Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1766: End of life

   Chapter 1766 The End of Life

   Chen Xuan's eyes at this time were even more profound, looking at the deserted world and the fire pond in the distance. It was as if the beating flames in the fire pool were like beings that had survived for thousands of years, constantly fighting for loneliness.

Chen Xuan saw the mountains in the distance, and now there was only one way in front of Chen Xuan, and that was the entrance to the mountains in the distance. He didn’t know what was in the mountains in the distance, but he knew that he didn’t have it now. Other options.

   Either die here, die of old age, or starve to death, or jump into the fire pool and merge with the purple-blue flame, or just move forward. Chen Xuan felt as if he was about to be completely frozen, and every step he took seemed to be that heavy.

  He didn't know what was in front of him, and he didn't even know how long he would have to walk in such a place where evil spirits are exuberant and the evil spirits have turned into endless cold. However, Chen Xuan felt that he should move forward.


   Suddenly the purple-blue flames in the fire pool were tumbling violently, as if they were about to swallow Chen Xuan completely. Chen Xuan felt as if he was about to be wrapped in flames, and then fell into an endless pool of fire like flames, waiting for desolation and loneliness...

  Chen Xuan had to speed up his walking pace, because Chen Xuan found that if he was slow for a moment, he only had to stop for a while, and the flames behind him would immediately engulf Chen Xuan.

  But what made Chen Xuan even more puzzled was that if Chen Xuan walked too fast, there would be endless flames in front of Chen Xuan. The flames also seemed to be alive. As long as Chen Xuan walked into the area too quickly, he would feel like he was alive, swallowing Chen Xuan in one bite, and then pulled into the pool of fire and became a part of him.

  Chen Xuan can only walk at this speed. Chen Xuan feels that his body is not his own at all. How you want to walk and how fast you walk seems to be completely under the control of a certain creature. Chen Xuan felt as if he was in a cage, no matter how he escaped, he couldn't get rid of it.

  But this cage seems to be very big, so big that Chen Xuan thinks that there is a pool of fire and it is a cage. But Chen Xuan looked from here, the endless fire pond. This is an endless cage!

   Chen Xuan instantly felt as if his heart was shocked, what a big handwriting! Chen Xuan sighed, but did not stop at all and continued walking. Chen Xuan didn't know how long he would be imprisoned in the cage that walked with him, but Chen Xuan was sure that he had been shrouded in that prison before he reached the mountain range.

  Chen Xuan's eyes at this time were as sharp as eagle eyes, and the coldness between his pupils seemed to be completely integrated with this environment. At this time, Chen Xuan's eyes were sharper when he looked around, but when he looked at the mountain range, there was a depth that was completely invisible.

  Chen Xuan didn't know what was behind the entrance in the mountains, but Chen Xuan knew that although the road to the mountains was not hell, it was still very difficult.

  Chen Xuan walked on this cold path slowly alone like this, the sky above his head was glowing with purple-black fire. Thunder and lightning flashed from time to time, but Chen Xuan's eyes did not change at all. The profundity in that fierceness seems to be able to be sucked into the depths of the eyes at a glance.

  Chen Xuan went further and further on this road, as if Chen Xuan felt that the previous days were extremely distant, and Chen Xuan did not know how long he had walked on this road. Anyway, the sky above his head hasn't changed in any way, as always, it's purple and black.

  But Chen Xuan didn't seem to feel any fatigue in this space, but the chill and the feeling of desolation deep into the bone marrow made Chen Xuan feel very uncomfortable.

   However, Chen Xuan also felt that this person was an extremely tolerable person, so Chen Xuan did not have too many worries and went on. But now Chen Xuan seemed very cautious every step he took, but Chen Xuan didn't want to be swallowed by flames like this.

  But Chen Xuan knew his current strength, and only the Dao Heart was left. He is also very curious about the things in the cave. What kind of thing is this? He could put his Dao Heart to the test, but Chen Xuan was already very shocked by this world. Of course, Chen Xuan must have something to look forward to the King of Purple Immortal Stones. The so-called surviving in catastrophe must be blessed!

  Chen Xuan naturally hoped to be able to go out alive first, but Chen Xuan's expectations for the King of Purple Immortal Stones were very high. What exactly does that thing look like will make so many people scramble to grab it.

  I know that this Ziluo Mountain is a place where people can die, even if they don’t die, they will be crazy, but the King of Purple Immortal Stone can make them so crazy.

