Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1765: Trial of Ziluo Mountain

  Chapter 1765 Trial of Ziluoshan

  Chen Xuan could only slowly enter this so-called whirlpool, but Chen Xuan seemed to be very cautious. Chen Xuan's eyes seemed to have become more resolute, that is, this kind of perseverance Chen Xuan felt that at a critical moment, Chen Xuan's life could be saved.

  However, whether Chen Xuan's current strength can come out alive after entering the vortex is actually still an undetermined opportunity. After Chen Xuan entered the vortex, he sent this vortex far more terrifying than he thought.

  Chen Xuan felt as if the evil spirit in the whirlpool was stronger than the evil spirit outside the whirlpool. Chen Xuan did not hesitate at all, but after Chen Xuan entered the vortex, he immediately found that he seemed to think of this place too simple.

The evil spirit in the vortex rushed towards Chen Xuan, and immediately suppressed Chen Xuan to the point that he couldn't breathe. Chen Xuan felt that this seemed to be a very terrible suffering. And it was a kind of chill that rushed to his face with this evil spirit. It was a chill that made Chen Xuan feel terrified. Chen Xuan instantly felt as if he was about to be completely swallowed by this evil spirit.

Chen Xuan was also very curious about what kind of world was at the end of the vortex, but Chen Xuan knew that the world on the other side of the vortex must be more terrifying than he thought. However, Chen Xuan thought of the words of the Ziluo Mountain God, saying that this was a terrible demon. No matter who enters, the end of the vortex is the person's culprit.

  And Chen Xuan's only life is to put this dead spot to life, so that he will no longer be his own dead spot, if he wants to escape, there is no other way.

   Chen Xuan himself felt very incredible after hearing this. Could it be said that the world on the other side will change as people change? That's why the Ziluoshan **** chose to wake himself up yesterday, right?

Chen Xuan also felt that the words of the Ziluo Mountain God yesterday were definitely not unreasonable, but now Chen Xuan has no time to take care of so much. Now that the test has already begun, there is only one way for Chen Xuan to see the trick. Recruited.

But at this time, Chen Xuan was in the whirlpool, constantly speeding forward, but Chen Xuan felt that the whirlpool was like an endless road with no end in sight, and there was absolute darkness in the whirlpool, and Chen Xuan could feel it. What is the endless evil in the whirlpool.

  But Chen Xuan felt that his eyes seemed to have completely lost function, and his heart seemed to stop beating. The only thing Chen Xuan felt that he existed was that Chen Xuan was still able to think. But at this time Chen Xuan still felt the evil spirits around him constantly strengthening, and Chen Xuan didn't know how these evil spirits would attack him.

  But Chen Xuan feels that he has no ability to resist, but Chen Xuan still has a heart, and Chen Xuan also has a Dao heart. As long as Chen Xuan's Dao heart does not perish, Chen Xuan will not die! Chen Xuan thinks so.

  In this way, Chen Xuan wandered in the whirlpool for a long time. Chen Xuan didn't know what he would face next moment. But at this moment Chen Xuan seemed to feel that he was about to lose consciousness. What kind of test was facing Chen Xuan?

  After passing day by day, Chen Xuan found that he seemed to have been drifting in the whirlpool for a long time, and finally Chen Xuan felt that the aura around him had changed. It seemed that the evil spirits around him had begun to become more and more raging.

How is this going? It seems that Chen Xuan feels that the aura around him has completely begun to become chaotic, and Chen Xuan feels that the exit of the whirlpool should be in front of him. Otherwise, why did the originally calm breath begin to suffer such big fluctuations.

  Like the sea level, it suddenly began to become choppy, and there was no wind but no waves. In other words, it must be close to the exit before something started to cause this to change.

  But Chen Xuan is certain that now he is a little bit looking forward to this so-called test. What kind of world is that, is that the world in Chen Xuan's heart?

  Ziluo Mountain God said everything yesterday, but he kept the test very secret. Why is it so mysterious? Chen Xuan himself didn't know why.

  In this way, Chen Xuan felt that he was getting closer and closer to the day of the test, and Chen Xuan forced his mood to calm down. It can't be affected by anything, absolutely not.

  Even Chen Da, even a fishing village, even all the experience of coming to the Budo Continent cannot affect him. Chen Xuan even felt that being calm like this was the best mentality for facing trials.

   Suddenly a dark purple light confuses Chen Xuan's eyes, and Chen Xuan feels that the evil surrounding him is getting stronger and stronger. It seemed that he must have arrived somewhere, and Chen Xuan became more vigilant.

   Suddenly Chen Xuan felt that the chill around him was getting thicker, and Chen Xuan felt that his blood seemed to be completely frozen to stiff by this strong chill.

