slowly sat down in front of Jiang Xia.

  Jiang Xia raised his eyes and glanced at Chen Xuan, her finger just lightly pointed towards Chen Xuan...


   Suddenly a blue light rushed towards Chen Xuan and rushed directly into Chen Xuan's mind. Chen Xuan felt that his mind was about to explode, and it was very painful.

  A lot of information and pictures are constantly tumbling in Chen Xuan’s small brain...


  Chen Xuan spit out blood and continued to support it, trying to completely refine the information.

  (End of this chapter)

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