  How is this done? And where is this place? Chen Xuan didn't think that this place was still the evil Ziluo Mountain. In fact, Chen Xuan felt that this place was more like another small world.

  In fact, this was not what Chen Xuan thought about. First of all, Chen Xuan came here through a relatively long vortex. That vortex is likely to be a channel connecting the two worlds, but what a powerful figure this Ziluoshan mountain **** is, he can actually go directly to another small world.

  Also, this small world is more like a human design, like a cage, but the builder of this cage is simply a very scary existence. Even Chen Xuan felt that anything within the Dao of Heaven was like an ant. To him, he was like the designer of the Dao of Heaven.

  Because every world is a Tao, didn't the person who designed this world created the Tao of this world? Chen Xuan also thinks this deeply. However, Chen Xuan's current strength still couldn't touch all of this.

   can only go slowly, because Chen Xuan doesn't feel that he can still break the cage now, his mysterious master must have thought of this too, so he got himself here.

  As if all this is under the control of his mysterious master. This made Chen Xuan feel a strong sense of frustration. It seemed that he was like an ant in a crock pot, and his master was like a human being who quietly controlled all of this, but Chen Xuan seemed to have no way to change all of this. Even if Chen Xuan wanted to change all of this.

  But at this time Chen Xuan also had no time to worry about these, because it was the most important thing for him to survive. In this way, Chen Xuan looked at the path in front of his eyes and was still walking in a hurry.

   Chen Xuan felt that none of this seemed to be under his control, and he could only accept all of this. At this time, the purple-black sky seemed to slowly become more and more purple, and Chen Xuan knew that this was becoming more and more evil.

  With every step Chen Xuan took to the cave, Chen Xuan felt that the evil spirit on his body seemed to increase. These evil spirits were like knives, constantly piercing Chen Xuan's body, and Chen Xuan felt that he could not stop these knives in the slightest.

  Chen Xuan can only endure this pain and loneliness silently. Even though Chen Xuan has long been used to this kind of pain, he can only be forced to accept the pain that cannot be changed and resisted, and the loneliness that a person bears.

  In this way, the road in front of me did not know how long it took to become predictable, as if Chen Xuan saw that the entrance of the cave was getting closer and closer to him. what happened? Is it just a moment?

  This world is really an interesting world. This world will change with the change of his heart. Chen Xuan knew that this might be good news for him.

  After all, Chen Xuan can only rely on his own character right now, but at this time, he can't see the half of happiness, as if this test has become even greater for Chen Xuan.

  Because Chen Xuan knows that this world is less like a world that ordinary people can control, it is like a change that completely follows the joy and anger of the creator. This made Chen Xuanhui more and more confused.

  Chen Xuan seems to understand that the person who set this test is likely to be the Lord Shanshen who had a good conversation with him before. But Chen Xuan still knew this person's unfathomable depth.

  So Chen Xuan certainly wouldn't guess what kind of perverted test he had set for himself, but Chen Xuan could be sure at this time that if he wanted to go out alive, he had to pass this test.

  But the most important thing to pass this test is to enter the entrance of the cave first. However, Chen Xuan didn't seem to care about anything at all at this time, he didn't care about the evil spirit like a knife constantly attacking him, and even more did not care about everything that was deserted behind him.

   just walked without haste, as if he hadn't considered the world as a cage at all, or that Chen Xuanming knew that the world he was in now was a cage, but he still walked forward very steadily.

   didn't care about these constraints at all, but it was because Chen Xuan didn't care that the path in front of him became clear, as if all this was specially set for Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan saw that the road in front of him became clear, and he didn't pay much attention to it, but continued to move forward.

  In this way, Chen Xuan found that he seemed to be getting closer and closer to the entrance of the cave. In this way, Chen Xuan found that he was only a few dozen steps away from the cave. But Chen Xuan found out that the closer it seemed to the cave.

The evil in this world is like the waves blown by the wind, constantly surging, and Chen Xuan even feels that everything seems very unusual, as if this evil is like having life, constantly impacting. Chen Xuan's body.

  Chen Xuan even felt that his body became weaker and weaker during this period. And because Chen Xuan was getting closer and closer to the entrance of the cave, it seemed that this body was weakening at the speed that Chen Xuan could see with his naked eyes.

  (End of this chapter)

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