How to do?

   Chen Xuan's physical condition at this time may affect Chen Xuan's mood. Chen Xuan's current body still doesn't have any martial arts or martial arts, and it is no different from a mortal body.

  But what Chen Xuan is suffering right now is not the pain that mortals can bear. If he is changed to another person, he will probably hurt to crazy soon. In fact, this test varies from person to person. If a cultivator comes here, it doesn't mean that these so-called pains will be relieved. Approximately these pains will be painful to his limit, and then exerted on him.

  In other words, this is relatively fair to the challenger who comes here. In other words, the stronger the challenger's strength, the more terrifying the pain he has to face.

  Chen Xuan's current physique is still inferior to those cultivators, but Chen Xuan's current Dao Xin bears no less than those so-called cultivators.

  Chen Xuan just kept feeling that his body was about to face collapse, but Chen Xuan knew that such extreme pain would not cause Sima damage to his body at all. As long as one's Dao Xin is fully supported, then one can still persevere.

  In this way, Chen Xuan kept gritting his teeth until the pain was over. Suddenly the purple light in front of Chen Xuan became more intense, so strong that Chen Xuan felt his eyes trance.

  Chen Xuan knew that the test had begun, and the one just now was just a warm-up for the test. Chen Xuan now seemed to feel that the utterly heart-piercing pain he had put on him seemed to disappear.

  Chen Xuan felt the sensation of being torn on his body, and the pain of being bitten by the beast seemed to have diminished. Chen Xuan borrowed the purple light and took a look at his body, as if he hadn't left any damage to his body because of the injury just now.

  Sure enough, Chen Xuan did not expect it. All this was like a game. For Chen Xuan, this game seemed to be just a warm-up. But what will Chen Xuan encounter next?

   Is it just pain as simple as that? Chen Xuancai wouldn't believe it? The next encounter, Chen Xuan was certain, it must have been more terrifying psychological torture than pain. But where is this?

  Chen Xuan felt for a while, the feeling of prosperity and vicissitudes, as if all this made Chen Xuan feel very desolate here. How does this feel?

  It felt like Chen Xuan felt that his life seemed to have come to an end, it was an endless reluctance. In fact, what is this dissatisfaction with? In fact, Chen Xuan didn't know. Chen Xuan felt that within the twenty-six years since he came into this world, unless there was something that made him feel uncomfortable in the previous six years, but there seemed to be nothing else.

   Suddenly there was some movement behind Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan looked around. There were clusters of purple flames all around. These flames made Chen Xuan feel only endless coldness, but not the slightest temperature.

  Chen Xuan discovered that this seemed to be a pool of fire. Chen Xuan was on the edge of the broken bank. Chen Xuan did not look back behind him, but began to look around. Chen Xuan saw a big mountain range, and this mountain range was far away from him, but the source of the fire pool seemed to come from that mountain range.

  Chen Xuan glanced at the road under his feet, as if the road leading to that mountain range. In addition to the majesty that the mountains gave Chen Xuan, there was also a sense of solemnity.

  But Chen Xuan's heart told Chen Xuan all this, and Chen Xuan's mood was very good at this time. This is a mountain range, just a mountain, what else is there. Chen Xuan can ignore it at all.

  In this way, Chen Xuan looked at his back, wanting to see the whirlpool that he had been wandering for several days. But Chen Xuan found that his back was empty and there seemed to be nothing, only an endless sea of ​​fire.

  The sound that Chen Xuan had just heard was also the sound of flames bursting from the sea of ​​fire. But once the purple flame exploded, Chen Xuan felt the chill in the air strengthened.

  Chen Xuan could feel the evil in this world, so he added a share. But Chen Xuan still seemed very calm at this time, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

   Chen Xuan knew that there was only one way to go in front of him, so Chen Xuan stepped forward again with that firm step. With each step, Chen Xuan's eyes became more determined, and Chen Xuan's eyes became deeper as he calmed down, suddenly giving others a trance.

  Chen Xuan does not seem to have lived for 26 years, nor is it like a young man who has lived for forty-three years, but rather like an immortal who has lived for one hundred thousand years and millions of years. It was a sense of fairy wind and bones, more of an unpredictable feeling.

  Every time Chen Xuan took a step, the purple flame seemed a little stronger, and Chen Xuan could feel a little bit more chill and evil. What is even more frightening is that Chen Xuan feels that every bit of chill here seems to go directly into Chen Xuan's bone marrow...

   However, Chen Xuan didn't care at all, and continued to move forward very firmly. In this way, one person, one way, walking alone lonely, it seems that no one can get to the end of loneliness...

  (End of this chapter)

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